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2015-2016学年第二学期闸北高一年级英语统考试卷(总分:100分 时间: 90分钟)I. Listening Comprehension (每题1分,共16分)Part A Longer conversationIn part A, you will hear two longer conversations. Each conversation will be read twice. After the conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard.Blanks 1 throngh 4 are haqed on Diaiotnm 1Taxi order form:Name:Morgan, AliceTime:(1) , December 20th.Pickup location:(2) , airvort.Taxi fees:3.5 dollars/first 2 kin, after that 1 dollar/kinPlus (3) order fee.Contact number(4) .Write no more than TWO WORDS for each blank.Blanks 5 through 8 are based on Dialomae 2On what date was International Nurses Day?On (5) .What did Florence Nightingale found?(6) What do doctors send nurses on the Day?(7) What nurses want most on the Day?(8) fxom patients.Write no more than THREE WORDS for each blank.Part B PassagesDirections: In part B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked four questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice but the questions will be spoken only once.When you hear a question, read the four possible answers in your paper and decide which would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 9-12 are based on Passage 1.9. A. At 10:07p.m. B. At 10:20p.m. C.At ll:37p.m. D. At ll:57p.m.10. A. Mechanic failure. B. Hot weather. C. Regular Maintenance. D. Bomb attack.11. A. The snow. B. Machinery fault. C. Order of the Palace. D. A fire.12. A. 1.5 ton. B. 13 ton. C. 90 ton. D. 315 ton.Questions 13-16 are based on Passage 2.13. A. Frozen meat B. Butter. C. Crisps D. Dairy products.14. A. Interviews with different drinkers B. Different drinkers grocery receipts.C. Different drinkers medical reports. D. Different drinkers living habits.15. A. They are more likely to buy healthy food. B. They are thinner than beer drinkers. C. There are more wine drinkers than beer drinkers. D. They never drink beer.16. A. Overweight B. Cancer. C. Depression. D. High blood pressure.II. Grammar (15%)Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence.17. The teacher saw so many students the grammar test and wondered whether he was teaching grammar wisely. A. failed B. fail C. failing D. to fail18. halfway during his speech, the manager grew angry and stared at the reporter. A. Interrupting B. To interrupt C. Interrupted D. Be interrupted19. fruits to yoghurt makes the flavor much better, which brings a better eating experience to the kids. A. Added B. Adding C. Being added D. Add20. Its really sad that those have talent for art die young. A. as B. what C. which D. who21. Heating other kids on the playground, Jack put down the book and hurried out of the classroom. A. shout B. shouting C. to shout D. shouted22. that health is more important than success, he decided to change his work schedule allowing more time for rest. A. To realize B. Realized C. Realizing D. Having been realized23. to take the companys shuttle bus makes Jenny crazy who has to get up at 6 every day. A. Forced B. Being forced C. Forcing D. Having forced24. The coach announced to resign to the recent public criticism about the football teams poor performance. A. answered B. to answer C. being answered D. having been answered25. After graduation, he entered into the business almost everyone was waiting for good chances instead of working hard. A. how B. where C. who D. which26. , e-finance has been thriving at a surprising speed. A. It is known to all B. As is known to all C. People all know D. What we all know27. The method of encouraging people to share cars to work with cash reward during a workshop greatly relieved the citys traffic pressure. A. suggesting B. suggested C. to suggest D. suggests28. To keep fit, the lady didnt mean anything but the little cookies smelt so nice that she couldnt resist one. A. to eat, trying B. eating, to try C. eating, trying D. to eat, to try29. Many professional women rarely care their husbands make a lot of money and they put more emphasis on love and loyalty. A. when B. how C. whether D. what30. When the financial case was reported, people wondered the criminal succeeded in cheating so many victims. A. what B. that C. how D. which31. The committee was campaigning for the project importance many people didnt realize at the time. A. why B. where C. which D. whoseIII. Vocabulary (14%)Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the one that best completes the sentence.32. For many old traditions, because modem people are so used to them- and mostly because we them - they hold a lot of weight in our daily life. A. identify with B. have fun with C. adapt from D. watch for33. Though the exact number was not released, its that at least 30 people were killed in the earthquake. A. handled B. shocked C. estimated D. captured34. There are cases in which someone repeatedly threatened suicide and no one would listen and the individual, in despair, succeeded in his suicide . A. attempt B. reference C. management D. survey 35. Some experts think that the current browsing and posting on the interact may worsen interact violence and cheating. A. temporary B. artificial C. guilty D. anonymous 36. Some people keep offending others just to see to what extent others can their misconducts. A. regret B. ban C. tolerate D. suffer 37. Compared with peoples lives, the level of property damage is just of concern. A. original B. serious C. secondary D. separate 38. Many singers are calling on the law-makers to prevent copying of art works, which will destroy music industry. A. illegal B. commercial C. complex D. secret 39. As the figure in the field, Prof. Johnson expressed his opinion and ended the long debate on the issue. A. authority