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商务英语翻译试题(三)1(1-5)BCCDD (6-10)BBDDC2.(1-5)ABBDC (6-10)AABCB 词汇测试题:(2题,每题10分,共20分)1 该组有10个商务英语英文词或词组,下面均有英文词或词组来进行解释。请将正确的选项标出,要求英英转换意义准确,符合商务英语规范。(10分)(1) credit A. a kind of money B. a method of paying at a later time C. currency D. charge or service(2) assign A. to take or move outB. to put sth in a particular order C. to choose or give a particular job to sb.D. to decide how sth will be made (3) to perform A. to project a program B. to contribute a fund C. to do an action or piece of workD. to cater for (4) to withhold A. to offer something for a decisionB. to have a particular right to do C. to put something in a particular orderD. to refuse to give or to keep back (5) to schedule A. to take on responsibilityB. to trust in someone C. to bring in a consultantD. to list or state details (6) reimbursement A. to charge B. to pay back esp. money C. to claim for damages D. to ask for (7) qualify A. to make sth. BetterB. to cause sb. to have the legal right to have or do sth. C. to choose sb. officially for a jobD. to pay for the damage(8) put forward A. to arrange for somethingB. to come on something C. to put on an eventD. to suggest an idea for consideration(9) to boost A. to take back or to removeB. to refuse to give C. to become less in number or smallerD. to improve or increase(10) to comply with A. to comfortB. to contractC. act in accordance withD. to cash on delivery 2. 该组有10个商务英语英文词或词组,下面均有汉语词或词组来进行解释,请将正确项选出,要求英汉转换意义准确,符合商务英语规范。 (10分)(1) sub-standard A. 不合标准的 B. 标准化的 C. 附属的标准 D. 次品(2) shop around A. 四处游荡B.到处寻找 C. 寻找店面 D. 逛街(3) ceiling limit A. 屋顶,房顶 B. 限额 C. 期限 D. 信用额度(4) sub-contractor A. 副经理 B. 承包商 C. 法人代表 D. 转包人,分包人(5) It is proposed that A. 可能会 B. 最好会 C. 应该是 D. 必定会(6) security center A. 证券交易中心 B. 期货中心 C. 保险中心 D. 保障中心(7) grace period A. 宽限期 B. 美好的时期 C. 一段时间 D. 终止时期(8) consensus A. 内容,规范 B. 意见一致 C. 证券,债券 D. 正式批准(9) in principle A. 适用于 B. 主要来讲 C. 原则上 D. 规定(10) bull marketA 熊市 B 牛市 C 集市 D 证券市场II语境意义,完形填空题 (2题,共30分) 本组考题共有15个空,每空下有多项意义近似的英语选项,从中择一准确选项填入空内。 要求:A 词语的特定环境所产生的意义。 B 词语的情态色彩意义。 C 词语的语法意义 D 句子与超句群在特定的集约形式中的意义。 E 语篇的主题意义1完形填空题(10空,每空1.5分)WTOIt is well known that the World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only international organization _1_ with the global rules of trade between notions. Its main function is to ensure that trade flows as smoothly as possible.It was founded in 1993 by the Final Act that concluded the Urugudy Round of multilateral negotiations under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade(GATT), which it _2_, and exists to administer and police the 28 free-trade agreements, oversee world trade practices, and adjudicate trade disputes.It began its operation on January 1, 1995, with its general council _3_ 76 member states; by early 1999 it numbered 134 members. The result of it is to make a more prosperous, peaceful and accountable economic world.Decisions in the WTO are typically by _4_ among all member countries and they are ratified by members parliaments. Trade friction is channeled into the WTOs dispute settlement process where the focus is on interpreting agreements and commitments, and how to ensure that countries trade policies _5_ with them. That way, the risk of disputes spilling over into political or military conflict is reduced. By lowering trade barriers, the WTOs system also breaks down other barriers between peoples and nations.At the heart of the system-known as the _6_ trading system-are the WTOs agreements, negotiated and signed by a large majority of the worlds trading nations, and _7_ in their parliaments. These agreements are the legal ground-rules for international commerce. Essentially, they are contracts, guaranteeing member countries important trade rights. They also bind governments to keep their trade policies within agreed limits to everybodys benefit. The agreements were negotiated and signed by governments. But their purpose is to help producers of goods and services, exporters and importers conduct their business. The goal is to improve the welfare of the peoples of the member countries. The past 50 years have seen an _8_ growth in world