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Unit 5Language StructureMain Teaching Points: Sentence of unreal conditions:1. related to something being done at presente.g. If you were taking a short course in computer science, youd be learning computer programming fast.2. with the connective unlesse.g. Lu wouldnt sing the English songs unless she had learned them properly.3. with connective supposinge.g. Supposing the price were lowered, then Sue would certainly buy the fur coat.4. with the connective otherwisee.g. Bob didnt work hard. Otherwise he wouldnt have been sacked.5. in the if it hadnt been for patterne.g. If it hadnt been for the sports meeting, I would have come to the video show.Dialogue Save Our Heritage A. Listening to the recordingB. Questions on specific details1. What happened to the Drum Tower and the Buddhist Temple?2. Whats the fate of the 1000-year-old corridor and the tombstone of a member of the Tang court?3. What do A and B think the government should do about the people who damage ancient monuments?4. What is your opinion about the preservation of historical monuments?C. Language Points1. legendary a. very famous and celebrated in many stories传奇的,有名的;celebrated in fable or legend传说中的e.g. 1) Heracles is a lendary Greek hero. 2) Her enormous appetite is legendary in our company.她的胃口之大在我们公司是出了名的。2. drown v. die in water because one is unable to breathe淹死;flood or drench sth.淹没,盖过e.g. 1) The flood drowned the whole village. 2) The desperate woman drowned herself in the river.绝望的女人投河自杀了。 3)The teachers voice was drowned out by the noise outside.外面很吵,把老师的声音都盖过了。3. precinct n. (由建筑物或围墙围成的)场地;周围区域;选举区,警区e.g. 1) Its a shame to see so many buildings inside the temples precincts.寺庙周围建了这么多现代建筑,这真让人感到羞愧。 2)It is very common in the precincts of a college.在大学校园里这样的事情司空见惯。3)This block will be rebuilt into a shopping precincts.这一街区将改造成一个商业区。4. refined a.精炼的,精制的;polite, having good manners and good taste有教养的,举止文明的 refine v. 净化;精炼,使文雅 unrefined a. 不文雅的,庸俗的 refined gold 纯金 refined manners 文雅的举止 近义词:purified 精炼的;cultivated 有教养的 civilized 文明的,有礼的 elegant 优雅的,端庄的 urbane 文雅的,有礼貌的 polished 优雅的,有教养的e.g. 1) We should not eat too much refined foods such as sugar and white flour.我们不应该吃太多经过精加工的食品,如糖和白面。 2)The story was told in a refined language. 这则故事的语言非常优美。 3)A refined young woman shall never laugh in that way.一位娴静的淑女不该那么笑。5. crude a. natural or unrefined 天然的,未加工的;rough;not well finished 粗糙简陋的;coarse粗鲁的crude oil原油 crude facts 赤裸裸的事实a crude notion 不成熟的想法e.g. 1) The Middle East is well-known for the production of crude oil.中东以盛产原油著称。 2)He made a crude sketch for the lake but forgot to paint it.他把湖面画成一张简略的草图,但是忘了着色。 3)Hes good at telling crude jokes.他擅长于讲粗俗的笑话。6. ravage v. destroy; damage badly 毁坏;rob and plunder with violence蹂躏,劫掠;n. (pl.) destructive effect of sth.; damage done by sth.毁坏的结果e.g. 1) Sandstorms are the revages of deforestation on the hills. 沙尘暴实滥伐山林的恶果。 2)The country has been revaged by civil war and foreign intervention.国家遭到了内忧外患的双重蹂躏。7. ignorance n lack of knowledge of information 无知;不知道e.g. 1) He is in complete ignorance of history. 他对历史一无所知。 2) Ignorance is the mother of fear. 无知是恐惧的根源。 3)She ignored criticism about hr new book. 她无视人们对她新书的批评。8. counteract v. act against and reduce the force or effect of sth.抵消,中和;抵制 counter(相反的)+act(行动)=反着做=抵消,对抗counterattack 反攻counterbalance 使平衡,抵消counterpart 相对应的人物等counterdrug 解瘾药;起反作用的药e.g. 1) This herb can be used to counteract the effects of poison. 这种药草可以解毒。 2)It is doubted whether we should deliberately intervene in the climate system to counteract global warming. 有人质疑,人类是否应该刻意介入气候系统以抵制全球变暖。 9. vicious a. 恶意的,恶毒的;凶恶的,残忍的;(指动物)危险的vice n. 