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初一阅读技巧 教师授课指导要求:请教研组老师注意以下几个使用时的注意事项(1) 共18个阅读技巧。每一项阅读技巧包括:阅读技巧内容,图式,举例,答案解析,思维导图,答题窍门6个部分。请教师把阅读技巧内容部分,思维导图部分和答题窍门部分整理后,加入到学生的一表通中。(2) 思维导图不可以直接粘贴扫描的图片,要用word重新编辑;(3) 本指导中所给例子是为了便于教师备课时,理解使用。一表通中的举例要求结合对应次课中的综合测试卷中的阅读做例子,不另外使用本指导中所给例子。(4)关于阅读技巧和答题窍门部分,请教师把语言进行精简修改,再输入到一表通中。技巧模块:阅读技巧1:“扫读”是做阅读理解题目中常用的方法之一,尤其是对于直接理解题目和一些细节理解性题目更有效。扫 读可以节省阅读的时间。扫读即为对材料的快速扫描,达到句步理解的目的。扫读的过程也是找到一些关键性 的词、词语或句子的过程,有一定的实际意义。图式:举例:There are live people in my family.My father is a businessman. He works in Beijing. He works very well My mother often stays at home. She is a farmer. She cooks three meals for the family every day. I have got a little brother. I have got a little sister, too. They are both in Yuying Primary School(小学).They both study very well. We live a happy life.The writers mother is a (an) .A. English teacher B. businessman C. nurse D. farmer思维导图:答案解析本题属于直接理解题,考查的是作者妈妈的职业。通过扫读我们不难发现:选项A是英语教师;选项B是商 人;选项C是护士,这三项均与事实不相符。选项D符合事实,为正确答案。答题窍门:扫读在阅读中有很大的意义,尤其是解决直接理解性题目!在扫读过程中,大家要快速扫读全文,了解文章大概内容,要圈定与图相关的词、句子或段落,进一步控掘关键信息,排除误导,同时注意题目给的句子是不是与原文出入很大,如果的确不同,那就要细心理解,适应变换的说法,最后选定正确答案。阅读技巧2:巧妙运用“查读”技巧1 定义:是指用较短的时间快速扫视文章,查找具体信息或相关事实与细节的阅读技巧。2 用途: 适于寻找具体细节,例如:事实、数字、人物、原因、年代、方式等。这种方法主要用于做细节题。3 如何使用:(1)先看问题,在问题中找出两到三个关键词; (2)到文章中快速扫描,确定答案所在区域; (3)匹配信息,找到正确答案。举例: Four people are on an airplane, the pilot, the cleverest man in the world, the riches man in the world, and a student. The airplane meets some problems, and the pilot tells the trhee passengers that the plane isnt going to work, but there are only three parachutes(降落伞)on the plane. The riches man in the world takes one, because he says he has lots of money and he is the most important man. The cleverest man in the world takes a parachute, because he thinks he can help others. The pilot says to the student. “There is only one parachute left. I will fight you for it.” “You dont need to do so.” Says the student. “The cleverst man in the world takes my schoolbag.”86. This story happens A. on a plane B. on a train C. in a ship D. in a subway87. How many passengers are there? A. Four B. Three C. Two D. One思维导图:答题窍门: 初中的阅读题大部分是细节题,因此查读是一种很实用的阅读方法。在查读时,要有目的性,要先看问 确定关键词,然后一目十行地迅速浏览全文,在文中找到关键词的位置,再根据问题,明确答案t相信同学一 定能掌择这种简单实用的方法!阅读技巧3:“细读”1 定义:是指对关键词、句细心揣摩,不仅要力图准确理解其字面意思,还要努力去推测其深层含义。2 用途:适用于阅读中的判断题,词义猜测题和完形填空题等需要作出主观判断的题。3 如何使用:在细读时,先在文中找到关键词或句,再仔细、反复阅读,以便达到透彻理解。细读法比较耗时,所以建议大家只有在有充分的时间和完全必要时再采用,切不可滥用,延误其他题的解题时间。