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20112012学年度高三英语复习测练题(八)(模块五)(满分: 150分)Class:_ Name:_ No: _ Mark: _一、完成句子(共10小题,每题2分,满分20分)1我们的英语老师对我们要求严格。(strict) Our English teacher _ _ _us.2让我们一起去听来自北京大学的李教授的演讲。(attend) Lets _the lecture _ _professor Li from Beijing University.3会后老虎保护工程将会起动。(project) The _ _ _tigers will be launched after the meeting.4国际社会正在讨论关于如何惩治伊拉克前总统萨达姆(Sadam)。(debate) The international society _ _ _the punishment for the former lraqi president Sadam.5十年以后他们第二次来广州,发现广州变化很大。(for ) Ten years later they came to Guangzhou _ _ _ _and found Guangzhou greatly changed.6这本书会提供一些好的消息来源帮助你做出最好的选择。(assist) This book will provide you some good source of information to _you _making the best choice.7很使我感到高兴的是,父亲给我买了一台电脑作为生日礼物。(to ones + n.) _ _ _ _, Father bought me a computer _a birthday gift.8他们赶到机场飞机就起飞了。(hardlywhen) _ _they got to the airport _the plane took off.9只有当你掌握了良好的语法知识的时候,你才能写出正确的文章。 Only when you have acquired a good _of grammar can you write _.10你可能被热水烫伤。(get + p.p) You may _ _(烫伤)by hot liquids.二、完形填空(共15小题,每题2分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1125各题所给的ABC和D项中,选出最佳选项。Most people have no idea of the hard work and worry about the collecting of those fascinating birds and animals that they see in the zoo. One of the questions that is always asked of me is how I became an animal collector in the first . The answer is that I have always been interested in animals and zoos.According to my parents, the first word I was able to say with any was not the conventional “mamma” or “daddy”, but the word “zoo”, which I would over and over again with a shrill until someone, in order to me up, would take me to the zoo. When I a little older, we lived in Greece and I had a great of pets, ranging from owls to seahorses, and I spent all my spare time the countryside in search of fresh specimens to to my collection of petsLater on I went for a year to the City Zoo, as a (n) , to get experience of the large animals, such as lions, bears, bison and ostriches, which were not easy to keep at home. When I left, I had enough money of my own to be able to my first trip and I have been going ever since then. Though a collectors job is not an easy one and is full of , it is certainly a job which will appeal to all those who love animals and .( )11AregionBfield Cplace Dcase( )12Aclarity Bemotion Csentiment Daffection( )13Arecite Brecognize Cread Drepeat( )14Avolume Bnoise Cvoice Dpitch( )15Aclose Bshut Cstop Dcomfort( )16Agrew Bstayed Cchanged Dfelt( )17Aquantity Bamount Cnumber Dsupply( )18Aliving Bcultivating Creclaiming Dexploring( )19Astick Blead Cadd Dbelong( )20Aattendant Bkeeper Cmember Dassistant( )21AluckilyBgladlyCnearly Dsuccessfully( )22Asupply Bprovide Callow Dfinance( )23Anormally Bregularly Cseldom Doften( )24Aexpectation Bsorrow Cexcitement Ddisappointment( )25Aexcursion Btravel Cjourney Dtrip三、语法填空(共10小题,每题2分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或用括号中词语的正确形式填空。In 1968, the school made a decision that would change the thirteenyearold Bill Gates life-and that of many of others tooFunds were raised, mainly by parents, which enabled the school (gain) access to a computer-a program data processor (PDP) through a teletype machine. Type in a few instructions on the teletype machine and a few seconds later the PDP would type back response. Bill Gates was immediately hooked, was his best friend Kent Evans, and another student, Paul Allen, who was two years (old) than Bill.Whenever they had free time, and sometimes when they didnt, they (dash) over to the computer room to use the machine. The students became so absorbed that they soon overtook their teachers knowledge about computing and got into a lot of trouble because of their obsession(着迷) were neglecting their other studiesevery piece of work was handed in late. Classes were cut. Computer time was also proving to be very expensive. Within months, whole budget that had been set aside for the year had been used up. At fourteen, Bill was already writing short programs the computer to perform. Early game programs such as TicTacToe, or Noughts and Crosses. and Lunar Landing were written in was to become Bills second language, BASIC.26_27_28_29_30_31_32_33_34_35_四、阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节:阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 AThere is no end to