人教版(PEP)小学英语六年级下册Unit 1 How tall are you_ 单元测试B卷

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人教版(PEP)小学英语六年级下册Unit 1 How tall are you_ 单元测试B卷_第1页
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人教版(PEP)小学英语六年级下册Unit 1 How tall are you_ 单元测试B卷_第3页
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第 1 页 共 10 页 人教版 PEP 小学英语六年级下册 Unit 1 How tall are you 单元测试 B卷 姓名 班级 成绩 小 朋 友 带 上 你 一 段 时 间 的 学 习 成 果 一 起 来 做 个 自 我 检 测 吧 相 信 你 一 定 是 最 棒 的 一 选出每组单词中不同类的一项 共 5题 共 10分 1 2 分 I like playing A football B a footall C the football 2 2 分 I can t carry this box It s A heavy B light C small 3 2 分 The Grimm brothers were writers A Chinese B German C Danish D Japanese 4 2 分 我看见一根绳子 A I see an rope B l like the bicycle 5 2 分 It is bag 第 2 页 共 10 页 A me B my C I 二 单项选择 共 5题 共 10分 6 2 分 I love family A his B her C my 7 2 分 The pepper 辣椒 is I don t like it A hot B sweet C fresh 8 2 分 I think doing sports is our health A good at B bad for C good for 9 2 分 Which ball is the yellow one or the red one The yellow one A big B bigger 第 3 页 共 10 页 C biggest 10 2 分 找出下列单词中不合群的单词 A soup B milk C juice D bread 三 看图片 根据首字母填写单词 共 5题 共 10分 11 1 分 Do you often go to a drawing Yes I do 12 1 分 I like baby girls I want to be a d 13 1 分 I am of dogs diarfa 14 1 分 How did you g there yesterday 15 6 分 用英语写出下列短语 1 去购物 2 雨衣 3 毛衣 4 试穿 5 短裙 6 夹克衫 第 4 页 共 10 页 四 读句子 选择相应的答句 共 1题 共 5分 16 5 分 选择合适的答语 A There are twelve months B It s hot and sunny C My birthday is August 31 D It s Sunday E Yes I do 1 How is the weather in July in Beijing 2 Do you like April 3 What day is it today 4 When is your birthday 5 How many months are there in a year 五 按要求改写句子 共 5题 共 15分 17 5 分 bookstore near the you Can see a bus stop 连词成句 18 1 分 Did you go to bed last night 做肯定回答 19 5 分 Can you tell me something about spring 作肯定回答 第 5 页 共 10 页 20 2 分 I ll buy some oranges for you 改为同义句 I ll some oranges 21 2 分 How are you 答语 六 连词成句 注意首字母大写和标点符号 共 5题 共 17分 22 1 分 and it s thirteen dollar cents one 23 1 分 24 5 分 teacher my funny English is 连词成句 25 5 分 for you This gift is 连词成句 26 5 分 Kitty do have any you cousins 连词成句 七 阅读理解 共 1题 共 10分 27 10 分 阅读理解 Hans Christian Andersen 1805 1875 was the most famous writer in Denmark His stories have attracted many young readers around the world Andersen s father was a poor shoe maker As he was very young Hans was spoilt by his parents and his grandmother But when he was 11years old his father died and the boy had to leave school His mother made a living by washing clothes while Hans spent a great deal of time making theatre toys and puppets He reads as many books as he could Andersen published his first tale in 1835 and continued writing until he died 第 6 页 共 10 页 Andersen s words are simple and humor The stories became popular in the early 1840 s and made Andersen famous more and more Among the best known of his fairy tales are The Ugly Duckling The Emperor s New Clothes A Little Match Girl and so on 1 Hans Christian Andersen was a famous A writer B worker C scientist 2 Andersen s father was a A worker B shoe maker C clothes maker 3 Andersen published his first tale A In the early 1840 s B In 1875 C In 1835 4 Andersen s words are A beautiful B interesting C simple 5 A Little Match Girl in Chinese is A 一个小火柴女孩 第 7 页 共 10 页 B 卖火柴的小女孩 C 点火柴的女孩 第 8 页 共 10 页 参考答案 一 选出每组单词中不同类的一项 共 5题 共 10分 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 二 单项选择 共 5题 共 10分 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 1 10 1 三 看图片 根据首字母填写单词 共 5题 共 10分 11 1 12 1 13 1 第 9 页 共 10 页 14 1 15 1 15 2 15 3 15 4 15 5 15 6 四 读句子 选择相应的答句 共 1题 共 5分 16 1 16 2 16 3 16 4 16 5 五 按要求改写句子 共 5题 共 15分 17 1 18 1 19 1 第 10 页 共 10 页 20 1 21 1 六 连词成句 注意首字母大写和标点符号 共 5题 共 17分 22 1 23 1 24 1 25 1 26 1 七 阅读理解 共 1题 共 10分 27 1 答案 略 27 2 答案 略 27 3 答案 略 27 4 答案 略 27 5 答案 略

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