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人教版八年级英语下册说课稿一、教学课题:unit2 what should i do? the first period二、教学设计思路:结合多媒体,利用图片、实物、简笔画等帮助学生记忆本节相关词汇;设置情境,帮助学生通过听说练习学会谈论日常问题及给出建议。三、教材分析:in this unit students learn to talk about problems at school and at home and how to give advice to solve them. the first period serves as an introduction and lead-in part. activity 1a introduces some key vocabulary. activity 1b gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation. activity 1c gives students an opportunity to practice their speaking skill using the target language. in this period students can learn to explain their problems in their daily life.四、教学目标:(一)知识目标1.key vocabulary: keep out; play; argue; wrong; whats wrong?; style; out of style2. key structures: whats wrong? my clothes are out of style. maybe you should buy some new clothes.(二)能力目标to train students ability of communication and listening skill.(三)情感目标1. to be interested in taking part in all kinds of activities in an english class. 培养学生良好的合作意识,鼓励学生大胆表达自己的想法和意愿。2. train students communicative conscious. to speak out their thinks and wills.五、教学重点:1.key vocabulary: keep out; play; argue; wrong; whats wrong?; style; out of style2. key structures: whats wrong? my clothes are out of style. maybe you should buy some new clothes.六、.教学难点:learn to give advice using “should”.七、.难点及其突破方法:培养良好的语言表达习惯。发挥教师良好的示范作用,注重教师在课堂教学中对学生无意识的影响。八、教学资源:多媒体;录音机;课件九、教学过程:step 1.greetings and revisiongreet the class and check the homework.step2.section a lead-inproblemi want to buy a new guitar but i dont have enough money advicet: look at the chart. i have a problem. i dont know what i should do. can you give some advice?s(1): wait until next year.s(2): borrow one.s(3): buy a used guitar.s(4): get a part-time job.(teacher show the advice on the screen one by one)t: thank you for your advice. do you have any problems?s: yes.t: i think you have different problems. in this unit we are going to talk about problems people have and learn to give these people advice, using the words “could” “should” and “shouldnt”.step3. new wordskeep out 留在外面;置身于外;不许进入play v.播放loud adj. 大声的;响亮的argue v. 争论,争吵style n. 款式;式样;时尚out of style 过时的;落伍的step 4 1at: now please open your books at page 10. look at activity 1a, please.(point to the problems and ask five students to read the problems to the class)s(1): my parents want me to stay at home every night.s(2): my brother plays his cds too loud.s(3): i dont have enough money.s(4): i argued with my best friend.s(5): my clothes are out of style.read each sentence again and ask students to repeat it. ask students to explain in their own words what each sentence means. they can point to parts of the picture, using actions, simple drawings on the board and simple sentences.t: you are right. you must pay attention to two phrases. “argue with sb.” means “disagree in words with sb.” “out of style” means “no fashion in clothes”.step 5.1bt: please look at the pictures. lets see: whats wrong with the girl, who can tell me?s(1): i think she argued with her mother about something.s(2): she thinks her clothes are out of style.s(3): her brother plays his cds too loud.t: now listen to a conversation to check what you guess and circle the problems you hear the girls talking about. play the recording for the first time. students only listen. and then play it a second time. this time students circle the problems they hear. correct the answers.answers:the following problems should be circled:my parents want me to stay at home every night.my brother plays his cds too loud.i dont have enough money.my clothes are out of style.step 6 pairworkfirst ask two students to read the sample dialogue.s(1): whats wrong?s(2); my clothes are out of style.s(1): maybe you should buy some new clothes.t: make conversations like this about the problems in activity 1a. after a while, ill ask several pairs of students to say their conversations to the class.step 7 summaryt: this class weve learned some key vocabulary. and weve learnt how to give somebody advice if he or she has some problems. if you are interested in joining all kinds of activities in class, youll make great progress.step 7.homeworktalk about ones problems and give advice in groups.step8 the design of the blackboardunit 2 what should i do?the first periodshould/could you should talk with her about your problemsshouldnt you shouldnt argue with her.keep out languages goals:play * talk about problemsargue * give advicewrong target language:whats wrong a: whats wrong?style b: my clothes are out of style.out of style a: maybe you should buy some new clothes.十、评价方法:评价section a的教学效果,可以通过以下几点:1学生是否能熟练掌握本节可所学单词及能造简单的句子。2学生是否能用目标语运用自如地编对话。十一、教学反思1通过教学活动和教学实践,我深刻地体味到,农村中学英语课堂教学改革势在必行。我校地处农村,学生基础薄弱,在英语学习方面没有一个好的语言氛围。刚开始时,课堂上时常会出现乱的局面,但通过一段时间的摸索和学习,总算掌握了这一教法的要领。一节课要取得成功,我有如下几点认识。首先,课前准备一定要充分,在教学设计中,要认真研究课标,分析教材,通过传授与学生生活密切联系的英语知识,训练英语的听说能力,培养学生学习英语的兴趣和初步能力,最终使学生从“学会英语”,向“会用英语”转变。2. 要尽可能多地考虑师生的共同参与性与互动性,操练过程中的趣味性和交际性,充分体现学生学习的自主性和参与性。其次,充分利用有限的教学资源,如多媒体、图画、简笔画等拓宽学生学习渠道,改进学生学习方式,提高教学效果。再次,学生的学习热情和自信心是外语教学中最可贵的因素。农村学生大多性格内向,有相当一部分学生表现为胆小,要尽量去了解每一个学生,摸准他们的心理脾气,在教学中尊重他们,关心体贴他们,把回答问题的权利分配给每一位学生而不是尖子生,及时鼓励他们。

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