the making of books. Nor does there seem to be any end to the making of lists of “great books.” There have always been more books than anyone could read, but people have their own standards to decide what a great book is. In my opinion, a great book needs not even be a best seller in its own day. It may take time for it to accumulate its ultimate audience. The astronomer Kepler, whose work on the planetary motions is now a classic, is reported to have said of his book that “it may wait a century for a reader, as God has waited 6000 years for an observer.”Great books are popular. They are not written by specialists about specialties for specialists. Whether they are philosophy or science or history or poetry, they are written for men, not professors. To read a textbook for advanced students, you have to read an elementary textbook first. But the great books can be considered elementary in the sense that they treat the elements of any subject matter, in which case everyone who likes to read it is able to understand it.Great books are the most readable. They will not let you down if you try to read them well. They have more ideas per page. They can be read at many different levels of understanding, as well as with a great diversity of interpretations. That is why you can read a great book over and over again and never exhaust its contents. Obvious examples are GULLIVERS TRAVELS, ROBINSON CRUSOE and the ODYSSEY. Children can read them with enjoyment, but fail to find the beauty and significance which delight an adult mind. It is almost unnecessary to add that the great books are the most instructive. This follows from the fact that they are original communications;they contain what cannot be found in other books. Whether you ultimately agree or disagree with what they say, these are the primary teachers of mankind; they have made the basic contributions to human thought.Perhaps no other thing has such power to lift the poor out of his poverty, and to make the burden bearer forget his burden, the sick his suffering, as great books. They bring light into darkness, and sunshine into shadow.( )36The underlined sentence in Para. 3 probably means that great books _.Ashould be popular as best sellersBshould aim at advanced studentsCare not necessarily written by specialistsDare not meant for specialists but common people( )37Which of the following statements is TRUE?AGreat books try to control human thought.BKepler never expected his work to be a classic.CChildren and adults appreciate great books differently.DPeople nowadays dont have enough time to read great books.( )38Great books can be read again and again because _.Athey cater for people of all levelsBthey can inspire different understandingsCit takes time to accumulate ultimate audienceDthey contain what cannot be found in other books( )39We learn from the passage that _.AReading makes a full man CWisdom in the mind is better than money in the handBIts never too old to learn DA book that is shat is but a block( )40The text is mainly about _.Ahow to choose great books Bstandard for great booksCthe power of great books Dhow to write good booksBHuman growth is a process of trial and error eventually leading to wisdom. Each time you choose to trust yourself and take action, you can never quite be certain how the situation will turn out. Sometimes you succeed, and sometimes you fail. The failed experiments, however, are no less valuable than the experiments that eventually prove successful;in fact, you usually learn more from your failures than you do from your success.If you have made a mistake or failed to live up to your own expectations, you will most likely put up a barrier between your essence and your weaknesses. However, it is not possible to learn anything meaningful while you are engaged in blaming. Therefore, forgiveness is required when you are strictly judging yourself.Forgiveness is the act of removing an emotional debt. There are four kinds of forgiveness:The first is beginner forgiveness for yourself.The second is beginner forgiveness for another.The third kind of forgiveness is advanced forgiveness of yourself. This is for serious offences, the ones you carry with deep shame when you do something that goes against your own values. In such a case, you need to work very hard at forgiving yourself for these deeds so that you can