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外研版高考英语一轮复习提能训练Module 4Fine ArtsWestern,Chinese and Pop Arts能 力 闯 关 .单词拼写1He likes cats but d_ dogs.2I like the paintings of Qi Baishi and d_ is my favorite lesson.3This play is divided into three acts,and each act has three s_.4Your ideas do not seem to be about r_.5This is a building in European s_.6He a_ at the enemies with the gun.7My tears are an e_ of my grief(悲痛)8But they didnt _(认识到) one important thing.9The houses were _(破坏) by a fire.10He had his first _(展出) at the age of 16.答案:1.dislikes2.drawing3.scenes4.reality5.style6.aimed7.expression8.realise9destroyed10.exhibition.单项填空1“If you go on stealing,you will _ your bright future,young man!” said the judge.Adestroy Bdamage Cruin Dbreak解析:“使某人的前途破灭”用“ruin”。答案:C2He couldnt stand _.Abeing made fun of Bmaking fun of Cto make fun of Dbeing making fun解析:句意:“他不能忍受被别人嘲弄。”考查cant stand doing“受不了”之意,主语与make之间是动宾关系。答案:A3Tom,together with his classmates,_ because of _ the school rule.Awas punished;obeying Bwere punished;breakingCwas punished;breaking Dwere punished;obeying解析:together with.短语只是句子主语Tom的补充成分,句子谓语还应根据主语Tom来决定,用单数;而because of后接名词或动名词。break the rule为违反规则,而obey the rule为遵守规则。答案:C4Some of the students were late _ the heavy rain.Abecause Bas Cfor Dbecause of解析:because of the heavy rain“因为大雨”。because,as,和for引导一个句子。答案:D5After two years hard work,his wish has _.Arealized Bcome true Cbeen come true Dbeen made true解析:be realizedcome true,注意come是一个连系动词,come true不能用于被动语态。答案:B6Never _ till tomorrow what may be done today.Aput up Bput off Cput out Dput on解析:put off“推迟,延期”,put up“建起,搭起,张贴”,put out“扑灭”,put on“穿上”。答案:B7They are _ training everybody by the end of the year.Aaimed for Baimed at Caiming by Daiming to解析:at指某一方面。答案:B8The wounded man was unconscious but still _ when taken to the hospital.Aalive Bliving Clively Dlive解析:alive“活着的”,反义词是dead。答案:A9Could I bother you for a moment?I need someone to copy this file for me._.I need to do some copies too and I can copy them together.ASorry,but I cant BYou are welcomeCThats no trouble at all DDont say so解析:考查交际用语。由“I need to do some copies too”可知,答话者也要复印一些材料,恰好可以一块儿复印,即可以帮助对方,显然C项符合句意,A与句意不符;B表示“不用谢”;D项为汉语式表达。答案:C10Distinguished guests and friends,welcome to our school._ the ceremony of the 50th Anniversary this morning are our alumni(校友)from home and abroad.AAttend BTo attend CAttending DHaving attended解析:分析句子结构可知第二句是一个倒装句,把它还原成正常语序应该是:Our alumni from home and abroad are _ the ceremony of the 50th Anniversary this morning.所以此题应该用attending作谓语动词的一部分。答案:C.翻译句子1工厂必须致力于增加生产。_2这只受伤的狗要予以人道毁灭。