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重点动词及相关常用表达1 act as 担任/充当; 起.作用 act on (upon):对.起作用 act in a film/play 演电影/戏 act the part /role of Hamlet扮演2. accuse sb of指控 be accused of被指控 charge sb with指控 be charged with被指控 suspect sb of怀疑 be suspected of被怀疑 be skeptical of /about 怀疑3. accompany sb = keep sb company陪伴某人 be accompanied by由 陪伴4. adapt (oneself) to 适应 be adapted from改编自adopt an orphan收养 adopt a new method/policy 采纳、采用 adjust oneself to= make adjustments to 调整以适应5. afford sth 负担得起I just cant afford the waste of time.afford to do sth 有经济条件/时间做某事; 能够去做; 担负得起 Can you afford to quit your job?6. He added that he was pleased with the result. 补充说add up 把加起来 Add all the figures up, and you get the total.add up to总计;意味着All the evidence adds up to a case of murder.addto把加在 Three added to 5 makes 8. add to 增加, 增添 The bad weather added to their difficulty .7. admit doing sth承认做了 admit sb/sth to be承认某人/物admit sb to/into允许进入 be admitted to/into被允许进入, 被录取admit of 容许; 给留有余地 His conduct admits of no excuse.8. agree to do sth (注:不能说 agree sb to do sth)agree with sb/sth 同意 I dont agree with you /what you said. 适合 The climate and food here dont agree with me.与一致 His action doesnt agree with his words.agree to sth同意/答应To tell the truth, I dont agree to your plan.agree on/upon就达成一致We couldnt agree on when to meet.in agreement with 与.一致,与.相符合 reach / arrive at / come to an agreement 达成一致9. aim to do旨在 aim at 瞄准;旨在(人作主语一般用主动)be aimed to do旨在 be aimed at旨在;针对(一般以物作主语)10. allow doing sth允许做某事allow sb to do sth允许某人做, 使某人能够(enable sb to do sth) be allowed to do sth 被允许做某事allow sb sth 容许某人有 allow the children enough free time allow for考虑到; 顾及You should allow for his youth.体谅他年轻allow of 容许有可能 The facts allow of only one explanation11. answer the phone接电话 answer the doorbell 应门铃开门answer for= be to blame for 对.负责; 因.受责备 12. appeal to 吸引某人 Jazz music doesnt appeal to me. 向上诉 appeal to court上诉法庭恳请,求助 They had no one to appeal to. appeal to sb for sth 为某事向某人提出呼吁 appeal to sb to do sth.呼吁某人做某事The game has lost its appeal. 吸引力13. apply for申请/应聘apply to向提出申请 apply to sb/sth 适用于 applyto把应用于(to为介词) apply the theory to practiceapply ones mind to=apply oneself to 专注于;致力于 14. appreciate doing sth 感激/欣赏. We appreciate your helping us. Id appreciate it+从句: 感激 Id appreciate it if you could come.15. Summer is approaching 接近 approach the problem. 处理问题the approach to (doing) sth 对待或处理的方式/方法16. 比较:arise from = result from 由引起 lie in 在于 lead to=result in 导致17. attachto把贴/附在上attach oneself to = be attached to依附于; 热爱/依恋attach great importance to 格外重视18. attempt to do sth =make an attempt to do sth尝试/试图做attempt at= make an attempt at 企图做,试做事They made no attempt to escape / at escaping19. attend a meeting / a lecture /a concert / school /classes 参加,出席attend on sb 照顾,侍候 attend to 注意; 留意 , 处理,照看 20. ban= put a ban on .禁止/取缔banfrom 禁止.做21 base on把.基于We need facts on which to base our theory.be based on依据; 根据改编 The film is based on a famous novel.22. bear your weight承载 bear the heavy burden of 担负负担bear fruits结果实 bear a baby 孕育/生育cant bear to do /doing sth不能忍受做某事23. 