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人教修订版高二英语下Unit 18 InventionsReading教案一、 本节课的教学指导思想本节课的设计力求体现新课标的基本理念“提供多种选择,适应个性需求;优化学习方式,提高自主学习能力。” 根据本节课教材内容和学生的实际情况,教师制作了网页,学生通过在网页上浏览查找并完成教师所设置的任务。这一学习过程以学生自主学习为主,以教师的辅导为辅,改变了传统的由教师单方向灌输知识的教学模式,目的在于调动学生的学习愿望,鼓励所有不同层次学生的积极参与。在通过大量关于发明的音像,文字资料的学习后,在教师的鼓励下,学生以小组为单位,进行生活小发明的创意与介绍。这种竞赛活动可以激发学生的创造力和想象力;另外通过展示、介绍自己的发明,学生可以将所学知识和所学语言结合起来进行实践,既能巩固知识又能提高口头表达能力,从而学生的自信心及学习英语的兴趣得到了提高。 二、 教材分析及学情分析1. 教材资源的调整与整合本节课的主题是“发明”,看似很抽象,很深奥,但实则与生活密切相关。教材上所涉及的听力与阅读文章内容都不错:但两段听力内容很相似,问题比较单一。就此,教师增加了听力填词的题型,并设置听力II.为选做题,鼓励层次较高的同学积极参与,又保护了学习有困难的学生的学习热情。而阅读文章较长,且比较难读,由于本节课的重心不是培养学生的阅读难懂文章的能力,而是学习此文介绍的创造性思维策略,所以教师降低了这篇文章的难度,选用了教参上的同样内容的一篇文章,使阅读环节轻松进行,为下一个教学环节奠定基础。教师利用网络与图书馆资源,尽其可能地丰富课堂资源,整合教材内容,为学生在教师所搭建的资源网站上自主学习搭建一个平台。2. 学生情况分析所带班级为理科普通班, 学生的英文水平参差不齐。为了鼓励全部学生都积极参与到课堂活动中,同时培养他们的团队合作精神,教师一方面按学生自愿进行分组,每组5-6人,另一方面,在分配学习任务时,注重学习任务的层次性与选择性。三、 本节课的设计思路本节课以新课标理论为指导,设计成为一节学生在主题资源网站平台上的个体学习与小组学习相结合的英语综合课。 1. 注重学习方式的改进:学生学习活动不应只限于接受、记忆、模仿和练习,高中英语课程倡导学生在教师的指导下,通过感知、体验、实践、参与和小组合作等方式学习,实现学习任务的目标,在学习过程中进行情感和策略调整,以形成积极的学习态度,促进语言实际运用能力的提高。基于以上思想,本节课采用浏览感受式、引导发现式和活动参与式相结合的学习方式,通过学生的主动参与,调动学生学习的积极性,充分体现学生的主体地位。2. 注重教学方法的创新:新课标倡导任务型的教学模式。由教师帮助、引导学生完成一系列由浅入深,由感性到理性的学习任务,是学生在教师指导下构建知识、提高技能、磨练意志、活跃思维、展现个性、发展心志和拓宽视野的过程。引导和帮助而不是代替学生学习,一方面鼓励学生独立自主学习,另一方面应该组织和鼓励学生采取小组合作学习。根据本节课的特点,教师组织学生独立学习与小组合作学习相结合的教学方法,同时给予学生及时有效的帮助。3. 重视多媒体信息资源的应用:新课标力求合理利用和积极开发课程资源,给学生提供贴近学生实际、贴近生活、贴近时代的丰富的课程资源。本节课的主题是发明,看似抽象,实则与生活密切相关,教师通过利用音像,网络等教学资源,拉近发明与学生之间的距离,拓展了学生了解发明的渠道,同时提高学生的学习兴趣。4. 注重对学生学习的评价:在英语教学中,应建立多元化的评价目标,在以形成性评价为主的前提下,注重培养和激发学生学习的积极性和自信心。针对这节课,采取教师评价与学生自评相结合的方法,使学生积极参与到表演及竞赛活动中。四、 教学过程设计:I教学流程图Lead-in (video)Web WebThinking strategiesWebMatch exercisesWebInvention competitionDiscuss in groupsIntroduce their new inventions“Patent officers” make comments on Ss introductions, and decide who is the best.Homework SummaryMake comments on the competitionGeneral idea of inventionsTrain creative thought PracticalapplicationsT work as aguideT work as ahelperWebPatent office I.IIII 教学过程(教案)教学目标知识目标1. 认知与Inventions 相关的词汇,如patent,creative, creativity, strategy, etc;2. 运用所学语言了解发明、发明者及与发明相关的知识;3. 对于本课所学句型不仅达到认知,而且会在听说中运用,能准确描述、说明一个事物。能力目标 1. 提高学生从听力材料中提取信息、并能推测结果的能力;2. 能根据学习任务的需要,通过不同信息渠道获取信息并进行加工处理,提高快速阅读检索信息的能力;3. 能根据所给信息,运用创造性思维,通过独立思考、小组讨论进行信息加工并写出一篇说明文。情感态度价值观1. 通过自主学习,激发并保持学生学习英语的兴趣,从而培养学生良好的学习习惯;2. 培养学生在表达自己的自信心,并通过小组学习与交流,培养同学间的合作精神;3. 通过竞赛活动,提高学生的竞争意识。教学重点激发学生学习兴趣,通过小组学习与对话交流,培养学生的自信心和合作精神。教学难点运用创造性思维,通过小组活动,用英语对自己的生活小发明进行简短介绍。学习策略利用主题资源网站自主学习,小组合作学习。板书设计Unit 18 Inventions Inventions Writing tips:l What is your invention?New useful practicall What can it be used for?l How does it work? 教学过程StagesTeachers activitiesSs activitiesAims (设计目的)Time Step 1Lead-in(Video&Movie clip)1. Present some nouns on the screen, and encourage the students to tell what are inventions and what are discoveries.2. Ask the students about the great inventions in 20th century.( web)3. Play a video to show what inventions can bring to people.1. Make judgments about what are inventions and discoveries.2. Think about the greatest inventions in 20th century.3. Appreciate the video.To differ the nouns between inventions and discoveries.To interest the students by showing a video and some pictures.To lead in the topic naturally. 以生活中的简单事物的对比,使学生轻松体会发明与发现的区别,联系背景知识,利用多媒体信息渠道,调动学生积极性, 自然导入本课主题-inventions.5Step 2Fist photo(Video&Movie clip) 1. Get the students to click “fist photo” in the web.2. Check the answers. (web)Click “fist photo” to watch the video and do the exercises.To get the students to know the history of the fist photo.To improve their listening abilities.