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北京市石景山区2010年初三第一次统一练习暨毕业考试英语试卷20105第一部分听力理解(共24分)一、听对话,选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话读两遍。(共4分,每小题1分)二、听对话或独自,根据对话或独白的内容,选择正确答案。每段对话或独白读两遍。(共12分。每小题1分)请听一段对话,回答第5至第6小题。5How is the woman after the long trip?AOKBTiredCSleepy6Where does the dialogue happen?AAt the airportBAt the bus stopCAt the train station请听一段对话,回答第7至第8小题。7When will the man go to the concert ?AOn ThursdayBOn FridayCOn Sunday 8How much does the man have to pay?A$30B$90C$ 100 请听一段对话,回答第9至第10小题。9Where is the man going?ATo a police stationBTo a repair shopCTo a book store10What is the dialogue mainly about?AFinding a placeBRepair shopCBuying some books请听一段对话,回答第11至第13小题。11What surprises the girl most about the school?AA lot of discussions in classBTeachers giving no homeworkCFew students asking questions in class.12When does the dialogue most probably happen?AAt the end of the school term BIn the middle of the school term CAt the beginning of the school term13What do we know about the girl?AShe seems new to the schoolBShe writes for the school newspaperCShe never asks questions in class请听一段独自,回答第14至第16小题。14What do the students come to the school for?AVisiting the school buildingsBHaving summer coursesC. A sight-seeing tour of the area.15Why is Mr. Frank mentioned in the text?AHe is good at scienceBHe built the school 20 years agoCHe knows the school very well.16How many hours is the building open a day?A7 hoursB8 hoursC:9 hours三、听对话,记录关键信息,在相应的位置上作答。对话读两遍。(共8分。每小题2分)请根据所听到的内容和表格中的提示词语,将所缺的关键信息填写在下面的横线上。第二部分语言知识运用(共27分)四、选择填空(共15分,每小题1分)从下列各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21. Do you know Alice? Yes. I know _ very well.A. sheB. herC. hersD. herself22. Excuse me. _ is the nearest supermarket? Go along the street and you will see it.A. WhereB. WhenC. WhyD. What23. When it rains, I go to school _ bus instead of on foot.A. onB. ofC. byD. at 24.He got up late this morning, _ he missed the first train.A. becauseB. orC. butD. so25.Mum and Dad are _ movie lovers. They often go to the cinema together.A. allB. neitherC. eitherD. both26.There _ some old people taking a walk in the park every morning.A. isB. hasC. areD. have 27. Shall we go skating after school? Sorry, I _ be at home A. mustB. mayC. canD. could28.Our teachers always tell us _ more English in and out of class.A. speakB. spokeC. to speakD. speaking29.Taiwan is _ island of China. I hope to visit it soon.A. bigB. biggerC. biggestD. the biggest30. Were you at home at 7 oclock last night? Yes, I _ TV at that time.A. watchB. was watchingC. watchedD. am watching31.Every year many foreigners _ to China to learn Chinese.A. comeB. have comeC. cameD. will come32.A talk on Chinese history _ in our school hall next Monday.A. givesB. gaveC. is givenD. will be given33. Wheres Miss Lin? Shes not here. She _ to the airport to meet her uncle.A. will goB. was goingC. has goneD. goes34. You _ much better if you are more careful next time.A. doB. are doingC. didD. will do35. Excuse me, could you tell me _? Sorry, sir. I wasnt there at that time.A. how did the accident happenB. how the accident happenedC. how does the accident happenD. how the accident happens五、完形填空(共12分,每小题1分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、c、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。A light rain was falling as I ran by a gas station which was closed for Christmas. I noticed a family standing outside the locked door. I 36 why they were there but then forgot about them as I ran to keep up with Jill.Once we got home, there was just no time to 37 our Christmas gifts. We had to go off to grandparents house for our Christmas dinner. As we drove down the highway through town, I noticed that the family was still there, standing outside the closed gas station.My father was driving very slowly down the highway. Suddenly, he 38 the car and decided to give the family a hand. My father asked them 39 they were waiting for the bus and the man said yes. They were going to Birmingham, where he had a brother and hoped to find a job. “Well, that bus isnt going to come along for several hours.” My father said, “You can get in the car and Ill 40 you up to Winborn Station where youve got a shed(小棚) with a cover.”The whole family climbed into the car. Once they 41 , my father asked the children if Father Christmas had found them yet. Three glum(愁闷的) faces gave him the 42 .