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蓝鸽第一次选择题1. The government should importance to various types of education to meet the needs of the changing world.A. tie B. fix C. attach D. assign【参考答案】:C2. After shed overcome her shyness, she became very friendly.A. previous B. former C. preliminary D. initial【参考答案】:D3. Marys parents frown the idea after going to America, so it remains to be seen whether she will realize her dream.A. for B. against C. on D. at【参考答案】:D4. What you say is not to the matter in hand.A. elegant B. relevant C. divorced D. ignorant【参考答案】:B5.Both sides consider it to further the understanding between the two peoples. A. desired B. desirable C. reliable D. stable【参考答案】:B6.He is so lazy that he will never anything. A. compromise B. polish C. accomplish D. comply【参考答案】:C7.At this moment Rivenoak approached, and, by a gesture of authority, induced the young man to retire. A. ironical B. practical C. critical D. essential【参考答案】:C8. Enrichment and sedimentation are the contributor to the aging process of lakes.A. principal B. minor C. optimal D. maximum【参考答案】:A9. Ones school life seems happier in than in reality.A. respect B. aspect C. reflection D. retrospect【参考答案】:D10. Urban problems revolve around meeting the needs of the existing inhabitants and replacing old and obsolete , especially housing. A. utilities B. necessities C. properties D. facilities【参考答案】:D11. For the development of Western China, technology and education is given a .A. superiority B. inferiority C. priority D. seniority【参考答案】:C12. Many Victorians were shocked by the notion that Man had from lower forms of life.A. evolved B. involved C. dissolved D. resolved【参考答案】:A 13. We all fears about the future.A. harness B. conceal C. harbor D. hoard【参考答案】:C 14. The regions of the United States east of the Missouri have a rainfall to that found in western Europe.A. comparative B. preferable C. applicable D. comparable【参考答案】:D15. When they talk about something, they tend to it.A. generate B. exaggerate C. tolerate D. penetrate【参考答案】:B16. Frequent cultural exchange will certainly help friendly relations between our two universities.A. foster B. motivate C. register D. administer【参考答案】:A17. An old soldier gave us a vivid of the Long March. A. count B. discount C. recount D. account【参考答案】:D 18. The government a scheme for redeveloping the city center. A. devised B. revised C. criticized D. minimized【参考答案】:A 19. As a matter of practice, these firms permitted their customers to withdraw funds from the accounts demand. A. at B. on C. in D. for【参考答案】:B 20. Seen from this , they look rather pointless, dont they? A. perception B. personnel C. perspective D. triangle【参考答案】:C蓝鸽第2次选择题1.Continued exposure to stress bas been linked to worsened functioning of the immune system, leaving a person more liable _ infection.【参考答案】:AA. to B. in C. at D. for2.These seats are _ for special guests. 【参考答案】:BA. preserved B. reserved C. reversed D. occupied3.New York _ second in the production of apples, producing 850, 000 pounds this year. 【参考答案】:AA. ranked B. occupied C. arranged D. classified4. Both the pink and the blue dresses are pretty, but I like the _ better.【参考答案】:CA. earlier B. beginner C. former D. first5. Putting in a new window will _ cutting away part of the roof. 【参考答案】:DA. contain B. comprise C. include D. involve6.Mr. Wilson said that he did not want to any further responsibilities.【参考答案】:AA. take on B. get on C. put up D. look up 7. He does not as a teacher of English as his pronunciation is terrible. 【参考答案】:A. equal B. match C. qualify D. fit8.I always the conviction that intelligence plus diligence can lead to success. 8. 【参考答案】:DA. get to B. see to C. lead to D. hold to 9. The ages of children in the Hope primary school from 7 to 16. 9. 【参考答案】:BA. altered B. ranged C. separated D. differed10. We shall always remember him for his to the poor. 10. 【参考答案】:BA. curiosity B. generosity C. seniority D. priority11.The family was put into a hard situation when the parents were both laid . 【参考答案】:AA. off B. aside C. out D. down12.We need to create education standards that prepare our next generation who will be with an even more competitive market. 