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各种解决方案的关键词语:Acquire and install new equipment 采购和安装新设备Allocate more funds 拨更多的资金Assign responsibilities to different people job division 工作分工Censor the media 审查传媒Change the regulation 改变规则Clamp down on crime严厉打击犯罪Combat crime 打击犯罪活动Combat industrial hazard 减轻工业危害Concentrate on the vital task 集中于重要的任务Confiscate the contraband goods 没收走私商品Contain costs 控制成本Control the traffic 控制交通Cooperate with the government 与政府合作Coordinate research 协调科研Curb inflation 抑制通货膨胀Cut costs 减低成本Develop a new system 开发新系统Enact legislation 制定一项法规Enforce the law 执法Enforce the rule 执行条例Enhance cooperation 加强合作Ensure operating safety 确保运行安全Establish a clear guideline 建立清晰地纲领Establish effective policies 制定有效政策Expedite reforms 加速改革Facilitate dialogues 促进对话Fight corruption 打击贪污Fight pollution 抗击污染Forbid the sale 禁止出售Foresee long-term changes 预料长远改变Forewarn the consumers 预先警告消费者Formulate a policy 制定一项政策Get rid of wastes 处理废料Give broader authority 给予更广泛的权力Harmonize activates 协调活动Impose a ban 颁布一项禁令Impose a fine 征收罚款Impose special restrictions 实施特别管制Imprisonment 监禁Improve communications equipment 改进通讯设备Introduce incentives 引进激励措施Investigate the cause 调查原因Iron out disharmony 消除不和谐Keep abreast of changes 跟上变化Launch a campaign 发起一项运动Make a suitable rule 制定合适的规则Mitigate suffering 缓和痛苦Modernize the management system 将管理体制现代化Monitor progress 检测进展Organize an activity 组织一项活动Pass a law 通过一项法律Phase out old machinery 逐步废除旧时机械Prepare a workable plan 拟定可行计划Prescribe standards 规定标准Preserve the diversity 保持多样性Propagate an activity 宣传一项活动Provide financial assistance 提供财政援助Raise safety standards 提升安全标准Raise the level of automation 提升自动化水平Reach a compromise 达成妥协Regulate fares 调节交通费Reinforce staff training 增强员工培训Restrict the speed 限制速度Share information 共享信息Simplify the organizational structure 简化组织结构Step up surveillance 加强监察Take safety precautions 采取预防性安全措施Take preventive measures采取预防性措施Tighten control measures 收紧操控措施


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