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高考短文改错错误类型 口诀如下: 一看一致二词类,三多四少五搭配,六句七语八非谓,九看逻辑对不对。1.“一致”,指一致性方面的错误,包括主谓一致、时态一致、指代一致等。2.“词类”,指词法,包括同义词、反义词、易混词;名词的可数与不可数、单复数及所有格;代词的格;定语从句中关系代词的误用;名词性从句中连接代词的误用;比较范围的错误。3.“多”,指多词,句中多了主语、谓语、冠词、介词、副词等。4.“少”,指少词,句中少了主语、谓语、冠词、介词、副词等。5.“搭配”,指固定搭配。6.“句”,指句型结构。7.“语”,指语态。8.“非谓”,指非谓语动词。9.“逻辑”,指文章的逻辑意义,句与句、段与段之间使用的承接词是转折型、递进型还是因果型。练习:1. Both my parents miss you a lot. So do our friend, Cathy.2. It is five years now since I graduate from No.3 High School.3. My friend Nick told me story about his experience back in the US, which was very interested.4. After shopping, Mother and I went to a restanrant for lunch. I notice Mother looking at a nearby table occupy by an elderly woman and a young couple.5. It was only when we did their chemistry project together that I begin to understand why Christine dressed the way she did.6. Like the rest of my classmate, I didnt really want to get closest to her.7. Her hair was black and purple, and she worn black sports shoes and a black sweater, although in the summer.8. The assistant was clearly as embarrassing as my sister, for I just thought it was funny!9. How different life today is from what it was used to be ten years ago!10. It was indeed not easy to get in the touch with everybody and set a good time for all of us.11. All he said were right.12. I decided to go for a walk and took some photos in the beautiful country.13. We should remember what we all learnt our own language well when we were children.14. This river is much more longer than that one.15. From what he said we shall know the something now.16. Then I beganto pay more attention what he was doing.17. We could learn a second language by the same way.18. Long ago there had a war between the two countries.19. He broke the law and punished.20. I tried to tell him about it, but he just wasn”t interesting at all.21. I began to run and it was too late. 专题一 名词与冠词重点1 句中名词的单复数形式是否符合句意1. When he told us the news, we were all in high spirit.2. Two Englishmen and Germen attended the meeting.3. They went to the nearest restaurants and sat at the table near the window.重点2 可数名词和不可数名词之间的误用4. You can find all kinds of informations in just a few minutes on the Internet.5. -What can I do for you?-Two tea, please.6. Nowadays visitors no longer threw waste papers or plastic bags everywhere and it looked cleaner and more beautiful.7. Physics are taught by Mr. Wang in our school this semester.8. It is great pleasure to talk with you at such an occasion.重点3 句中名词所有格的误用9. He sent his daughter to a girls high school.重点4 两个不定冠词之间的误用10. Dont lose such an unique opportunity now that there is little time.11. Our team got first in the relay race.12. He failed the exam in a consequence of teaching.重点5 定冠词和不定冠词之间的误用13. He went to his room and pulled down blinds.14. We rent the house by month when we worked at that factory.15. I prefer living in country to being in the town.16. We are one family and live under same roof, but we do not seem to get much time to talk together.17. At last we came to a small town. The houses were new, and streets were wide.18. The next day, after wed had good breakfast, we were ready for another view of the Great Wall.19. He was elected the monitor of our class.20. The driver was at a loss when the word came that he was forbidden to drive for speeding.21. Then when we went away, we took each others notebook by the mistake.重点6 冠词的漏用22. As we all left home at early age, we met lots of problems in our daily life.重点7 冠词在固定结构中的误用23. He was born in a small village by sea. 专题二 代词重点1 人称代词1. It is also natural that parents want to protect and guide his children.2. There are forty students in our class, and thirty of them are boys.3. Learning as many English words as possible by heart is indeed necessary for we all to learn English.重点2 物主代词4. In England we have been leaning about its rich culture and long history.5. That village appears similar to me, but I am not familiar with it at all.6. The day before the speech contest English teacher talked to me.重点3 反身代词7. When you come, you can stay with ourselves.8. And we can also know the society by serving it yourself.9. We enjoyed us very much last night.10. The mother hopes that the children will behave by themselves.11. They had a heated debate in themselves重点4 不定代词12. This book is a good seller, so you can buy one at either shop in Beijing.13. Some people would rather ride bicycles as bicycle riding has neither of the trouble of taking buses.14. As for renting houses to live alone, its better for study as you can feel free in your own room withont being interrupted by the others.15. My fellow classmates, I will have anything about my future.16. Understanding the cultural habits of another nation, especially that containing as many different cultures as the United States is a difficult thing.17. I love reading poems by Emerson better than that by Whitman.18. The year of 2010 is a happy year, that has brought us Chinese so much joy and pleasure.19. This is tha first composition which he has written in English.20. Let children read such books which will make them wiser.