B. monster C. literature D. award 40. Every bus in the city was equipped with a hammer for passengers to use to windows in case any emergency occurs. A. purchase B. attack C. smash D. control41. At the heart of every difference between the past and future - science, finance family - is the facl that the society is evolving from to law. A. shelter B. interest C. magic D. disorder42. Doctors suggest the change of lifestyle for certain men 45 to 79 years old with habits like drinking and smoking. A. harmful B. elastic C. similar D. absent43. In that country, even the high-income citizens would occasionally thehigh living cost, claiming that they could hardly save any money every month. A. lead to B. grumble about C. cover up D. begin with44. He is a workaholic and his family members never dare to him when he is at work. A. disturb B. contact C. follow D. bully45. Light pollution is made worse with air pollution, as the small particles(微粒) that in the air serve to reflect the light. A. transport B. travel C. float D. serveIV. Cloze (10%)Directions: For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context. Do you know who the first robot in the world was? Recently, a clockwork robot built 240 years ago was considered the first robot in the world to 46 the act of writing. 47 to look like a small boy, the robot, named the Writer, was created by Swiss watchmaker Pierre Jaquet-Droz in the 1770s. Jaquet-Droz was helped by his son to complete this masterpiece. It takes the 48 of a small barefoot boy sitting at a wooden desk holding a quill(羽毛笔). When wound up, the boy moves his arm to dip his quill in the ink pot and then writes a sentence of up to 10 49 . The Writer comprises approximately 6,000 parts and contains 40 replaceable cams(凸轮) that 50 the writing of words. The parts can be removed, or reordered to 51 the boy to write any sentence required. Throughout his life, Jaquet-Droz lived in Paris, London and Geneva where he built 52 machines to help his firm sell watches and mechanical 53 . His other famous works include the Musician, which has 2500 pieces and the Draughtsman, with 2000 pieces. His three key pieces are now kept at the art and history museum in Switzerland. The Writer is thought to be 54 to the modem-day computer or robot and is one of the oldest surviving examples of a robot and early cam 55 . The piece has been described as the worlds most astonishing surviving robot.46. A. engineer B. develop C. guarantee D. copy47. A. Purchased B. Designed C. Translated D. Maintained48. A. order B. lead C. shape D. picture49. A. meanings B. lines C. characters D. styles50. A. command B. remind C. evaluate D. record51. A. forbid B. advise C. allow D. follow52. A. expensive B. lifelike C. strange D. historic53. A. copyrights B. preferences C. factories D. appliances54. A. home B. ancestor C. enemy D. ignorance55. A. method B. error C. technology D. disputeV. Reading Comprehension (20%)Directions: Read the following passages. Each passage is followed by unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have read. (1) During the 1990s, I had spent five months in a bleak African country, Niger. There were many things I found difficult about that place the beggars were my biggest most constant gripes. They would continually thrust their hands into my face, shouting, Cadeau! Cadeau!(gift in French) After I had finished my nursing stint there, a friend and I headed for neighbouring Burkina Faso to work in a health clinic with much enthusiasm. Its much greener in Burkina. Even the Coke tastes better, the locals assured us. Arriving by taxi in our destination in Burkina, we began to unload. With my daypack wedged between my legs, I reached for my larger piece of luggage. Out of the darkness, a motorcycle with two men approached slowly. Without warning, one of the men grabbed my daypack as the motorcycle swept close by and disappeared into the night. The bag had my passport, money travellers checks, camera in it. I was in deep trouble and the nearest Australian consulate(领事馆) was in Ethiopia. How was I ever going to get a new passport anytime soon? In the weeks that followed, I guarded the rest of my valuables and regarded the locals withsuspicion. All I wanted was to leave that terrible place. Then walking through the Burkinas streets one day, an old woman approached me and thrust her hand in my face. Dear lady Cadeau! Cadeau! she cried. I had enough. I told her firmly in French, I have no cadeau. I have no money. A thief stole all my money and now I cant get out of your country. I cant give you anything. The beggar woman listened attentively and pondered my words. Then her face crumpled into a toothless grin as she reached into the folds of her dress. Then I will give you a cadeau, she announced. Kindly, she placed an old dark brown coin in my palm. I looked at it in shock. It was a minuscule amount of money but for this woman the coin represented a meal. At that moment, I felt the shame of affluence and the humility of charity. She had given me a gift disproportionate to anything that I had ever donated. In the midst of her poverty, she was able to give me something priceless. I saw then, theunexpected beauty of the people and appreciated profoundly the quiet dignity of the poor. 56. The underlined word minuscule in the passage is closest in meaning to . A. unbelievable B. tiny C. unclear D. ordinary 57. Which of the following Statements is NOT TRUE according to the passage? A. The writer complained most about beggars in Niger. B. The writer was an Australian citizen. C. Two motorists grabbed the writers valuables out of a sudden. D The writer still treated the locals fairly after the