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高一上Unit11一课一练Part 1 of Unit 11 I.Find the words in Unit 11 to replace the underlined ones in the following sentences. Make changes if necessary.( ) 1. John Devor is my loved singer.( ) 2. The manager gave a short introduction about his company at the opening of the conference.( ) 3. To be an artist, you should have your own special styles.( ) 4. Christmas is one of the special holidays of Christian church.( ) 5. Do you believe that the world was produced by God?( ) 6. The two countries joined against their common enemy.( ) 7. Its a good custom fro Chinese to be hardworking and brave.( ) 8. Music is a general language which can be understood by people all over the world.( ) 9. Sometimes behaviors between males and females are completely different.( ) 10. Most people sing karaoke only to enjoy themselves.( ) 11. Which groups of musicians in China do you like most?( ) 12. Students should be judged not only by their results of exams but also the actions they have in their studies.II. Match the following words and the explanations:( ) 1. entertain A. show ones opinion or feeling( ) 2. process B. meet ones needs( ) 3. express C. completely( ) 4. satisfy D. feelings( ) 5. emotion E. a connected set of actions( ) 6. totally F. bring others funIII. Complete the following according to the given Chinese:Mr Smith is being interviewed to give the audience his opinions about something.Interviewer: Mr Smith, we are very happy to have you on our television program this evening.Mr Smith: I am glad to be here.Interviewer: I have questions for you. _(我想知道您的看法).Mr Smith: Go ahead.Interviewer: _(您觉得我们早报如何) ? Would you say it gives us all the latest news?Mr Smith: Yes, I would say so. _(我觉得它是一份很好的报纸).Interviewer: _(请告诉我您对于我们电视的看法). Do you think that all the programs are good?Mr Smith: No, I dont. Some of the programs are interesting, but others could be better.Interviewer: What about music? _(您对现代音乐有什么想法吗) ?Mr Smith: I dont always understand it. Personally, I prefer the symphonies (交响乐) of Beethoven.III.Choose the following sentences that have the nearest meaning :(有些答案不只一个)1.English is spoken in South Africa.A.They speak English in South Africa.B.No people speak English in South Africa.2.Ten people were injured in a fire.A.A fire injured ten people.B. In a fire ten people were hurt.3.Visitors are told not to smoke in the exhibition hall.A. You shouldnt smoke in the exhibition hall.B. They ask visitors not to smoke in the exhibition hall.4.We went to see Tom at the hospital yesterday. He was allowed to speak to us for a short while.A. The doctors allowed Tom to speak.B. Tom allowed us to speak to him.IV. Read and complete this passage, using correct conjunctions:Elvis Presley was a world famous pop star. He was born in 1935 _1_ died in 1977 _2_ he was only 42 years old.Elviss parents were very poor _3_ lived in a two-room house. He started singing _4_he was two years old. He could sing very well _5_ he was eight. For his eleventh birthday, Elvis wanted a bicycle _6_ his parents bought him a guitar. He often listened to the black people who lived next to his home, _7_ learned from them.Elvis left school _8_ became a truck driver. He made his first record for his mothers birthday _9_ he was seventeen. The next year he recorded another song. After that more and more people asked him to makerecords. Elvis made more than 200 records _10_ 30 films. _11_, during his last few years he was no longer as popular _12_ before.VI补全对话Sue: Would you please go shopping with me?May: _1_ ( )Sue: _2_ There are so many things to choose from. ( )May: Do you remember the last time I went shopping with you?_3_ ( )Sue: _4_ ( )May: I have always been afraid to hear you say “I am sorry I have changed my mind.”Sue: Dont laugh at me any more.May: _5_ I prefer to stay at home watching TV. ( )A.Its a good idea.B.We spent a lot of time but came back without anything.C.You are a very nice person.D.Going shopping is always very boring.E.But without you I cant make a decision on what to buy.F.So you must go by yourself.G.Sometimes I really have trouble choosing so many things. Part 2 of Unit 11I.Fill in the blank using the given words:suggest, performer, music, beat, record, brief, throughout,style, combine, traditional, spread, variety1.The SARS has _ all over the world, especially in Asian countries.2.Seaweeds can produce _ chemicals that help keep the sea water clean.3.It is a good _ that we should set off immediately.4.They are _ Romeo and Juliet in the theatre at night.5.Some animals will sleep _ the winter.6.The owner of the house is leaving, so all his _ instruments will be for sale.7.In China, women by _ wear red dresses when they get married.8.Come on, everybody! Please dance and follow the _.9.He stood up and made a _ speech.10.To make the cake, first _ the eggs, butter and sugar.11.He is said to be a great writer, but I dont like his _.12.Film cameras _ the Presidents arrival.II.Match the following:( ) 1. Blues music A. uses traditional styles from Latin America.( ) 2. Hip-hop B. comes from African songs.( ) 3. Rap C. helps people hear new things in old music.( ) 4. Latin music D. means that singer speak the words along with the beat.III.Complete the following using the given Chinese:1.说一件事和做一件事有很大的区别。There is _ _ _ _ between thinking about it and doing it.2.最近你一直看什么书?What book _ you _ _ recently ?3.最近我们常常见面。We _ _ seeing _ _ quite a lot recently.4.在机场崇拜者只有很短的时间看一眼他们最喜爱的演员。The fans only got _ _ _ at their favorite _ at the airport.5.不同的音乐之间还是有很多的共同点的。Different music still _ much _ _ with each other.6.世界上有很多种不同种类的植物。There is _ wide _ _ plants in the world.7.让我们把不同风格的音乐结合起来创造一首新的歌。Lets _ music of different _ to _ a new song.8.让科学家困惑的是这种病转播的方式。What makes scientists puzzled is _ _ the disease _.9.当他小的时候,他放学后常常经过那个屋子。As a boy, he _ _ go by the house after class.IV.任务型阅读。