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Moudle 5 A lesson in a LabIWord study 1. exist vi. 存在; 生存; 生活; 继续存在existence n.存在;生存 existent n. 存在者;存在物 adj. 存在的,生存的,现存的;目前的;现行的1) Does life _ on other planets? 更多牛津 2) Man cannot _ without air. 3) That word doesnt _ in English. 4) Do they _on vegetable food ? 5) He does not believe in the _ of ghosts(鬼). 6) According to some philosopher(哲学家), everything in _ is reasonable(合理的). 7) I hear the producer is no longer_ . 8) The pollution of university chemical laboratory is a generally普遍的_phenomenon(现象). 2. expand, expansion1)Metals _ when they are heated. 更多牛津 2)The merchant wants to _ his business. 3) It was necessary to _ the factory. 4) The suburbs are an _ of cities. 5)Can you tell us something about the _ and contraction of the metal? 6) The _ of the factory will mean the employment of sixty extra workers.3. contract,contraction,contract(v.订合同 n. 合同,合约,契约)1) Metals _ in cold weather. 2)Objects expand when heated and _ when cooled. 3) By moving into smaller quarters(营房,住处) he hopes shortly _ his expenses(费用;花费). 4)The _of muscle(肌肉) is a reaction of the body. 5)You can _with us to deliver(递送) your cargo(货物). 6)They were successful in winning the_. 4. react, reaction, react with与起化学反应, react on对产生影响, react to对作出反应评价,应答, react against 反对1) The police must be able to _swiftly(迅速地) in an emergency(紧急情况时). 2) How did your mother _ the news? She _ by getting very angry. 3) How did he _ your suggestion? 4) They _ many metals to form a salt and give off hydrogen(氢). 5) Some kinds of acids _ metals to cause chemical changes.6)Children sometimes _the thing their parents believe in. 7)Peoples _ to the film has varied greatly. 8)What was his _ to the news? 5. add, add to增加, addto往加入, add up加起来,总计,add up to 等于, 合计达1) Simply _ hot water and stir(搅拌). 2)I dont want _ your troubles. 3)_ 3, 4 and 5 and youll get 12. 4) These figures(数字)_ fifty. 5)The bills _ exactly $100. 6) Five and eleven _ sixteen. 7)The women doctors and women nurses in the hospital _two hundred and five. 8) In addition, urban migrants _the supply of labor. II. Key phrases:1. be used in 用于(某个领域)2. react with(与起化学反应) react to对作出反应 react on 对产生影响react on对有影响 react against反对3. put in order 整理,按顺序排列(放好)4. addto 往加入 add to 增添 add up加起来总共是,累计得 5. keep out of 防止进入6. in good / bad form 状态好(不好)out of form (状态不佳) in the form of 以形式7. draw/reach/come to a conclusion 得出结论 jump to conclusion匆忙下结论8. keep ones balance 保持平衡、保持镇静 lose ones balance 失去平衡、心慌意乱III. Key sentences1. Two-thirds of the earths surface is water.2. The earth is forty-nine times as large as the moon.3. It is hard to think of a world without metals.4. Its getting brighter and brighter.5. The closer you are, the more youll see.6. We need a piece which is very much bigger than that.IVGrammar Degrees of comparison 比较等级 1.倍数表达法1) The earth is forty-nine times as large as the moon. Or The earth is forty-nine times larger than the moon. Or The earth is forty-nine times the size of the moon.2. 比较级的特殊句型1) The days are getting shorter and shorter.2) The boy becomes stronger and stronger.3) The happier you are, the healthier you will be.4) The harder you work, the better result youll get.你学习越努力,成绩就越好。3. 比较级中表程度的修饰语1) This car is a lot more expensive than that one.2) I m glad to see that you work even harder than before.


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