_3他所有的建议全部被采纳了。_4咱们把英语晚会推迟到下星期举行吧。_5他不能忍受那样的待遇。_答案:1.The factory must aim at increasing production.2The injured dog had to be destroyed.3All his suggestions have been adopted.4Lets put the English evening off to next week.5He cant stand being treated like that.完形填空Every moment wasted looking back keeps us from moving forward.Life is too short,time is too precious,and the stakes are too high to dwell on what might have been.We have to work together for _1_ it still can be.And that is _2_ I will work my heart out _3_ sure that Senator Obama is our next _4_.The way to continue our fight now,_5_ the goals _6_ which we stand is to take our energy,our passion,our strength,and do all we can _7_ elect Barack Obama,the next president of the United States.Today,as I _8_ my campaign,I congratulate him _9_ the victory _10_ he has won and the extraordinary race he has run.I endorse(赞同)him and throw my full _11_ behind him.And I ask all of you to join _12_ in working as _13_ for Barack Obama as you have _14_ me.I have stood on the stage and gone toetotoe _15_ him in 22 debates.Ive had a frontrow seat to his candidacy,and I _16_ his strength and determination,his grace and his grit.Now,being human,we are _17_.Thats why we need each other,to catch each other when we _18_,to encourage each other _19_ we lose heart.Some may lead,some may follow,but _20_ of us can go it alone.【解题导语】 本文节选了希拉里的退选演讲。希拉里在演讲中表示慷慨支持奥巴马。谁能想到几个星期前,两人还在互相竞争。1A.which Bthat Cwhat Dwhere解析:考查宾语从句。从句中缺表语,故判断用连接代词。that作为连接词时没有意义,不能在从句中充当成分。which是用于定语从句的关系代词。答案:C2A.why Bwhen Cwhere Dhow解析:考查表语从句。在这里表示“原因”。句意:这就是我全力支持奥巴马参议员当选下一任总统的原因。答案:A3A.make Bmaking Cmade Dto make解析:这里表“目的”,故用不定式。答案:D4A.chairman Bpresident Cgovernor Dsecretary解析:在第二段中结尾处有信息提示。答案:B5A.to accomplish Baccomplish Caccomplishes Daccomplished解析:跟前面to continue our fight now并列。答案:A6A.to Bat Con Dfor解析:考查定语从句“介词关系代词”中介词的用法。这里是短语stand for。答案:D7A.help Bhelping Cto help Dhelped解析:考查非谓语动词用法,该结构经常用来考试,注意将其省略部分补出:and do all that we can do to help.。答案:C8A.continue Bsuspend Cinsist Dhold解析:由下句中对奥巴马表示祝贺及结合全文可知,希拉里停止了竞选活动。答案:B9A.on Bin Cto Dfor解析:congratulate sb. on.在方面祝贺某人。答案:A10A.what Bthat Cwhen Dwhere解析:考查定语从句,关系代词that在从句中作宾语。答案:B11A.word Bcheer Csupport Dopposition解析:考查语篇理解。这里表示“我完全支持他”。答案:C12A.you Bhim Cher Dme解析:考查语篇理解。句意:我要求你们所有人加入我,像支持我那样地全力支持巴拉克奥巴马。答案:D13A.hard Bhardly Cslightly Dbreezily解析:见上题。答案:A14A.with Bfor Con Dto解析:考查语意理解,根据前一句的结构可得答案。答案:B15A.at Bof Cwith Din解析:考查介词:go with sb.。答案:C16A.have seen Bsaw Csee Dhas seen解析:跟前半句保持时态一致,用现在完成进行时。答案:A17A.perfect Bimperfect Ccommon Duncommon解析:句意:没有人是完美无缺的。imperfect不完美的。