trade. Merchandise exports grew on average by 6% annually. Total trade in 1997 was 14 times the level of 1950. GATT and the WTO have helped to create a strong and prosperous trading system contributing to _9_ growth.The system was developed through a series of trade negotiations, or rounds, held under GATT. The first rounds dealt mainly with tariff reductions but later negotiations included other areas such as anti-dumping and non-tariff measures. The latest round - the 1986-84 Uruguay Round - led to the WTOs creation.Decisions are made by the entire membership. A majority vote is also possible but it has never been used in the WTO, and was extremely rare under the WTOs _10_, GATT. The WTOs agreements have been ratified in all members parliaments.1. A. dealing B. communicating C. complying D. confirming 2. A. places B. removes C. supersedes D. makes 3. A. concluding B. comprising C. competing D. taking 4. A. consensus B. comment C. commitment D. component 5. A. confirm B. abide C. conform D. deal 6. A. multilateral B. multiple C. lateral D. manageable 7. A. rolled B. ratified C. checked D. issued 8. A. exceptional B. except C. exceeding D. extending 9. A. presented B. unprecedented C. superseded D. sustained 10. A. predecessor B. successor C. professor D. institution 2语境意义题:文中有五处缺少内容,请从文后的选项中选出合适的选项,填回到原文中相应的位置 (5空,每空3分)When did humans first arrive at the concept of money? What conditions spawned it? And how did it affect the ancient societies that created it? Until recently, re- searchers thought they had the answers. (1) _. But few see the matter so simply now. With evidence gleaned from such disparate sources as ancient temple paintings, clay tablets, and buried hoards of un- coined metals, researchers have revealed far more ancient money: silver scraps and bits of gold, massive rings and gleaming ingots. (2) _.There, they suggest, wealthy citizens were flaunting money at least as early as 2500 B.C. and perhaps a few hundred years before that. Theres just no way to get around it, says Marvin Powell, a historian at Northern Illinois University in De Kalb. Silver in Mesopotamia functions like our money today. Its a means of exchange. People use it for a storage of wealth, and they use it for defining value. Many scholars believe money began even earlier. My sense is that as far back as the written records go in Mesopotamia and Egypt, some form of money is there, observes Jonathan Williams, curator of Roman and Iron Age coins at the British Museum in London. That suggests it was probably there beforehand, but we can t tell because I we dont have any written records. Just why researchers have had such difficulties in uncovering these ancient moneys has much to do with the practice of archeology and the nature of money itself. Archeologists, after all, are the ultimate Dumpster divers: they spend their careers sifting through the trash of the past, ingeniously reconstructing vanished lives from broken pets and dented knives. (3) _ Money doesnt always come in the form of dimes and sawbucks, even today. As a means of payment and a way of storing wealth, it assumes many forms, from debit cards and checks to credit cards and mutual funds. The forms it took in the past have been, to say the least, elusive. From the beginning, money has shaped human society. It greased the wheels of Mesopotamian commerce, spurred the development of mathematics, and helped officials and kings rake in taxes and impose fines. (4) _. If there were never any money, there would never have been prosperity, says Thomas Wyrick, an economist at Southwest Missouri State University in Springfield, who is studying the origins of money and banking. Money is making all this stuff happen. Ancient texts show that almost from its first recorded appearance in the ancient Near East, money preoccupied estate owners and scribes, water carriers and slaves. In Mesopotamia, as early as 3000 BC, scribes devised pictographs suitable for recording simple lists of concrete objects, such as grain consignments. (5) _. A. Five hundred years later, the pictographs had evolved into a more supple system of writing, a partially syllabic script known as