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重庆巴蜀中学第一学期期末测试初2007级(一上)外语试题 上午:10:2012:20第卷 (选择题)听力部分 (30分)一、听一遍后,选出正确选项补全你所听到的句子。(16) 1. Please get me a . A. pen B. pencil C. desk D. chair 2. Whats three and ?A. fourB. fourteenC. fortyD. forty-four3. I need some .A. shortsB. shirtsC. socksD. sock4. at 8:00.A. Classes beginB. Classes are beginC. Class beginsD. Class is begin5. I think he is .A. funB. funnyC. oldD. young6. Do you get up early on ?A. MondayB. TuesdayC. FridayD. Sunday二、听一遍后,选出你所听到的句子的应答语。(18) 7. A. Tuesday.B. January 29.C. Childrens Day. 8. A. May.B. June.C. August. 9. A. Football.B. Comedies.C. English. 10. A. Yes.B. No.C. I dont know. 11. A. Thats right.B. Thats OK.C. Sorry. 12. My daughter.B. My grandmother.C. My aunt. 13. A. March 15.B. September 5.C. August 5. 14. A. N-I-N-E.B. N-I-N-T-H.C. N-I-N-E-T-E-E-N-T-H.三、听两遍后,根据对话内容选出正确答案。(16)15. A. In a class.B. At an art festival. C. At a birthday party.D. In a store. 16. A. Yes.B. No.C. Very.D. I dont know. 17. A. 33 yuan.B. 13 yuan.C. 130 yuan.D. I dont know. 18. A. Comedies.B. Documentaries.C. Thrillers.D. Action movies. 19. A. Yes.B. No.C. Not now.D. I dont know. 20. A. Yes.B. No.C. I dont know.D. Sometimes (有时).四. 听两遍后,根据短文内容选出正确答案。(25) 21. The friends name is . A. PaulaB. PollyC. LilyD. Lucy 22. The friend is . A. oldB. youngC. 3D. 4 23. The friend can . A. walkB. speakC. singD. draw 24. The friends teacher is . A. meB. AnnC. KateD. my teacher, too 25. Do we all like this friend? A. Yes.B. No. C. Sometimes (有时).D. Its difficult to say.笔试部分五. 从每题A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的字母或字母组合补全单词。(15)26. ober. A. OktB. OctC. Orct 27. h tory A. isB. issC. es 28. tr pet A. amB. umC. em 29. s er A. ocB. occC. ooc 30. Th day A. arsB. ersC. urs六、选择填空。(120)31. I love hamburgers, I cant eat much. A. andB. butC. orD. so 32. You must have every day. A. fruitB. many fruitC. vegetableD. apple 33. When does he do homework? A. onesB. heC. himD. his 34. : Can I have a look at your game? : . Here you are. A. No, you cantB. SorryC. OKD. Great 35. My favourite subject is art. A. aB. anC. theD. 36. Mr white with his friends often a trip. A. haveB. hasC. D. go 37. He sings and is a singer (歌手). A. good, goodB. well , wellC. good , wellD. well , good 38. I often sports TV. A. read, onB. see , onC. watch , inD. watch , on 39. Does your shop sell for sports? A. clotheB. clothsC. clothesD. shoe 40. May is month of the year. A. fourthB. the fivethC. fifthD. the fifth 41. He reads hour every day. A. aB. for aC. anD. for an 42. One of my friends from Guangzhou. A. isB. areC. comeD. 43. Which bus can he ? A. takeB. takesC. catchesD. sit 44. September 10 is Day. A. TeacherB. TeachersC. TeacherssD. Teachers 45. The boy is 2, but he cant . A. sayB. talkC. speakD. tell 46. Not all students well. A. learnB. learnsC. is learnD. are learn 47. I go to bed 10:00 the evening. A. at, onB. at, inC. at , atD. in , 48. What do you often do weekends? A. inB. onC. forD. with 49. Mother often home early. A. get homeB. get to homeC. gets homeD. gets to home 50. I want some French because French is useful (有用). A. learnB. to learnC. learning D. to learn about七. 选出下列各句中唯一的一处错误。(15)51. I can play the violin for you , but I need violin . A B C D 52. English is not difficult for I . A B C D 53. Do you want to join in our club? A B C D 54. I can buy school things for a good price here . A B C D 55. Do you like documentary , too ? A B C D八. 完形填空。(1.510) Li Beibei is busy 56 happy. There 57 460 students at her school. 58 favourite subject is computing. Every day, Li gets up at 5.30 am and rides her bike( 骑自行车) 59 twenty minutes 60 school. She studies hard, and even 61 books during breaks(课间休息)! Like(象) many students, Li has a 62 homework. 