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插入排序引例:写一个函数,将一个整型数x插入到由小到大排列的整型数组a0aN-1中,使得插入元素后的数组a0aN保持升序。void insert(int aN+1,int x) int i = N - 1; while (i = 0 & ai x) ai+1 = ai; i-; ai+1 = x;算法要点:将升序数组中大于x的所有元素向后挪动一个下标位置;循环退出时,下标i1位置为一空位置,正好是正确插入元素x的位置.插入排序算法:N元数组a0aN-1由小到大排序:第1步:将a1插入a0a1中,使得a0a1升序;第2步:将a2插入a0a2中,使得a0a2升序;第3步:将a3插入a0a3中,使得a0a3升序;第i步:将ai插入a0ai中,使得a0ai升序;第N-1步:将aN-1插入a0aN-1中,使得a0aN-1升序;算法停止。思考:由大到小排序算法如何改动?#include stdio.h#define N 10void InsSort(int aN) /*N元数组插入排序*/ int i,j,x; for(i = 1;i = 0 & aj x) aj+1 = aj; j-; aj+1 = x; void main() int aN,i; for (i = 0;i N;i+) scanf(%d,&ai); InsSort(a); for (i = 0;i N;i+) printf(%6d,ai);11、编写子函数:(1)用冒泡法将一个数组排成升序的函数-SUB1;(2)在升序数组中插入一个数,并且保持该数组仍为升序数组的函数-SUB2。 主函数:输入任意10个正整数给数组;调用SUB1对数组进行排序;从键盘输入一个正整数,调用SUB2将其插入该数组。#include #include void main() int i,k,a12=0; /a0 for no use void sub1(int b),sub2(int b,int k); clrscr(); printf(Please input 10 numbers:); for(i=1;i=10;i+) scanf(%d,&ai); getchar(); sub1(a); for(i=1;i=10;i+) printf(na%d=%dn,i,ai); printf(nnplease input a number to be inserted into the array:); scanf(%d,&k); sub2(a,k); for(i=1;i=11;i+) printf(na%d=%dn,i,ai); puts(nAny key to exit!); getch(); void sub1(b) int b; int i,j,t; for (i=1;i10;i+) /the first one is always the smallest for(j=i;jbj) t=bi; bi=bj; bj=t; void sub2(int b,int k) int i; for(i=10;i=1;i-) if(kbi) bi+1=bi; else bi+1=k; break; 16、某班有5个学生,三门课。分别编写3个函数实现以下要求: (1) 求各门课的平均分; (2) 找出有两门以上不及格的学生,并输出其学号和不及格课程的成绩; (3) 找出三门课平均成绩在85-90分的学生,并输出其学号和姓名 主程序输入5个学生的成绩,然后调用上述函数输出结果。#define SNUM 5 /*student number*/ #define CNUM 3 /*course number*/ #include #include /*disp student info*/ void DispScore(char num6,char name20,float scoreCNUM) int i,j; printf(nnStudent Info and Score:n); for(i=0;iSNUM;i+) printf(%s ,numi); printf(%s ,namei); for(j=0;jCNUM;j+) printf(%8.2f,scoreij); printf(nn); /*calculate all student average score*/ void CalAver(float scoreCNUM) float sum,aver; int i,j; for(i=0;iCNUM;i+) sum=0; for(j=0;jSNUM;j+) sum=sum+scoreji; aver=sum/SNUM; printf(Average score of course %d is %8.2fn,i+1,aver); /*Find student: two courses no pass*/ void FindNoPass(char num6,float scoreCNUM) int i,j,n; printf(nTwo Course No Pass Students:n); for(i=0;iSNUM;i+) n=0; for(j=0;jCNUM;j+) if(scoreij=2) printf(%s ,numi); for(j=0;jCNUM;j+) if(scoreij60) printf(%8.2f,scoreij); printf(n); /*Find student: three courses 85-90*/ void FindGoodStud(char num6,char name20,float scoreCNUM) int i,j,n; printf(nScore of three courses between 85 and 90:n); for(i=0;iSNUM;i+) n=0; for(j=0;j=85&scoreij=90) n+; if(n=3) printf(%s %sn,numi,namei); /*input student info*/ void main() char numSNUM6,nameSNUM20; /array num refers to student number float scoreSNUMCNUM; /and its length is 6 int i,j; clrscr();printf(nPlease input student num and score:n); for(i=0;iSNUM;i+) printf(nnStudent%d number: ,i+1); scanf(%s,numi); printf(nStudent%d name: ,i+1); scanf(%s,namei); printf(nStudent%d three scores: ,i+1); for(j=0;jCNUM;j+) scanf(%f,&scoreij); DispScore(num,name,score); CalAver(score); FindNoPass(num,score); FindGoodStud(num,name,score); getch(); 6、写出下列程序的输出结果_ #include long fac( int n ) if ( n=1 ) return 1; return n*fac(n-1);main() printf( 5!