答案:B18A.run Bmove Cfalter Dleave解析:句意:当跌倒的时候,我们彼此扶持。falter跌倒。答案:C19A.where Bwhy Chow Dwhen解析:与上句形成并列结构。答案:D20A.none Bone Cno one Dneither解析:考查语篇理解。句意:但是没有人能够独自完成这一切。答案:A阅卷现场(教师用书独具)第四节完形填空题常见问题与解决方法完形填空是学生最犯怵的题型之一,由于文章的残缺性和不连贯性使得很多学生难以正确理解文章的内容,所以导致大量失分。根据完形填空测试特点,阅卷老师无论是在校研究生或老师,都非常一致地认为,在做完形填空时,学生非常容易出现的错误如下:问题一:没有注意上下文的内在联系,而只拘泥于个别词句的意思。问题二:基础知识不牢固,对同义词、近义词的辨析能力不强,以及对一词多义掌握不全面。问题三:文章的意思无法准确掌握,把握不好文章主旨大意而大量失分。下面我来一一讲解:问题一:没有注意上下文的内在联系,而只拘泥于个别词句的意思问题描述与分析完形填空出题的理论依据是,人类在阅读的时候,由于阅读思维的惯性,即使信息残缺也可以得到完整的理解,但是因为个别学生的思维习惯并没有得到很好地养成,所以有时太局限于个别词句,而没有上下联系,造成理解的偏误,因而失分。典例精析与诊断【例1】 It was always thought that Treasure Island was the product of Robert Louis Stevensons imagination. _36_, recent research has found the true story of this exciting work.Stevenson, a Scotsman, had lived _37_ for many years. In 1881 he returned to Scotland for a _38_. With him were his American wife Fanny and his son _39_.Each morning Stevenson would take them out for a long _40_ over the hills. They had been _41_ this for several days before the weather suddenly took a turn for the worse. Kept indoors by the heavy rain Lloyd felt the days _42_. To keep the boy happy Robert asked the boy to do some _43_.One morning, the boy came to Robert with a beautiful map of an island. Robert _44_ that the boy had drawn a large cross in the middle of _45_. “Whats that?” he asked. “Thats the _46_ treasure,” said the boy. Robert suddenly _47_ something of an adventure story in the boys _48_. While the rain was pouring, Robert sat down by the fire to write a story. He would make the _49_ a twelveyearold boy, just like Lloyd. But who would be the pirate(海盗)?Robert had a good friend named Henry, who walked around with the _50_ of a wooden leg. Robert had always wanted to _51_ such a man in a story. _52_ Long John Silver, the pirate with a wooden leg, was _53_.So, thanks to a _54_ September in Scotland, a friend with a wooden leg, and the imagination of a twelveyearold boy, we have one of the greatest _55_ stories in the English language.36A.However BTherefore CBesides DFinally37A.alone Bnext door Cat home Dabroad38A.meeting Bstory Choliday Djob39A.Lloyd BRobert CHenley DJohn40A.talk Brest Cwalk Dgame41A.attempting Bmissing Cplanning Denjoying42A.quiet Bdull Cbusy Dcold43A.cleaning Bwriting Cdrawing Dexercising【答案解析】36选择A。句意为:人们一直认为金银岛一书是史蒂文森凭空想象出来的。然而最近的一项研究披露了这部作品诞生的一些细节。表示转折关系,应选however。37选择D。前句的a Scotsman和下句returned to Scotland暗示,罗伯特史蒂文森是苏格兰人,长期在国外生活。38选择C。根据第三段中第一句介绍他们每天早上爬山游玩,可判断他们一起回国时是为了度假。39选择A。根据42前面的Lloyd felt the days.可判断史蒂文森的儿子名为Lloyd(劳埃德)。40选择C。