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决战2011高考英语专题讲义高考常见词组辨析专题1. must和have to 这两个词均表示“必须”,must常偏重主观意志,而have to偏重客观需要。must一般只用于一般现在时和将来时态,而have to则有更多的时态。例如:We must get up at six oclock every day. 我们每天必须六点钟起床。It is no time, we have to get up in a hurry. 没有时间了,我们必须快点起床。We must follow the Party forever. 我们必须永远跟着党走。He said he would have to go with her the next day. 他说他第二天得和她一道去。2almost 和nearly这两个词意思均为“几乎”、“差不多”。但从程度的角度上说almost更接近些,感情色彩也更浓。在与表示否定意义的词never、nobody、no one、nothing、nowhere、none连用时,要用almost,不能用nearly。但可以说not nearly,而不能说not almost。例如:Its nearly time . 时间快到了。Its almost time. 时间马上就到了。Almost nobody knew the accident that happened in the street yesterday. 几乎没有人知道昨天发生在街上的那起交通事故。3 . the number of 和 a number ofthe number of 意为“数目”,用单数谓语动词。a number of 意为“许多的”、“一些”,用复数谓语动词。例如:A number of students visited the factory last month. 上个月许多学生参观了那个工厂。The number of the students of our school is more than three thousand. 我校学生的人数是三千多。4. go to sleep 和 go to bedgo to sleep 意为“入睡”,指睡着了,表示状态。go to bed 意为“去睡觉”,指上床去睡觉,表示动作。例如:We usually go to bed at eleven. 我们通常十一点上床睡觉。I found that he had gone to sleep. 我发现他已经睡着了。5. receive 与 acceptreceive(vt.)意为“接受”,没有主观色彩,指收到了送来的东西。accept(vt.)意为“接受”,指乐意接受,强调主观愿望。例如:She received a gift from him, but she refused to accept it.她收到了他的礼物,但她拒绝接受。I received a letter from America yesterday. 昨天,我收到了一封来自美国的信。I accepted the advice of his. 我接受了他的建议。6. at the end of 和 in the endat the end of 意为“在的末尾”、“在的末端”。in the end意为“最后”、“最终”是finally和at last的同义词。例如:After ten months, he finished his work in the end. 十个月以后,他最终完成了工作。There is a shop at the end of the street. 在街的尽头有一家商店。7 well和good两词均译为“好”。当两词都为形容词时,good常用作定语。如用作表语时,后面常与介词for连用。well为形容词时, 多用作表语,指身体好。也可用作定语。例如:Spring is a good season. 春天是个好季节。Milk is good for children. 牛奶对儿童有益。When I saw him, he looked well. 我见到他时,他显得很健康。He is not a well man. 他不是一个健康的人。well还为副词,而good的副词也是well。例如:He finished his homework well. 他的家庭作业完成得很好。8. sleep和asleepsleep(v.) 动词“睡觉”。asleep(adj.)形容词“睡着的”、“沉睡的”,只用作表语,表示某人睡着了。也常置于名词后,作补语。例如:The baby sleeps well. 这个婴儿睡得很熟。Mother is asleep in the next room. 妈妈在隔壁房里睡着了。asleep也常与fall连用。例如:he has fallen asleep. 他已经睡熟了。9. have been to 和 has gone tohave been to “曾到过”指曾到过某地,说话时人已经回来。have gone to “到去了”指已到某地去了,说话时,人已不在这里了。例如:I have been to Japan. 我曾到过日本。You cant see him. He has gone to Tianjin. 你见不到他了, 他已经去天津了。10. sometimes、sometime和some timesometimes(adv.)意为“有时”、“不时”是频度副词,用作状语。sometime(adv.)意为“某时”、“日后”,副词,用作状语。some time意为“一些时候”,副词短语,用作状语(也可用作名词性短语)。例如:I have been waiting for you for some time. 我已等了你一些时候了。Ill come to see you sometime next week. 下周,我会来看你的 。Sometimes I get up late, sometimes I get up early. 我有时起得早,有时起得晚。11. in the corner 、on the corner 和at the corner三个词均为“在角”。in the corner 为“在角里”;on the corner为“在角上”“在拐角上”; at the corner为“在角边”。下图可表示三个词的区别:in the corner on the corner (on)at the corner例如:The bank is on (at) the corner. 银行就在拐角上。In the corner of the office stands a desk, on the corner of which lies a bag.在办公室的角落有一张桌子,在桌角上放着一个口袋。corner作“拐角”解,与之搭配的介词,美国英语多用on,英国英语通常用at;corner作角(即180o以内的角)解时与之搭配的介词用in,在内部的“角”,习惯上用in the corner of.例如:误:The girl sat at the corner in the classroom正:The girl sat in the corner in the classroom.那个女孩子坐在教室的角落里。训练1、Dont sit the corner of the table.A. on B. in C. to D. at (A)2. The boy sat _ the corner of the room.A. at B. in C. on D. to (B)3. People came _ the four corners of the earth.A. in B. at C. from D. on (C)4.The house stands _ the corner.A. from B. to C. in D. on (D)典型错误例析1. 承蒙相助,不胜感激。误:Thats very kind to you to help me.正:Thats very kind of you to help me.析:在得到对方帮助、善待时, 你要表示自己的感激之情,常用 That(It) is very kind of you (to do sth.)。而be kind to 意为“(某人)对(某人)好”。