take confidence in your strong points again in the futureThis does not mean that you should rush to forgive yourself or not feel regret;but punishing yourself excessively will only creates a bigger gap between you and your value.The last and perhaps most difficult one is the advanced forgiveness of another. At some time of our life, you may have been severely wronged or hurt by another person to such a degree that forgiveness seems impossible. However, hiding anger only keeps you trapped in a miserable situation. Under such a circumstance, you should force yourself to see the bigger pictureBy doing so you will be able to shift the focus away from resentment. Only through forgiveness can you erase wrongdoing and clean the memory. When you can finally release the situation, you may come to see it as the most important part of your growth( )41Forgiveness is needed when people _.Afail to take confidence in their strong pointsBwant to erase an emotional debt of their pastCbecome too hard on themselves for their failureDput up a barrier between their essence and weaknesses( )42The author does NOT agree that _.Aforgiveness can help erase wrong doingBwe should experience more failures than successCblaming prevents people learning something meaningfulDhuman growth demands both failures and success( )43The underlined word “resentment” (Para.7) can be replaced by _.Aanger Bforgiveness Cmisery Dwrongdoing( )44The most important part of your growth takes place if you forgive _.Ayourself for your carelessness in your jobBa stranger for his mistakes and white liesCyour best friend for his mistaking you as a thiefDyourself for seriously hurting your best friend( )45The passage mainly talks about _.Asuccess and forgiveness Bpunishment and forgivenessCforgiveness and anger Dforgiveness and human growthCIts a strange phenomenon how difficult people find it to love themselves. One would think it is the easiest thing in the world, because were constantly concerned with ourselves. Were always interested in how much we can get, how well we can perform, how comfortable we can be. So with all that, why is it so difficult to actually love oneself?Loving oneself certainly doesnt mean pleasing oneself without considering othersBut sadly, loving is an attitude towards oneself that most people dont have. Thats because they know quite a few things in themselves are not so attractive to make them feel proudEverybody has many attitudes, reactions, likes and dislikes which they think they would be better off without. Judgment is made and when one likes ones positive attitudes or one dislikes the othersIn that case, we will ignore those aspects of oneself which one is not pleased with. One doesnt want to know about them or acknowledge them, which is the obstacle to growthSince the weaknesses exist and cannot be rid of, one can never take pride in himself or love himself.Another unskillful way is to dislike that part of oneself which appears negative. With that comes fear and very often aggression. If one wants to deal with oneself in a balanced way, its not useful to pretend that the unpleasant part doesnt exist. Weve all come across people like that, who are too sweet to be trueBlaming oneself doesnt work either, which makes matters twice as bad as they were before. In the above situations, one transfers ones own reactions to other people. One blames others for their weaknesses, real or imagined, or one doesnt see them as ordinary human beings.Remember, everything is considered either as perfectly wonderful or absolutely abominable. We will not suffer from disappointments and we dont have to blame, because we wont live in a world where only black or white existsLearn to love yourself and live in a real world.( )46Most people fail to love themselves because they _.Aare aware of their short-comingsBlack confidence in their strong pointsCcant make judgment about themselves or othersDhave many attitudes, reactions, likes and dislikes( )47The underline word “them” (Para. 2) refers to _.Aweaknesses Bobstacles to growthCunpleasant aspects of oneself Ddislikes of attitudes and reactions( )48Someone who wants to learn to love himself should _.Adislike his negative part Bblame himself for mistakesChide his unpleasant part Dacknowledge his weak points( )49The underlined word “abominable” (Para.4) is closest in meaning to _.Aappealing BterribleCfantasticDdoubtful( )50The purpose of the text is to _.Ablame those who dont love themselvesBtell us the world we are living in is a real oneCencourage people to love themselvesDcomfort those who dont love themselves第二节:信息匹配(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)阅读以下笔友世界网站上征友的帖子,并按要求匹配信息。