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4B 各单元知识点总结Unit1单词new 新的 a student 一名学生 welcome 欢迎 a teacher 一名教师 our 我们的a nurse 一名护士 a school 一所学校 a boy 一名男孩 a tree 树 a girl 一名女孩 climb 爬 a man 一个男人 (复:men) sir 先生 who 谁a woman 一个妇女 (复:women) again 下一次 a doctor 一名医生短语thank you 谢谢你 come down 下来 come here 过来 that boy 那个男孩let me see 让我看看 Excuse me! 对不起 climb trees / climb the tree爬树the boy in the tree 树上的男孩 Youre right 你是对的 over there 在那边in the tree 在树上(外来物) on the tree 在树上(自然生长) listen to a walkman 听随身听 look at the zebra 观看斑马 in the zoo 在动物园里the man over there 那边的那个男人 the apples on the tree 树上的苹果a new student 一个新生 Im new here. 我是新来的.句子Whos that.? Hes / Shes. Hes / Shes a .如:Whos that man? Hes Mr. Brown. Hes a doctorExcuse me, are you a ? Yes, I am. / No, Im not.如:Excuse me, are you a teacher? No, Im not. Im a doctor.Welcome to our school. 欢迎到我们学校. Dont climb trees again. 不要再爬树了。语音:/w/ woman weight window (*wr ow wh) /z/ zebra zoo zero Unit2单词grandfather 祖父,外祖父 grandmother 祖母,外祖母 father 父亲 mother 母亲brother 兄弟 sister 姐妹 hair 头发 a head 一个头 an eye 一只眼睛an ear 一个耳朵 a nose 一只鼻子 a mouth 一个嘴巴 late 迟的with 具有的特征(身体特征) in 穿着(服饰)party 聚会 white 白色的hurry 赶快 which 哪一个 oclock 点钟 wrong 错误的 friend 朋友 短语good evening 晚上好 at a party 在一个聚会上 at the party 在聚会上 that girl 那个女孩 the boy with big eyes 长着大眼睛的那个男孩 my brother 我的兄弟 which one 哪一个 Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴。 the one in the white skirt 穿白短裙的那一个the girl in the white skirt 穿白短裙的那个女孩 Lets hurry. 让我们快点。be late for 迟到 be late for the party聚会迟到 be late for school上学迟到 be late for class 上课迟到 in the car 在小汽车里 sit on the chair 坐在椅子上知识点表示人的外貌,衣着特征:with 具有的特征 / in 穿着(服饰) the man with big ears 大耳朵的那个男士 the woman with long hair 长头发的女士the boy with a big mouth 大嘴巴的男孩 the girl with a small nose 小鼻子的女孩the one in the blue shirt 穿着蓝色衬衫的那一个 the one in a red skirt 穿红色短裙的那个 the old man in a green shirt 穿绿色衬衫的老头the old woman in a yellow jacket 穿黄色夹克的老太太句子Were late for the party. 我们聚会迟到了。Whos the .with? Hes / Shes my.如:Whos the boy with a big mouth? Hes my brother.Is that your? Which one? The one in the. Yes, he / she is. No, he / she isnt.如:Is that man your father? Which one? The one in the black coat. No, he isnt.Good morning/afternoon/evening! (介绍某人)-This is -Nice to meet you. -Nice to meet you, too. 语音:/k/ black clock chicken jacket sock Unit3单词a policeman 一名警察(复:policemen) a worker 一名工人 a cook 一名厨师a policewoman 一名女警察 (复:policewomen) a waiter 一名男服务员 a farmer 一位农民 a waitress 一名女服务员(复:waitresses)a driver一名驾驶员 job 工作 name 名字 their 他(她、它)们的 today 今天 old 老的 about 大约 want 想要 be 成为,变成短语your name 你的名字 your/ his/ her job 你(他、她)的工作 how old 多大,几岁 their jobs 他们的工作 look at 看,朝看 that old woman 那个年老的妇女the one in the red sweater 穿红色毛衣的那个 about sixty 大约六十my good friend我的好朋友 her small eye她的小眼睛 big ears 大耳朵 a big nose一个大鼻子 her long hair她的长头发 Youre right. 你是对的.an old woman 一个老太太 want to be a teacher 想要当一个老师 how many 多少(数量) sing happily 快乐地歌唱知识点I 我 me (宾格) I am = Im 我是 my 我的You 你 you (宾格) You are = Youre 你是 your 你的He 他 him (宾格) He is = Hes 他是 his 他的She 她 her (宾格) She is = Shes 她是 her 她的They 他(她,它)们 them (宾格) They are = Theyre 他(她,它)们 their 他们的句子Who am I? 我是谁? How old am I? 我几岁? Youre Who are you? 你是谁? How old are you? 你几岁? Im .Who is he? 他是谁? How old is he? 他几岁? Hes.Who is she? 她是谁? How old is she? 她几岁? Shes.Who is Nancy? 南茜是谁? How old is Nancy? 南茜几岁? Shes.Who is the boy with big eyes? How old is the boy with big eyes? HesWho are they? 他们是谁? How old are they? 他们几岁? Theyre.Whats my name? 我叫什么名字? Whats my job? 我做什么工作? Youre aWhats your name? 你叫什么名字? Whats your job? 