举例:(2012江苏常熟市)But one evening. Lily didnt go to school. I had to go home by myself after school. It was nearly 8 :30 p. m. I walked quick) as I was a little afraid. Suddenly I heard something strange behind me. I began to walk faster than before. And I still could hear the sound. “Maybe someone is walking after me. /1 said to myself. But I was afraid and didnt dare(敢)to look back. I began to run. But when I was running the sound still came behind, and became louder than before. It seemed that he was also running. Some sand came into my shoes. But I didnt want to stop and just ran home.ten minutes later. 1 got home at last. My father asked me, “Whats wrong with you. dear?” Someone, someone is running after me.,My father hurried outside. Nobody was there. Then he asked me to tell him about it. I told him everything. After that, he laughed, “Silly girl. There isnt ghost in the world at all.”思维导图:答题窍门:细读时要先确定关键词、句,然后再仔细研读,否则就会浪费宜贵的考试时间。如本题考查的是时间,就先 在文中找出与时间有关的句子,根据理解作出判断,最后确定答案。相信同学们会恰当地运用它。阅读技巧4:“倒读”在考场上利用最少的时间正确地解决更多的问题,是所有考生向往的效率。本章介绍阅读理解中最有效的 方法之一-倒读法,即先读题目(选项不必读)后带着问题读短文,最后寻找答案。这种方法可以略去与题目不 相f的内容,能迅速地抓住文中与解题关系密切的信息,从而节省了阅读时间。倒读法对细节考查题的(提问时 间、地点、原因、名称等)效果最好,不适于深层理解的题目。举例:思维导图:答案解析48. B细节理解题。我们先看题目,含有“Susans best friend”,我们带着“Susan最好的朋友”这尤印象去短文 里寻找,在有关Susan的部分不难找到“My best friend is Fanny. ”,答案选B。49. D细节理解题。仍然先看题目,含有“Ken from”,我们带着“Ken来肖哪丨L”这个问题去短文里找,在有 关Ken的部分不难找到“Ken, Japan”,答案选D。50. A细节理解题。题目里含有“is Linda like”,我们带着“Linda是什么样的人”去瑪文里找,在最后一段很 明显有“Linda is very confident girl and she is really kind. ”,答案选 A。答题窍门:利用倒读法进行解题时,一定要注意细节才行。另外,当你阅读完题目后的问题时,可以一目十行地跳读去寻找相关信息,而不必字字句句地去读,从而节省大量时间去解决别的问题。设题模块:阅读技巧5:解答细节理解题(含数字计算题、细节排序题和段落排序题)在中考阅读的几个题型中,细节理解题型所占比重最大、难度小、得分率最高,因而要引起同学们足够的重视。细.节理解题,顾名思义是指那些针对文章细节描写或与情节发展相关的事实所设置的问题。做这类题要 求找出特定细节,但文章的细节并不是独立存在的,因为整篇文章是一个完整的体系,所以细节之间也是 相互联系的。因此在处理细节题的时候一定要做到统揽全篇,前后联系。解答细节理解题时,还需要记住的是题干和选项的表达一般都不采用文章中的原话,而是使用同义词语或者 变换表达方式。有时表面上与文章内容几乎一样的选项却存在着根本的不同,所以要格外小心。总之,解答细节 题需要与原文反复对照,有时采用“排除法”会更容易得到正确答案。具体说来,解答细节理解题要注意以下问题:1. 细节题的提问顺序一般和文章的结构一致,文章中先出现的先提问,后出现的后提问。2. 细节理解题的解题步骤共分三步:(1) 阅读问题,根据关键词确定问题所问内容;(2) 根据问题的内容快速阅读短文,直接找出与问题相关的词语或句子;(3) 将所找内容与选项进行对比和分析,得出正确答案。举例:Good afternoon. boys and girls. I,m Li Hong. Im Li Hong an English boy. Li Hong is my Chinese name. Look, this is a picture of my family. The tall man is my father. His name is Ken Marlin. This is my mother. Sandy Jordan. Whos that little girl? She is my sister, Lucy. Can you find me in the picture? Im the boy in blue.1 This is family. A. a Chinese B. an English C. a Japanese D. an American2 is my father.A. Sandy B. Ken C. Mrs. Martin D. Mr. Jordan3 is my mother.A. Sandy B. Ken C. Mrs. Martin D. Mr. Jordan4 What color am I in? I am in .A. Brown B. black C. blue D. red思维导图:答题窍门:虽然细节理解题属于阅读理解中比较简单的题型,但也是比较容易出错、比较容易丢分的一类题。因此在 解答此类题目时切不可掉以轻心,既要快速锁定“信息源”,又要善于用一双敏锐的慧眼挑出错误选项的错词或 不当之处,然后既快又准地确定答案。阅读技巧6:解答“推理判断题”阅读理解的各种题型中,难度较大、主观性较强的题型是推理判断题。这种题型要求我们根据字面意思,通 过文章的逻辑关系研究细节的暗示,推敲作者的态度,理解文章的寓意。