当时的时间是1881年、地点是over the hills,因此他们三人只能是在山间漫步,因此填walk。41选择D。由于他们在度假,因此从纵情山水中得到极大的快乐,因此填enjoying。42选择B。上句Kept indoors by the heavy rain暗示在下雨天待在旅馆很乏味,故填dull。43选择C。下段中谈到儿子把他画的画给父亲看,因此可判断父亲让儿子作画消磨时光,故填drawing。【误点诊断】 阅卷老师分析容易出错的是37,此题需要上下联系,而不能孤立地看此题。【例2】 There was only one way to get money, and that was to _42_ it. He would have to find a job. _43_ who would hire him and what could he do? He decided to ask Mr. Clay for advice, who usually had _44_ on most things.“Well, you can start right here,” said Mr. Clay. “My windows need cleaning and my car needs washing.”That was the _45_ of Jamess oddjob(零工) business. For three months he worked every day after finishing his homework. He was amazed by the _46_ of jobs that people found for him to do. He took dogs and babies for walks, cleared out cupboards, and mended books. He lost the _47_ of cars he washed and windows he cleaned, but the _48_ increased and he knew that he would soon have _49_ for the bicycle he longed for.42A.borrow Bearn Craise Dcollect43A.Or BSo CFor DBut44A.decisions Bexperience Copinions Dknowledge45A.beginning Bintroduction Crequirement Dopening46A.similarity Bquality Csuitability Dvariety47A.brand Bnumber Csize Dtype48A.effort Bpressure Cmoney Dtrouble49A.all Benough Cmuch Dsome【答案解析】42选择B。从下文他为别人干活,可以看出他能弄到钱的唯一办法是自己去挣钱。earn“挣,赚”;borrow“借”;raise“筹借;筹集”;collect“募捐”。所以B项正确。43选择D。他想赚钱购买心仪已久的那辆自行车,“但是”又不知道谁会雇用他,也不知道自己能做什么。44选择C。根据本句前半句中提到的advice一词可知他对大部分事情都有自己的“见解”。45选择A。根据上一段中Mr. Clay所说的话可知James的零工生涯“开始”了。opening多用来表示大型活动的开张,因此不太恰当。46选择D。根据下一句中的内容可知人们给他提供的工作“各种各样”。前三项分别表示“相似”、“质量”、“适合”,都与下一句中的内容不符。47选择B。他忘记了冲洗的车辆和清洗的窗户的“数字”,言外之意是他的打工生涯很辛苦且而且很忙碌。48选择C。他打工的目的就是为了挣钱,进而购买那辆自行车,所以此处表示的是他的“钱”越来越多。49选择B。他知道他很快就有“足够”的钱购买那辆渴望已久的自行车。【误点诊断】 老师们都认为44和45题易错,因为44题中每个选项都可以搭配,但联系一下前面的advice可得到正确答案。45题也需要联系上段Mr.Clay所说的话方能得到正确答案。解决方案与指南(1)完形填空题的文章是一篇具有完整语言信息的短文,其段与段、句与句、甚至词与词之间都有不可分割的联系,所以考生在选择答案时不要只注意空格所在的短语、句子或段落,还要从上下文中寻找相关的提示信息。(2)考生在做题时有时会遇到几处答案难以确定,考生在推敲疑点时要紧扣文意,从全篇的角度寻找线索,应该把答案填入后使句意与上下文一致,避免只注意搭配而忽视语意的现象。直击高考与警示完形填空在出题时有这样一条原则:去掉20个空格后不会影响考生对文章大意的了解。所以,考生在正式填空前,大可不必为理解上的障碍而省略了这至关重要的一步。而做题时的全面性观察,全局性思考是非常重要的。并在随后的阅读中,不断修正,以求与原文一致。问题二:基础知识不牢固,对同义词、近义词的辨析能力不强,以及对一词多义掌握不全面问题描述与分析完形填空中的语法考查已经被淡化,但是同义词(组)、近义词(组)的考查被加强,有些学生由于在平时学习时的积累不够,对易混词(组)的分辨力低,导致看每个选项都似是而非,有时甚至出现直接蒙答案的现象。