loss of the bag.58. The writer had a different thought about charity because A. she became too poor herself to help others B. a local poor lady offered her money out of her scarce own C. the writer got her bag back with the help of the local ladyD. a local lady gave the writer much more money than she had donatedRGS Carnival of the Year!Barbecues, grills, thrills & moreSizzling steaks tasty kebabs & delicious sataysTreat your senses to a fiesta of tastes, amoras, sights and soundsAll are welcome to witness the different activitiesat Raffles Girls School on 21 Nov, SatFrom 8:30 a.m. To 5:00 p.m.Musical lovers can choose to watch ChickenRice or Mee Goreng performed by the pupilsVenue: HallTickets at $5 per personTime: 12:30 p.m. (Chicken Rice) 4 p.m. (Mee Goreng)(no admittance for latecomers)A quarter of the Money collected from theperformances will be donated to the RGS IndoorsSports Hall Building FundHave a hand at the traditional gamestalls and win attractive prizes!Chances of a lifetime!Dunk the teacher of your choice atSlam DunkQueue up early to avoid disappointmentTeachers Roster is available at the stall(8 teachers to choose from)Savour delicious home-madefood and traditional snacksfrom up to 30 food stallsVenue: CanteenPlant lovers can select from a widerange of potted plants at the areaoutside the bookshop.Books on gardening are also available.Time: 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.Check out our ArcadeCorner at the maarqueein the basketball courtwhich houses 20 latestgame machinesImportant: Registration for the Parenting Talk & Balloon Sculpturing Workshop starts on 3 Nov.Parenting Talk-Four 1-hour long sessions, last session commences at 3:15 p.m.Warning: The Haunted Houses at the CCA Rooms are not meant for the faint-hearted!Time: 9 a.m. -3:30 p.m.Coupons are available atRaffles Girls School, 21 Hillcrest Road, General OfficeStarting from 4 Aug from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.Every $20 purchase of coupons entitles you to a chance at our lucky dip.All income will go into RGS Community InvoNement Programme Fund(CIPF).For details, please require at 98763321 or visit our website at www.rgs.moe.edu(2)59. All the events and activities are available at the carnival except . A. Musicals B. Gardening C. Parenting Talk D. Balloon Sculpturing Workshop60. Which of the following statements is TRUE? A. We get to barbecue the food that we buy in the RGS General Office. B. You can choose to dunk any teacher in the school at the Slam Dunk stall. C. You will have two chances at the lucky dip if you purchase $40 worth of coupons. D. You can win attractive prizes if you try your hand at the game machines in the Arcade Comer.61. The main aim of the RGS Carnival is to A. select the best RGS activity B. showcase the pupils musical talent C. test hearts of participants with haunted houses D. raise funds for the schools CIPF (3) The amazon is the largest and most diverse rain forest in the world-about 10 percent of all known species on earth dwell there. But it wasnt until recently that researchers were about to see the big picture of the vast rain forest. The new findings? Almost 400 billion trees belonging to 16,000 different types grow in theAmazon. More than 100 experts analyzed data from 1,170 surveys to come up with the figures. The vast size and difficult terrain (地形) of the Amazon basin has historically restricted studies of tree communities to a local or regional level, making it difficult to see the big picture. This lack ofinformation has hindered science and conservation efforts, according to experts. The new findings, published in the journal Science, provide the first estimates of the abundance, frequency and distribution of many thousands of Amazonian trees. Extrapolations based on the data, collected over 10 years, suggest that greater Amazonia is home to around 390 billion individual trees. The area covered includes the amazon Basin and the Guiana Shield, spanning an area roughly the size of the 48 adjoining U.S. States. While around 16,000 types of trees are believed to exist in the Amazon, half the total number ofthe types are thought to belong to just 227 species, including Brazil nut, chocolate and rubber. This isvery valuable information for further research and policy making, said research co-author Dr. Hans ter Steege, from the Netherlands. The study also offers insights into the rarest tree species in the Amazon. According to amathematical model used in the study, roughly 6,000 Amazonnian tree types have populations of fewer than one thousand. This would automatically qualify them for inclusion in the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List of Threatened Species(CNRLTS)-if they could be found and identified. U.S. ecologist and co-author of the study, Professor Miles Silman said, Species too rare to find account for much of the planets biodiversity. Its a real problem for conservation that the species at the greatest risk of extinction may disappear before we ever find them. Its a concem for the whole human race.62. The underlined word hinder is closest in meaning to A. generated B. blocked C. sponsored D. improved63. According to the passage, what made the collection of species information so difficult? A. The lack of experienced professionals in the field. B. The dangers of certain types of species. C. The big area and complicated geographic situation. D. The unfavourable government law in the field.64. Which of the following statements is TRUE? A. The amazon rain forest covers 10 percent of the worlds dry land. B. The conservation of amazon has been done well. C. About


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