做推理判断题时,最忌讳的是主观臆断,以偏概全。切忌只注意表面意思,而不去究其本质。解这种类型的题目定要从文章本身的内容出发,认真分析词、句及段落间的逻辑关系其要善于抓主题句,这样才能正确地解答阅读理解题。图式:举例:(2012辽宁省葫芦岛)Do you want to have fun and learn something new? Come to Camp (夏令营)Raccoon Camps. It starts from June 1. Check out your schedule(程序表)to find out more.Camp Raccoon ScheduleJune 1 June 7 Adventure camp learn to live in the wild.(在野外)June 14 June 21 Sports camp enjoy your favorite sportsJuly 1 July 7 Art camp Improve (提高)your drawing and painting.July 8 July 14 Animal camp learn about animals in the world.54. Where can you most probably find this form? A. In a textbook. B. In a science magazine. C. In a fashion show. D. On a website for kids.思维导图答题窍门:做这类试题时,应在理解全文的基础上,从文章本身所提供的信息出发,运用逻辑思维,进行合理地分析、 推理和判断,即准确地从原文中推论,把握文章的“弦外之音”,而不是考生的主观臆断。阅读技巧7:解答词义猜测题猜测词义题主要考查文章中出现的词或词组的意思。常见的考查方式为要求同学们推测出生词或者词组的 汉语意思、英语近义词或者词组的引申义。近几年的中考阅读理解中大都有一到两个小题考查词义推测,所以快 速解答词义猜测题是同学们必备的一项能力。一、考查词义猜测的命题形式通常有:1. The underlined word, “active,means “”in Chinese.2. The underlined word “it” in Paragraph 2 most probably means “ “3. What does the underlined word, “habit,in Paragraph 5 mean?4. The word, “stay,” in Paragraph 2 can be best replaced by “ “5. The Chinese meaning of the word,“depend” in this passage is “ “二、词义猜测题的解题技巧如下:1、根据构词法(合成、派生、转化等)进行猜测。在英语中,有很多词可以在前面加前缀,在后面加后缀,从而 构成一个词。猛一看,这个词像新词,但掌握了一定的构词知识,就很容易猜出它的词义。例如:(1)表示“否定” 的前缀有:un-、dis-等,表示“再次”的前缀如:re-;(2)将动词变成名词的后缀-er,将动词变成形容词的后缀-able, 将形容词变成副讷的后缀-ly等。同时也可,利用派生法:、转化法猜词。2、根据定义或上下文解释进行猜测。有时短文中出现一个需要猜测其意义的同或短语,下面接着出现其定 义或解释.这就是判断该词或當语意义的主要依据。例如:After a day of work, my father was exhausted. He slept for a whole day the next day.(疲意不甚的)3、根据同位关系进行猜测。阅读中出现的难词有时后面紧跟一个同位语,对前面的词进行解释,这时可利用 这种关系对前面或后面的词义或句意进行猜测。例如:They travel a long way, at last gets to a hut. a small house in the forest. (小屋)4、根据因果关系进行猜测。在一篇阅读文章中,根据原因可以预测结果,根据结果也可以找出原因。例如: Our English teacher is ill, so the English class is cancelled.(取消)5、根据上下文的指代关系进行猜测。文章中的代词it,that, this, he, him或they, them uj以指上文提到的人或物,其中it和that还可以指一件事。例如:Is the world too crowded? Well, thats a hard question to answer.(指代前一句话的内容)6、根据同义关系进行猜测。当词或短语之间有并列连词and或or时,其连接的两项内容在含义上是接近的或顺承的,由一项可推知另一项的大致意思。Doctors think that smoking is beneficial to your health. They also think healthy food is good.(可用 good 替代,词义为“有益的,好的”)7、根据转折或对比关系进行猜测根据上下句的连接词,如but, however等可以看到前后句在意义上有差别,从而由一句的含义来判断另一句的含义。另外,分号也可以表示转折、对比等意义。例如:She is usually very happy, but now she looks worried.(忧愁的)8、通过上下文理解猜测词义。通过上下文的具体信息猜测词义是目前中考阅读理解题中最常见的一种命题形式。