比较: believe sb相信某人说的话 believe in sb信任某人(人品)24. benefit = be of benefit to = be beneficial to .有益于 benefit from 得益于 25.比较:be to blame for应该受责备/应负责任(无被动)be blamed for因受到了责备 blame on sb把责任推给 take the blame负责任 26. break out (vi) 爆发;逃出(无被动) break through突围, 突破break away (from):脱离/逃脱/摆脱break down分解;出故障; 失败;崩溃;感情上失去控制break up 打碎/破碎; 驱散 ; 分手 The couple broke up after a quarrel. break up into分裂成 /分解为Sentences can be broken up into clauses. break of:折断;中断, 停止说话(He broke off in the middle of the talk)break into: 闯入(vt) (The office was broken into) break in 闯入(vi)The burglar broke in and stole my money.打断/插嘴 Dont break in when I am speaking27. bring sb sth =bring sth to sb把带给某人 bring us convenience/comfortbring down (vt)使倒下,使下降 bring down the price/the trees)bring forward 提出; 把提前 (=put forward)bring in获利/赚; 介绍/引进bring in new technology bring up教育/培养;培育;呕吐了bring up his lunch bring off 办成功(=carry off)It was difficult, but we brought it off. bring on 使发展/前进/成长;引起/导致(=bring about) bring on a fever bring round/around 使苏醒 try to bring him round bring sb around/round to使改变主张接受 bring out 使显露 ;出版,推出 bring out one new book each month.比较:bring about 带来/致使(vt) come about 发生,产生(vi)28比较: burst in (vi)闯入;突然发作 Tom burst in suddenly. burst into (vt) 闯进某处 The robber burst into the bank.突然起来 burst into laughter/tears burst out 闯出; 突发 burst out laughing/crying burst forth:突然喷出; 突然出现29. We are of the same build.(身材; 体格)build up 逐步建立; 增进,增强 build up ones self -confidence 30. call sb up=ring sb up打电话 call/ring sb back 回电话 call in邀请;召来 call off =cancel 取消 call on sb= drop in on sb拜访某人 call on sb to do sth号召/呼吁某人做某事call at sp=drop in at sp拜访某地 call for 需要, 要求; 呼吁 ; 邀请/约请某人Ill call for you at 8 p.m.31. I dont care who will be elected. 介意/在乎;关心care for 喜欢 ; 照顾/照料 (=take care of=look after= attend on) care about 关心/在意 I dont care about the price.32. carry sth with sb 携带 carry out 实行/执行,实现 carry off夺去,使丧命,成功/顺利度过 carry through 完成;坚持下去 carry about 带着;随身携带 carry on 继续进行; 坚持下去carry on with sth=go on with sth33catch hold of 抓住、握住 catch sight of 看到be caught in a traffic jam / in rain 陷入,被困于; 遭遇catch on 理解 Hes always the last to catch on.变得流行It is a nice song and it will catch on quickly.钩住,卡住 How did his coat catch on a nail34. 比较 cause sb/sth to do , make sb do sth ; make sb/sth +adj/n 而cause后不能接形容词作补语the cause of; the reason for his devotion to the cause of education事业35. charge the battery 充电 charge sb with sth指控 be charged with.被指控charge (sb) some money for. 因收费/索价.free of charge =for free免费 take charge (of)负责 比较: (be) in charge of对负责 (be) in the charge of由负责 36. choke off 使中止;阻止/压制 The girl talked endlessly and her mother choke her off.choke up 闷住/说不出话来(be choked up对心烦)choke back/down 抑制/强忍住choke back the tears/anger (=hold back) 36.claim 断言;宣称They claimed to have discovered a new planet. 夺命 The earthquake claimed 3000 lives. 