你做什么工作?Im aWhats his name? 他叫什么名字? Whats his job? 他做什么工作? Hes a.Whats her name? 她叫什么名字? Whats her job? 她做什么工作? Shes a.Whats your fathers name? 你父亲叫什么名字? HesWhats your fathers job? 你父亲做什么工作? Hes a.What are their names? 他们叫什么? What are their jobs? 他们做什么工作?Theyre.What do you want to be?你想成为什么? I want to be a/ an.我想成为一个Its cold today, isnt it? 今天很冷,不是吗?-Yes. /No. 语音:/dr/ dress driver address draw /tr/ tree trousers try train Unit4单词buy 买 an apple 一只苹果 a pineapple 一只菠萝 an orange 一只橘子a grape 一个葡萄 a banana 一只香蕉 a peach 一只桃子(复:peaches)a watermelon 一只西瓜 a pear 一只梨 some 一些 fruit 水果 these 这些many 许多 those 那些 kilo 公斤,千克 great 好极了短语buy fruit 买水果 some grapes 一些葡萄 How many kilos? 多少公斤?how many 多少 some pears 一些梨 three kilos三公斤 Here you are. 给你。some apples 一些苹果 These or those 这些还是那些?the red one 红色的那个 the red ones 红色的那些 Id like=I would like 我想要Can I help you? 我能为你效劳吗? (营业员用语) those dogs 那些狗知识点:this _对应词_ that these 对应词 those this 复数 these that 复数 those句子Can I help you? 我能帮助你吗?(你要点什么?)What are these / those? Theyre 如:What are these? Theyre apples. Are these apples? Yes, they are.What are those? Theyre oranges. Are those oranges? No, they arent.What would you like? Id likeId like some , please. How many kilos? kilo(s), please. Here you are.如:Id like some apples, please. How many kilos? Tow kilos, please. Here you are.语音:/thin think thank three thirteen thirty mouth /there these those this that they with than Unit6单词a station 一座火车站 a supermarket 一家超市 a library 一座图书馆an airport 一座机场 a hospital 一家医院 a theatre 一座剧院 by train 坐(乘)火车 by plane坐(乘)飞机 by minibus 坐(乘)小型公交车by taxi 坐(乘)出租车 by bus 坐(乘)公交车 on foot 步行 how 怎么there 在那里 for (表示目标、去向)往、向 free 空闲的 play 玩、参加短语go to the theatre 去剧院 go there 去那里 go by taxi 坐出租车去 by taxi坐出租车 go to the library去图书馆 go to the park 去公园go to the Great Wall去长城 go to Xian去西安 go to the supermarket去超市go to the hospital by bus坐公交车去医院 this train for Shanghai去上海的火车the plane for Beijing 去北京的航班 good idea 好主意 play football 踢足球at/ in the school 在学校 be free 有空 Im free. 我有空. go on foot 步行去go to school by bike 骑自行车去学校 go to the zoo on foot步行去动物园句子Are you free now? 你现在空吗? Lets go by taxi. 我们乘出租车去。 How do we go there? 我们怎么去那? I go to by/ onHow do you go to school? 你怎么去上学的? I go to school by / on Shall we go toby? All right. ? OK.如:Shall we go to the library by minibus? All right.Shall we go to Xian by plane? No. How do we go there? Lets go there by train.Is this (that)for?如:Is this train for the library? Yes, it is.Is that plane for Shanghai? No, it isnt.语音:/ / she shirt shop shoe fish finish wash Unit7单词a pie 一个馅饼 a hamburger 一个汉堡包 sweets 糖果 biscuits 饼干milk 牛奶noodles 面条(复) chocolate 巧克力 tea 茶 coffee 咖啡 hungry 饿的juice 果汁(apple juice苹果汁) snack bar 小吃店 thirsty 渴的 basketball 篮球bread 面包 water 水 move 移动 then 那么 ice cream 冰淇淋 dear 亲爱的短语 at a snack bar在一家小吃店(快餐店) How about-? 怎么样? some noodles 一些面条 Something to drink/eat?来点喝(吃)的如何?Anything else?还要其他什么? how much 多少钱 go and play basketball 去打篮球 I cant move now. 我现在动不了。 see the doctor 看医生 go to see the doctor 去看医生 want to do 想做I dont want to我不想(做某事) go to school 去上学 go to the school 去学校orange/apple juice桔汁/苹果汁 a cup of coffee/ tea 一杯咖啡/茶a glass of milk/ juice一杯牛奶/果汁 Im hungry/thirsty. 我饿了/渴了。some chocolate 一些巧克力 a bar of chocolate 一块巧克力 some sweets一些糖果get up 起床 have a pie 吃一个馅饼 have some juice 喝点果汁 in the picture在图片中 three cups of tea 三杯茶 some biscuits 一些饼干some ice-creams一些冰淇淋(甜筒类) some ice cream 一些冰淇淋two cups of coffee 两杯咖啡 five bottles of juice五瓶果汁 句子What would you like? Id like.