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新概念英语Lesson49Lesson96测试卷 分 数 姓名: 一填入下列单词中所缺的字母,每空一个字母。(15分)1. b tch r2. tr th3. cabb ge4. cl m te5. pl sant6. J n ary7.conv s tion8. c n ma9. rep r10. env l pe11. t ng e12. r m mber13. st mach14. tooth che15. t mp rature16. gent17. rest rant18. rem n19. l br ry20. ch ch21. c ting22. bel ve23. ne ghb ur24. ret n25. pl nty26. nat nality27. ch ce28. abs t29. p rh ps30. sw p二.从A、B、C、D中选出当的选项。(20分)1. “ , Sophie. He is Korean.”“Nice to meet you.”A. That is Hans. B. This is Hans C. It is Hans D. He is Hans2. Is this an Italian car an American car? A. and B. / C. but D. or3.“What nationality are you?”“ .” A. Operator B. Engineer C. Teacher D. French4. “Whats Alice?”“ .” A. She is Italian B. She is good C. She is a nurse D. She is nurse5. “How is Jack today?”“ .” A. He is American B. He is a milkman C. He is a student D. He is fine6. “Whose pen is this?”“ .” A. Its my B. Its your C. Its her D. Its my sons7. Come see it. A. or B. to C. / D. and8. “Give please, Jane.” “Here you are.” A. some glasses me B. I some glasses C. some glass to my D. me some glasses9. It is the left. A. in B. on C. / D. of10. “What do you do?” “I am a .” A. cook B. cookman C. cooker D. cookery11. room is large. A. Mr. Smith B. Mr. Smiths C. Mr. Smiths D. Mr. Smiths12. Tom and I playing in the garden. A. is B. are C. am D. be13. She is sitting the classroom. A. in front of B. in the front of C. on front or D. on the front of14. I am going to turn . A. on B. the TV C. the TV on D. on the TV15. you of this story ever before? A. Have; heard B. Did; heard C. Have; hear D. Did; hear16. Its often cold the North.A. on B. in C. / D. of17. Can I have the key the front door? A. with B. in C. on D. to18. “Must I call him now?” “No, you .”A. cant B. may not C. neednt D. mustnt19. He often to the butchers, but he didnt yesterday.A. go;go B. goes;goes C. go;goes D. goes; go20. She the newspaper last night, but tonight she TV. A. reads watches B. read watched C. read is watching D. read watches三用所给词的正确形式填空。(15分)1. There (be) some cheese on the plate.2. The shop (open) at 8 every morning.3. you (clean)your classroom now?4. he often (watch)TV?5. The boy (sit) under the tree now.6. Jim (not like) coffee, but he (like) tea.7. Look, the dog (run) after a cat.8. Tim doesnt feel well. We must (call) a doctor.9. (not) break the vase.10. Jack (arrive) home very early yesterday.11. I (not type) this letter for him yesterday.12. What you (do) last night?13. Mr. Smith (live) with his family.14. Listen, someone (knock) at the door.15. I (write) 3 letters this morning.四英汉互译。(20)1. She does not know London very well, and she lost her way. 2. Im afraid that I couldnt go to school today. 3. To tell you the truth, I dont like tea either. 4. I have an appointment with the dentist. 5. 你是哪个国家的? 6我想这房子是要出售的吧。 7他通常在晚上看电视,但今天他在看报纸。 8. 你们那个国家的气候怎么样? 9后天上午我要去剪头发。 10. 他们夏天的时候在英国. 五介词填空。(10)1. You must stay home.2. He must stay bed a day or two.3. Whats the matter you?4. Is that medicine her?5. Shes waiting her change.6. I often go school bike.7. School begins 8:30 a.m.8. Shes the hairdressers now.六阅读理解。(20)Two BoysTwo friends are having a picnic together. Their names are Jim and Tim .Tim is very lazy .On the first evening of their holiday ,Jim says to Tim, Heres some money .Go and buy some meat. Im too tired. answers Tim, You go. So Jim goes to buy the meat. Later he comes back .He says to Tim, Now heres the meat .Please cook it. But Tim answers, No, Im not good at cooking .You do it.So Jim cooks the meat. Then he says to Tim, Go and get some water. No, I dont want to get my clothes dirty.Tim answers. At last Jim says, The meal is ready, come and eat it Yes, Ill do that, answers Tim I dont like saying NO all the time.1. What are the two friends doing together? 2. What does Jim say to Tim on the first evening of their holiday? 3. Who cooked the meat at last? 4. Did Tim like to eat the meat?

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