索赔; 认领Does anyone claim this luggage?37clean up 收拾干净/扫除(clean up the room)clear up 清理(clear up the table)澄清/解决( clear up the mystery/misunderstanding(天)放晴 Its very likely to clear up by and by.clear away 把.清除掉 clear away the rubbish/ misunderstanding38. close down (工厂等)关闭/倒闭; 停止播送get close to 靠近Id like to get close to nature.be close to靠近,接近于(to为介词)we should be close to finishing it 几乎、差一点 I was closed to being killed in the fire.39. come to ones help/aid /rescue来帮/救某人come to life 苏醒过来(= come to oneself); 活跃起来come to see/realize/understand(渐渐/最终)意识到/了解come out显露/结果是 Her best qualities come out in a crisis. 发表/出版(vi) When will his article come out?come up 走上前来; 发生/出现/长出 Problems havent come up yet. come up with 想出 come up with a creative ideacome about发生,产生(vi) How did this come about?come off 脱落/分开A button has come off my coat结果/表现 He always comes off badly in fights.come on 快点;别这样;得了吧;来吧!(表催促, 鼓励;讽剌;挑衅) come across 偶然遇到(run into/knock into/meet with)come down 倒下/下降; 病倒 (come down with fever) come along 跟着来; 进展/好转(Mothers coming along nicely)come to 总共/共计;涉及/谈及 ; 突然想起 come true 实现(vi) My dream came true =I have realized my dream come into being/existence产生,出现40. commit a crime/a mistake/suicide犯(罪/错);自杀commit sb/oneself to doing sth保证/承诺; 致力于be committed to doing sth保证/承诺; 致力于41. comparewith/to .把和相比:compareto把比喻为: compared to/with= in comarison with与相比 (做状语)make comparisons (with)进行比较42. be concerned about/for关注;担忧; 挂念 be concerned with与有关; 与有牵连,参与concerning (=about = concerned with) prep. 关于 raise /show ones concern about 引起/显示某人对的关注/担心43 “与相关”的表达be connected with = be related to= be linked to/with=have a link with=be concerned with=be associated with=have something to do with44. consider doing sth考虑做某事 consider sb/sth to be/as.认为某人/物.be considered to do/ to be /as被认为takeinto consideration/account把考虑在内considering鉴于,考虑到45. consult a dictionary= refer to a dictionary查阅、参考consult sb on/ about sth. 向征求意见,就向请教46. contribute v. 贡献 contribute to= make contributions to对做贡献促成; 造成 contribute to peace / her death捐献/赠 We contributed $5000 to the earthquake fund.投稿 She contributed a lot of articles to the magazine.47. convince sb of sth使某人信服 be convinced of确信;相信convince sb to do sthpersuade sb to do sth/into doing sth说服某人try to persuade sb to do sth = advise sb to do sth 劝说某人做某事48. correspond to sth 与相符 correspond with sb 和.通信49. That mistake almost cost him his life. 使某人付出代价/失去at the cost of 以.为代价 at all costs不惜代价50. We covered 100 kilometers in a day.走完/行程达His book covers various fields.涉及 cover the World cup采访、报道cover an area of占面积 cover the cost expenses支付51. cure sb of 治好某人病, 除掉某人的不良习惯find a cure for cancer There is no cure for AIDS.52. cut away切掉;跑开 cut out删去;戒掉坏习惯 cut across 走捷径 cut in 插嘴/打断; (汽车)抢道 cut up切碎,割碎,剪碎She cut up the carrots 使伤心,使悲痛This news cut him up badly.cut through穿过;穿透The bitter wind cut through his jacket. 斜穿过,抄近路穿过Lets cut through the woodscut off 切掉,割掉,砍掉 cut off a piece of bread and gave it to me使隔绝 The village was cut off.by the snow.