典例精析与诊断【例1】 The first time I remember noticing the crossing guard was when he waved to me as I drove my son to school. He _16_ me with a puzzleall because he waved to me like someone does _17_ seeing a close friend. A big, _18_ smile accompanied his wave. For the next few days I tried to _19_ his face to see if I knew him. I didnt. Perhaps he had _20_ me for someone else. By the time I contented myself with the _21_ that he and I were strangers, we were greeting each other warmly every morning like old friends.Then one day the _22_ was solved. As I _23_ the school he was standing in the middle of the road _24_ his stop sign. I was in line behind four cars. _25_ the kids had reached the safety of the sidewalk, he lowered his sign and let the cars _26_. To the first he waved and _27_ in just the same way he had done to me over the last few days. The kids already had the window down and were happily waving their reply. The second car got the same _28_ from the crossing guard, and the driver, a stifflooking(表情刻板的) businessman, gave a brief, almost _29_ wave back. Each following car of kids on their way to school _30_ more heartily.Every morning I continued to watch the man with _31_. So far I havent seen anyone _32_ to wave back. I find it interesting that one person can make such a(n) _33_ to so many peoples lives by doing one simple thing like waving and smiling warmly. His _34_ armed the start of my day. With a friendly wave and smiling face he had changed the _35_ of the whole neighbourhood.16A.hit Bdisappointed Cpresented Dbored17A.on Bfrom Cduring Dabout18A.false Bshy Capologetic Dbright19A.research Bstudy Crecognize Dexplore20A.praised Bblamed Cmistaken Drespected21A.conclusion Bdescription Cevaluation Dintroduction22A.argument Bdisagreement Cmystery Dtask23A.visited Bapproached Cpassed Dleft24A.drawing back Bputting on Chanding in Dholding out25A.Once BBefore CUnless DWhile26A.in Bthrough Cout Ddown27A.cried Bcheered Csmiled Dgestured28A.idea Breply Cnotice Dgreeting29A.awkward Bangry Celegant Dpatient30A.came Bresponded Churried Dappeared31A.surprise Bfrustration Cinterest Ddoubt32A.fail Btry Cwish Dbother33A.offer Bsacrifice Cpromise Ddifference34A.effectiveness Bcheerfulness Ccarefulness Dseriousness35A.trends Bobservations Cregulations Dfeelings【答案解析】16选择C。本题考查词语在具体语境中的辨析。本句是指那位协管员像老朋友一样向我挥手,给我带来了困惑。present呈现。17选择A。本题考查介词在具体语境中的辨析。从上下文来看,该协管员的挥手让我感觉是遇上了很亲密的朋友。on表示:在时候;之后立即。如:on arriving home刚到家就18选择D。本题考查形容词在具体语境中的辨析。他让我困惑,是因为他挥手的同时还在快乐地微笑着。此空格处应用一个褒义词。19选择B。本题考查词语在具体语境中的辨析。study注意看,打量,观察,She studied his face with interest.她很有兴趣地打量着他的面孔。20选择C。考查词组搭配。mistake.for把误认为。21选择A。本题考查名词在具体语境中的辨析。经过长时间的观察,显然我得出了一个结论。22选择C。考查对下文语境的理解。由下文可知,作者通过观察,弄清了这件“神秘的事,难以理解的事物”。23选择B。考查对上下文语境的理解。由上下文可知,他是指挥校门口的交通,让学生安全过马路的,故当我开车接近校门口时,用approach。24选择D。本题考查动词短语在具体语境中的辨析。hold out伸出。他站在路中间伸出“停”的牌子。在draw back往回跑;退却;缩回;put on把放在上;穿上,戴上;装出,假装;增加(体重、肌肉、价钱、速度等),添上;上演(戏剧等)。