举例:Like hundreds of other young people of all countries who take part in our language courses, you can make the most of your holidays by studying French in an interesting way and,at the same time, discover one of Frances most beautiful areas- Nice!Our summer course lasts 3 weeks in July and August. Youre welcome to come at any time between July and August 6. You can choose to stay at a host family, but we suggest you stay at our international summer camp. It makes it easy to meet other people and make new friends. Whats more, you can have your classes in the same building which is close to the beach! A free bus service brings you to and from classes if you are living in a French host family or enables you to get into the centre of town if you are living at the summer camp.Whenever you choose to come, well organize short trips, parties,sports and other activities and motivate you to speak French.Your stay in Nice will therefore not only be an educational one, but also an enjoyable experience. Besides offering you many opportunities to meet other people from different cultures,we will do everything to make sure your stay will be unforgettable!54. What does the underlined word “motivate” in the third paragraph mean?A. 激发B.感谢C.阻止D.妨碍思维图式:答题窍门:1. 1 猜测词义既是中考题必考的一种题型,也是学生日常英语学习中必备的一项能力。每次阅读一篇文章 时,都要养成良好的阅读习惯,遇到生词运用猜测技巧大胆预测,读完全文后才去查阅词典验证是否猜得正确。 久而久之,你的猜词能力会大大提高。2. 通过上下文的具体信息猜测词义是最常用到的一种猜词方法。无论要求猜测单词还是短语,都要紧紧抓住语境。只有与上下文密不可分的选项才有可能是正确答案。阅读技巧8:解答主旨大意题主旨大意题是阅读理解中的一种常见题型,也是阅读理解的压轴题。文章的主旨大意是文章的中心思想。首先,主旨大意题实际上是对文章大意最简洁的概括,主旨大意题与文章中心思想相关;其次,文章的大意和文章等的主题句总是一脉相承的;再次,短文的主旨大意题和作者的写作目的相关。短文的主题句通常在文章的开头,也有在中间或结尾的情况。抓住了主题句就抓住了文章的主旨大意。图式:举例:(2012江苏南京)Children often have their exam in July. After that,they have a two-month summer vacation to relax. It is the best time for children. The weather is fine. They can swim, go summer camp or visit a lot of interesting places with their parents.Of course,the beaches are good places for relaxing. Some children are lucky to live near the sea. They can enjoy the sea anytime. But the children live very far from the sea; they can only go to the beaches for one or two weeks with their parents.Why do children like spending their summer vacation on the beaches? It is because they like the sand, sun, the cool wind and the sea water. They can play many games on the sand. They also can eat some sea food. There are a lot of exciting things they can do on the beaches.阅读短文,根据其内容选择最佳答案:80The passage mainly tells us .A. childrens exam B. childrens games C. childrens summer vacation D. childrens parents答案解析:c本题属于主旨大意归纳题,题目问的是本段短文主要告诉我们什么。本短文的大意是有关孩子们在暑假 的生活情况。孩子们在七月份考试后有大约两个月的暑假,他们一般和父母一起去度假,当然海滩是最好的度假 地方,他们可以在那里充分的放松。本段短文的主题是介绍孩子们的暑假生活,故答案是C。思维导图:答题窍门:此类题需要根据短文的主题和大意来概括归纳,一般不能直接从文章中得出答案。在解题的时候,首先要 理解短文,然后从中找出主题句子。通常情况下,短文的主旨大意题必须体现短文的主题,全面概括短文的大 意.避免以偏概全、望文生义。如果不能把握短文的主题归纳主旨大意,也可以用排除法,把只体现短文的某一个段落的主题或者体现短文细节内容的主题排除掉,最后剩下的可能就是短文的主旨大意了!