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课题Unit 5 My new roomPart A Lets learn课型词汇课课时1教学目标知识与技能:能够听、说、读、写本课主要单词“mirror, curtain, closet, end table, trash bin”。 以及句型“Is this your ?”“I have .”并能在情景中运用。过程与方法:通过图片、实物等使学生很快明白单词的含义,通过chant,词汇接龙等游戏让学生在轻松愉快的气氛中不知不觉的学到知识。情感态度与价值观:教育学生珍惜拥有,不攀比的良好品质。重点难点重点:1.掌握Lets learn 部分的六个四会单词并能进行简单问答、介绍。学会恰当的替换句中的单词。难点: 能够正确书写出本课要求四会的单词:curtain, close, mirror, end table, trash bin。学法指导多媒体直观法、小组合作学习等教具 学具单词卡、课件通案个案Step1. Warm-up1.快速拼词:教师出示单词卡片door,chair,window,desk,bed,引导学生快速看图拼读四会单词。2. Free talkWhats in your bedroom?What color is your desk/bed?How many windows are there in your bedroom? Step2. Presentation1. 课件展示房间图片,教师说:“Look! This is my new room. I have a bed and a shelf. What else do I have? ”,教师点击课件,图片中mirror闪烁,然后出现单词mirror,拿出一面镜子,示范朗读mirror,学生跟读。教师手拿着镜子分别问几名学生:“Do you have a mirror in your bedroom? ”如果学生的回答是肯定的,教师则再次重复一下“mirror”一词,说:“Oh,you have a mirror in your bedroom.”,如果学生的回答是否定的,教师可以说:“Oh,sorry. You dont have a mirror in your bedroom. Where is the mirror? ”(Is the mirror in the bathroom?),学生回答。2. 教学其它curtain,closet,end table,trash bin,air-conditioner五词,方法同mirror,通过模仿、问答等形式,学生初步掌握这五个词。3. 在教学air-conditioner一词时,可做“冷暖”游戏:教师让一名学生A看一下air-conditioner图片,然后离开教室。教师藏起该卡后认学生A回到教室找那张卡片。如果学生A走近该卡片,其他学生就大声说“air-conditioner”,如果学生A离卡片越来越远,其他学生就轻声说单词。如果教师发现学生哪一词掌握不太好,也可以做这个游戏进行巩固。4. Lets chant. 学生随着音乐边做边说Step3. Consolidation and extensionLets play:学生分组做句型接龙Step4. Summary 学生谈本节课的收获。Step5. Homework听说认读本课所学的单词,练习使用所学单词表达自己间内的物品课堂检测I.选字母补全单词。i or a ur o e c_ _tain cl_set mirr_ _ tr_sh bin _nd tableII.仔细看图片,请你用上have句式介绍你的卧室。教学反思课题Unit 5 My new roomPart A Lets talk课型会话课课时2教学目标知识与技能:1.听、说、认读句型There is a/There are并能在情景中正确运用。2. 能够用“new, big, small”等和表示颜色的单词形容家具陈设。过程与方法:通过多媒体课件的设置情景帮助学生理解句意,学生小组合作进行对话练习学会使用句型There is a/There are情感态度与价值观:教育学生爱护物品,不攀比的良好品质。重点难点能正确使用“There is”和“There are”句型。学法指导多媒体直观法、小组合作学习等教具 学具课件、词卡、录音机、磁带、白纸若干。通案个案Step1. Warm-up1. Daily talk.2. 动一动教师在教室各处贴放所学的单词“curtain, closet, mirror, end table, trash bin, air-conditioner”教师说单词,如“curtain”,学生迅速跑到相应的单词位置上。(若班上人数多,可以分小组活动)Step2. Presentation1. 做Lets try 练习,老师放录音,学生听音、选择。然后让学生说说两幅图画的不同之处,引导学生运用句型:I can see ain the picture.2.课件出示一个房间,然后在房间里出教师本人,介绍说:“Look,this is me. I have my own room now.”, 强调“my own room”的发音,让学生跟说。教师出示自己的书本等物品,并介绍说,引导学生出示他们的物品并说出:my own.3. 教师拿出的卡片贴在黑板上的房间里并向学生介绍说:In my room this is a mirror.让学生跟说。教师依次贴出closet, air-conditioner的卡片。每帖一张卡片就示范说一个句子。三张卡片都贴好了以后,教师说:There is a big closet, a new air-conditioner and a new mirror.然后教师在窗户两边画上蓝色窗帘并介绍说: There are blue curtains.让学生跟说。3. Lets talk Sarah has a new room, lets go and have a look.听录音跟读对话. 然后分角色朗读. Step3.practice1. talk and draw:学生1描述房间的物品,学生2根据学生1的描述画出相应的房间,最后看描述与绘画的结果是否一致,可在小组内进行练习。2. 让学生之间互相询问自己房间的一些设置,或是根据Lets try内容互相讨论形成材料,然后向全班同学展示,看谁的口语表达流利,给与表扬。