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第一回 演义篇ETS Easy Touching System 姓名:托福,生于1963年,80年后偷渡至中国,虽横行于欧美,却降服于中国。(至中国后,他的最高分神话562分被我莘莘学子屡破不爽)。95年8月自以为是的以皮毛移容之术欲刁难国人,深不知无论是“脱” 还是“穿” ,它的黔驴之术早被国人“大方贻笑”了。2001年后故技重施,反到“愚人自扰”,“弄拙成巧”。对此望海内外各界同仁莫见笑,要知2005年8月它寿终正寝,此番挣扎权当它是自娱(愚)吧!第二回 理论篇(大树理论)叶 _1、_2、_3、_与_之差异: _ _ 浊化 弱化 _变_ _变_4、_ _ _枝 _1、_2、_ _ _ _干 A:_ + B:_A:1、_ 2、_ 3、_ 4、_ _ _ _ 5、_B:1、_ 2、_ 3、_ 4、_根 _1、_ 2、_ 3、_ 4、_正常的:_土 _1、_ 2、_ 3、_ 4、_最新题例:1、(A) He disagrees with the woman (B) He has a lot of experience listening to others. (C) He can keep a secret. (D) He has several younger brothers and sisters. W: You are such a good listener. Whats your secret? M: Well, when you grow up sharing a room with three older brothers, sure can get plenty of practice. What can be inferred about the man?2、(A) He has to pick up some groceries. (B) He hasnt had any tea for a long time. (C) Hed like to walk a little further. (D) Hell pay for the drinks. W: It seems like we have been walking all day. I could go for a glass fo ice tea. M: Ok, my treat though since you picked up the tab last time. What does the man mean?3、(A) She cant help the man . (B) She doesnt want to lend the man any money. (C) She owes the man some money. (D) She sometimes asks the man to drive her places. M: Oh, no, my lunch costs 8 dollars but I only have 5 in my wallet. Can you help me out? W: Sure. Just remember this when I need a ride to town. What can be inferred about the woman?4、(A) He didnt enjoy the game because the team lost. (B) Hes impressed by the efforts of the team. (C) The woman is wrong about who won the game. (D) The players could have won if theyd tried harder. W: Losing the championship must have been a big disappointment to the players on our volleyball team. M: Yeah, but they really played their hearts out. They are still champions in my book. What does the man mean?5、(A) She should have asked to be excused from the trip. (B) She deserves the zero. (C) She is right to be angry. (D) She should have gone on the field trip. A: Oh, Im so angry. My biology professor would not even let me try to explain why I missed the field trip. He just gave me a zero. B: That doesnt seem fair. I would feel that way too if I were you. What does the man imply about the woman .?6、(A) She admires Steves relationship with his father. (B) She does not know Steve or his father. (C) Her daughter is older than Steve. (D) She disagrees with the man. A: What a relationship Steven and his father have? B: Dont they. I only hope my daughter and I can get along like that when she is Steves age. What can be inferred from the woman?综上五方面,从土根干枝叶,各部分在听力中的定位及侧重也由树来比较学习。我们同学抱住“干”,拢起“枝”,采摘“叶”,掘开“土”,挖出“根”,那么托福听力这棵大树俨然已倒在我们面前,必听我们处置了。第三回 文学篇安慰鼓励,坚持第一 影响学习,马上放弃 赞美夸奖,毫不谦虚 逢人便夸,从不打击 讲话直接,态度清晰 寻求帮助,乐于建议 品位高雅,音乐位居 生活窘迫,钱是难题 积极向上,善良正义 间接回答,不伤友谊 形象思维,理解习语 把握语调,听出语气 注释: 是土壤部分,一种美国人的文化,在听力中多见。如,比赛一输要放弃了,第二人劝;课程太难坚持不住要quit了,第二人劝;小说人物复杂不想读了,第二人劝;减肥坚持不住,第二人劝等等。 弘扬bright sides,听力中的美国学生永远是学习,有任何事情与之冲突都要放弃其它而学习;这么多年考试中,偶有一次例外,当然发生在男生身上,一女生邀他玩,他来了一句:“The book can wait”丢人的话来。除此之外,别无例外。比如:在第一人话中出现娱乐项目,而第二人话中出现学习类项目,可想而知下文是什么了。又是一个美国文化,区别与我们的文化对待。Thinking in American way见人有衣无衣都great;有头发无头发都great;体形好不好都great,所以理解后用于生活中,有美国人说:“Your English is good.”千万别自喜,因为他们的文化就是这个。first thing first,用于抓态度,绕难点解题。应用于我们的写作中,先给point再develop。 学生生活中,困难是常有的,而互相帮助又是听力中传播的温情,别管事实怎样,解题用它。但车和钱很少外借,他可以载你去,但不会借你车。 听力中的建议一定是考点,把所有的建议句式(干)背过,听觉上,一听见有建议,必抓之解题。而建议他人的四类是:时间、地点、人物、动作,在建议题型中会总结。 强调学生的high taste:吃饭去意/法餐馆;用香水;用天然的化装品;听音乐会;拒绝电视、电影。 提到音乐会一定去看;音乐会票一定难买;音乐会一定人山人海(过道都是人);音乐会的赞美无与伦比(out of this world)。是解听力题一个永久的暗线。没钱等sale;买到sale极高兴;家具用二手;打工来挣钱;物价一涨就抱怨;租房屋子简布置;一定是小破房等等。出题基调,展示留学生生活的美好。一种常考的思维,常见的美国人讲话方式。 一种思维方式,值得我们在用词方面学习。比如,我们说贵very very expensive,土人们形象化cost a fortune来表达。 在理解记忆习语及临场解决习语时运用。 听力的至高境界,从一词一词听一词组一词组听一句话一句话听一意群一意群听一调子一调子听。闭上眼,只有调子在脑中乱飞去解题。以调子、重读、语气小词来把握。详见语气题型。