阅读技巧9:解答观点态度题观点态度题是阅读理解中的一种常见题型。它是作者的写作态度、观点态度和对事情评价的一种阅读理解题型,作者在短文中点明自己所持的态度、对某一个观点的赞成或者反对、肯定或者批评,因此这种题目主要考 查同学们对作者观点态度、情感态度緣者写作意图的理解能力。图式:举例:(2012 山东济宁)What do you like to drink, water, coffee or coke? Of course, many children like to drink coke. Adults like to drink coffee. No one likes water. Most American like drinking coffee, too. They want to drink coffee, not water. They even drink coffee at breakfast, at lunch, and at dinner. They drink hot coffee or coffee with ice in it. They drink it at work and at home. Coffee is black and very strong. But I think coffee and coke are bad for children. Many children are too heavy. More adults are too fat, too. People shouldnt drink too much coffee and coke. Children should drink more water. It is good for them. Water cant make you fat or too heavy. Why not drink water when you are thirsty?阅读短文,根据其内容选择最佳答案:1. From this passage, we know the writer .A. tells people to drink coffee and coke B. likes drinking coffee C. tells people not to drink coke or coffee D. tells people not to drink water思维导图:答案解析c本题属于作者观点态度分析题,题目问的是“从本短文中我们理解作者”。作者在短文中先列举一些 孩子和成年人喜欢喝可乐和咖啡的现象及其所带来的危害,然后作者明确告诉人们不要多喝咖啡、可乐,要多喝 水。选项A是告诉人们多喝咖啡和可乐,这不是作者的观点态度;选项B是作者喜欢喝咖啡,短文没有这个信息| 选项D表达告诉人们不要喝水,这与作者的观点是相反的。故答案是C。答题窍门:除了可以通过在文中寻找带有感情色彩的词来判断作者的态度外,有时需要根据文章中与问题相关的细 节做出判断,根据作者提供的例证推断其暗示的态度、观点,有时需要同学们通读全文并把握文章的主旨,最后 做出正确的选择。因此,我们应该特别注意作者运用一些感情色彩词汇,以此表达自己的观点态度。阅读技巧10:解答阅读填空题(还原短文题)阅读填空题,即选择合适的词、词语或句子还原短文。这种题型是期中、期末、中考等大型考试常考的题目类 型之一。由f本题型带有一定的难度,致使一些考生丢分严重。一、选择合适的句子完成短文命题者将短文挖空,要求考生根据短文内容,从文后所给的句子中选出适当的句子填人短文空白处。要求f 生根据短文的意义来妥善地处理好每个单句,而且还要处理好单句之间以及单句与全文之间的内在关系,在充分 理解的基础上填写适当的句子,以达到恢复短文原貌的目的。图式:二 选择合适的词语完成短文选择合适的词语完成短文题是一种综合性很强的阅读理解题,兼阅读理解与完形填空于一身,要求考生做题 时要把握全文的主旨和大意,在了解所给词语的基础上,按一定的规则进行填空,最后使得短文意义通顺、符合逻辑和语法正确。图式:举例:短文填空。用下面方框中单词或词组的适当形式填入短文空格内,使短文意思正确、通顺(每同限用一次)。Mr. Green works in a factory. There he drives a truck. Hes 1 all the time and when he comes back, he s always tired and doesnt want to do 2 housework. His wife is a doctor and likes to keep all the things tidy and 3 . So she has to do all at home. She usually goes to work from Monday to Friday and has to do all 4 Saturdays. All her friends know about it and sometimes they come 5 her.It s Saturday today. Mrs. Green 6 her husband to help her do some housework, but he says he has something to do and 7 early in the morning. He leaves a lot of dirty clothes at home. Mrs. Green doesnt go to work. She doesnt feel well.8 she doesnt want to do anything. After breakfast Jo, one of her friends, 9 to see her when she,s sitting on a chair.The girl finds the rooms are 10 and she asks, “Don t you clean your rooms today, Mrs. Green?”“No, I dont,” says the doctor.“Why dont you wear your glasses?”