注意提示学生单复数的使用。Step3. Consolidation and extension1. 做“Talk and draw”活动:学生两人一组,学生A描述一个想象的房间或自己的房间,学生B根据听到的内容在空房间内画出相应物品,然后交换角色练习。2. 教师介绍Good to know部分的知识。Step4. SummaryStep5. Homework熟读对话内容,在情景中练习使用句型There is a/There are课堂检测I.找出不同类的单词。( )1.A.TV set B. end table C. air-conditioner( )2.A.closet B. bed C. computer( )3.A.bedroom B. bathroom C. trash bin ( )4.A.chicken B. beef C. banana II.用 a 或 an填空。1There is _new air-conditioner in my room.2There is _air-conditioner in my room.3. I have _end table.III.看图回答问题。1、Whats the living room like? 2、Whats the study like? 教学反思课题Unit 5 My new roomPart A Read and write课型读写课课时3教学目标知识与技能:1.掌握Read and write中的四会单词和四会句子,做到会听、说、读、写。 2. 理解ir、ur、th的拼读规律并熟练读出例词。过程与方法:通过听、找、读、写等形式运用小组活动教学法让学生灵活的学习知识。情感态度与价值观:培养学生爱护自己与他人的物品。重点难点重点:熟练掌握There be句型的简单表达法,掌握四会句子的正确书写。难点:帮助学生区分使用There is和There are的表达法。学法指导多媒体直观法、小组合作学习等教具 学具课件、词卡、图片通案个案Step1. Warm-up1. Daily talk.2. 教师播放Lets chant,师生共同完成。3. 老师出示Lets learn部分的动词词卡,学生认读并拼写。Step2. Presentation1. Read.(1) 课件展示Read and write短文中的第一部分。学生阅读短文。(2) 问:“How many rooms are there in the rabbits flat? What are they?”,学生根据短文内容回答。教师请若干名学生到台前,学生边说边操作课件,把表示房间的图拖放到空白地方,其他同学判断对错。(3) 到第一页,学生再次阅读短文。点击课件第二页,教师请若干名学生操作课件把单词拖放到相应的图上。(4) 让我们看看小兔子的房间。”,点击课件第三页。学生阅读短文中的第二部分。(5) 看课件第四页,教师提问:“What are in the baby rabbits room?”,学生边回答边把物品拖放到小兔子的房间里。(6) 图中的物品是可供选择的,其他学生根据台上学生所选来判断对错。2. Write(1)学生打开书P60,自己阅读全文。(2) 教师给学生三分钟的时间完成句子(写在书上)(3) 请若干名学生朗读句子,大家一齐核对答案。3. Pronunciation1)教师出示单词:skirt, shirt, girl, birthday,学生朗读单词。2)请学生说一说字母组合ir在单词中的发音E:。3)教师给出绕口令中的单词“first, third, dirty”,学生运用所学的语音规律朗读单词。4)出示完整的绕口令,学生四人一组朗读。5)以同样的方式学习字母组合ur, th的发音。Step3. Consolidation and extensionLets play: 学生同桌或四个小组,轮流掷骰子(橡皮)看图说话。如:In my room there is an air-conditioner,a telephone,a比一比谁说的句子最长。Step4. Summary 学生谈本节课收获。Step5. Homework 熟读短文,抄写四会句型,学生画出自己的房间,和同伴聊一聊房间里都有什么,为写作文做铺垫。课堂检测I.根据句子的意思,用is/ are填空。1、There a kitchen,a bathroom and a living room in my flat.2、There green curtains in my bedroom.3、There an air-conditioner over the mirror.II连线。1.我自己的房间 A. on the third floor 2.在第三层 B. in front of the desk3.在书桌前面 C. my own roomIII.读一读,填一填。Im Chicken. I have an air-conditioner. I have a mirror, a telephone and a lamp. I have two end tables. I have pink curtains. Whats in Chickens room?There is an _, a_, a_ and _ in Chickens room. There are_ and _in Chickens room.教学反思课题Unit 5 My new roomPart B Lets learn课型词汇课课时4教学目标知识与技能:1.能够掌握B部分Lets learn中的四会单词in, on, under, behind, near,做到会听、说、读、写。2.能够运用句型“Where is ?”进行询问,并能做出相应回答。过程与方法:通过实物的摆放理解学习方位词;通过小组游戏巩固掌握本节课知识。情感态度与价值观:教育学生不随便乱摆放东西等。重点难点重点:能听、说、读、写单词:in, on, under, behind, near。并能在一定情景中正确运用“Where is ? Its .”,。难点:熟练掌握七个方位介词的用法,特别是“in front of”。