学生通过点击网页,了解 发明照片的知识,同时提高听力能力得到提高。5Step 2Fast reading(Thinking strategies)(Video)1. Provide a question: Whats the main idea of the passage?2. Check the answer with the whole class. (web)1. Scan the text.2.Discuss in pairs3. Answer the question individually.To develop the ability of summarizing.To train creative thoughts and get ready for the later new inventions of their own.发展学生总结能力,为培养学生进行创造性思维打下基础。6Step 3Match exercises1. Get the Ss to match the examples and related subtitles of the passages such as Think outside the box, Take another look at it. etc.2. Work as a helper.3. Check the answers.(web)1. Scan the text.2. Do the match exercises.3. Check together with the teacher.To train creative thoughts and get ready for the later new inventions.训练学生快速捕捉信息的能力,通过补充练习进一步训练学生的创造性思维,为进一步的活动“生活小发明”中打下基础。4教学过程StagesTeachers activitiesSs activitiesAims (设计目的)Time Step 5Listening(Patent office I.II) (Video)1. Present two passages for the students to listen.2. Present some questions:* What is the invention of Mr Jones new invention?* What are the advantages of it?.3. Leave 6 min for the students to finish their listening. (some of the students can do one of it.)(web)Listen, answer the question and fill in the blanks. If possible, try to both of the listening exercises.To train their listening ability and making predictions.To let them know related elements of inventions.To know the sentence patterns of introducing their inventions.训练学生能从材料中听出直接信息的能力,并进行预测结果。了解发明相关因素, 如专利等。熟悉介绍自己发明的词汇与句型, 为下面介绍自己的生活小发明作铺垫。7Step 6Invention competition(Video)1. Present many pictures in the form of several columns such as sports, everyday use etc. 2. Allow them to choose one of the pictures to make their new inventions or they just make their own ideas.3.Work as a guide, andhelp them。4. Let other students work as patent officers to make comments on their introductions, and decide which group is the best.5. Announce which group is the best inventor. (web)1. Discuss in groups to prepare for their new inventions.2. Choose one student to introduce their invention each group.3. Present their introductions.4. Patent officers make some comments on the performance, decide which group is the best and give reasons.To encourage Ss to think creatively and make new inventions of their own through discussion with partners.To encourage Ss to cooperate with partners and get ready for the writing.To built up the sense of competition.为活跃气氛并激发学生使用英语的热情, 运用所学的创造性思维,通过合作式学习实现自己的生活小发明, 并用英文进行描述说明。 邀请同学扮演专利局官员,对发明进行评价,提高学生的学习兴趣。同时通过竞赛形式,提高学生的竞争意识 。14教学过程StagesTeachers activitiesSs activitiesAims (设计目的)Time Step 7Summary1. Make some comments on the performances of the students. 2. Summarize the class.Listen to the teachers comments.Make the students know how they have done the class and gain their confidence.通过教师鼓励性评价, 体会学习与参与活动的成就感。2Step 8Home work(Video)1. Think about a question: Do you think all the inventions are exciting or frightening? Such as cloning.(web)2. Ask the students to write down their introductions individually after class. 1. Think about the question and discuss with partners.2. write down their introductions after class and hand them in.To consolidate the contents of the class.把课堂活动延伸到课外,完成对知识的巩固。2

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