邪恶,恶行be vicious about sb. 对某人有恶意a vicious kick/look/remark 恶狠狠地踢了一脚/样子/言语a vicious wind/headache/flu-virus极厉害的大风/头痛/流感病毒a vicious circle 恶性循环a virtuous circle 良性循环e.g. 1) The author received lots of vicious letters from all over Britain.作者收到了英国各地的恶毒的来信。 2)The vicious killer has committed a series of murders.这名凶残的杀手已经实施了多起谋杀案。 3)The word “shrew” is taken from the name of a small but especially vicious animal. “泼妇”一词来源于一种体型虽小但非常凶残的动物的名字。 4)Greed and envy are terrible human vices. 贪婪和嫉妒是人性的罪恶。10. fortune n. destiny 命运;chance, luck 运气;large amount of money财富e.g. 1) He that hath wife and children hath given hostages to fortunes; for they are impediments to great enterprises, either of virture or mischief.(Francis Bacon, Essays) 有妻儿之人已向命运之神交了抵押品,因为妻儿是事业的阻挠,无论是善举还是恶行。 2)It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.(Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice)凡是有钱的单身汉,总想娶位太太,这是举世公认的真理。a big fortune 一大笔钱 a fortune-teller 算命者tell ones fortune 给某人算命make ones fortune 发财 try ones fortune 碰运气11. endow sb./sth. with sth 认为具有某种品质:给予,赋予 be endowed with sth.天生赋有,生来具有(具有某种特性、品质等) e.g. 1) She was endowed with intelligence and wit. 她天资聪颖。 2)She has endowed Marcus with the qualities she wanted him to possess. 她认为马库斯具有她所期望的所有品质。3)to endow sb. a responsibility 赋予某人以责任D. Retelling A and B toured a city rich in historical monuments. They are talking about the trip.1. damage done to historical monuments2. people responsible for the damage3. treasure taken good care of 4. everyones responsibility to save cultural treasures Reading I MuseumsA. Listening to the recordingB. Questions on specific details1. Give the definition of the word museum.2. How do museum carry on educational programmes?3. Do museums display everything that is preserved?4. What is the common goal of all museums?5. Where do objects usually come from?6. What do people visit museums for?7. Does the last paragraph talk about the things one can see in museums?8. Have you ever been a visitor to a museum?What have you learnt from it?C. Language Points1. devoted to : 献身的;专用于的e.g. 1) This is a temple devoted to Athena.这是一座雅典娜神庙。 2)He is a devoted husband and father.他是一个忠实的丈夫和慈爱的父亲。 3)Mother Teresa devoted the entirty of her life to the cause of charity.特蕾莎修女将毕生精力贡献给了慈善事业。 4)These local newspapers are mainly devoted to gossips.这些地方报纸主要报道一些八卦新闻。2.carry on:go on ;continue继续;坚持;do sth. or take part in sth. for a period of time进行;talk excitedly; make a fuss喋喋不休carry-on n.大惊小怪,不得体的行为;随身携带的行李。e.g.1) John decided to carry on his fathers business.决定子承父业。 2)Hope on her mind, the brave blind girl carried on with her life.那位失明的姑娘怀着希望勇敢地活了下去。 3)Mrs Bennet is carrying on about the problem of her daughters marriage.闹闹叨叨的抱怨女儿的婚姻。3. gain v. obtain, get 获得;get more of 增加;reach经过努力达到 n. profit; increase in wealth获利,收益;improvement ;increase in amount or power增进e.g. 1) Dealing with these issues helps her mature and gain wisdom.处理这些事情使她日渐成熟、增长智慧。 2)Im gaining weight these days! I must do something to stop it. 3) Sometimes the best gain is to lose.有时候失即是得。gain in sth. 更加,增加 gain on sb./sth. 赶上,接近gain around 取得进展 gain time 拖延时间4. watch v. 观看,注意 n. 手表;监视;注意;值班时间e.g. 1) Im aways watching out for any pickpocket while taking the bus.乘公交车时,我总是注意提防着扒手。watch for 寻找;守候 watch out 小心;留神watch over 照管 keep a close watch on密切注意5. otherwise ad. 另外;在其他方面;不同地 conj. 否则 a. 并非如此的 e. g. 1) I think its an interesting movie, but my brother thinks otherwise.我觉得这部电影很有意思,但我弟弟却不这么想。 2)He is a little stubborn, but hes an otherwise very nice person.他人很好,就是有点固执。 3) Get to bed right now, otherwise youll get dark circles under your eyes tomorrow.

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