2我想尽可能早点见到他。误:I would like seeing him as soon as possible.正:I would like to see him as soon as possible.析:would like =d like, 用来表示“想要、希望、愿意“,后跟动词不定式,不跟动名词。3我对他的汉语有些担忧。误:Im worried for his Chinese.正:Im worried about his Chinese.析:“对担忧”应用 be worried about 。4两个月太长了。误:Two months are quite a long time.正:Two months is quite a long time.析:表示重量、时间、长度、价值等的名词作主语,尽管是复数形式,但仍作为一个整体看待,动词一般用单数形式。如:Ten dollars is enough. 十美元够了。5全家人打算在那儿呆两个月。误:The whole family are going there for two months.正:The whole family is going there for two months.析:在这里family指整个家庭,所以动词用单数形式。试比较:My family are very well. 我全家都很健康。(这里指家庭成员,动词用复数)6我看见他们正在踢足球。误:I saw them play football.正:I saw them playing football.析:在see、hear、watch等动词后,既可接不带to 的动词不定式,又可带现在分词作宾语补足语,但它们所表示的意义不同。用不定式时说明动作发生了,即动作的全部过程结束了。用现在分词表示动作正在发生,即处于发生的过程中,还没有结束。7我对科学感兴趣。误:Im interesting in science.正:Im interested in science.析:interesting “令人感兴趣的”,可用作标语,其主语是物,也可以用作定语,修饰人或物。interested“感兴趣的”,常用于be(become) interested的结构,主语是人。8她没乘车去,而是步行的。误:She went there on foot instead by bus.正:She went there on foot instead of by bus.正:She didnt go there by bus. She went there on foot instead.析:instead“代替”,表示前面的事情没有做,而是做了后面的事,一般位于句首或句尾,但不能位于句中,且不能接并列成分。instead所在的那个句子一般是肯定形式,前面的那个句子一般是否定形式。而instead of具有否定意义,后可接一个并列成分。9那个男孩有那么多奇怪的问题。误:The boy had such many strange questions.正:The boy had so many strange questions.析:表示“这样(那样)多”,可用so many(用于复数可数名词)或so much(用不可数名词)。它们是固定搭配,so 不能用such代替。10请让他把音量调小点儿。误:Ask him to turn off it, please.正:Ask him to turn it down, please.析:表示通过使用开关或调节器,将电器或类似用品(收音机、电视机等)的声音、亮度等调低、关小,用turn down, 其中down是副词,若是代词作宾语时,则要把代词放在turn和down之间。11下周我将乘飞机去上海。误:Ill fly to Shanghai by air next week.正:Ill fly to Shanghai next week.正:Ill get to Shanghai by air(plane) next week.析:fly to some place =go to some place by air(plane), 它不能再与by air 连用,以免重复。12我每周看一次电影。误:I go to the cinema once every week.正:I go to the cinema once a week.析:表示在一段时间内出现一定的次数,用“次数+一段时间”这一结构。如 twice a week(month、year) 每周(月、年)两次。13包里装满了书。误:The bag is full with books.正:The bag is full of books.正:The bag is filled with books.析:be full of =be filled with, 意为“某容器装满了某物”,其主语多为容器。14我们每个人都有一本词典。误:Each we have a dictionary.正:We have a dictionary each.正:Each of us has a dictionary.析:each可用作同位语,放在主语、助动词、连系动词之后或句末,谓语动词用复数形式。each of 可和人称代词的宾格连用,谓语用单数形式。15手术持续了五个小时。误:The operation kept five hours.正:The operation lasted for five hours.析:动词last可用来表示某事物持续存在下去,也可用于下列情况:某物的数量达到在需要的一段时间内够用,即可说那样东西持续(多长时间)。而keep为“保存、保持”之意,与题意不符。16你知道他们的飞机什么时候离开北京吗?误:Do you know what time does their plane leave Beijing?正:Do you know what time their plane leaves Beijing?析:宾语从句不论其原来结构如何,都使用陈述句语序,即:不颠倒主谓语,也不另加助动词。17昆明的天气比兰州的好。误:The weather of Kunming is better than Lanzhou.正:The weather of Kunming is better than that of Lanzhou.析:在比较句型中,比较的内容应前后一致。本句是拿“昆明的天气”与“兰州的天气”比较,而不是与“兰州”这个地名相比较。18他告诉我们太阳是圆的。误:He told us that the sun was round.正:He told us that the sun is round.析:在含宾语从句的复合句中,主句是一般过去时,从句可根据需要选用过去的某种时态,但从句若陈述的真理性、普遍性的事情等时,则常用一般现在时。19没有消息就是好消息。误:No news are good news.正:No news is good news.析:news尽管看上去是复数形式,但常用作不可数名词,后面的谓语动词要用单数形式。20那台电视机现在立在我们起居室的角落里。误:That TV set is now standing at the corner of our sitting room.正:That TV set is now standing in the corner of our sitting room.析:“在室内角落处”应说in the corner; 而at(on) the corner (of)表示“在(街、墙)的拐角处”。21 他正在忙着做家务。误:He is busy to do his housework.正:He is busy doing his housework.正:He is busy with his housework.析:be busy doing 表示“忙于做”,doing不能改为to do; be busy with 也表示“忙于做”,但后面只能接名词,不能接动词的“-ing”形式。22我不得不告诉你这件事,对吗?误:I had tell you about it, hadnt I?正:I had to tell you about it, didnt I析:have to 意为“不得不”,其疑问句式的构成不能用have,而要根据不同的人称和世态,选用助动词do 、does 或did。

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