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2014届高考高三英语二轮专题复习:完形填空AIF and WHEN often had lunch together. Their conversation always _1_ on the things they hoped to achieve and they loved to talk about them. This particular Saturday when they met for lunch,WHEN _2_ IF wasnt in a great mood (心情). After they sat at the usual table _3_ for them, WHEN asked IF,“ You dont seem your usual _4_ self?”IF replied, “Yesterday I saw a course I wanted to take. If only I _5_ the time.”WHEN knew exactly how IF felt and said,“I too saw a _6_ and Im going to register when I get _7_ money.” WHEN then questioned IF,“What about the new job you were going to apply for?” IF answered, “I would have applied, but my _8_ broke down. I couldnt type my resume(简历)” “Dont worry. Ive been thinking about looking for another job also, _9_ Ill wait and when the weather gets _10_ I will look then. I hate this awful weather.”The man sitting nearby heard them talking about when this and if that. When he couldnt _11_ it anymore, he went to them and said,“I think I know _12_ you could solve your problems.”IF smiled and thought that even if he knew the _13_ they faced, there was no way he could help! _14_ , IF asked the man for advice. The man said,“ Your conversation reminds me of an old _15_:IF and WHEN were planted, and nothing _16_.”IF and WHEN both looked surprised and began to feel _17_ of living their life for the “ifs” and “whens”. Finally they came to a(n) _18_:next time they met,there would be no “ifs” or “whens”;they would _19_ talk about what they had _20_!空谈会一事无成,要想有所作为,必须立足现实,脚踏实地。1A. agreed B. centered C. relied D. took答案:B。IF和WHEN经常在一起吃午饭,他们的谈话总是以他们原本希望实现或完成的事情为中心,并且他们乐此不疲。center on“集中在,以为中心”为固定搭配。2A. sensed B. insisted C. declared D. guessed答案:A。这个特别的星期六,当他们聚在一起吃午饭时,WHEN意识到IF心情不好。sense意识到,感觉。3A. cleaned B. made C. ordered D. reserved答案:D。当他们坐在平常为他们留着的桌子旁时。reserve保留,预订,保存。4A. sensitive B. honest C. cheerful D. clumsy答案:C。WHEN问IF“你看上去不像平时那样高兴?”cheerful快活的,兴高采烈的,高兴的。5A. had B. spent C. seized D. valued答案:A。IF回答道:“昨天我看到一门我想学的课程,要是我有时间去学就好了。”if only引导虚拟条件句,句中用动词的过去式表示对现在的虚拟。6A. notice B. job C. course D. chance答案:C。WHEN很能理解IF的感受,说到:“我也看到一门课程,当我有足够多的钱的时候,我也想注册学习。”由句中的too可知答案。7A. lucky B. pocket C. enough D. paper答案:C。由行文逻辑可知,WHEN会习惯性地说:当我有足够多的钱的时候。8A. computer B. fridge C. camera D. recorder答案:A。当WHEN问起IF原来打算申请的工作怎么样了的时候,IF回答说:“我当时本来会申请的,但是我的电脑坏了,我没法打简历。”break down崩溃,停止运转,出故障。9A. or B. but C. for D. so答案:B。别着急,我也一直在考虑找另外一份工作,但是我要等待10A. drier B. colder C. wilder D. nicer答案:D。等到天气转好时,我再去找,我讨厌这样糟糕的天气。11A. take B. decline C. support D. watch答案:A。旁边坐着的一个人听到他们说如果这样假如那样之类的话,再也无法忍受,就走到他们跟前说。take it“忍耐”为固定搭配。12A. when B. where C. why D. how答案:D。 我想我知道怎样解决你们的问题。13A. changes B. expenses C. challenges D. possibilities答案:C。IF微笑着想即使他知道他们面临的挑战,他也根本没有办法帮助他们。四个选项中只有challenge可以和face构成搭配。face challenges面临种种挑战。 14A. Anxiously B. Curiously C. Surprisingly D. Stubbornly答案:B。由行文逻辑和常识可知,听到这番话,IF肯定很好奇,于是就征求这位男子的建议。