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牛津高中英语必修三Unit1说课稿各位老师:你们好!我今天所说内容是高中一年级英语模块三第一单元The World Of Our Senses中的第一课时Five Senses。我说课的内容包括二个部分:一是教材分析,二是说教学程序。一:教材分析1 教材内容分析我认为牛津高中英语这套新编教材设计精巧,模块之间,模块内部的各单元之间以及单元内部的各板块之间均有联系,构成了有机的整体。每个单元的第一部分都是为本单元的精读文章做一个铺垫。所以我认为第一个单元的第一堂课主要是扩大学生的信息量。通过听,说,读,写来增强学生的英语基本功,特别是学生的英语口头表达能力和团结协作能力。本堂课的教学内容较少,由一篇短小的文章和几个讨论题目构成。我认为只有充分发挥学生的主动性,组织学生实践,然后讨论最后得出结论,这样才能丰富课堂教学。在教学中尽量让每一个学生都积极参与。每次我都会用一些学生感兴趣而且又比较贴近现实的话题展开讨论。2 教材的重点和难点。l 本堂课的语言点就是掌握”Senses”一词的用法。l 完成讨论题目。l 提高学生英语口语技能3 情感态度与价值观。l 从练习中培养学生养成细心观察,勇于探索的精神。l 让学生学会与他人合作,学会倾听,学会欣赏和感悟,从而建立自信心。l 教育学生看待事物要看事物的本质,不要受事物的外表所迷惑。对身体有缺陷,五官感觉不全的人我们不应该岐视他们,应该伸出友谊之手。二:教学程序。l 导入(Lead-in)上课之前询问学生下列问题:1, With what do we see and hear?2, How do we know whether a dish is delicious or not?3, How do we know that a flower has a pleasant smell?4, What do we do when we want to know whether the water in the basin is hot or cold?5, How do we know about the world around us?通过上面的提问,让学生明白“五官感觉”是指Sight,Taste,Smell,Hearing and Touch。把这些词汇板书在黑板上并领读。l 新授放慢语速,努力让学生听懂下面的英文介绍:As we know, almost everyone has five senses which are used everywhere and everyday. We learn about the world through the five senses. We use the five senses to study, work and relax. I think we are lucky to have all the five senses. These senses help us to enjoy our life. But as a matter of fact, there are some people who have lost one or more of their senses. Can you suppose how they live?接下来再给学生二到三分钟阅读时间并在课本上找出下列问题的答案。(此题要求学生独立完成)1. Do you know how blind people read?(They can read by touching raised dots which represent numbers and letters. This system is called Braille.)2. How do the deaf communicate with each other?(They use body language or sign language.)3. What are your feelings about these people ?最后是一个主观题,可以合理的对学生进行情感教育。(要求分组讨论,然后代表发言,评出优胜组,并适时给予精神奖励。)最后老师作评论:I felt a great pity for these people .As for me, I think, I should treasure my life and study hard in order to do more things for our society. And on the other hand, we should do what we can to help the disabled and shouldnt look down upon them.)课本操练。(让学生观察课本上的四幅图片,判断自己的视觉,并适当的给予提示。)Picture1:Ask: What can you see in this picture?(If they look at the white parts, they can see a vase. If they look at the black parts, they can see two faces.)Picture2:Ask: How do you find out whether the two lines are of the same length?(They can use a ruler to measure the two lines or they can use two pieces of paper to cover both ends of the two lines. Tell students that different kinds of arrowheads may mislead our sight and that if they are careless, they may get the wrong answer.)Picture3:Ask: How can you prove that the two lines are straight?(They can place a ruler next to the line. They can also use a ruler to draw more straight lines which run paralleled to the two lines. Tell students not to be affected by the surrounding lines.)Picture4:Ask: How do you read line b?(The symbols in line b can be read as the letters K,B,R and M)通过上述问题的回答,教学生总结并讨论下面这个问题:What can we learn from observing the four pictures?首先单独叫学生发表意见,随后老师提供参考型答案。Sometimes the appearance may cover the real features. From these four pictures. We know that even if we have good senses, we can still be confused. That is to say, superficies sometimes can mislead our judgment. So we should try our best to get rid of the optical illusions to get the real features of the things.4. 讲解语言点。sensel .n. c 感官,感觉the sense of sight/ hearing /smell/ touch/tastel 感觉,感观(多用作单数,并与a连用)a sense of humor /duty/pride /safetyl 意义,意思(与meaning同义,是可数名词)The word “make” has many senses.l 作判断力,见识,道理解时,常用作不可数名词。Mother has plenty of senses. 母亲见多识广。l 作感觉到,领悟,发觉解时,后接名词或者从句He sensed that his boss wasnt pleased with his answer.When I entered the room, I immediately sensed something unusual in the air.Sensitive adj.敏感的敏锐的Sensible adj.明智的,合理的。5. 随堂操练_My hometown take on a new look, a _of pride suddenly appeared in my mind.A. Having seen; happiness. B. Seeing; meaningC. When I saw; sense D. While I see; feelingThe elderly need special care in winter, as they are_ to the sudden change of weather.A. sensitive B. sensible C. flexible D. positive6. 课堂作业要求学生从课本中的三个问答题中任选一题作在课堂作业本上,要求80个单词以上。7. 家庭作业。Ask students to do the exercises on page 98.Thats all. Thank you for your listening.


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