中断(电话)We were cut off in the middle of conversation.切断 A storm that cut off power to the whole region53. Please date your letters to me 写上/注明日期Toms been dating Alice for two years.约会date back to=date from追溯到(一般用一般现在时,无被动)out of date 过时的, 过期的 up to date 最近的, 最新的54. It is a deal一言为定;成交deal in 经营/买卖 deal in tea deal with应付/处理 How will you deal with the waste materials?与.交往/做生意Ive dealt with that company for ten years.论及/涉及This chapter deals with the problem of corruption.55. deliver goods送货 deliver mail投递邮件deliver a speech发表(讲话/演讲) deliver a baby接生56. It/That depends 那要看情况 depend on 依靠,依赖, 信任(=rely on) ; 取决于 depend on sb to do sth依靠/信任某人做某事be dependent on依赖; 取决于 be independent of 独立于之外57. determine on/upon sth 决定/确定 determine on the date and placehave the determination to do决心干.比较: determine to do sth下决心/决定做某事 be determined to do sth坚定坚决要做某事 57. develop the habit of培养习惯, develop an interest in培养兴趣develop a new product开发/研制 develop a film冲洗(照片)with the development of伴随着的发展58. devote time/effort/life /oneself to=be devoted to致力于; 热爱his devotion to teaching他对教育的奉献/热受58 . die of. 死于(疾病/情感等内在原因) die from死于(强调外部原因,也可接具体病名) die out 消失,灭绝 die off 相继死亡die down减弱/平息 die away(声/风/光)慢慢变弱/渐渐消失 be dying for sth; be dying to do sth 渴望 59. differ in =be different in 在某一方面不同differ from =be different from与不同tell the difference (betweenand)区别make a /no difference (to)有/无影响/起(重要)作用59. dig up 挖出/采掘; 发现/揭露 dig into 深入钻研dip into 浸在.里;稍加研究/翻阅 digest what I had heard.消化;领悟 Readers Digest摘要/文摘chew 咀嚼; 细想,深思 swallow吞下; 轻信,轻易接受59 distinguish between A and B=distinguish A from B 区分A和B = tell A from B= tell the difference between A and B60. “穿” 的表达dress sb/oneself in sth给某人穿衣 be dressed in sth 穿put on sth穿 (强调动作) haveon穿着(表状态,无进行时态) wear sth穿着(表状态,有进行时态) try sth on 试穿 61. The car can do 120 miles an hour 达到I do biology at a university 学习/研究 The steak is well done/overdone.烧得很透/烧焦了Your shoes wont do for climbing. 足够/适合Will next Friday do for our meeting? 行/可以do a room/the bed整理 do the dishes洗碗 do the flowers 插花 do away with = get rid of摆脱/废除 do without:不用/应付没有的情况 He cant go without a secretary do up 扣上 do up your buttons; 整理 do up the house 打扮do oneself up 包裹 gifts done up in paper. do with 处理(与what连用)What are you going to do with the books? do sb good/wrong/harm =do good/wrong/harm to sb62. draw up a plan拟定计划 draw near/close临近draw out a gun拿出一只枪 draw ones attention吸引某人draw some money from the bank提取(金钱) 63. He dropped medicine. 放弃 (=give up)drop out 退出,退学; 离队 drop off 减少; 让下车;入睡drop in on sb=call on sb=visit sb=pay a visit to sb 走访、拜访drop in at sp=call at sp=visit sp=pay a visit to spdrop sb a line 写封短信给某人64. encourage/inspire sb to do sth鼓励某人做某事discourage sb from doing sth阻止/阻拦某人做某事 Her latest book was inspired by her trip to India.启发,给人灵感 65. 比较:come to an end (vi)结束 put an end to =put/bring to an end (vt)结束end up doing sth 结果做了(含意外之意) We were going to go out, but ended up watching videos.end up in failure/debt/prison最终/结果(接一些贬义词)end up as结果成了 He ended up as a teacher.end (up )with以结束 well end up with some fruit.66. enter the office 进入某地 (及物动词,不加into)enter the information输入信息 enter for= enter ones name for.