“In this way Ill think the rooms are tidy and clean!”思维导图:答案解析1. busy根据下一句中的hes always tired and”可知“他一直很忙”。故填busy。2. any根据本句中的“and doesnt want to do”可知为否定句,在否定句中用any,不用some。故填any,3. clean 联系上下文,并根据短文最后一句 “In this way Ill think the rooms are tidy and clean!”可知。故 填 clean。4. on 本题中关键词是表示星期的名词Saturdays。按英语的习惯,表示“在星期几“时介词要用on。故填on。5. to help 根据come可知,有时候他们来的目的是帮助她。帮填to help。6. tells 根据本句中的”to help” 可知, “tell sb. to do sth. “ 属于固定句式,表示“叫某人做某事”。帮填tells。7. goes 根据前后句的意义可知“他早上很早出去”。 故填goes。8. So 根据前后句的意义可知, “Mrs. Green不想做任何事的原因是因为她不舒服“。故填So。9. Comes 本句的主语是Jo, 故谓语动词应该用第三人称单数形式。故填comes.10. Dirty 根据下一句中的”Dont you clean your rooms today, Mrs. Green?” 可知“房间很脏“。故填dirty。答题窍门:还原句子是经常考查的阅读题目类型之一。在阅读过程中,大家要注意把握全篇的意义,在分清体裁和题 材的同时,注意上下文的逻辑关系,把握关键的信息,选完答案后要注意再次复读文章,最确定正确答案。一、 考虑总体用适当的词语还原短文时,一定要注意词汇的复现,即短文填空这种题型,命题者一般会设置一些重重复的词语,只要大家注意上下文,就能够直接找到答案。填写词典语时,一定要注意词形是否变化,最后验证答案,直到自己满意为止。二、考虑相关的细节1. 若考查代词,首先要明确考查哪种代词;其次,要看好代词指代了什么,单复数形式是否恰当,意义是否明确,是否合乎语法要求。2. 若考查冠词,则须依据短文空白后的单词的第一个音素,或后面所出现的名词的次序或者按冠词的惯用法来确定。3. 若考查动词,注意词义辨析,注意固定搭配,更注意时态(包括第三人称单数、现在分、过去式、过去分词等等)、各种语态(包括含情态动词的被动语态)以及非谓语动词形式(分词、动名词、不定式)等等。4. 若考查名词,重点考虑单、复数变化、所有格形式、不可数名词等;或名词变形容词等词性变化。同时还要考虑词汇有无特殊的意思,与介词、形容词、动词等能否搭配,所给多个名词之间的词义区别等等。5.若考查副词,是否有比较级、最高级、是否可以修饰、限制有关动词、形容词,要考虑副词在句子中位置是否正确,同一词性、形态相关的副词(如hard, hardly; high, highly)使用是否正确;副词起联结作用时,是否合乎上下文的意思,动词短语中的副词使用是否正确等等。6. 若考查连词,则应根据句子结构和上下文的意思来选择。也可从连词的一些惯用法或固定搭配等入手。注意考查并列连词还是从属连词,尤其注意考查复合句的连接代词或连接副词的用法,考虑时要注意联想和对比,根据句子的实际需要作出正确的判断。7. 若考查形容词,则须从其所在句中的作用来确定词性,比如形容词变成副词,或者考查其比较级或最高级,以及它前面的修饰语、形容词的排列顺序、所给的形容词间有何区别等等。8. 如果考查数词,首先看是不是考查序数词的用法,是不是考查分数的表达法等等。总之,对于“选择适当的词语并用其适当形式填空“这类题型,要注意每个词的意义,并做到对号入座,同时把握词语的适当形式,即短文的实际需要,这样才能不丢分。文体模块:阅读技巧11:阅读记叙文记叙文是阅读理解中最常见的一种体裁,特别是适合七年级的英语短文大部分是记叙文。,记叙文主要是写人、记事。写人的记叙文多注意一些描写人物的语言和细节;记事的记叙文应该注意记叙文的六要素,即5W1H: when(时间), where(地点) ,who(人物),what(事件),.why(原因)和 how(结果)等。阀读记叙文要抓住短文的开头(beginning)、.主体(main body)和结尾(ending)三个部分,确定记叙文是用第一人称还是第三人称。图式:举例:(2011山东泰安)A teacher is in the history class. Twenty students are in the final exam. They sit quietly and wait for him to speak. “I am glad to teach you this term,” he said. “You all work very hard, so I give you a good surprise.Everyone can get a 4B without having this exam”Most of the students jump out of their seats. They thank the teacher happily, and go out of the classroom. Only a few students stay there. The teacher looks at them. “This is your last chance,he said. “Does anyone else (别的)want to leave?” They stay in their seats and take out their pencils.The teacher says, 44Good, Vm glad to see you believe in yourselves. You all get an A”.阅读短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案。