第四回 概念篇(一)喜欢be a big fun of sth. be much of sth.care for sth. be in a mood for sth.be raving about be wild/crazy/mad aboutthink much/highly of sth. cant get enough of sth.couldnt put it down(二) 厌倦、厌烦be bored with be fed up with be sick of be tired of have had enough (of) sth. have had it with sth. Its more than I can bear. Its too much for me.I can no longer put up with. (三) 忙忙的时段:考试前、学期初、刚工作get conflict in ones scheduleup to ones neck/eyes/ears in workin the middle of doing sth. be overwhelmed/swamped with sth. be all tied upbe all /completely booked can not fit it inhave/get ones hands full have another appointment/commitmentas busy as a bee hecticcouldnt get around to doing sth.couldnt spare/squeeze time to do sth.Have you checked your schedule/academic calendar?have a heavy/tight schedule/work load/course load (四) 忘 forgetful absent-minded absent-minded professor slip ones memory slip ones mind have a short/poor/bad memory ones memory like sieve go in one ear and out the other be not good with sth. be terrible with sth. scatter brain (五) 完成 be done with sth. be through with sth. be finished with sth. to complete sth. to finish doing sth. be over with sth. be over and done with end up in the end wrap up wind up (六) 累 原因:学习、运动、打工 表达:Im exhausted. Im tired-out/over tired.Im dog tired. Im beat/dead beat.Im burned out. run out of steam/energybe out of energy/shape Im worn out. be tired out knock oneself out on sth.eyes are starting to blur hardly stay awakehardly concentrate Im bushed. (七) 学生学习用功around the clock on end = in a rowday and night = night and day 36/48 hours a day day in and day out put a lot of hours/time/days intoburn the midnight oil stay up/be up all nightcant tear oneself away from couldnt put downglue ones eyes to 选项特征:work hard for a long time for quite a while 真题:97年1月15题 A:Is Louis going to join us for a shout break? B:Yes, if she can tear herself away from her studies. (选)She seldom stop studying.95年8月25题 A:Did Linda ever finish that introductory chapter? B:Im not sure. Shes spent hours on end rewriting it. (选) She worked on the chapter for a quite while.99年10月8题 A:Poring over your books. B:I thought this was home. (八) 弄不懂,搞不清楚 Im confused./Its confusing. Beyond sb./above sb. beyond ones understanding over ones head couldnt make heads or trails of it Search me! I have no clue/idea. Im in the dark. Your guess is as good as mine. get lost Im as in the dark as you are. is a mystery to me. cant follow is more than I can figure out. Lost track of the I wonder cant make my sense out of it It doesnt make my sense to me. (九) 坚持,别放弃 Dont give up! Dont give in! hold on hold to it stick to it stick with it stick it out never drop it It always seems hard when youve just starting out. get going keeping going (十) 安慰 If I were you, Ive had done the same thing. If I were in your shoes/position, Ive had done the same thing. sth. just cant be helped. It could happen to anyone. It happens all the time. step out of sth. snap out of sth. get over sth. quickly forget about it. (十一) 心情好坏 “好”的原因:作业完成了;论文有眉目了;考试考好了;买到便宜货了;天气变好了 “好”的表达:glad/pleased/cheerful/cheer up/delighted/overjoyed be in a good mood be in a high spirit high-spirited on cloud nine in the seventh heaven walk on air “坏”的原因:作业太多;课程太难;工作没找到;考试没考好 “坏”的表达:in low spirit low-spiritedfeel down down castdown hearted down and bluedown in the dumps/mouth have blue in ones eyesunder the cloud upset depressed frustrated worry not oneselfbe in a bad/terrible mood out of spirits/sorts (十二) 代替 fill ones position/vacancy/shoes fill in for sb. Take the place of sb. take over substitute =replace第五回 场景篇一、衣着场景 思 路 诗:买衣价格选公道,穿对场合少烦恼。加衣换衣随天气,洗衣程序要记牢。