报名参加 67. equip with用.装备 be equipped with装备有 be armed with用武装;装备有.68.expect to do sth;expect sb to do sth 预料/盼望expect sth of sb对某人有的期望 Dont expect too much of me. as expected象预料的那样 than expected比预期的69face the south /danger /difficulty 面向,面对,面临be faced with danger /a difficult situation 面临; 面对 face the music勇敢地面对困难;接受应得的惩罚70. fail to do sth失败,没能做某事 反义词:manage to do sthfail (in) sth失败;不及格fail sb 使某人不及格/失望 e failed his children by not coming.Words failed me我讲不出话来.power failure电力故障 liver failure肝脏衰竭71. fall off 从跌落;下降 fall over变得跌倒; 绊了一跤 fall to pieces 快要垮掉 fall behind落后 fall apart崩溃;破碎 fall asleep/ill/silent睡着/病倒/安静下来fall on发生在; 定在某时 Christmas falls on December 25.72. fill in 填充;填补 fillwith给装满 be filled with = be fulll of 装满,充满73. 比较:fit sb 合某人的身(尺寸/大小) suit sb适合某人(颜色/式样等其他方面)be fit for.=be suitable for=be suited to适合 be fit to do sth适合做74. fix a date for确定日期 fix/focus ones attention/eye on注意 focus on以.为焦点;集中于fix an old car安装;修理75. I didnt quite follow; could you explain it again? 听得懂follow ones advice听某人意见 follow the custom遵循/从风俗follow the fashion/trend赶时尚 follow ones example学习榜样follow the instructions按说明/指导做 follow in ones footsteps以某人为榜样;步某人的后尘76. 比较: forbid doing sth禁止做某事forbid sb to do sth = forbid sb from doing sthprohibit from 77. force sb to do sth强迫/迫使某人做某事 make sb do sthbe forced to do sth=be made to do sth被迫做某事 效法某人;以某人为榜样;步某人的后尘follow sb.s lead, follow in sb.s foot steps78. get together 聚会 get it 口语听懂,理解:get in=harvest 收割,收集 get away from 逃离;摆脱get down to doing 开始,着手 get on/along进展;相处 get on/along with sth在进展 How are you getting on with your studies.get on/along with sb 与某人相处 get along well with her roommatesget round 四处走动 Its easy in this city to get round by bus.(消息)传开来The news got round quickly避免One way to get round this is by setting up a trust说服某人Tina can always get round her fatherget round to doing sth 终于去做; 找到时间去做. I havent even got round to unpacking from my holiday yet.get across (to sb) 使.(被某人)理解;解释/传达 It took me an hour to get my intention across( to her). get through做完; 通过; 接通电话Im sorry you failed to get through the mid-term test. (通过)We have a lot of work to get through this week (完成 )get through to打通电话I cant get through to the manager.(使)被理解/接受I cant get through to her that she must rest.79. give off 放出 give off waste gas give rise to引起,导致 give birth to生育 give way to 给让路,对让步give up sth/doing sth 放弃,停止做某事give away赠送,捐赠She gave away large sum of money to charity.分送,颁发The headmaster gave away our diplomas(文凭) 泄露出卖Her look gave her secret away give in (to): (向 )屈服/让步 give in to the childrens demands give out vi 用尽;精疲力竭 vt. 分发 ;发表/布;发出(气味/热) 80. go red/pale/hungry/mad/blind/bad/wrong变为(系动词) Where does this teapot go? 安放/放置Half of our money goes to food. 