专题三 介词重点1 具体语境中的介词用法辨析1. She usually stays at home in Sunday morning.2. She has been ill from last Monday.3. She will come back after a day or two.4. After that they built a bridge through the river.5. I saw an ad on the newspaper this morning.6. The professor will make the report about the situation in the Middle East on Saturday.7. Most of the large cities in the world have grown without plans, between which London is a such one.8. I know nothing about him except the fact that he lives next door.9. The little old man in thick glasses is my first chemistry teacher.10. Water can be turned in ice if it is made cold enough.11. In the end of the day the new manager is no better than the previous one.12. On the corner of the room stood a big old chair.13. I imagine you ll be at vacation yourself at that time.重点2 介词的遗漏或冗余14. The book is considered to be great value to you in your studies.15. Because of air pollution being greatly reduced, this city is still a good one to live.重点3 介词与动词的搭配16. Then my mind becomes clear and I concentrate the way my body moves in the air.17. They didnt seem to have much time to talk about toghether.18. If you fail the exam you will only have yourself to blame for.19. He had worked hard and was looking forward for his retirement.20. Several of the members have come up suggestions of their own,.21. We must pay attention to listen to the teacher in the classroom.22. He took advantage over my generosity and borrowed much money from me.重点4 形容词与介词的搭配23. She was particular to what she wore when she was still a little child.24. He was eager with work, for he could not imagine life without it.重点5 介词与名词的搭配25. She broke their vase by chance, while they destroyed hers by purpose.26. The accident was my fault, so I had to pay for the damage on the other car.重点6 连词与介词的搭配27. August is the best time of the year to visit Beijing, because of there is only a little rain and the weather is neither too hot nor too cold.28. Take your skates in case of you decide to go skating. 专题四 连词 重点1 过渡词1. Students who work part-time earn extra money; however, they earn a lot about the society they live in.2. Beside, we have to consider their health condition.3. Its hard work. I enjoy it, but.重点2 并列连词4. Men and women, old or young, all joined in the party.5. I have my weakness. That, therefore, doesnt mean I am not qualified for the job.重点3 从属连词6. Since you may be right, I cant altoghether agree.7. -Dont look down upon Tom. He has his own advantage.-Oh,yes. When others are weak, he is strong.重点4 连词的混用8. She has golden hair when she was a child, but while she got older and older, her hair went darker and darker.9. You can wash your face first before you get up and then do some morning exercise.10. Never believe anything as other person has believed it. Use your mind.11. Whenever there is smoke, there is a fire. 专题五 形容词与副词及其比较等级重点1 形容词与副词的词性误用1. Many of his ideas are especial interesting to morden youth.2. I thought my final attempt to fix it was successfully, but eventulaly I failed.重点2 形容词之间的误用和副词之间的误用3. Some TV programmes can offer us a good chance to attend the lively talk show.4. I had to think long and hardly before I could find the answer.重点3 形容词与副词的比较级的构成错误5. What a table! Ive never seen such a thing before. It is not half as wide than it is long.6. As far as I know, this film is far much interesting than that one.重点4 形容词与副词的比较级的修饰语使用错误7. They have much more English books than we.8. Let me know if you hear any farther news.重点5 形容词与副词的比较等级误用9. At the evening party, our head teacher proved to be the more popular in our school. 专题六 动词与非谓语动词重点1 动词的词形变化及动词的及物和延续性1. Ours was the first group of swimmers who had dove into the new pool.2. He apologized me for coming late.3. When I reach at the end of a cigarette, my money has gone up in smoke.4. How long may these magazines be borrowed?重点2 谓语动词的时态5. (2010 陕西卷)My sister saw a lovely cup when we are shopping the other day.6. We jumped in and manage to pull the boy out on the morning of 14 March,2010.7. After graduation I studied in an evening school and then I work in a factory.8. Most families in China hoped their children will have a happy future,so they are very strict with their children.9. I had no idea that you are here.10. I kept on running untill I get to a bus stop.重点3 谓语动词的语态混淆11. This was turned out to be a great help to the workers.12. Recenly a survey has conducted to find out how many hours of sleep we senior students get.13. The vegetables didnt taste very good. They have been cooked for too long.重点4 谓语动词的语气14. The view was wonderful. If I had a camera, I would have taken some photos.15. I wish I watched the football match last night.16. It is surprising that they chose this method of passing the evening.重点5 情态动词17. All the children in this village dont need pay for their education.18. My father mustnt have said such a thing.重点6 动词不定式19. The new novel he has just finished is interesting to be read.20. My sister wanted get out of the shop as fast as she could when a shop assistant came over to us.21. The suns light and heat make possible for plants to grow better.22. He wanted to cut down the expenses, but he spent even more eventually.重点7 动词-ing形式23. When you come to our music week, remebering to bring your own musical instruments.24. Its like going to a huge library without have to walk abroad to find your books.25. He went on talk even though no one was listening.重点8 过去分词26. I am very exciting to learn that you are coming to Beijing for the Olympic Games.重点9 不定式符号的省略与保留27. You have to meet Annie. Youd better to go now or you will be late.28. My mother could do nothing but to wait for the doctor to arrive.29. The children were surprised when their teacher had them to close their books unexpectedly.30. My parents hoped that I would study medicine, but I didnt want.31. She wants to come but her parents wont allow her.32. -Hasnt he finished writing the report?