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闽教英语第七册教案 闽教第七册教案Unit 1 Talking about the Summer VacationLesson 1教学目标能听懂、会说本课的对话并能在实际情景中应用。学习单词和词组:vacation,stay,have a good time, visit,take some photos,the Great Wall, the Summer Palace,the White House,stay at home,do my homework,play the piano,climb a mountain,go swimming等。教具准备 VCD,录音机, 卡片, 挂图。教学步骤和方法 Step1. Warm up and review 在黑板的一角写上Welcome back to our school! 创设新学期的气氛。 1.T: The new term begins. Welcome back to our school. Nice to see you again. S:Nice to see you, too. 2.Sing a song: The Morning Song, 边唱边和学生握手问好。Step2. Learn to say1.Summer Vacation: Where were you in the summer vacation?I went to/ I was in2.Learn to say: I stayed in/ I stayed at home.3.What did you do in the summer vacation?I visitedand/ I took some photos.4.Did you have a good time?Yes, I did. / No, I didnt.Step3.Ask and answer.每一对学生选择自己最有把握的一幅图或两幅图来表演。学生先在小组里演练,再自荐上台表演。Step4.Read a poem.First let Ss listen to the tape recorder two times, read after it and then translate it.Step5.Practice:Read and recite Part 1 on page1.Step6.Summary.Step7.Homework:1.听录音,模仿对话并在实际情景中加以运用。 2.完成活动手册上的活动。Lesson 2教学目标能听懂、会说本课的对话并能在实际情景中应用。学习单词和词组:cousin,learn English,go swimming,play chess,swim in the sea等。教具准备 VCD,录音机, 卡片, 挂图。教学步骤和方法 Step1. Warm up and reviewAsk and answer:Where were you in the summer vacation?Did you have a good time in the summer vacation?Step2. Look and say1.In the morning ILearned English/ did my homework2.In the afternoon ISwam in the sea/ played basketball3.In the evening IWatched TV/ played chessStep3.Learn to say.Step4.Listen and circle the right answer.First let Ss listen to the tape recorder two times, then do it.Step5.Practice: 1.Learn to write.2.Read and recite Part 1 on page1.Step6.Summary.Step7.Homework:1.听录音,模仿对话并在实际情景中加以运用。2.谈谈自己的暑假生活。 3.完成活动手册上的活动。教后反思:Unit 2 HouseworkLesson 3教学目标能听懂、会说本课的对话并能在实际情景中应用。学习单词和词组:housework, often,past(in the past), now, make my bed, wash my clothes, clean my room,every week, water the flowers, clean the table, sweep the floor, do the shopping等。教具准备 VCD,录音机, 卡片, 挂图。教学步骤和方法 Step1. Warm up and reviewDo you know how to say the White House and do my homework?House, homework-housework从旧知引向新知,让学生自己说出housework并理解该单词的意思。Step2. Learn to say1.make-make my bed IWash-wash my clothes-IClean-clean my room/ clean the table-ISweep-sweep the floor-I Water-water the flowers-IDo-do the shopping-I学习单词和词组时注意纠正学生的错误发音,单词的学习做到词不离句,要融进本课的句型里练习,让学生在本课的语境中理解并运用新词汇。2.Ask and answer:sentences: Do you make your bed/ wash your clothes/ clean your room/ clean the table/ sweep the floor/ water the flowers/ do the shopping?Yes, I do./ No, I dont.Step3.Look and say.PastIn the past NowIn the past my mother made my bed. Now I make my bed.In the past my grandma washed my clothes. Now I wash my clothes.In the past my mother cleaned my room. Now I clean my room.Step4.Learn to sayEvery every week/ every morning/ every day.Help-help my mother do houseworkOften-often helpHow about?Learn Page 9 Part 1.First let Ss listen to the tape recorder two times, read after it and then translate it.引导学生认真模仿录音里的语音、语调,要求学生朗读时要看课文、认读文字。Read and recite Part 1.Step5.Practice:answer the questionnaire.Tick the housework you do.( ) I make my bed every morning.( ) I clean my room every week.( ) I wash my clothes.( )I help my mother do the shopping.( )I clean the table after dinner.( ) I sweep the floor.( )I water the flowers.Step6.Summary.Step7.Homework:1.