=%ldn, fac(5) );Answer: 【5!=120】7、假定建立了以下链表结构,如图所示。指针p与q指向2个不同的结点,t为与data同类型的数据变量,则交换2结点数据的语句为:t=p-data; _;和_;7. 1)【p-data=q-data】2)【q-data=t22、建立一个链表,每个结点包括:学号、姓名、性别、年龄,输入一个学号,如果链表中的结点包括该学号,则输出该结点内容后,并将其结点删去。 #define LEN sizeof(struct stud_node) #include #include #include struct stud_record char StudNo6; char StudName10; char StudSex; /*M-Male F-Female*/ int StudAge; ; struct stud_node struct stud_record stud_mem; struct stud_node *next; ; /*Create Student Linear table*/ struct stud_node *create() struct stud_node *head,*p,*q; char vno6,vname10,vsex; int vage; head=NULL; while(1) printf(nPlease input a student recordnnNotNametSextAgenn); scanf(%s,vno); getchar(); if(strcmp(vno,0)=0) /when vno=0 to exit break; scanf(%s,vname); getchar(); scanf(%c%d,&vsex,&vage); getchar(); p=(struct stud_node *)malloc(LEN); /allocate space to node p strcpy(p-stud_mem.StudNo,vno); strcpy(p-stud_mem.StudName,vname); p-stud_mem.StudSex=vsex; p-stud_mem.StudAge=vage; if(head=NULL) head=p; else q-next=p; /q is the previous node of p q=p; if(head!=NULL) q-next=NULL; /the last node has no child return head; /*Find a student and If Found then Delete the node*/ struct stud_node *delete(struct stud_node *head,char no6) struct stud_node *p,*q; p=head; q=p; while(p) if(strcmp(p-stud_mem.StudNo,no)=0) /*Delete the node*/ if(p=head) /delete the first node head=p-next; else if(p-next!=NULL) /delete the middle node q-next=p-next; else /delete the last node q-next=NULL; printf(ntt%st%st%ct%dn,p-stud_mem.StudNo,p-stud_mem.StudName, p-stud_mem.StudSex,p-stud_mem.StudAge); free(p); break; q=p; p=p-next; return head; /*Disp linear table content*/ void prn(struct stud_node *head) struct stud_node *p; int i=1; p=head; printf(nRecordtNotNametSextAgen); while(p) printf(%3dt%st%st%ct%dn,i,p-stud_mem.StudNo,p-stud_mem.StudName, p-stud_mem.StudSex,p-stud_mem.StudAge); p=p-next; i+; /*main program here*/ void main() struct stud_node *head; char no6; clrscr(); head=create(); prn(head); getch(); printf(nPlease input a studno to Find:); gets(no); head=delete(head,no); prn(head); getch(); 3、以下程序从文件“student.txt”读取学生的学号、姓名、平时成绩和考试成绩,从键盘上输入平时成绩在总成绩中所占比重,计算每个学生的总成绩(四舍五入为整数)后输出到屏幕上。文件的最后一行为0表示学生数据结束。设文件student.txt的内容为101 Zhao9558103 Qian7581105 Sun9991107 Li 80670运行时键盘输入:0.1则屏幕输出:101 Zhao 95 58 62103 Qian 75 81 80105 Sun 99 91 92107 Li 80 67 68源程序:#include void calc( FILE *fp, float x )int num, score1, score2;float score3;char name20;while ( !feof(fp) ) /* 文件还有未读数据时 */num = 0;fscanf( fp, %d%s%d%d, &num, name, &score1, &score2 );if ( num 0 ) /* 学生数据有效时 */score3 = score1 * x + score2 * (1-x);/* 计算总成绩 */printf( %3d %-7s %3d %3d %3dn, num, name, score1, score2, _(1)_ ); /* 总成绩四舍五入为整数 */void main()FILE *fp;float x;fp = fopen( student.txt, r );if ( _(2)_ )/* 如果文件打开失败 */printf( File Open Error!n );return;scanf( %f, &x );calc( _(3)_ );/* 调用calc函数 */fclose( _(4)_ );/* 关闭文件 */3. 1)【(int)(score3+0.5)】【(int)(10*score3+5)/10】2)【fp=NULL】3)【fp,x】4)【fp】BC#includeint main(void)int x;scanf(%d,&x);if(x250)putchar(X);if(x250)putchar(Y);else putchar(X);有几种输出结果?X XX YStrlen

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