-No, but he ought to.重点10 由汉语影响或思维定式而引起的谓语动词错误或非谓语动词错误33. A professor comes from Zhengzhou University will give us a talk tomorrow afternoon.34. Before he went abroad, he spent as much time as he could learn English.35. Im sorry I cant help doing the washing for you; Ill have to fetch your daughter. 专题七 时态语态语气重点1时态呼应1. The teacher said that water boiled at 100.2. Im sorry. Idont know the time or I would have left earlier.3. You agreeed to go, but why arent you getting ready?4. The wind is no longer blowing, but it was still rather cold.5. With my help my sister realized that she has been wrong.重点2语态对应6. Our classroom has been keeping claen since this term.7. The road to our village was been widened when Ireturned last week.8. Time permitted, I will go to see a film with you this afternoon.9. When the teacher came into the classroom, he found the naughty boy seating on the desk.10. The shop was closed at 6 p.m. yesterday.11. The meat is cooked.12. My pen needs filled.重点3语气对称13. Mary, come here. Everybody else, must stay where you are.14. Taking care not to catch cold.15. I would rather my teacher comes in an hour.16. I wish I have paid more attention to my lessons.17. It is necessary that the professor from Hong Kong will be sent at once.18. The headmaster proposed that the sports meeting would be started the next week.19. His suggestion is that they would come to help us.20. He gave me a piece of advice that I woud think it over.21. Its time that we go to bed.22. If he was here, everything would be all right.23. If I had left a little earlier, I will have caught the train.24. If I might do it, I would do it in a different way.25. Had if it not been for their assistance, we couldnt have got over the difficulties. 专题八 从句重点1 名词性从句1. Lao Li is still alive is a consolation.2. I had no idea you were here.3. If he will come is uncertain.4. The question is if people will buy it.5. Everything depends on if you agree with us.6. That caused the accident was a broken bottle.重点2 状语从句7. This task will take the professor and his students about three weeks; it will be a long time after we meet them again.8. We should go that the Party needs us most.9. It was foolish of you to take a taxi while you could easily walk there in five minutes.10. My father sleeps with the window open if it is really cold.11. Much although he claims he has a good taste, he cant avoid being influenced by advertisement.12. The flowers his friend gave him will die if watered every day.13. The girl was about to answer me while she noyiced the last cup on her plate began to fall.重点3 定语从句14. This is the factory where we visited last week.15. The young man was driving so fast as to get himself into a dangerous situation that he couldnt control his car.16. Which is reported in the newspaper, talks between the two countries are making progress.17. His glasses, without as he was like a blind man, fell to the ground and broke.18. Thw way how he explained to us was simple.19. This is the second time when he has visited China.20. I can recognize the book. That is the same English book as he borrows from the school library.21. His brother bought the same MP4 player that I did.22. Ther is no such plane that you dream of on your own will.23. Tom is such a good boy as we all love him.重点4 上下文的暗示与呼应24. In the last years he finished his seneral famous English novels.25. When Mary came out of the school, she realized that she left her Chinese book on the classroom.26. I saw your name on the list of French teacher who wish to spend their holidays in France this summer.27. It is bad manners in the classroom to look for what your neighbours have written, or try to see what marks they have received without being permitted while an exam is going on.专题九 一致性原则重点1 主谓一致1. At first my progress in progressing lines were slow.2. Five miles arent a long distance.3. If law and order arent preserved, neither yhe citizen nor his family is safe.4. Each boy and each girl want to go to school.5. Five minus four are one.6. A teacher or two like to go to the west areas to teach.7. When and how to complete it ahead of time are still a problem.8. The poor is to be helped.9. The youth of the country is ready to meet a chanllenge because they are full of youth and vigour.10. Swimming in summer and skating in winter is my greatest pleasure.11. His family is all waiting for him.12. All is working hard.13. Half of the students has failed in the maths examination.14. In our class Tom is the only one of the students who are from the USA.15. What we want are more time.16. Im afraid nobody but his parents or Jim, his best friend, have been told the secret.17. The blue and green jacket are his.重点2 语义一致18. My room is lighter than the that next door.19. I dont like this one, please show me other.20. Not having been received an answer, Mary decided to rewrite.21. Buiding in 1997, the house is over 10 years old.重点3 就近一致22. Not only the switches but also the old writing have been changed.23. Here come the bus and two cars. 专题十 句子的累赘与残缺重点1 多词1. Keep these coins; they will come in the handy when you go shopping for groceries.2. I cant but to admire his courage.3. If it heated, water can be changed into steam.重点2 缺词4. The company profits so far are line with what was expected.5. The young man lived to his promise to help the orphan.6. Come on! Be man!

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