听录音,模仿对话并在实际情景中加以运用。 2.完成活动手册上的活动。Lesson 4教学目标能听懂、会说本课的小短文。学习单词和词组:messy, a messy boy, clean his bedroom, every morning, on Sunday等。教具准备 VCD,录音机, 卡片, 挂图。教学步骤和方法 Step1. Warm up and reviewPastIn the past NowIn the past my mother made my bed. Now I make my bed.In the past my grandma washed my clothes. Now I wash my clothes.In the past my mother cleaned my room. Now I clean my room.On Sunday/ Monday/ Tuesday/ Wednesday/ Thursday/ Friday/ SaturdayKitchen, garden, supermarket, bedroom, sitting room, bathroom, dining room, study.Step2.Ask and answer these question:1)Did you have a good time in the summer vacation?Did you clean your room in the past?Yes, I did./ No, I didnt.2)Do you often clean your room now?Do you water your flowers every week?Yes, I do. / No, I dont.Step3.Learn to say.First let Ss read Page 13 part 1 by themselves,then let them ask the teacher questions.Listen to the tape recorder one time.Read after the teacher.Step4.Listen and circle the right answer:1. What day is it?2. What is Sallys father doing?3. Where is Sallys mother?4. What is Sally washing?5. Who is cleaning the bedroom?6. What is Kate doing?Step5.Learn to write: Write a short passage about housework.Step6.Summary.Step7.Homework:1.背本单元的单词和词组以及第一部分的内容。 2.完成活动手册上的作业。Review 1教学目标复习一般现在时第三人称单数句型及动词形式的变化规则。复习一般过去时句型及动词形式的变化规则。学唱歌曲:This Is the Way We Make Our Bed.语音语调:学习英语语调中的降调。教具准备: 单词卡片、录音机、磁带。教学步骤和方法 Step1. Warm up and reviewStep2.Sing a song “This is the Way We Make Our Bed”先复习单词和词组,跟读歌词,最后听完整的歌曲。然后再学唱歌曲。Step3.Review some verbs:Sweep,clean,wash,go,make,get up,have,visit,play,is,go,learn,watch.(动词的第三人称及过去式)Step4.Look and write.(Page18)Step5.Listen and learn the English sounds.Step6.Summary.Step7.Homework:1.听听、读读、学语音。 2.完成活动手册上的作业。Unit 3 Getting Ready for a Trip Lesson 5教学目标能听懂、会说本课的对话。学习单词和词组:holiday(for the holidays),booklet(look at a ),hotel(a nice hotel),waterfalls,raft,trip( go on a raft trip),plan(make a plan).教具准备 VCD,录音机, 卡片, 挂图。教学步骤和方法 Step1. Warm up and review some places. Where? .Step2.Learn to say. Teacher asks: Whats the festival on Oct.1st?( Learn the new word: holiday-for the holiday) Please make a plan for your holiday. Learn: Where will you go for the holidays?-Ill visit / see Will you climb the mountains/ see the waterfalls/ go on a raft trip/ have a good time? Yes, I will. / No, I wont.Step3.Ask and answer: 1)Where will you go for the holidays? 2)How will you go there? 3)Where will you stay? 4)Will you climb the mountains/ see the waterfalls/ go on a raft trip/ have a good time? 5)What will you do there?Step4.Look and say. Where will you go for the holidays? What will you do there? Wuyishan see the mountains / see the waterfalls Beijing visit the Summer Palace Guilin see the river and mountains Kunming see the flowers Hainan swim in the seaStep5.Learn to say Part 1 on Page21.Step6.Summary.Step7.Homework:1.背本单元的单词和词组以及第一部分的内容。 2.完成活动手册上的作业。Lesson 6教学目标词汇:forecast句型:It will be sunny on October 1st.It will be cool and cloudy I Beijing on Oct. 1st.学习描绘未来几天内某地的天气状况。教具准备 录音机, 卡片(有关天气的单词卡片、十二个月份的单词卡片), 挂图(一张城市地图,一张中国地图,画有天气图标的小卡片)。教学步骤和方法 Step1. Warm up朗读诗歌:Summer Vacation师生自由对话:Good morning! Where will you go for the holidays?How will you go there? What will you do there?Whats the weather like today?Step2.Review1.Old words:sunny, cloudy, snowy, rainy, cool, cold, hot, warm.2.复习十二个月份及其缩写形式3复习序数词4复习具体日期的表达法。5复习十月一日至七日的英文说法及其缩写形式6揭示并板书课题Step3.Presentation1 T: Look at me. Now Im a weatherman/ weatherwoman. This is the weather forecast for Fuzhou.