如:What would you like? Id like some milkHow much is it? Its.yuan How much is the.? Its.yuan.How much are they? They are.yuan. How much are the.? They are.yuan.Im hungry. Here are for you. Im thirsty. Heres for you. Im ill. I dont want to go to school now. What can you see in the picture? I can see How many +可数名词复数? - 语音:/dz/ birds beds friends words hands /ts/ biscuits sweets hats tents lights Unit8单词a chair 一张椅子 a blackboard 一块黑板 a computer 一台电脑 a picture 一张图片 a bookcase 一个书柜 a music room 一间音乐教室an office 一间办公室 a playground 一个操场 our 我们的 bright 明亮的classroom 教室 open day 开放日 piano 钢琴 ssometimes 有时 watch 观看songbook 歌本 near 在附近 window 窗户 T-shirt 体恤衫 map 地图smart 时髦的,好看的 lots of 许多 word 单词 China 中国 them 他们(宾格) open 打开 table 桌子 box 盒子短语open day 接待日 our classroom我们的教室 big and bright又大又明亮watch TV看电视 inclass 在课上 in your classroom 在你的教室里 some bookcases 一些书架near the window靠近窗 some songbooks一些歌本on the piano在钢琴上 lots of book许多书 some computers几台电脑in the library在图书馆里 Lets go and see. 让我们去看看。a map of China 一张中国地图 a map of the world 一张世界地图Ive got 我得到have got a new T-shirt 得到一件新的T恤 some words一些字/词I love China.我爱中国. on the chair在椅子上 on the table在桌上two small boxes两只小盒子 open the blue box打开蓝色的盒子知识点There be 结构1. 表示“某地有某物”2. There is + 可数名词单数/不可数名词+地点短语There are +可数名词复数+地点短语3. 提问:某地有什么?用Whats +地点短语?4. 就近原则:即用句子中第一个名词短语决定be动词用is 或are.如:There is a penci box and some books in the school bag. There are some books and a pencil box in the school bag.5. some 一些 + 可数名词复数/不可数名词lots of = a lot of 许多 +可数名词复数/不可数名词many 许多 + 可数名词复数and 和 在多个名词中长用于最后两个词中间句子Whats in/on/ near.? Theres / There are.如:Whats in your desk? Theres a book. 在你课桌里有什么?有一本书。Whats near the classroom? There are some bikes. 在教室旁有什么?有些自行车。There is a tape recorder in your desk. 在课桌里有一台收音机。There are some bikes near the classroom. 在教室旁有些自行车。Ive got. 我有. 如: Ive got a new toy. 我有一个新玩具。Sometimes we watch TV in class. 有时候我们在课上看电视。语音:/ t / chair China Chinese lunch teach chip Unit9单词a knife 一把小刀 a fork 一把叉子 a plate 一个盘子 a spoon 一把勺子a bowl 一只碗(a bowl of noodles一碗面) a cup一只杯子 (a cup of tea 一杯茶)a bottle 一个瓶子( a bottle of water 一瓶水) a cupboard 一个碗柜 a glass 一个玻璃杯 ( a glass of juice 一杯果汁) a pair of chopsticks 一副筷子rice 米饭(some rice) bread 面包(some bread) breakfast 早饭 fridge 冰箱try 尝试 no 没有的 a carton of 一(纸)盒 use 使用 dinner 正餐短语Whats for breakfast?早饭吃什么?in the cupboard 在碗柜里 my glass我的玻璃杯on the table在桌上 in the fridge在冰箱里 have some juice喝点果汁a carton of orange juice一盒桔汁on the sofa 在沙发上in the school bag 在书包里in the pencil case 在铅笔袋里use chopsticks 用筷子 Id like to try. 我想试试. a pair of chopsticks 一双筷子 watch me 看我 Let me try again. 让我再试试.Come and have dinner. 来吃晚饭。 have my dinner 吃我的饭Closeyour eyes. 闭眼。 one in the afternoon下午一点钟 watch the cartoon看卡通 Dont watch the cartoon. 不要看卡通。 play with your balloon 玩你的气球 eat your rice with this spoon 用这把勺子吃饭句子Wheres / Where are the / my ? Its / Theyre如:Wheres my glass? Its on the table. Wheres the chair? Its near the desk.Where are my glasses? Theyre on the table. Where are the chairs? Theyre near the desk.Theres noin / on / near.Theres no teacher in the office.Theres no spoon on the plate.Whats for breakfast/lunch / dinner? Have some juice then. 那么喝点果汁吧。Can you use ? -No, I cant. But Id like to try. Heres /are for you. 语音:/w/ white where which what when /h/ who whoseUnit 10in my classroom 在我教室里 near the blackboard靠近黑板 a big TV一台大电视机 the one with the apples那辆有苹果的go to the library by bus坐公共车去图书馆 have some biscuits吃点饼干How about some sweets? 来点糖怎么样? Good idea!好主意!in the playground 在操场上 go to the hospital by bike骑自行车去医院lots of soft drinks许多软饮料 lots of doctors and nurses许多医生和护士in the picture在图中


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