“Well,” my father said, winking(使眼色) at my mother, “When I saw Father Christmas this morning, he told me that he was having 43 finding you all, and he asked me if he could leave your toys at 44 house. Well just go to get them before I take you to the next bus stop.”All at once, the three childrens faces 45 up, and they began to talk happily in the back seat.When we got out of the car and entered our house, the three children ran straight to the toys under the Christmas tree. One of the girls got Jills doll and the little boy grabbed Sharons ball. The other girl picked up something of mine.My mother noticed that the middle child was wearing a 46 dress, so she gave the girl Jills longer sweater to wear.My father invited them to join us at our grandparents for Christmas dinner, but the parents 47 . We left them there at the bus stop in Winborn. As we drove away, I watched out the window as long as I could, looking back at the little girl hugging her new doll.36. A. explainedB. suggestedC. checkedD. wondered37. A. buyB. enjoyC. findD. pass38. A. movedB. racedC. startedD. stopped39. A. whetherB. whenC. whereD. why40. A. keepB. runC. makeD. call41. A. set outB. picked upC. came upD. got in42. A. smileB. worryC. answerD. word43. A. troubleB. angerC. chanceD. choice44. A. yourB. myC. theirD. his 45. A. burnedB. warmedC. wokeD. lit46. A. warmB. cheapC. shortD. new47. A. refusedB. acceptedC. doubtedD. avoided第三部分 阅读理解(共44分)六、阅读短文选择最佳选项(共26分,每小题2分)根据所给材料的信息或短文内容,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。AKings Summer School is a training program for students who want to improve their English. It will be from July 25 to August 15. More information is as follows: Application(申请)dateCoursesStudents in New York, before July 21, 2010 Students of other cities, before July 16, 2010 Foreign students, before July 10, 2010English LanguageSpoken English: 22 hoursReading and Writing: l0 hoursAmerican History: 16 hoursAmerican Culture: 16 hoursStepsCostA letter of self-introduction A letter of recommendation(推荐) Daily lessons: $200Sports and activities: $100Hotel service: $400Please write to:Thompson, Sanders1026 Kings StreetNew York, NY 10016, USAE-mail: KC-Summer-School yahoo. com48. When should the foreign students send their applications?A. Before July 21, 2010.B. Before July 16, 2010.C. Before July 10, 2010.D. Before July 25, 2010.49. How much will the daily lessons cost?A. $100.B. $200.C. $300.D. $400.50. You can most probably read the text in_.A. a newspaperB. a telephone bookC. a story bookD. a hotel introductionBGrowing up in Philadelphia, Lieberman started cooking with his dad when he was seven. His family had two kitchens, and he quickly learned what was the best way to bake his cakes. Lieberman improved his kitchen skills greatly during a year before college, learning from a cook in Italy and studying local food in France. At Yale, he was known for throwing dinner parties, single-handedly cooking while making drinks for many friends. Just for fun, he and some friends decided to tape a show about his cooking. Lieberman was a real college student showing his classmates how to do things like making drinks. That helped the show become very popular among the students. They would stop Lieberman after classes to ask for his advice on cooking. Tapes of the show were passed around, and then his name went to the Food Network.Food Network producer Flay hopes the young cook will find a place on the network television. He says Liebermans charisma(号召力) is a key. “Food TV isnt about food anymore,” says Flay. “Its about your personality (个性) and finding a way to keep peoples eyeballs on your show.”But Lieberman isnt putting all his eggs in one basket. After taping the first season of the new show, Lieberman was back in his own small kitchen preparing sandwiches. An airline company was looking for someone to make tasteful, cheap and easy-to-make food to serve on its flights. Lieberman got the job.51. Where did Lieberman improve his kitchen skills greatly before college?A. In Italy and France.B. In Italy and America.C. On the Food Network.D. In an airline company.52. The Food Network got to know Lieberman _.A. at one of his partiesB. from his teachersC. through his taped showD. on a TV program53. Why did the airline company give Lieberman the job?A. He could prepare meals in a small kitchen.B. He was famous for his shows on Food TV.C. He was good at using eggs to make sandwiches.D. He could cook cheap, delicious and simple meals.CIn modern society there is a lot of disagreement about competition. Some value it highly, believing that it is good for social progress. Others say that competition is bad. It sets one person against another. And it leads to unfriendly relationship between people.I have taught many children who believe that their self-worth depended on how well they did at tennis and other skills. For them, playing well and winning are often