(出示weather forecast并教学)2 T: This is the weather forecast for Fuzhou. It will be sunny on October 1st.(教学这句型) Oct. 1stOct.2ndOct.3rd. sunnySunny, warmcool根据这个表格用所学句型进行口语表达:It Wil be sunny on October 1st.It will be sunny and warm on Oct.2nd.3.T: Li Hong and Chen Ling will go to Wuyishan for the holidays. So they are listening to the weather forecast. Hows the weather in Wuyishan? Now lets listen to the weather forecast together.听课文录音,学生不看书,将下列表格中的天气情况补充完整。Oct. 1stOct. 2ndOct. 3rdStep4.Look and sayStep5.Listen and circle the right answer.Step6.Summary.Step7.Homework:1.完成课本第28页的自我评价。 2.完成活动手册上的练习。Unit 4 On HolidaysLesson 7教学目标词汇:stream, miss句型: On October 1st, we went to Wuyishan by train. What did you do today? In the morning we climbed the mountains. Did you go to see the waterfalls? Yes, we did.功能:讲述到某景区旅游的情况。情感:培养学生对拥有壮丽山河的祖国的热爱之情。教具准备 单词卡片,录音机,磁带。教学步骤和方法 Step1. Warm up Good morning! Where did you go for the holidays?What did you do there? Did you have a good time?朗诵童谣:Did You Have a Good Time?Step2.Review1复习学过的动词过去式2第五课中所学的动词短语:go to Wuyishan by train, stay at a nice hotel, go on a raft trip, see the mounatins, climb the mountains, see the waterfalls, have a good time将以上动词短语改为一般过去时3揭示并板书课题Step3.Presentation:1)T:Do you remember Chen Ling and Li Hongs plan for the holidays? They planned to go to Wuyishan. Look at this picture. Theyre on a raft trip down the Jiuqu Stream. Theyre having a good time.教学stream , the Jiuqu Stream2)出示问题:When did they go to Wuyishan? Hows the weather on October 2nd? What did they do in the morning? What did they do in the aternoon? Did they have a good time?3)Read the dialog教学miss 4)一般疑问问:Did you go to see the waterfalls? Did you take photos? 特殊疑问句:What did you do today? What did you do in the afternoon?Step4.Look and say.Step5.Learn “I Love China”Step6.Summary.Step7.Homework:1.听录音,熟读课文。2.完成活动手册上的练习。3预习Lesson 8Lesson 8教学目标词汇:come back句型: When did you come back?On October 3rd.Did you?Yes, I did.功能:向朋友介绍外出旅游的情况。情感:培养学生热爱祖国、热爱大自然的健康人生观。教具准备 单词卡片(how, what, when, where, come back),录音机,磁带。教学步骤和方法 Step1. Warm up and review“I Love China” “Hello”( Hello, hello. May I speak to Apollo? Speaking, speaking. This is Apollo speaking.)Step2.Presentation:1. Review: A: Hello. This is A. May I speak to B, please? C: Hi, A. This is C. Hold on, please. B: Hi, this is B speaking.2.揭示并板书课题Step3.Learn to say:Come back-Chen Ling is calling Sally. What are they talking about? Lets listen to the tape.请判断下列句子正、误:( )Sally answered the phone first.( )Chen Ling came back on October 2nd.( )Chen Ling climbed the mountains.( )Their raft trip was very interesting.Step4.Read and write出示单词卡片how, what, when, where进行教学,学生跟读,并说出这四个词的意思。Step5.Listen and circle the right answer.Step6.Summary.Step7.Homework:1.完成课本第36页的自我评价。 2.完成活动手册上的练习。Review 2教学目标复习一般将来时与一般过去时。学唱歌曲:Here Comes the Train.语音语调:继续学习英语语调中的降调。教具准备 单词卡片(will,have,do,go, take,clean,wash,room,clothes,zoo,camera,photos,agood time)录音机,磁带。教学步骤和方法 Step1. Warm up Good morning!Where did you go for the holidays?What did you do there?When did you come back?Sing a song “Here Comes the Train”.Step2.Review:一般将来时的概念、结构、时间状语。1 复习:have, do, go, take, clean, wash.2 Room, clothes, zoo, camera, photos, a good time.3 牵线搭桥:在它们中间搭上合适的词,组成词组:Clean the/ my / your / his / her roomWash the/my/your/his/her clothesGo to the zooTake some photosTake a cameraHave a good timeStep3.Read and fill in the missing words.Step4.Review 2一般过去时的概念、结构、时间状语及人称和数的概念Step5.Read the diary.