Pen pats on http:/www.penpalworld.comAslim5ooh(18) USA, Hawaii Im an outdoor guy, love the beach, love sports, music, and great food! Traveling is my next plan; I want to meet people form Asia such as China, Korea, and India.Bspanky6980 (25) England, LondonNot much 2 say like 2 make new friends from all ova the world I love music sports n movies ask me anything if u wanna know murCamor495 (28) Egypt, Al Qahirahhi ALL I want to have a lot of friends from all the world I like snail mail(投递邮件)better. Write to me and Ill send you my address. DJPsD58 (21) JapanHi! Im a university student aged 21. Id like to make friends from all over the world. Id like to talk about our countries, cultures, interests and so on.ELikee (15) Korea, Gyeonggi-doHi Everyone Im a 15-year-old boy from Korea and I like to play computer games and listen to music and see movies MSN: ggxg2000dreamx.netFSmilingCat (16) France, Paris Hi! My names Alice, Im 16, I like to spend my free time with my friends, going skateboarding, dancing, and doing funny things. I like listening to R&B and hip-hop music. If you want to know more about me, just write. 以下是五个人的征友要求。请将这五个人与他们最有可能成为笔友的人配对。People who look for pen friends.( )51Alan, a 22-year-old boy, wants to have a female pen pal from Asia, because he is interested in Asian countries and their history.( )52Sandy is a Chinese girl She likes music, traveling, eating delicious food and playing sports. She wants a pen pal from America.( )53Giovanna is from Brazil. Her home is near Amazon River in South America. She wants to write letters to her pen pal because she doesnt like writing on a computer.( )54Jennifer is 16. She wants to have a pen pal who is as old as her because she thinks friends who are at the same age have the same interests. ( )55Sam loves talking with friends on the Internet via OICQ, or MSN. He thinks it too slow to write e-mails. So he wants to find a pen pal who can talk to him on the Internet.五、写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节 基础写作(共1小题,满分15分)据新闻报道,2010年2月开学的第一天,北京某中学50多名学生因仪容仪表不符合学校规定而被阻止进校。2010年9月开学,山东某中学一个13岁女生因为头发不符合学校要求而三次被赶出校门后在家中自杀。针对这些现象,假如你就“Whats your opinion on the restrictions on the students appearance?”在2600名同学中作了一个调查。以下是调查数据:态度比例理 由赞成47%只有养成良好的健康文明的习惯,才能更好地投入到学习中去反对43%限制了学生的个性发展无所谓10%只要看起来漂亮,能符合大多数人的审美标准 (aesthetic standards) 就行【写作内容】1调查的时间、问题以及调查对象; 2同学们不同的观点及其比例;3你的看法及理由。【写作要求】只能使用5个句子表达全部内容。第二节 读写任务(共1小题,满分25分)阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150个词左右的英语短文。The global rate of human population growth peaked around 1963, but the number of people living on Earthand sharing limited resources like water and food-has grown by more than twothirds since then, reaching over 6. 6 billion today. Human population is expected to be over nine billion by 2050. Environmentalists dont argue that many if not all of the environmental problemsfrom climate change to species loss, are either caused or made worse by population growth.“Trends such as the loss of half of the planets forests, the loss of most of its major fisheries, and the change of its atmosphere and climate are closely related to the fact that human population expanded from mere millions in prehistoric times to over six billion today,” says Robert Engelman of Population Action International.According to, population growth since 1950 has caused the loss of 80 percent of, the loss of tens of thousands of plant and wildlife species, an increase in greenhouse gas emissions.The group fears that in the coming decades half of the worlds population will be exposed to “waterstress” or “waterscarce” conditions, which are expected to “add difficulties to meeting consumption levels, and destroy our delicately balanced ecosystems.”【写作内容】1以约30个词概括短文的要点。2然后以约120个词就“人口增长对环境的影响”的主题发表看法,内容包括:(1)人口增长的原因。(2)人口增长带来的影响。(3)你认为应该采取什么措施控制人口增长。【写作要求】1作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事, 也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子。2作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。

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