cuneiform that was capable of recording the vernacular: first Sumerian, a language unrelated to any living tongue, and later Akkadian , an ancient Semitic language.B. In the process, they have pushed the origins of cash far beyond the sunny coasts of the Mediterranean, back to the worlds oldest cities in Mesopotamia, the fertile plain created by the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.C. As it evolved in Bronze Age civilizations along the Mediterranean coast, it fostered sea trade, built lucrative cottage industries, and underlay an accumulation of wealth that might have impressed Donald Trump. D. The tokens served first as counters and perhaps later as promissory notes giver temple tax collectors before the first writing appeared. E. They believed money was born, as coins, along the coasts of the Mediterranean the seventh or sixth century BC, a product of the civilization that later gave world the Parthenon, Plato, and Aristotle.F. But like us, ancient Mesopotamians and Phoenicians seldom made the error of tossing out cash, and only rarely did they bury their most precious liquid assets in ground. Even when archeologists have found buried cash, though, theyve trouble recognizing it for what it was. G. If money had never developed, we would all still be bartering. We would have been stuck with that. Money opened the door to trade, which opened the door for specialization. And that made possible a modern society.III形式主义类题(5句,每句4分,共20分) 该题型旨在考核学生两种语言对应能力,五个汉语单句需译成英语,要求体现原语形式意义。1 在20世纪后50年的发展中,特别是改革开放后的20年,中国工业保持了高速增长。2在国内交易中,买卖双方了解对方的财务情况和其他有关信息并不难,支付可能以一种直接的形式进行。3我们从贵国驻北京大使馆商务参赞处获悉,你们是轻工业产品的进口商。4. 此次写信告知贵方,本公司已被指定为著名的索尼彩电的代理商。我方可现货供应许多新型的质优彩电,同时还提供零件和良好的售后服务。5. 贵公司可能注意到了原材料价格的上涨趋势,种种迹象表明这种趋势将持续下去。在此情况下,我们想提醒你们,在近期内不可能再有相同的报盘。IV. 风格意义类试题(共30分) 将下面段落译成适应原文风格的汉语表达,要求不仅译文忠实于原文,流畅无误,而且在篇章词语风格上,能与原文相适应。The coming of the railroads made canal shipping less important, but it tied New York even more closely to the central regions of the country. It was easier for people in the central states to ship their goods to New York for export overseas.Exports from New York were greater than imports. Consequently, shipping companies were eager to fill their ships with passengers on the return trip from Europe. Passengers could come from Europe very cheaply as a result. Thus New York became the greatest port for receiving people from European countries. Many of these people remained in the city. Others stayed in New York for a few weeks, months, or years, and then moved to other parts of the United States. For these great numbers of new Americans New York had to provide homes, goods, and services. Their labor helped the city become great.商务英语翻译试题(三)参考答案词汇测试题(共20%) 1(1-5)BCCDD (6-10)BBDDC2.(1-5)ABBDC (6-10)AABCBII语境意义,完形填空题(共30%)完形填空题 (15%)(1-5) ACBAC (6-10) ABABA语境意义题: (15%) (1-5) EBFCAIII形式主义类题(5句,共20%)1 In the latter half of the 20th century, especially in the two decades after the initiation of reform and opening to the outside world, Chinas industry has developed at a high speed.2 It is not very difficult for buyers and sellers in domestic trade to get to know each others financial status and other information, and payment is likely to be made in a straightforward manner.3 We have learned from the Commercial Counselors Office of your embassy in Beijing that you are importers of light industrial products.4 We are writing to inform you that we have been appointed agents for the famous SONY color TV sets. We can supply most new models of fine quality from stock, and also provide spare components and excellent after-sales service.5 You may have observed an upward tendency in the prices of raw materials, which has every indication of being maintained. Under the circumstances, we would like to remind you that a similar offer in the near future is mostly unlikely.IV. 风格意义类试题(共30%)铁路的出现使运河的航行不那么重要了,但运河把纽约和全世界中心地区联系得甚至比以前更密切了。 对于住在中部各州的人来说,通过运河将货物运到纽约再输往海外还是比较方便的。 过去从纽约出口的货物比进口的多。因此,轮船公司极想用它们从欧洲返航的船载满乘客。结果每位乘客只要买张很便宜的船票就可以从欧洲来到美国了。 这样,纽约成了接纳来自欧洲各国人的最大港口。这些人有许多就留在纽约。其余的人在纽约逗留几个星期、几个月或几年,然后迁到美国其他一些地方去。对于这一批批人数很多的新美国人,纽约市不得不提供住房、商品和各种劳务。他们的劳务也帮助纽约成为大城市。


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