【参考答案】:CA. imposed B. complied C. confronted D. confirmed 13. He is my wifes cousin, so we are distantly _.【参考答案】:D A. linked B. connected C. united D. related14. He_many difficulties before he succeeded. 【参考答案】:DA. went on B. went about C. went afterD. wentthrough15. Theres no point in asking Harry for a _for starving children; hes as hard as nails. 【参考答案】:AA. donationB. intention C. sentiment D. confusion蓝鸽第3次选择题1. I was struck at the sight and knew neither what to say nor what to do.【参考答案】:BA. numb B. dumb C. unconscious D. amazed2. The politicians actions do not with the promises in his speeches. 2. 【参考答案】:DA. persist B. insist C. exist D. consist3.But gradually, as years went by, her image began to from his memory.【参考答案】:CA. diminish B. shrink C. fade D. vanish4. I would not give my consent to his brother, nor yet give him a flat denial, but that I would hold him in a while. 【参考答案】:BA. regard B. suspense C. contempt D. response5. Although we tried to concentrate on the lecture, we were by the noise from the next room.【参考答案】:CA. discouraged B. dismissed C. distracted D. discharged6. She should know to poke the animal with her umbrella. 6. 【参考答案】:BA. worse than B. better than C. more than D. less than7. He shows ability in solving problems.【参考答案】:CA. especial B. exclusive C. exceptional D. extra8. The president was so young that he was to some of his employees. 8. 【参考答案】:DA. senior B. prior C. superior D. junior9. Le Doux studies the way animals and humans to threats to understand how we form memories of significant events in our lives. 9. 【参考答案】:AA. respond B. expose C. cater D. cling10. Thus man was as a rational being, as a social animal, an animal that can make tools, or a symbol-making animal. 10.【参考答案】:A A. defined B. confined C. refined D. enhanced11. Could those experiments provide insights profound enough to the expense of sending people across interplanetary space? 11. 【参考答案】:B A. rectify B. justify C. falsify D. simplify12. There is a difference in meaning between the words surroundings and environment. 12.【参考答案】:C A. striking B. mixed C. subtle D. gentle13. This video will show how to a car and remove scratches and scuff marks by hand. 13. 【参考答案】:C A. decorate B. furnish C. polish D. establish14. This has been a timely reminder of the need for care. 14. 【参考答案】:DA. continual B. consecutive C. excessive D. constant15. The searching has down to a few streets where the gunman might be hiding. 15. 【参考答案】:D A. reduced B. decreased C. dropped D. narrowed蓝鸽其中选择题13.The project was so vast and quickly _ that it has no parallel.A performedB affectedC accomplishedD executed【参考答案】:C题1414.In addition, many exceptions _ the rules of English usage make it difficult to master.A ofB toC offD on【参考答案】:B题1515.It is worthwhile _ the experiment though it may not bear fruit.A to conductB having conductedC to have conductedD youre conducting【参考答案】:A题1616.The expert had just delivered his lecture when the lights went out and he was _.A interruptedB interpretedC interferedD intervened【参考答案】:A题1717.Most people who travel in the course of their work are given traveling _.A incomeB allowanceC wagesD pay【参考答案】:B题1818.I can not stand this summers _ heat.A intensiveB intenseC tenseD dense【参考答案】:B题1919.She is old enough to _ all the money on clothes and cosmetics.A know better than spendB know better than to spendCknow better than for spendingDknow better than in spending【参考答案】:B题2020.These people once had fame and fortune; now _ is left to them is utter poverty.A all thatB all whatCall whichD that all【参考答案】:A题2121.To our disappointment, the quality of the refrigerator we bought was _ to what we had expected.A interiorB exteriorC inferiorD superior【参考答案】:C题2222.It is our _ policy that we will achieve unity through peaceful means.A consistentB continuousC considerateD continual【参考答案】:A题2323.The man who murdered an old lady was _ by shooting, according to law.A punishedB executedC arrestedD captured【参考答案】:B题2424.They tried to _ plastics for metals in manufacturing machine parts.A replaceB substituteCtake the place ofD give way to【参考答案】:B题2525.We are all _ to dislike those who are critical of us.A suspiciousB easyC desirableD liable【参考答案】:D题2626.The defiant manner is _ teenagers. All the educators should take a friendly attitude to hem.Acharacteristic ofB characterizeC typical ofD both A and C【参考答案】:D27.The people living in these apartments have free _ to that swimming pool and that club.A accessB excessC excursionD recreation【参考答案】:A蓝鸽第4次选择题1. Archer had always been to think that chance and circumstance played a small part in shaping peoples lots. 