63 school, she helps her mum cook(煮饭). On weekends, she helps wash clothes. She can cook when she is 64 . Li wants 65 a teacher when she grows up.56. A. andB. butC. orD. so 57. A. amB. isC. areD. has 58. A. LiB. LisC. ShesD. His 59. A. inB. onC. forD. 60. A. get toB. to getC. to get toD. gets to 61. A. readB. readsC. watchesD. sees 62. A. a lot B. lots of C. manyD. little 63. A. BeforeB. AfterC. WhenD. At 64. A. eightB. eight year old C. eight-year-oldD. eight-years-old 65. A. doB. to doC. beD. to be九. 阅读理解。( 210 )(A) Everybody has a home. We people have homes. Animals(动物) have homes, too. Some animals live(住) under the ground(地面). The woodchuck lives in holes(洞 ) under the ground. His home has two doors. If anybody comes in one door, he goes out from the other door. Some birds live in holes in trees. They come out for food in the daytime and go back to sleep at night. But many birds live just in the trees. Its quite interesting that turtles carry their homes on their backs. Bees work hard to make their homes. There are many, many little rooms in their house. Cats, dogs, and chicks live in peoples homes. We see all kinds of animals in the zoo. It is a big home for lots of animals. 根据上文内容判断正误,正用“A”表示,误用“B”表示。 66. People and animals both (都) have homes. 67. A woodchucks home has two rooms. 68. All birds homes are holes in trees. 69. Bees homes are very big. 70. Peoples homes are some animals homes, too.(B)72 Newton DriveLondon SW63rd OctoberDear David, How are you? Im fine. Im in London, at the International School of English. Im in Class 3 with eight students. Theyre from different countriesSpain, Japan, Argentina, Switzerland and Thailand. Our teachers name is Henry Briscall. Hes very nice. Hes a very good teacher. Im living with an English family. Mr and Mrs Brown have three children. Thomas is fourteen, Catherine is twelve, and Andrew is seven. They are all very friendly, but it isnt easy to understand(懂) them! London is very big and very interesting. The weather is goodcold but sunnyand the parks are beautiful! Hyde Park, Green Park, and St. James Park are all in the city centre(中心 ). English food is OK, but the coffee is horrible(可怕)! Write to me soon.Love,Paula 根据上文内容选出正确答案。 71. The letter is from . A. DavidB. PaulaC. Paulas classmateD. Not A, B or C 72. The writers (作者的) class has . A. many studentsB. eight students C. nine studentsD. eight girls 73. The writer lives (住) . A. at schoolB. in a hotel C. with her classmatesD. at Mr Browns home 74. Hyde Park is . A. in a schoolB. in London C. next to LondonD. small 75. The letter is NOT about . A. the writers classmatesB. the writers teacher C. the writers dinnerD. London第卷 (非选择题)十. 用所给单词的正确形式填空。(16)76. Look at the “Job ”. ( want ) 77. You eat so little. Eat , please. ( much ) 78. Are you in a club? ( sport ) 79. Hes in a club. ( swim ) 80. December is Christmas Day. ( twenty-five ) 81. We dont have in our school. ( Japan )十一. 短语英汉互译。 (18)82. work long hours83. date of birth 84. a great CD collection85. watch morning TV 86. 举办艺术节87.吃午饭 88. 洗澡89. 踢足球十二. 完成下列各句的句型转化,每空一词。(116)90. I want some chicken. (一般疑问句) I want chicken. 91. He can play the piano. (一般疑问句) he the piano? 92. He watches TV news at 10:00 . (提问) he watch TV news? 93. We have Chinese at 10:50. (提问) do you have at 10:50? 94. His brother is a singer . (提问) his brothers ? 95. Do you want to see a movie this evening? (同义转换) Do you want to a movie this weekend? 96. Can you help me with the sale of the computers? (同义替换) Can you help me the computers? 97. We can see many flowers there. (同义替换) We can see flowers.十三. 完成短文或对话。