15A. saying B. story C. habit D. fiction答案:A。那个人说:“你们的话使我想起了一句古老的格言。”16A. rose B. grew C. removed D. remained答案:B。那就是:如果种植虚无(IF和WHEN)的话,就会一无所获。17A. tired B. proud C. ashamed D. aware答案:C。听了这番话,两个人彼此惊讶地相互注视着并开始为他们碌碌无为的生活觉得羞愧。18A. ambition B. conclusion C. description D. agreement答案:D。最后他们达成协议。come to an agreement达成协议。尽管come to a conclusion“得出结论,作出推论”也可构成固定搭配,具有一定干扰性,但不符合语境。19A. even B. only C. still D. thus答案:B。下次他们再见面的时候,就没有假如或如果了,他们会只谈他们已经实现的事情。20A. discussed B. promised C. arranged D. accomplished答案:D。accomplish“实现,达到,完成”符合逻辑。BI grew up in an ordinary family, which is not so well off. I could understand the _1_ my parents were bearing at that time. _2_, I work very hard now in the hope of entering the university and change the _3_ of my family and me.I think that in a certain sense, difficult situations can _4_ a persons potential and pave the way for him to _5_. One can be strong, brave and _6_ after all these hardships he has _7_. All in all, I think that flowers from a greenhouse can never _8_ a storm and that a hard life is good for children.So I think parents should make their children grow strong, by helping them experience life in bad conditions, _9_ a child will value the labour and be capable of facing hardship.I lived a happy childhood. Not only did my parents love me from the _10_ of their hearts, but also they gave me chances to increase my ability. My parents _11_ primary importance to the management of my pocket money, which led to the _12_ that often I could only watch my friends eating candies with my empty pocket. This experience helped me _13_ the truth that my parents worked hard to earn a life, and so would I in the future.As the saying _14_, “No pains, no gains.” It is _15_ that the way one lives in his childhood plays an important part in his development. If one is _16_ in a family that is wasteful, he is likely to be lazy when he grows up. _17_, a child who lives a hard life in his childhood, learning that one must be independent and frugal to face the challenge, is _18_ be strong. On parents part, they can teach the child to help support the family. More can be done _19_ food, hard work and bad conditions.Instead of being _20_, children should eat bitter food to learn to be frugal, do hard work to learn to cherish, and be sent to somewhere tough to learn to be brave.1A. poverty B. thoughtsC. richness D. hardships2A. However B. ThereforeC. Besides D. Otherwise3A. situation B. stateC. location D. position4A. seek B. stimulateC. shape D. secure5A. failure B. successC. pleasure D. recreation6A. awful B. carefulC. merciful D. faithful7A. looked through B. got throughC. put through D. gone through8A. understand B. withstandC. enjoy D. outstand9A. to which B. at whichC. which D. with which10A. bottom B. topC. centre D. tip11A. approached B. attainedC. attached D. attempted12A. experience B. evidenceC. convenience D. consequence13A. realized B. recognizedC. admitted D. reflected14A. says B. goesC. states D. explains15A. various B. seriousC. obvious D. tedious16A. brought in B. brought upC. brought about D. brought out17A. On the contrary B. On earthC. On the whole D. Whats worse18A. ready to B. anxious toC. determined to D. bound to19A. away from B. apart fromC. except D. more than20A. accustomed B. ashamedC. spoiled D. puzzled答案作者通过自己的经历、感悟向我们讲述了为什么逆境能帮助人成功。