学法指导实物教学法、小组合作学习等教具 学具课件、词卡、图片通案个案Step1. Warm-up1. Daily talk. 2. TPR活动:教师说:“Put your book on your head. Put your pencil in your desk. Put your pencil-box under your chair.”等,学生做动作。Step2. Presentation1. 教师拿出一个盒子,让学生猜猜里面有什么东西,问:“Whats in my box?”,并引导学生使用there is/are句式进行回答,在猜的时候,教师可让男女学生轮流猜,猜中了,给予奖励。当学生猜中了,教师引导学生用there is/are说,再加上方位词in the box。在盒子里可以放:mirror,books,pencil等物品,或是卡片,所涉及的单词就好是本单元学过的。2. 猜完后,教师拿着mirror放进盒子,问:“Where is the mirror?”,引导学生回答:“Its in the box.”,然后把mirror放在桌子上,再问,再答。用不同的物品或卡片,采用不同的位置,先可以是学过的in、on、under,然后出示新的位置over、behind、in front of、near,其中通过教师动作区别over与on的不同,behind与in front of通过对比进行教学,学要注意near与behind、in front of的比较。3. TPR活动1:教师发指令,如:“Put the book behind the chair. Put your pencil over your pencil-box. Put your pencil on your pencil-box.”,在指令注意几个词之间的区别与联系。4. 学生同桌把学习用品摆放出不同的位置关系并做问答,如:“Where is the? Its”,可先由教师做示范,学生们齐答,后让学生同桌练习。5. 课件出示学生用书61页Lets find out活动:让学生找一找图中物品摆放的不当之处,并用there be结构作简单表述。6. 教师板书本课四会单词,让学生在卡片反面或练习本上仿写、记忆。Step3. Consolidation and extension全班听Story time部分的录音,教师讲解故事内容,学生模仿跟读。让学生再读一遍故事并回答相关的问题,让学生说一说从故事中学到了什么。Step4. Summary 学生谈本节课收获。Step5. Homework 制作图卡区别本节课所学介词。课堂检测I. 选择题。( ) 1.This is a picture _ my room. A. on B. in C. of D. to( ) 2.The books are _ the bookshelf. A. in B. on C. over D. under( ) 3.Two end tables _ near the bed. A. am B. is C. are D. beII.根据汉语提示填空。1.Thebooksare_(在上面)thetable. 2.Thebedis_(在后面)thedoor. 3.Themirroris_(在下面)theair-condition. 4.Theclothesis_(在里面)thecloset. 5.Thedeskis_(在旁边)thecloset. III.读一读,连一连。1、 Whats your room like? A: Relly? Its wonderful!2、 I have my own room now. B: There is a big bed and a closet in it.3、 Where is your picture? C: Its on the wall.4、 Whats on the desk? D: There is a walkman.教学反思课题Unit 5 My new roomPart B Lets talk课型会话课课时5教学目标知识与技能:1能听、说、认读句子:There is a . near /. the . 和The . is near /. the ., 并能在情景中运用。2能运用所学语言对房间摆设作介绍。过程与方法:注重观察、比较、积极和他人合作,共同完成学习任务。情感态度与价值观:培养学生良好的卫生习惯和生活自理能力。重点难点重点:熟练掌握There be结构较长句式的表达法难点:The books are on the shelf.一句为复数句式,在教学中教师不应过多强调语法,而重在结合图画让学生理解语意。学法指导小组活动、游戏,多媒体直观教学法等教具 学具课件、词卡、图片通案个案Step1. Warm-up1. Daily talk.:T: Whats in your room? S: There is/are.T: Where is it? S: Its on/near/under.2. TPR活动:教师用带有介词的动词短语发指令,如:“Put your ruler under your pencil-case.”学生根据指令将各自的文具按指定位置放好。Step2. Presentation1. Lets try 教师放录音,学生根据所听到的内容,把周围的物品连到房间的相应的位置。2.教师把两本书放在桌子上,引导学生说:“The books are on the desk.”,学生理解后,教师用其他学习用品摆出不同的位置关系让学生练习描述。3. 猜一猜,引出There are two/in/句式,教师拿出一个书包,让学生猜一猜,问:“Whats in the bag?”,教师引导学生说:“There are two books in the bag. There are three pencils in the bag.”等,然后做替换练习。4. 课件出示一幅图,先找出一件的,然后是两件的,再是三件的引导学生区分there is 和there are5. Lets talk(1)教师播放Lets talk部分录音两遍。(2)教师给出5道判断题,让学生带着问题再听一遍录音There is a bed, a desk, a closet and shelf in my room. ( )There are three end tables near the bed. ( )The computer is in the desk. ( )The books are on the shelf. ( ) The trash bin is in front of the door. ( )(3)学生朗读短文。