life-and-death matters. In their single-minded dream of success, the development of many other human qualities(品质) is sadly forgotten. However, while some seem to be lost in the desire(渴望) to succeed, others take a different attitude. In a culture which values only the winners, they are strongly against competition. Among the most vocal are youngsters who are under competitive pressures(压力) from their parents or society. They are always told to be the top ones, but they think its really hard. When I teach these young people, I often find them in a desire to fail. They seem to search for failure(失败) by not trying to win or achieve success. By not trying, they always have an excuse: “I may have lost, but it doesnt matter because I really didnt try. If I had tried and lost, that would mean a lot. ” Clearly, this belief is the same as that of the true competitors who try to prove themselves. Both are based on the mistaken belief. They think ones self-respect depends on how well one does compared with others. Both are afraid of not being valued. Only as this fear begins to dissolve (消除) can we discover a new meaning in competition.54. Why do some people welcome competition according to the passage?A. It pushes society forward.B. It improves ones abilities.C. It develops human qualities.D. It builds up friendly relationship. 55. The underlined phrase “the most vocal” in Paragraph 3 means _.A. those who try their best to winB. those who value competition most highlyC. those who depend on others most for success D. those who are against competition most strongly56. Which of the following may the writer agree to?A. Every effort should be paid back.B. Competition should be encouraged.C. Winning should be a life-and-death matter.D. Fear of failure should be taken away in competition.57. What does this passage mainly talk about?A. Competition helps to set up self-respect.B. Competition is bad for social development.C. Ideas about competition are different among people.D. Failures are necessary experiences in competition.DImagine youre at a party full of strangers. Youre nervous. Who are these people? How do you start a conversation? Luckily, youve got a thing that sends out energy at small chips(芯片) in everyones name tag(标签).The chips send back name, job, hobbieswhatever. Making new friends becomes simple.This hasnt quite happened in real life. But the world is already experiencing a new age of using RFID technology.An RFID tag with a small chip can be fixed in a product, under your pets skin(皮肤), even under your own skin. Some RFID tags have no energy source because they do not need it. The energy comes from a scanning device(扫描装置), which sends out energy and starts up the tag immediately.Such a tag carries information to that object, and the information can be renewed. Already, RFID technology is used for recognizing(识别) each car or truck on the road and it might appear in your passport. Doctors may put a small chip under the skin to get a patients medical records. At a nightclub in Paris or in New York the same chip might get you to pay for the bill with the wave of an arm.Take a step back: 10 or 12 years ago, you would have heard about the coming age of computing. One example always seemed to surface: Your refrigerator would know when you needed to buy more milk. The idea was that computer chips could be put everywhere and send information in a smart network that would make life simpler.RFID tags are a small part of this situation. “The world is going to be a connected set of personal small devices.” predicts Dr. J. Reich. But some people are nervous about the possibilities of such technology. It goes too far tracking(跟踪)school kids through RFID tags, they say. When Marconi invented radio, he thought it would be used for ship-to-shore communication, not for pop music. Who knows how RFID and other technologies will be used in the future. Heres a wild guess: Not for buying milk.58. We know from the passage that with the help of RFID tags, people_.A. wont feel shy at parties any longer B. will have more time to make friends C. will have more energy for conversationD. will have no trouble getting information about others59. We can infer from the last paragraph that RFID technology_.A. will not be used for such matters as buying milkB. will be widely used, including for buying milkC. will be limited to communication usesD. will probably be used for pop music60. The writer writes this passage to _.A. predict the uses of RFID technology B. help people be certain of the uses of RFID technology C. explain the good points brought about by RFID technologyD. warn people of the possible danger in using RFID technology七.