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八月出生孩子学习较差易成问题少年2013年05月26日11:46 新浪教育 微博 我有话说 本文选自少儿学英语的博客,点击查看原文Children born in August do significantly worse in exams thanclassmates born 11 months earlier at the beginning of the academicyear, a landmark study shows。August-born boys are 12 per cent less likely thanSeptember-born boys to get good GCSEs and girls are 9 per cent lesslikely。In addition, August-born youngsters are 20 percent more likelyto ditch academic study and learn a trade from the age of 16. Theyare 20 per cent less likely to go to an elite university。And it is not just their education that suffers as they aremore likely to be bullied at primary school and have lowerconfidence in their academic ability。As a result as teenagers, they are also more inclined tosmoke, binge drink and take cannabis and fewer are in control oftheir lives, according to a report published today。Claire Crawford, of the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS),co-author of the report, said children face a penalty simplybecause they are unlucky enough to have been born late in theschool year。To redress the balance, August-born children could spend ayear longer at school under proposals put forward by the studysauthors。Or they could sit tests only when they are deemed ready, orhave their test scores age-adjusted。The shake-up would involve ending the arbitrary system whichexpects pupils to reach academic levels by the end of a key stageat school。They would instead be expected to achieve those levels by acertain age, for example the crucial level four byeleven-and-a-half rather than by the time they leave primaryschool。Another alternative, suggested by the authors, is to changethe admissions process to ensure children only start school after acertain age。据英国每日邮报11月1日报道,一项具有里程碑意义的研究显示,八月份出生的孩子比起那些年长11个月于九月份学年开始时出生的孩子,在考试中明显表现得要糟糕一些。八月出生的男生比九月出生的男生在获得优秀的GCSE课程成绩的概率上低了12%,而女生则低了9%。此外,八月出生的青少年有20%以上的几率在16岁时选择抛弃学术学习,转而去学习职业技能。而他们进入名校就读的几率也低了20%。在教育状况方面,这些孩子不仅仅是在上小学时更容易被欺负,也降低了他们在学术能力上的信心。今日发表的一篇报道中说,对于十几岁的青少年来说,这样的情况也导致他们更容易吸烟、酗酒、吸食大麻,难以掌控自己的生活。这篇报告的合著者,来自英国财政学会(IFS)的克莱尔克劳德福说,孩子们面临着一种惩罚,“仅仅只是因为他们不幸地出生在学年末”。该研究的作者提出建议,为了匡正这种平衡,八月出生的孩子应该在学校多待一年。或者是只有当他们认为准备好了以后再参加考试,要么就让考试成绩根据他们的年龄加以调整。政策的大调整应该包括终止这种任意的系统,这一系统期望学生在学校生活的“关键阶段”结束时达到要求的学术水平。取而代之的应该是期望学生在特定的年龄达到相应水平,比如说,要求学生在十一岁半时达到“四级”,而不是在他们从小学毕业的时候。作者还提供了另一种选择,就是改变学校的录取进程,以保证只有适龄的儿童才能入学就读。

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