判断正、误:( )It was sunny on October 2nd.( )Li Hong and Chen Ling climbed the mountains in the morning.( )They went on a raft trip in the afternoon.( )They sang songs abut the mountains and the stream.( )They were tired, but they had a good time.语调练习:Page 40Step6.Summary.Step7.Homework:1.复习第三、四单元所学过的知识。2听录音,模仿录音中的语音语调。 3.完成活动手册上的练习。Unit 5 Daily ScheduleLesson 9教学目标词汇:got, late, said.句型:Li Hong usually gets up at 6:30 in the morning. But this morning she got up at 7:30. In the morning we climbed the mountains. 功能:谈论每天的作息时间。情感:教育学生合理安排时间,养成良好的学习和生活习惯,树立守时的观念。教具准备单词卡片(go-went, do-did, has-had, is-was, get-got say-said, late)词组卡片(get up, have breakfast, go to school, have lunch, go home, go to bed.).一个闹钟,录音机,磁带。教学步骤和方法 Step1. Warm upSing a song”This Is the Way We Make Our Bed”后出示have breakfast, go to school 等词组卡片,套用这首歌的旋律,请学生再演唱几遍。Step2.Review:单词:Go-went, do-did, has-had, is-was,重点教学get, say的过去式。词组:Get up, have breakfast, go to school, have lunch, go home, go to bed句型:I get up at 7:00. I go to school at 7:30揭示并板书课题。Step3.PresentationSentences:She usually gets up at 6:30 in the morning. But this morning she got up at 7:30. She didnt have breakfast. She went to school at 7:40. She got toschool at 8:10. She was late.Step4.Teaching text.先自读课文,请请帮助解疑,后让学生用不同形式进行听音模仿训练。Step5.ConsolidationLook and say/ Ask and answer/ fill in the blanks.Step6.Summary.Step7.Homework:1.听录音,熟读本课内容。2.完成活动手册上的练习。3预习Lesson 10.Lesson 10 教学目标词汇:healthy, love, exercise句型: Wang Tao looks strong and healthy. He loves sports. He often exercises.功能:谈论朋友的日常生活习惯和爱好。情感:帮助学生养成良好的日常行为习惯。教具准备 单词卡片(healthy, love, exercise, go running, play basketballm, play football,go swimming, do long jump, do high jump),录音机,磁带。教学步骤和方法 Step1. Warm up用一首儿歌组织教学:Eyes on me. Ears listen to me. Hands on the desk. Feet on the floor.师生对话:When do you usually get up? When did you get up this morning? Whos your best friend? Whats his/ her hobby? Step2.Review:有关运动的词组:go running, play basketball, play football, go swimming, do long jump, do high jump.词组:be good at揭示课题Step3.PresentationI:1.Healthy: Who is good at sports in our class? Wow, you look strong and healthy._He looks strong and healthy.2.Love, exercises: Do you like sports? Yes, I do. _He likes sports. He loves sports.3.exercise: T says: I think he often exercises.Step4. PresentationII:Healthy, love, exercise_He looks strong and healthy. He loves sports. He often exercises.Questions: When does Wang Tao get up in the morning? What does he do in the afternoon? Does he go swimming? Is he good at sports?Step5.Learn “Just Watch”, “Listen and circle the right answer”Step6.Summary.Step7.Homework:1.完成课本第48页的自我评价。2.完成活动手册上的练习。3.预习Lesson 11.Unit 6 Food and HealthLesson 11教学目标词汇:talk, diet, Coke.句型:What did you have for breakfast this morning? What did you have for lunch today? I had功能:谈论饮食与健康的关系。情感:帮助学生养成良好的日常饮食习惯。教具准备 单词卡片,录音机,磁带。教学步骤和方法 Step1. Warm up Sing a song “An Apple” ,后说明苹果对人们的身体健康所起的作用,揭示课题。T:Today were going to talk about some food. 板书并教授:talk aboutStep2.Review:Bread,egg, milk, hamburger, vegetable, cheeseBreakfast, lunch, dinner: I have for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner.Step3.Presentation:New word “ diet”: Did you have bread this morning? What else did you have? Its a good diet. Or its not a good diet.