Step3. Practice1. “Memory Game”游戏:如教师出示学生用书62页Lets practise图或其他居室图,让学生观察2分钟,然后把一些物品消失,让学生说出消失物品的相对位置,引导学生用句子:“There is /arenear/the”来表达。2. Lets practise:让学生两人一组描述图上物品的相对位置,然后请学生自告奋勇到黑板前来介绍。Step4. Consolidation and extension做C部分Task time活动Step5. Summary 学生谈本节课收获。Step6. Homework练习使用There be 长句型描述自己房间内的摆设。课堂检测I.选择题 ( ) 1.There _ a small closet in my bedroom. A. am B. is C. are D. be( ) 2.There _ some pictures on the wall. A. am B. is C. are D. be( ) 3.My father has _air-conditioner. A. a B. an C. some D. II按要求做题。1. There are two end tables near the bed.(写出同义句)2. The computer is on the desk.(对划线部分提问)3. you,more,tell,can,me,(连词成句)4. see,over,what,the,you,bed,can,( 连词成句)III.看图片说句子,比比谁说的最多。教学反思课题Unit 5 My new roomPart B Read and write课型读写课课时6教学目标知识与技能:1.能够听、说、读、写表示位置的单词及句型。.能够了解Story time部分的内容。过程与方法:在活动中轻松的学习;通过课件直观的感知学习知识。情感态度与价值观:教育学生爱护物品,不攀比。重点难点重点:使学生掌握三个四会句型,能熟练运用There be长句形式作介绍。难点:Many clothes are in the closet.学法指导小组活动、游戏,多媒体直观教学法等教具 学具课件、句卡、图片通案个案Step1.Warm-up1. Daily talk.2. 齐读B Lets talk.3. “小小推销员”活动:学生介绍课外收集到的各具特色(如:中式房间、欧式房间或是成人房间、儿童房间等)的房间图片。(学生课前从海报上杂志上剪辑一些各具特色的房间图片,There be句型介绍房间里的物品。)可先让学生准备一两分钟,然后介绍给同桌或是教师。Step2. Presentation1. 课件出示一个closet,点击后出在closet里面加上许多clothes,教师先引导学生说:“Many clothes”,再引导学生说:“Many clothes are in the closet.”作替换练习:“Many toys are in the closet.”。2. 教师展示Read and write部分的图片,说:“Do you remember Robot. He has his own room. Whats it like? Whats in it? Listen. 教师放录音,学生过看短文过听录音。3. 学生就不懂的地方提问,教师解答。4. 教师再放一遍录音,然后指导学生完成“Finish the passage”的练习。教师指导学生书写四会句子。Step3. Consolidation and extension1. Lets find out:让学生观察图片,说出两幅图之间的不同之处。教师也可再提供一些类似图片让学生练习。2. 条件允许的话,学生四人小组,拿出自己房间的照片在小组内介绍。如果时间允许,鼓励学生大胆向全班做介绍。3. 做C部分Lets check练习:学生听音判断对错,启发学生描述几幅图里的相对位置关系。Step4. Summary 学生谈本节课收获。Step5. Homework仿照课文模式给Robot写一封信,介绍一下你的房间。教师可以给学生提供书信的格式。课堂检测I. 选择题。( ) 1.There _ a pen, a pencil and three erasers in my pencil case. A. are B. is C. am ( ) 2. - _is the air-conditioner? -Its over the mirror. A. Who B. What C. Where ( ) 3. I have _ own room. A.I B. my C. me ( ) 4.This is my living room. There _ blue curtains in it. A. are B. is C. amII. 连词成句1. where,your, is,mirror_?2. there, two, near, are, end tables, the, bed_ .III.阅读短文,判断正误。对的打“”,错的打“”。Hello, my name is Lin Lin. Im twelve. This is my bedroom. Let me show you. There is a bed, a window, a shelf, a desk, a chair, and a computer. The window is in front of the desk. The desk is near the bed. There is a computer on the desk. My bedroom is small, but its nice. I love it. ( ) 1. There is a closet in Lin Lins bedroom.( ) 2. The desk is near the bed.( ) 3. The window is behind the desk.( ) 4. The bedroom is big.( ) 5. Lin Lin likes her bedroom very much.教学反思

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