阅读还原句子(共8分,每小题2分)阅读下面短文,从短文后方框中所给的五个句子中选出四个,分别填入文中相应的序号后,使短文语义连贯,结构完整。When you are learning English, listening, speaking and writing are important, but reading can also be very helpful. Here are some good reading tips. 61. _ Read something that you can understand. If you need to stop every three words to use a dictionary, it is not interesting. Try to increase the number of your new words. If there are four or five new words on a page, write them in your notebook. 62. _ Instead, try to guess their meaning as you read: mark them with a pen. Then come back when you have finished reading to look them up in a dictionary and write them in your own vocabulary book. Then try to remember them. Try to read regularly(定期地). 63. _ Fifteen minutes every day is better than two hours every Sunday. Fix a time to read and keep to it. You could read for fifteen minutes when you go to bed, or when you get up or at lunchtime. Read what interests you. Choose a book or a magazine about a subject that you like, because you are going to spend time and money reading it. 64. _ You can also read newspapers. There are many English newspapers in China. It is easy enough to understand and also there is something interesting in it.A. So, choose an interesting book.B. Try to read at the right level.C. For example, read for a short time once a day.D. But you dont have to write them while you read. E. You should read as much as you can. 八、阅读与表达(共10分,每小题2分)阅读短文,根据其内容回答问题。Do you want to know more cultures about other countries? Here are some messages you may be interested in.Taking off your shoes or notIts bad manners to take off your shoes at the door of a London dinner party. But in Asia if you dont take off your shoes before entering a home, you are not polite enough.What you should do instead: If you see a row of shoes at the door, take off your shoes. If not, keep the shoes on.Talking over dinnerIn some countries, like Japan, dont start talking while everyone else is having dinner. Youll meet with silence not because your group is unfriendly, but because mealtime is for eating, not talking. Also dont talk in places like churches in Europe.What you should do instead: Keep quiet!Knowing your right from your leftSome cultures in Africa and the Middle East still like to eat in traditional ways using their hands. When people eat in this way, food is often offered for several people to share at the same time. That is why its important to wash your hands before eating. While eating, you have to follow the rule: Eat using your right hand, and use your left hand to do other things. Another thing to remember: Eat the food thats closest to you. Dont put your hand into the center of the table.What You Should Do Instead: Follow the others and use your right hand. Even children who are left-handed in this culture are taught to eat with their right hands. If you really cant, explain yourself to others before you eat.65. Is it good manners to take off your shoes at the door of a London dinner party?66. Why do Japanese people keep silent while eating?67. What is important in Africa and the Middle East before eating?68. How many rules should you remember while eating in Africa?69. What does the passage mainly talk about?第四部分书面表达(共25分)九、根据中文意思完成句子(共10分,每小题2分)70. 明天是周六,为什么不和我一块参加“地球一小时”活动呢?Its Saturday tomorrow. _ join “Earth Hour” event with me?71. 要下雨了,你最好快点回家。 Its going to rain. _ go home quickly. 72. 工人们直到完成了国庆60年大典的所有准备工作才离开。 The workers _ they finished all the work of Chinas 60th National celebration.73. 对我们来说,学会与人相处是很重要的。 how to get on well with others.74. 她是如此地喜欢听音乐,以至于花很多钱去买CD。She _ CDs. 十、文段表达。(共15分)75根据中文大意和英文提示词语,写出意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于60词的短文。所给英文提示词供选用。注意:不要写出自己的真实校名和姓名。电视占据了青少年过多的空闲时间,影响着他们的健康成长。某英语杂志开展了“关闭电视一周(TV - Turnoff Week)”的主题征文活动。请你以“My TV - Turnoff Week”为题写一篇文章投稿,谈谈你目前看电视的现状(如节目、时间等),关闭电视后的活动安排以及你这样做的理由。提示词语: TV program, sports show, spend, swimming, keep healthy, interesting北京市石景山区2010九年级综合练习(一) 英语试卷参考答案一、二听力:(共16分,每题1分)1. C 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. A 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. B 10. A 11. C 12.C 13.A 14.B 15. C 16. B 三、记录关键信息:(共8分,每题2分)17. 25 18. Friday afternoon 19. Hosegood 20. Apple Town 四、单项选择:(共15分,每题1分)21. B 22. A 23. C 24.D 25. D 26.C 27. A 28. C 29. D 30. B 31. A 32.D 33. C 34. D 35. B 五、完形填空:(共12分,每题1分)36. D 37. B 38. D 39. A 40. B 41. D 42. C 43. A 44.B 45. D 46. C 47. A 六、阅读选择:(共26分,每题2分) (A) 48. C 49. B 50. A (B) 51. A 52. C 53. D (C) 54. A 55. D 56. D (D) 57. C 58. D 59. B 60.A 七、阅读还原:(共8分,每题2分)61. B 62. D 63. C 64. A 八、阅读表达:(共10分,每题2分)65. No./ No, it isnt.

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