买衣五话题:1、price: on sale/big sale/discount/clearance sale/good buy(bargain)/great buy2、 style: formal/causal/suit,pantsuit/dress 搭 配: go well with/be perfect with/match (suit/fit)3、color: blue/navy blue/dark blue/light blue/solid blue/purplish 4、 size: small medium large 松 紧: tight loose baggy 调 换:change for a large one get next size up5、material:(热爱天然)wool , cotton , silk,synthetic fabric, nylon , linen 穿对场合:1、 formal: reception/interview/presentation/wedding/graduation ceremony 2、 causal: party/barbecue/picnic 3、 中 性: jacket 随天气加减:1、 太 冷:(加衣服)取 出 take / get out2、 太 热:(收衣服)pack (up) put/take away 收哪些 down jacket/overcoat/scarf/mittens/gloves/boots洗衣程序:1、 洗 衣:do the washing 2、 衣服脏了: stain / ink stain 3、 洗 衣 粉: laundry detergent 4、 洗 衣 机: washer , washing machine5、 地 点:launderette 6、 设 备:main cleaning facility 7、 动 作:drop the coin in the slot 8、 意 外: over the normal load 坏了坏了 out of order, doesnt work, break down, broken, give out 缩水 shrink 掉色 fade / lose color / faint 皱了 crumple iron 染了 breach 最新题例:1、(A) The suit is out of style. (B) The suit is more appropriate for the occasion. (C) The woman looks better in blue than in black. (D) The suit doesnt fit the woman well. W: I dont know what to think. Which outfit should I wear to my job interview, the black dress or the navy blue suit? M: Well, Jane, youve got to consider the image you want to present, and I say the suit is more professional looking. What does the man imply?2、(A) Let him borrow her heavy jacket. (B) Stay in her car if the weather is too cold. (C) Leave campus in a couple of hours. (D) Be prepared for the possibility of cooler weather.W: A light jacket like this ought to be warm enough for today, dont you think? Its been pretty mild the last couple of days.M: Ur, Ill go back and get something heavier. If you dont need it when you get to campus,you could always just leave it in the car.What does the man suggest the woman do?3、(A) The woman can wear it all winter. (B) The woman may have trouble paying for it. (C) It may not be warm enough. (D) It will not fit if the woman loses weight. W: I think this coat is in great color. And the price is certainly right. M: How about the weight, though. Remember were supposed to have a really severe winter this year. What does the man imply about the coat?同类参考:_ _二、宿舍场景思 路 诗:地点价钱很重要,简单布置问题扰。同屋相处多理解,宿舍永远小脏吵。地点价钱:1、 on / off campus2、close to the campus ; near the university 否则 too far away / out of the way 需要 commute not reliable3、 环境 quiet4、 价钱(生活窘迫,钱是难题)便宜 reasonable 否则 couldnt afford5、 费用(rent and utilities)electric fee/ water fee/ heating fee 上涨 go up (备注): first year students usually live in dorm. After that they can move off. There are plenty of apartments freeing up after graduation.简单布置问题扰:1、 布置:furnish the apartment, paint room, have it painted , vacuum the rug / carpet , polish the furniture, 挂一挂 framed posters 2、 问题:The window is stuck. The shutters are loose. The faucet / pipe is leaking. The lock doesnt open. There is some thing wrong with the wiring. 停电: black out / power failure 人物:technician / electrician / plumber / maintenance 相 处:1、 室友首要条件: neat / considerate 2、 相 处 和 睦: get on / along well with / be on good term 3、 相 处 不 好: hold grudge / have hard feeling with sb. / picky / find fault in others (备注):噪音,聚会多为影响方式,另外东西乱放:put it all around / over 小、脏、吵:1、 小: too tiny / cramped / I couldnt turn around / no space 2、 脏: too messy / mess up / dump / chaos 3、 吵: noisy / play music loudly / throw wild party 最新题例:1、(A) The woman already knew about the increase in fees. (B) The dorms will be cheaper than off-campus housing. (C) The woman thinks the man should move out of the dorm. (D) The woman is pleased she wont have to pay the higher fees. M: Hey, did you hear that theyre going to raise the dorm fees again? W: Really? Am I glad I decided to move off campus? What can be inferred from the conversation?2、(A) Shed like the man to visit her. (B) She can help the man clean up. (C) She left her room on time this morning. (D) She hasnt cleaned her room either. M: Please excuse the mess I havent had any time to clean. W: What mess? You should see how I left my room this morning. What does the woman imply?3、(A) Start cleaning sooner. (B) Hire a cleaning service. (C) Wait a while before giving another party. (D) Have