hand in交上,递交,呈送。25选择A。本题考查连词在具体语境中的辨析。该协管员的任务就是让学生走到人行道安全之处,故学生们“一旦”走到安全处,就会放行过往车辆。26选择B。本题考查介词在具体语境中的辨析。let through放行,让通过,如:Open the gate and let the crowd through.把大门打开,让人们过去。27选择C。考查对上下文语境的理解。由本句中in just the same way以及上文可知,他冲着这位司机微笑。28选择D。考查对上文语境的理解。对应上文的smile。29选择A。考查对上下文语境的理解。这位司机神情刻板,但在这位协管员的问候下,也受到感染略略挥了挥手,方式有点尴尬笨拙。awkward(动作或表情)笨拙的;难看的;粗野的。30选择B。考查对上下文语境的理解。随后每辆车子上的孩子都报以更热诚的反应。31选择C。考查对上文语境的理解。作者观察如此仔细,一定是饶有兴趣地观察着这位协管员的。32选择A。本题考查动词在具体语境中的辨析。由上下文可知,在这位协管员的热情独特的指挥下,几乎没有哪位司机会不回以挥手的。fail to do未能33选择D。考查词组搭配。make a difference to对产生重大影响,很重要。协管员的原本很简单的一些动作改变了许多人的生活,让人们非常开心。34选择B。考查对上下文语境的理解。他让人们从一大早就有了一个开心的心境。cheerfulness高兴,快乐。35选择D。考查对上文语境的理解。综合全文内容,这位协管员友好的挥手和微笑的笑脸 让整个街区的人都改变了,变得情绪好了。【误点诊断】 2009年天津卷完形考查的重点是词或词组在具体语境中的辨析,易错题为22,24,33,34和35,考查的为高级词汇或相似短语,要求考生在平时必须准确把握词或词组的意义。解决方案与指南考生在平时学习词汇、短语时,要特别注意一词多义的现象,掌握其本义和引申义,同时在平时学习备考中,要注意将英语单词以及一些固定词组根据其意义或结构进行分类,成组的记忆,可提高英语学习效率,这样就可以把学过的单词或短语条理化、系统化,提高运用单词、短语的准确率。直击高考与警示单词是英语中最小的单位,但是却承载和组合着所有英文的表达信息,考生在平时注意积累,牢固准确地分辨相近词语的准确含义,并在高考中运用,学会在具体的语境中灵活运用词汇。问题三:文章的意思无法准确掌握,把握不好文章主旨大意而大量失分问题描述与分析完形填空的文章体裁常为夹叙夹议,所以文章中的转折点常出现在文中偏后的位置,有些考生由于没有足够重视或能力不够而对文章的主旨大意产生误解,出现一连串的偏颇,造成大量失分。典例精析与诊断【例1】 People often fall ill because of me. _36_ they can hardly blame me; it is largely their own _37_. A tired person may get _38_, especially when he goes to crowded places with polluted air. A sudden change in _39_ is another factor. In hot summer, people turn on the airconditioner upon returning home. They will catch a cold easily.My latest victim is an energetic student. After school, he played football hard for two hours. Though _40_, he still went to the cinema. Then he got back home and took a cold shower immediately.I seized this golden chance to _41_ him. He reacted, trying to _42_ me, but I was already _43_ deep in his throat. He kept sneezing(打喷嚏) and his nose was running. _44_ he put on some warm clothes, it didnt work, for there were too many of us. Besides, his sore throat kept _45_ him, and he developed a cough to force me and my family out, but _46_.The next day he couldnt go to _47_. He had lost his appetite and was not as _48_ as before. His mother made him orange juice every few hours for more vitamin C, which would help his _49_.For two days he was _50_ by his mother. As he rested more, his defense strengthened and I began to feel the _51_. I knew I had to _52_ him before long. But I am not the one who gives up easily, and I made every effort to fight back. _53_, it was my turn to feel _54_ now, for his defense system was starting an allout attack against me. I became _55_ and finally my time