【参考答案】:BA. declined B. inclined C. subjected D. submitted2.The plumber is coming tomorrow to the new washing machine. 2. 【参考答案】:CA. equip B. fix C. install D. decorate3. She is about her chances of winning a gold medal. 3. 【参考答案】:AA. optimistic B. enjoyable C. agreeable D. realistic4. They endured hours of backbreaking work in conditions. 4. 【参考答案】:CA. favorable B. feasible C. miserable D. tolerable5. He just laughed and my proposal as unrealistic. 5. 【参考答案】:CA. discarded B. discharged C. dismissed D. disgusted6. After the arrival of the United Nations soldiers, tension in the area began to . 【参考答案】:BA. cease B. ease C. loosen D. release7. In the event of fire, the alarm will sound at of 15 seconds.【参考答案】:DA. spans B. periods C. sessions D. intervals8. The explosion was of such that it was heard five miles away.【参考答案】:CA. density B. activity C. intensity D. relativity9.Evidence out the idea that students learn best in small groups.【参考答案】:DA. works B. figures C. makes D. bears 10. It cant be a coincidence that they left at the same time.【参考答案】:AA. mere B. just C. only D. barely11. Young children sometimes cant distinguish between and reality. 11【参考答案】:BA. illusion B. fantasy C. visualization D. vision12. The companys spending was its income. 【参考答案】:BA. outnumbering B. outrunning C. outliving D. outweighing13. The cloth had a natural look which perfectly with the image Laura sought.【参考答案】:D A. cooperated B. coordinated C. cohabited D. coincided14. Private cars are banned from the city on days. 14. 【参考答案】:A A. alternative B. alternate C. intricate D. subordinate15. Hotels often prices at particular times of the year. 15. 【参考答案】:B A. rise B. inflate C. ascend D. enhance蓝鸽第5次选择题1. The clothes a person wears may express his _or social position. 1. A. curiosity B. status C. determination D. significance2. We managed to reach the top of the mountain, and half an hour later we began to _. 2. A. ascend B. descend C. decline D. plunge3. Some fish have a greater for acid water than others. 3. A. tolerance B. resistance C. dependence D. persistence4. My curiosity was fully by that legend. 4. A. raised B. aroused C. arisen D. risen5. American Indians were the original in American continent. 5. A. residents B. lodgers C. inhabitants D. settlers 6. Everyone is asked to suggestions for the party. 6. A. contribute B. attribute C. attend D. devote 7. The candidates constantly their position on that issue. 7. A. alter B. vary C. transfer D. shift 8. The table was very large and heavy. In fact it was so _ that it could not be moved. 8. A. excessive B. vast C. massive D. marginal 9. When traveling, you are advised to take travelers checks, which provide a secure _ to carrying your money in cash. 9. A. substitute B. selection C. preference D. alternative10. The project should be _ in accordance with the latest estimate of the cost. A. modified B. compiled C. sponsored D. retreated11. In addition to being _ members of society, decision makers are usually influential politicians. 11. A. elite B. eclipse C. elicit D. ecology12. Our purpose is not only to _ nature but also to remake nature. 12. A. invade B. conquer C. resemble D. enrich13. The police stopped me the other day as I was driving home, because I was _ the speed limit. 13. A. transcending B. exceeding C. surpassing D. overtaking14. Petrol is refined from the _ oil we take out of the ground. 14. A. fresh B. original C. rude D. crude15. This book is expected to _ the best-seller lists. 15. A. exemplify B. promote C. prevail D. dominate

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