his party at a different time. M: There is nothing I hate worse than straightening up my apartment before a party.W: Its not so stressful if you dont wait until the last minutes. What does the woman imply the man should do?4、(A) She doesnt think that Oakville is very far. (B) She thinks the man misunderstood what Matthew said. (C) She didnt know that Matthew planned to move to Oakville. (D) She wants to buy a car from Matthew.M: Matthews just told me he is moving to a new apartment, way over in Oakville. Thats so far away. Can you believe it?W: Oh, so thats why hes trying to buy a car.What can be inferred about the woman?5、(A) He lives with a first-year student (B) He wanted to live in an apartment (C) He isnt a new student. (D) He was assigned space in dorm. W: I didnt know you living in an apartment. Why didnt you get housing in a dorm? M: Only first year students are guaranteed space. What can be inferred abut the man?同类参考:_ _三、 选课场景思 路 诗:先初再高等同意,热门提前抓时机。太多太难基础课,选修必修记仔细。1、 选: register / sign up forenroll / enlist in ;take 地点: registration office 人物:registrar course catalog course sheet 2、 初级课:intro course / basic course / prerequisite course 中级课:intermediate course高级课:advanced course / upper level course 其它课:seminar / workshop / field / theater trip 3、 教授同意三形式:permission approval signature 师生对话三顾虑:workload is too much / bear too much / hard / too demanding whether everything is on the right track.4、 提 前: in advance / before hard / ahead of time 同时选:simultaneously退 课: drop / quit / get out of it 5、 选修课:optional course / elective course / selective course / electives / selectives必修课: required course / compulsory course (备注):听力中学生由于课程选的太难,话题会延伸到“排解” tutoring service / hiring a tutor stress management course 最新题例:1、(A) Take the class with a different professor. (B) Take a class in a different subject. (C) Ask the professor if she can take the class. (D) Complete the required course this term.W: Im really disappointed. There are a couple of required courses I have to take before I can take the history class Im interested in.M: Dont be disappointed yet. You may be able to get special permission from the professor.What does the man imply the woman should do?2、(A) He also plans to drop a class. (B) He also waited in line for a long time today. (C) He doesnt know where to go to drop a class. (D) He missed the deadline for dropping a class. W: I was in line for 2 hours today waiting to drop a class. M: Not me, when I saw that line snaking around the building, I said nope. Ill just try again tomorrow. What can be inferred abut the man?3、(A) She is planning to drop the class. (B) She thinks the man wants to take the class. (C) She only has one class on Tuesdays and Thursdays. (D) She has to leave for class. M: So, what time does your art-history class meet again? W: Two to five Tuesdays and Thursdays.But the course is already full. What can be inferred about the woman?同类参考:_ _四、 生病场景 思 路 诗:头痛脑热,发烧感冒,预约在先,繁忙取消。体育运动,家具搬动,有病勿延,按时服药。小 病: cold, flu, chills, ache 约:1、 预 约:make / get / set up / have an appointment2、 推 迟: put off / postpone 3、 取 消: cancel / get / have a cancellation 4、 重 约: reschedule / rearrange 外 伤:1、 检 查: have it looked at / into / up / checked out 2、 部 位: head, shoulder, back, arm elbow, wrist , waist, leg, knee, ankle, foot, toe3、 形 式: twist, break, strain, sprain, swelling, hurt, injure4、 解决方式: see a doctor, take a rest, be on crutches 5、 避 免: dont put weight on your feet; stay off your foot 勿 延:dont put it off, its pretty foolish not to see a doctor 服药:1、 服:take: take two of these pills three times a day 2、 药效: 优点: Do any good, help, work, useful, make a difference 缺点: make me drowsy / headache (cut back) (备注): 基于小病,故动用hospital 情况很少,一般 infirmary, clinic 住院 check in , be admitted in 出院 check out ,release from 常见几位小破大夫_最新题例:(A) Use cream on her rash.(B) See if her rash improves in a few days.(C)

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