(120)补全课本原文,每空一词。 98 Mona, Thanks for your 99 . Do you want to 100 about my morning? 101 , I 102 get up at around six fifteen. I do my homework at six thirty, and 103 I eat 104 at around seven thirty. At around eight oclock, I go to school. School 105 at nine oclock. Please 106 and tell me about your 107 . Love, Jane补全对话,每空一词。 A: Good morning, Mr Baker. B: Good morning. A: May I ask you some 108 ? B: Sure. A: This is your first time to our 109 . Do you like Chongqing? B: Of course. Chongqing is great. The people are friendly. And the food is good, too. I like hot pot(火锅) a 110 .A: Do you like your 111 here? B: Yes, I do. I teach English in a college (大学). I 112 ten classes a week. My 113 like my lessons. They study hard and learn very fast. A: So youre good 114 them, right? B: Yes. A: Are you busy every day? B: Not very. After work, I play sport, 115 to the music, see movies, and so on. A: Do you miss (想念) your 116 ? B: Yes, I miss my wife and two children. But I can 117 them or email them. A: Well, thank you. Hope youll enjoy your stay here. B: Thank you.十四、用所给单词和标点组句。(15) 118his for has supper fish brother ( . ) 119we much not can English speak ( . ) 120it five afternoon is the twenty in ( . )121. do a blue sweater you sweater orange or an want a ( ? )122. do why get early do you up ( ? ) 重庆巴蜀中学20042005学年度第一学期期末测试初2007级(一上)外语答题卷第卷(非选择题)答题卷十、用所给单词的正确形式填空。(16) 76._ 77._ 78._ 79._ 80._ 81._十一、短语英汉互译。 (18)82._ 83._84._ 85._86._ 87._88._ 89._十二、完成下列各句的句型转化,每空一词。(116)90._ _ 91._ _92._ _ 93._ _94._ _ 95._ _96._ _ 97._ _十三、完成短文或对话。(120)A. 补全课本原文,每空一词。98_ 99_ 100_ 101_ 102_103_ 104_ 105_ 106_ 107_B. 补全对话,每空一词。 108._ 109._ 110._ 111._ 112._113._ 114._ 115._ 116._ 117._十四、用所给单词和标点组句。(15) 118 119. 120 121. 122. 重庆巴蜀中学20042005学年度第一学期期末测试初2007级(一上)外语听力材料一、听一遍后,选出正确选项补全你所听到的句子。 1.Please get me a pencil. 2. Whats three and forty-four? 3. I need some shorts. 4. Class begins at 8:00. 5. I think he is fun. 6. Do you get up early on Friday?二.听一遍后,选出你所听到的句子的应答语。7. Whats the date today?8. What month is after July?9. What is your favourite sport? 10. Is David a boys name? 11. Thanks very much. 12. Whos your mothers sister? 13. He was born on August 5, 1995. When is his birthday? 14. How do you spell ninth?三.听两遍后,根据对话内容选出正确答案。 15. M: Happy birthday to you, Mary. Herere some flowers for you. W: Thank you. What beautiful flowers! Q: Where are they? 16. M: Julia, what do you have for your Lunch? W: Well, I have two hamburgers, fried chicken fish and an ice cream. M: Any vegetables? W: Well, I dont like vegetables very much. Q: Is Julias lunch healthy? 17. M: Can I help you? W: Yes, please. I want this bag and that hat. M: The bag is 80 yuan and the hat is 50 yuan. W: Here you are. M: Thank you. Here are your bag and hat. Q: How much are the bag and the hat? 18. M: Do you like comedies, Ann? W: Well, I dont like them very much. I like action movies best. Q: What kind of movies does Ann like best? 19. M: Can I help you? W: Yes, please. I want to join the painting club. M: Can you paint? W: I cant paint well, but I really want to paint well. M: OK. You can be a good student. Q: Can the woman join the painting club? 20. M: What time do you go to bed, Gina? W: At around 11:30. M: Why do you go to bed so late? W: I usually have many things to do. Q: Does Gina go to bed early?四.听两遍后,根据短文内容选出正确答案。 I have a good friend in my home. It is a bird. Its name is Polly. Its three. It is yellow and very beautiful. I play with it after school. My classmatesAnn and Kate often come to see it. Polly sings every day. I teach it to sing the “ABC”. Now it can sing the “ABC”. I like it very much.

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