花费/用在There are still ten days to go before Christmas还有十天We have a long way to go before we can succeed (还有很多事情要做)on the go忙碌, (整天)奔忙 have a go (at) 试图(尝试) go too far 太过分了 go with相配; 与协调go down 下降 (vi) go up (vi)升起/上涨 go by路过(某地),(时间)过去 go out (火)熄灭, 过时了 go over 复习,检查 go against违背,反对,不利于 go without.没有也行 go around四处活动;传播/传开 go on 进行; 发生 go on with sth=continue sth继续go on to do sth继续(另一件事) go on doing sth继续(同一件事)go all out 全力以赴 go in for sports:参加; 从事鼓足干劲,全力以赴go for broke, go whole hog go through经历/经受After all shes gone hrough, she grew silent.仔细查看Dave went through his pockets looking for keys从头到尾阅读Could you go through the fire and correct errors被批准/通过Your application has gone through. go off 离开,(水电等)被切断The power went off during the high wind.爆炸,被发射,变差/变质Dont eat that pork, its going off.81. give a hand to sb=give sb a hand帮某人 hand over 移交 hand down把传下去 hand sb sth=hand sth to sb hand in 交上,递交 hand out 分发,散发 82 hang on 坚持下去/缠住不放 hang about闲荡,徘徊,逗留hang out出外玩儿, 闲逛 hang back犹豫(踊跃不前,畏缩)hang offf挂断电话;放开 hang up挂断电话 83. Trade helps the development of industry .促进/助长 Ill not give you any trouble if I can help it. 阻止/避免cant help doing sth禁不住 cannot help oneself不能自制 help oneself to随便吃/取用 help sb out 救助,协助(渡过难关) help (to ) do sth有助于/帮助 help/aid/assist sb todo sthhelp/ assist sb with sth assist/aid sb (in) doing sth with the help/aid /assistance of在的帮助下, 借助于 be of help to sb= be a help to sb=be helpfu to sb 对有帮助84. You may hold your opinion保留Hold your eyes open, dont let anyone go in or out. 使保持某种状态How many people will your jeep hold ? 容纳,装得下Now he holds the position of Foreign Minister. 占据,担任:held the belief /opinion /view that从句 持有信念/见解等 hold up 拿起/举起; 阻挡 hold back阻止抑制; 扣留/隐瞒 hold on别挂(电话); 坚持住 hold on to:牢牢抓住; 保留, 不放弃hold out 坚持到胜利/维持 hold off 延误; 推迟(=delay/put off)85. impress sb with给某人留下印象 be impressed with/by对印象深 leave an impression on sb给某人留下印象 86. inform sb + that从句 inform sb to do sth通知某人做某事inform sb of /about sth 告诉/通知 be informed of sthkeep sb informed of sth随时让某人了解某事比较: remind sb of/about sth提醒;使记起 remind sb to do sth提醒某人做某事87. “伤害, 破坏”的表达injure 伤害,损害(尤其指意外或事故中受伤)wound受伤,伤害(尤其指打斗、战斗中的刀伤,枪伤)hurt 伤害,使伤心(常用词,可指情感上的伤害)疼痛 My legs hurt badly. harm 伤害;损害(可接健康,眼睛,名誉等物体) harm=do harm to = be harmful to damage 损害,毁坏 (接物体) damage =do /cause damage to destroy 毁坏,毁灭,摧毁(程度深, 无法修复) ruin 毁灭;使破产 (无法修复; 常接事业,末来, 等抽象名词)88.比较: insist on doing sth坚持 stick to sth坚持 insist +从句:坚决要求应该做(用should do 表虚拟) He insisted that the plan (should )be carried out immediately. insist +从句:坚持认为/坚持某种说法(不用虚拟) She insisted that she hadnt stolen the money.89. Sb + intend to do sth 某人打算做某事intend sb/sth to do 打算/想要做 He didnt intend her to see the painting until it was finished.be intended to do以做为打算/意图; 旨在. These regulations are intended to prevent accidents. be intended for sb/sth 专为设计; 专供使用; 针对The chair was intended for you, but she took it away.be intended as 被打算/用来充当That remark was intended as a joke.那句话本来只是个玩笑。90. 比较: join a club/party(组织); join in the talk(活动)join sb加入到某人中 join sb in doing sth加入某人一起做91. T

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