板书并教学:dietSentence: What did you have for breakfast this morning? I hadStep4.Learn to say:请学生认真听并判断下列句子的正、误:( )Sally had bread, eggs and milk for breakfast this morning.( ) Li Hong had a hamburger, some Coke and vegetables for lunch.( ) Sally and Li Hong have a good diet.Step5.Consolidation1.Page 50: Look and say.2.请学生回忆昨天吃了什么,然后完成表格内容:BreakfastLunchDinner请一位学生上台,全班一起提问:What did you have for breakfast yesterday?What did you have for lunch yesterday?What did you have for dinner yesterday?学生回答后,教师带领学生进行评价:Its a good diet. Or its not a good diet.3.Page 51: Read,tick or cross.Step6.Summary.Sing a song “ An Apple”Step7.Homework:1.听录音,熟读本课内容。2.完成活动手册上的练习。3预习Lesson 12.4.用本课所学句型调查周围朋友一日三餐的饮食情况。Lesson 12教学目标词汇:candy, juice, tomato, try句型: Do you? Yes, Its bad for your teeth. They are good for you.功能:询问自己或他人的日常饮食情况,谈论饮食与健康的关系。情感:帮助学生养成良好的日常饮食习惯,了解良好的饮食习惯对身体健康的重要性。教具准备 单词卡片,录音机,磁带。教学步骤和方法 Step1. Warm up and reviewSing a song “An Apple” Ask and answer: What does he/ she have for breakfast/ lunch / dinner? Is that a good diet?Step2.Presentation:1.Candy, Its bad for your teeth:Do you like candy? Yes, I like it very much. Its bad for your teeth.2. tomato, Coke, juice, they are good for you.Do you like Coke? Dont drink too much. Its bad for you.Do you like tomatoes? Theyre good for you.Theyre/Its good for you.Theyre/Its bad for you.Bread, milk, vegetables,eggsHamburgers, chips, Cokes, candyStep3.Learn to say: Page 53Step4.Consolidation:Page 54: read and judge.Step5.Listen and circle the right answer. On Page 55Step6.Summary.Step7.Homework:1.完成课本第56页的自我评价。2.听录音,熟读课文。3完成活动手册上的练习。4预习Review 3 并尝试完成其中的练习。5请学生将所学的食物名称和句型编成韵律诗,看谁编得最好。Review 3教学目标复习一般现在时与一般过去时两种时态的用法。复习有关谈论自己或他人日常生活习惯和饮食情况的句型。学唱歌曲:Are You Sleeping?语音:学习一般疑问句中升调的读法。教具准备 本单元相关单词卡片,一粒乒乓球和一副乒乓球拍。录音机,磁带。教学步骤和方法 Step1. Warm up What did you have for breakfast this morning? Do you like vegetables? What do you usually have for lunch? When do you usually get up? Step2.Review1. 复习不规则动词的过去式2.复习词组:get up, go to school, get to school, have breakfast / lunch/ dinner. At 7:00/ 7:30/7:40.3.复习一般现在时与一般过去时两种时态用法的区别。4复习有关谈论自己或他人日常饮食情况的句型。Step3.PresentationLearn to sing: “ Are You Sleeping?”Step4.Look and writeStep5.Look and sayStep6.Summary. Listen and learn the English sounds. Page 60Step7.Homework:1.复习第五、六单元所学过的知识。2复习本课中出现的读升调的问句。3.完成活动手册上的练习。 4预习Lesson 13.Unit 7 Thanksgiving(1)Lesson 13教学目标词汇:Thanksgiving, invite, join, turkey, corn, yam, pumpkin pie.句型: How do you spend it? What do you usually have for?功能:谈论和描述感恩节,介绍中国和西方国家的一些主要节日。情感:了解有关西方感恩节的一些事情,鼓励学生用一颗感恩的心面对生活。教具准备 单词卡片(Thanksgiving, invite, join, turkey, corn, yam, pumpkin pie, 十二个月份的单词卡片,一星期七天的单词卡片, 一些学生熟悉的节目卡片),录音机,磁带。教学步骤和方法 Step1. Warm up Sing a song “There Are Seven Days” How are you? What day is today? Whats the weather like today? Whats your favorite month? When is Spring Festival? Step2.Review复习十二个月份的英文单词。1. 以同样的方式复习一周七天的英文表达法。2. 复习一些主要的节日名称:January New Years DaySeptember Teachers DayNovember ThanksgivingStep3. Presentation:1.Thanksgiving-When is Thanksgiving? Its on the 4th Thursday of November. 2.corn, turkey, yam, pumpkin pie-What do they usually have for thanksgiving? Lets have a look. They usually have corn, turkey, yam, pumpkin pie, fruit juice, vegetables for Thanksgiving.3 What do you usually have for ?- What do you usually have for Mid-Autumn Day? Who can tell me?.4.invite, join, How do you spend it?-My favorite festival is Mid-Autumn Day, because we have a big family dinner. We invite frien

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