51. This story can take place (发生).A. at the beginning of the termB. in the middle of the termC. at the end of the termD. at the beginning of the school year52. Most of the students got Grade.A. “A”B. “B”C. “C”D. “F”53. A few students stay in their seats because.A. they want to take the examB. the teacher told them to stay in their classC. they were afraid to leaveD. they didnt have anything to do54. The teacher gives the students “A” becauseA. the teacher likes themB. they are very goodC. they believe in themselvesD. they study hard思维导图:答案解析这是一篇记叙文,主要记述了一次期末历史考试时考场上出现的一个场面。51. C 细节理解题。根据第一段的第一句话“A teacher is in history class. Students are in the final exam”可判断选C。52. B 细节理解题。根据第三段的第一句话“Most of the students jump out of their seats. ”可判断选B。 53. A主旨大意题。有部分同学对自己很自信,想参加考试,所以依然坐在自己的座位上。54. 细节理解题。根据最后一段,“Im glad to see you believe in yourselves. You all get an A. ”可判断选C。答题窍门:记叙文的细节理解题需要根据题干内容和短文的相关细节内容相对照,采用顺藤摸瓜的方式找到与题目 内容一致或者相关的句子,从句子中直接找到答案。主旨大意题,可以根据题目的内容在短文中找到相关的段 落或与主旨有关系的句子来分析、判断,最后再确定主旨大意。阅读技巧12:阅读说明文说明文是初中英语阅读常见的一种体裁,它是对事物的特征、本质、性能、状态或事物的发生、发展、结果、用途、原理等进行介绍、解释、说明的一种文体。它所说明的对象可以是实体的事物,也可以是抽象的事理。说明文经常用客观性语言、一般现在时的句子来说明,不用修辞手法和议论性语言。图式:举例:(2011 山东临沂)E-book is a book. It is usually on computers. We can also read it on mobile phones(手机).Earlier e-books have only a few subjects. But many subjects are on e-book now. Because of the Internet, e-book becomes very popular quickly.E-books are good for student. First,they save time. We dont need to go to a bookstore to buy books, and we can find them on the Internet. Second,e-books save money. Some e-books cost a little money, and there are lots of e-books on the Internet. We can get them for free. Third,we can save more trees because they don t use paper. Fourth, e-books are easy to carry.But they are also bad for student. They need a computer or an e-book reader. Some information can be lost if we change the readers computer. However, e-books give us with a new way of reading. They make reading easier. That is good.阅读短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案。1. The e-book becomes very popular quickly because A. it only has a few subjects.C. most e-books are expensive.2. E-books have advantages (优点).A. threeB. fourC. fiveD. six3. Which of the following is true according to this passage?A. E-books cant be on mobile phones.B. All the e-books cost lots of money.C. E-books can make reading easier.D. You cant read e-books without a computer.4. The writer mainly tells us.A. you dont need to buy paper books in a bookstore if you read e-booksB. the information can be lost if we change computerC. E-books can help save the environmentD. E-books are not good for children思维导图:


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