was over.Do you know what I am?36A.Therefore BBesides CHowever DThen37A.business Bresponsibility Cexcuse Dfault38A.punished Bblamed Ccaught Dkilled39A.temperature Bseason Cplace Dcondition40A.excited Bhurt Clate Dtired41A.injure Bbother Cattack Ddestroy42A.get on with Bget rid of Cput up with Dtake hold of43A.reproducing Bwaiting Chiding Ddisappearing44A.Since BOnce CWhether DAlthough45A.reminding Bupsetting Ccomforting Dinfluencing46A.escaped Bsucceeded Cregretted Dfailed47A.bed Bwork Cschool Dhospital48A.peaceful Bafraid Cactive Dhappy49A.recovery Bdevelopment Cstudy Daffected50A.protected Bnursed Cscolded Dafected51A.loss Boperation Cpressure Dmovement52A.leave Bcatch Cforget Dbeat53A.Uncertainly BUnsuccessfully CUnusually DUnfortunately54A.painful Bdisappointed Cnervous Dashamed55A.bigger Bweaker Csmaller Dstronger【答案解析】36选择C。前后两句话是转折关系,即人们经常会因我而生病,可是他们却又不能批评我。37选择D。因为是他们自己的责任,所以他们不能批评我。根据上下文内容可知,只有D项符合语境。38选择C。get caught的本义是“被抓住;被困住”,在这里的意思是:疲劳的人容易被感冒病毒困住,即容易患感冒。39选择A。根据第一段最后一句话可知,本题应该选A,即气温的突然变化,会导致人感冒。40选择D。根据上文内容可知,这个学生已经踢了两个小时的球了,当然应该很累了。因此D项合理。41选择C。injure表示“伤害,损害”;bother表示“打扰”;attack表示“攻击,进攻”;destroy表示“破坏,毁灭”。根据文章内容可知,显然C项正确,即趁机攻击这个学生。42选择B。get rid of表示“摆脱;消除”,即这个学生想要摆脱感冒。其他几个选项不合语境。get on with表示“和相处”;put up with表示“容忍;忍受”;take hold of表示“抓住”。43选择A。reproduce表示“再生;繁殖”。44选择D。这句话的意思是:虽然他穿上了一些暖和的衣服,可是没有用。其他选项不合语境。45选择B。嗓子疼痛让他很是不安。46选择D。即他没有成功地将感冒病毒驱除。47选择C。根据上文可知,这是个孩子,因此本题选C,即他不能上学了。48选择C。即不像以前那样活泼有精神了上文提到这个孩子喜欢活动。49选择A。他妈妈给他补充维生素C是为了帮助他恢复身体健康。其他选项不合题意development表示“发展”;study表示“学习”;growth表示“生长”。50选择B。nurse表示“护理;看护”,即孩子两天时间一直由他的妈妈照顾他。51选择C。loss表示“损失”;operation表示“手术”;pressure表示“压力”;movement表示“运动”。根据上下文内容可知,显然C项正确,即“我”感到了压力,根据前面的his defense strengthened可推知答案。52选择A。即不久就必须要离开这个学生了。53选择D。根据前面一句话可知“我”想要努力地还击,可不幸的是,现在应该轮到“我”感到痛苦了(就像上面提到的孩子的痛苦一样)。54选择A。即现在轮到“我”感到很痛苦了。55选择B。根据后面的finally my time was over可知,B项正确,即“我”变得越来越虚弱了。【误点诊断】 根据全文内容可知,本文是以感冒病毒的口吻写的一篇文章。这篇文章意在让人们明白:平时要注意保护好身体,以防感冒病毒的侵袭。但是如果无法正确掌握文章的主旨大意就会大量失分。解决方案与指南完形填空题主要考查考生对全文大意的整体理解能力以及作者写作意图的把握,通常抓住主题句,就能抓住文章的主旨。一般来说,主题句在开头有总领文章的作用,给读者指明下文发展的方向:主题句在文章的结尾有总结全文、点明中心的作用。分析好文章的开头和结尾就能准确地概括文章的中心思想。直击高考与警示考生做题时要留意文章中是否出现了标志性的语言,如but, however, while, also, in a word等。这些标志性的语言可以暗示文章的主题句,对把握文章主旨有着十分重要的作用。所谓了解大意即通读整篇文章,弄清文章的大意和结构,确立正确的背景知识,为正式的填空做好充分的准备。很多考生担心自己的阅读水平差,有的甚至碰到空格的地方就莫名地紧张了,认为阅读一篇满是空格的文章必然无功而返,与其这样浪费时间,倒不如看一句,填一空。其实,这就陷入了一个误区。要知道,从考查应试者语言的综合能力这一可信度而言,短文中的空格不是随便就去掉的,此外,考生在第一遍阅读中,要善于从文章开头的几句话中把握短文的背景、主题或结构,并结合常识判断构建一定的预期,并在随后的阅读中,不断修正,以求与原文一致。通常情况下,文章开头的一、两句话都是完整的信息,这些句子指示文章的背景知识或主题思想,考生在阅读中一定要仔细研读,为后面的阅读扫清障碍。文章读完了,了解大


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