正所谓:只有经历风雨,才能见彩虹。1D。语境化选词。上一句说作者家里不富裕(not so well off),所以作者能理解父母所遭受的苦难。hardship“艰难,困苦”。第二段有暗示,也可以从动词bear的搭配上得到启示。poverty“贫穷”有很大的干扰性,但该词含义较窄,不符合语境。2B。副词辨析。前后是因果关系。因为理解了父母所承受的苦难,所以作者才努力学习,希望考上大学。therefore“因此”。3A。语境化选词。由语境可知,作者认为,考上大学就可以改变家庭的境况。situation“处境,境遇”。下一段也有暗示。4B。动词辨析。句意为:困难的处境能激发一个人的潜力,铺就其成功的道路。所以选择stimulate,意思是“激发,激励”。seek“寻找,探索”;shape“塑造”;secure“保护”。5B。语境化选词。句意见39题解析。pleasure“高兴,愉快”;recreation“娱乐,消遣”。6D。语境化选词。这几个词中只有faithful“忠实的,守信的”和strong, brave同属于渡过困难后形成的品质。awful“极坏的,可怕的”;careful“仔细的,谨慎的”;merciful“仁慈的,宽大的”。7D。动词短语辨析。look through“看穿”;get through“通过,拨通(电话)”;go through“经历(苦难等)”。一个人只有经历所有的苦难之后,才会变得坚强、勇敢和忠诚。8B。动词辨析。withstand“禁得起”。这里是作者打的比方,意思是:温室里的花是经不起风暴的。understand“理解”;outstand“突出”。9D。定语从句关系词的判断。从句意为:通过这些,孩子将会重视劳动,并能够面对困难。with which引导非限制性定语从句,which指代“parents should make.in bad conditions”。10A。语境化选词。from the bottom of ones heart意思是“真心地,深深地”。句意:我有一个幸福的童年,我的父母不仅真心爱我,他们还给了我提高能力的机会。11C。动词辨析。attach importance to“重视”。父母非常重视对“我”零花钱的管理。approach“接近,靠近”;attain“(经过长期努力)获得,得到”;attempt“试图,尝试”。12D。名词辨析。从后面对该词解释的同位语从句的内容来看,这里说的是父母对我零花钱严格管理的结果(consequence):口袋空空,只能看着别人吃糖。lead to与consequence搭配。experience“经验,经历”;evidence“证据,证明”;convenience“便利;方便”。13A。动词辨析。realize“意识到,领悟”,指从不知道到知道的过程。句意:这段经历使我意识到:为了谋生,父母在辛苦地工作,将来我也得这样。recognize“认出”;admit“承认”;reflect“反映,反省”。14B。动词词义辨析。as the saying goes,意思是“正如谚语所说”,是固定用法。15C。形容词辨析。It is obvious that.“很显然”。很显然,一个人小时候的生活方式在他一生的发展中起着重要的作用。various“不同的”;serious“严肃的,严重的”;tedious“乏味的”。16B。动词短语辨析。bring up“抚养”。句意:一个人如果在一个浪费成性的家庭里长大,长大后他很有可能变得懒惰。而bring in“引进,赚取”;bring about“引起,导致”;bring out“说出,使显出,出版”,均不符合文意。17A。语境化选词。这里说的是生长在不同的家庭中的孩子长大后不同的特点。所以应该选择on the contrary,意思是“相反”。on the whole“总的来说”。18D。语境化选词。be bound to“注定,一定”。句意:孩提时代生活艰难的孩子,为了迎接挑战,学会了自立和节俭,这样他一定会更加强大。be ready“预备,即将”;be anxious to do sth.“急于做某事,渴望做某事”;be determined to do sth.“决心做某事”。19B。语境化选词。apart from“除去,除了”,相当于besides; except表示“除去,不包括”,强调所排除的内容;away from“远离”。20C。语境化选词。这一部分是对全文的总结:不能溺爱(spoil)小孩子,而应该。accustomed“习惯的,惯常的”;ashamed“惭愧的,害臊的”;puzzled“迷惑的,困惑的”。CAfter the birth of my second child, I got a job at a restaurant. Having worked with an experienced _1_ for a few days, I was _2_ to wait tables on my own. All went _3_ that first week. When Saturday night came, I was luckily _4_ the tables not far from the kitchen. _5_, I still felt it a little hard to carry the heavy trays(托盘)Before I knew it, the _6_ was full of people. I moved slowly, _7_ every step. I remember how _8_ I was when I saw the tray stand near the tables; it looked different from the one I was _9_ on. It had nice handles(手柄),which made it _10_ to move around. I was pleased with everything and began to _11_ I was a natural at this job.Then, an old man came to me and said, “Excuse me, dear, my wife and I loved _12_ you work. It seems your tray stand has been very _13_ to you, but we are getting ready to _14_ now, and my wife needs her _15_ back.”At first his _16_ did not get across. “What was he talking about!” Then I got it. I had set my trays on his wifes orthopedic walker (助步器). I stood frozen as ice, but my face was _17_. I wanted to get into a hole and _18_.Since then, I have learned from many mistakes such as the one I just _19_. I have learned to be more _20_ and not to be too sure of myself.1A. manager B. assistantC. cook D. waitress2A. promised B. invitedC. allowed D. advised3A. well B. quicklyC. safely D. wrong4A. left B. givenC. brought D. shown5A. Therefore B. HoweverC. Otherwise D. Finally6A. kitchen B. streetC. restaurant D. table7A. minding B. changingC. taking D. saving8A. angry B. calmC. sad D. happy9A. fixed B. trainedC. loaded D. waited10A. slower B. lighterC. quieter D. easier11A. believe B. agreeC. regret D. pretend12A. letting B. makingC. watching D. having13A. useful B. familiarC. unusual D. interesting14A. rest B. orderC. eat D. leave15A. bag B. walkerC. tray D. coat16A. idea B. praiseC. message D. need17A. cold B. full of joyC. pale D. on fire18A. lie B. hideC. defend D. stay19A. repeated B. discoveredC. corrected D. described20A. careful B. patientC. honest D. practical答案1D。名词词义辨析。前文说在饭店找到一份工作,后文出现了carry the heavy trays (托盘),可以推知“我”是在和有经验的服务员一起干。2C。动词词义辨析。该句前面提到跟随一位有经验的服务员干了几天,所以就允许自己独自为顾客服务了。其他动词不符合语境意思。3A。副词词义辨析。从下文来看,周日那几天All went well that first week.“一切都很顺利。”只是在周末出了一点小状况。4B。动词词义辨析。题意是“周六晚上,我有幸被给机会在离厨房不远的几张桌子边服务。”所以应用give,其他几个动词不合题意。5B。副词词义辨析。从下文的I still felt it a little hard可知尽管我给了这样一个机会,但还是感到有点困难,语义转折了,故用however然而。therefore因此;otherwise否则;finally最后,这几个词都不合语义。6C。名词词义辨析。既然是在饭店里当服务员,自然是饭店挤满了顾客,不会在其他地方挤满顾客。7A。动词词义辨析。前文提到饭店里挤满了顾客,所以自己要慢慢移动步子,“留意,当心”每一步。mind有“注意,留心”之意。其余几个不合语义。8D。形容词词义辨析。从空后的内容可知,当时看到的托盘与培训的不一样,有一个漂亮的手柄,很好使,所以感到很高兴。9B。动词词义辨析。fix“安装”;train“接受训练”;load“装载”;wait“等候”。正式上岗前要经过学习培训,所以答案应为选项B。10D。形容词词义辨析。正式的托盘与训练的不一样,很容易转动,故选D项。11A。动词词义辨析。前文说自己对店里的东西一切都很满意,所以相信自己能自然而然地干好自己的工作,故选A项。12C。动词词义辨析。句意是“我和妻子爱看你工作。”其他三个是使役动词,意为“让,使”,不合语义。13A。形容词词义辨析。useful“有用的”;familiar“熟悉的”;unusual“不普通的”;interesting“有趣的”。 句意是“好像你的托盘对你很有用。”14D。动词词义辨析。题意是“我们(就餐完了)要离开了。”故选D项。15B。由下面一段第四句话I had set my trays on his wifes orthopedic walker(助步器),可知选B。16C。名词词义辨析。idea“想法”;praise“称赞,表扬”;message“信息”;need“需要的东西”。题意是“起初我没有明白他表达的意思。”故正确答案为选项C。17D。形容词词义辨析。cold“冷”;full of joy“高兴”;pale“苍白的”;on fire“着火”。题意是“我像冰人一样站在那儿傻眼了,(因为做错了事)脸变得通红,像着了火一样。18B。动词词义辨析。从该句前部分I wanted to get into a hole可知自己当时真想找个洞藏起来,故选B项。其余选项与语义不符。19D。动词词义辨析。repeat“重说”;discover“发现”;correct“改正”;describe“描述”。纵观全文,作者在描述她以前亲身经历的尴尬的事情,故选D。20A。形容词词义辨析。从作者所描述的内容可知,她的那次失误是因为自己不仔细造成的,所以她要从错误中吸取教训,认真做事,不要对自己太自信。故选A,其他选项不合语义。

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