Charlene Choi and Gillian look very much like twins-there are hardly any differences. But theyre not! In fact, they come from different parts of the world and were brought together by Hong Long Emperor Entertainment Group (EEG,英皇娱乐集团) in 2000.They go by the name of “Twins” and were the top choice of EEGs New Star Competition that year. Since then, theyve become one of the most promising pop duos (一对) in Hong Kong.And they are joining the battle against SARS. On May 12 they gave HK$500,000 (530,000 yuan)to help Hong Kong middle school students fight the deadly disease. Middle school students love Twins and accept the girls as one of them. The beautiful young pair give feelings of happiness, pureness and simplicity when they sing their pop songs.Born in Canada, 19-year-old Chois hobbies are singing, dancing and design. Chung, 20, was born in Hong Kong and studied in Australia after high school. She enjoys singing, shopping and films.The popular girls won the Most Promising Singers award in Hong Kong in 2001 and were selected as the best pop duo last year.Although they are still very popular, both hope to continue their studies. “You never stop learning,” they said.After reading the passage, please fill in the form below.A brief introduction Charlene Choi and Gillian ChungTheir working placeTheir singing styleTheir successesTheir hobbiesTheir hopeV.Read this story about a pop star and then fill in the blanks with the words in the box, changing the word forms when necessary. come, tell, sell, hear, meet, start, play, write, ask, buy, see, knowBruces brother Robert is a famous pop star. In the past two years he _1_ millions of records.Five years ago nobody _2_ him. He _3_ (already) more than 100 songs, but he had not yet made any records. Then one day he _4_ Rik, a pop star. He _5_ Rik play once before and _6_ all his records. Rik _7_ him to play as much as possible. So Robert _8_ to play in the nearest big city. When he _9_ a few times, more people _10_ to hear him sing. They _11_ (never) his kind of music before. Then one evening, somebody came to hear him sing. He _12_ Bruces brother if he had made any records. As a result of this meeting, he made his first record Part 3 of Unit 11 I. Choose the best one and correct them: 1. Anna did not have time to talk with me when I last saw her as she hurried to her office. _A B C D 2. He is married with two children and live on the farm with a lot of cattle. _ A B C D 3. Fish prices in that country have raised, so a lot of families have to change there eating A B C Dhabits. _ 4. Mother promised she will buy me an English-Chinese dictionary. _ A B C D5. If it wont rain, we will go to visit the zoo. _ A B C D6.There is going to have an English Evening next Saturday. _ A B C D7. Not get that ink on your shirt, for it wont wash out. _ A B C D8. I havent seen her since two weeks. _ A B C D9. Our basketball team have won every match so far this year, but we still have A B C three more games. _ D10. I will ask her for the book now, for she had had plenty of time to read it since I A B Clent it to her. _D II.Fill in the blanks with verbs in correct tenses and voices.1.Dont worry. I will wait until she _ (arrive) here.2.-Where is your mother ?-She isnt. She _ (go) shopping.3.Ask Tom to come back. Dinner _ (be) ready soon.4.He told the boys not to make any noise because he _ (write) something important.5.He had to walk home as the last bus _ (leave) five minutes before.6.When the children learned that they _ (visit) the sea world the next day, they jumped with joy.7.The room _ (paint) now by Mike himself.8.I _ (send) you a telegram as soon as I hear the good news.9._ life _ (exist) on the moon ?10.Thank you very much, but I _ (have) enough apples today.11.While he _ (walk) along the street, he heard someone call his name.12.I thought you _ (be) here at least twice.13.He blew on the mirror and at once the glass _ (cover) with little drops of water.14.The child cries whenever she _ (go) to see the doctor.15.When I met Albert, he _yet _ (not learn) that he would be our new headmaster.16.His book on the idioms seems _ (publish) already.17.The green bicycle _ (belong) to the postman. Dont take it away.18.The teachers _ (have) a meeting when the lights went out.19.The meat in the bowl _ (go) bad already. Throw it away.20.By the end of last month, he _ (make) three telephone calls to his father.21.Lessons _ (finish) and the holiday _ (start). Pedro _ (fly) to Spain and Lucille _ (go ) to a dance. Jan _ (have) a letter from Friedas mother inviting him to spend Christmas with them in Switzerland. He _ (look) forward to it very much. Frieda _ (excite) about going home, and _ (be) glad that Jan _ (come) too. Only Hob _ (be) pessimistic(悲观的). He _ (remind) them that they _ (be) back at work in a month.III.Fill in the blank using the given words. for, in, on, to, for, across, from, with, on, during, at, like When I was a baby, my mother sang songs to make me fall asleep quickly _1_ her arms. From then _2_, music has remained important in my life.I began to learn to play the piano when I was four years old. Since then, no matter where I am, music is always _3_ me. Music is very relaxing (让人放松的), especially after a day of hard work. Every time I get home _4_ school, I enjoy listening to music. If time is enough, I even play the piano _5_ a while.When I am happy, I want to play the piano. Sometimes, when I listen to the music, I feel as if I am flying in the wide blue sky _6_a bird, or swimming in the clear sea like a fish. I love music and enjoy playing the piano very much. Once I had the chance to take part in a piano competition. To win it, I had to practice _7_ about one to two hours every day. But I never found it boring. _8_ the contrary (相反), I enjoyed overcome (克服) all the difficulties that I met _9_ the practice. At last I won first prize in Guiyang, capital of Guizhou Province. You can imagine how excited I was _10_ that special moment. I was glad that I had got what I should have. It helps me make friends _11_ the world even though I do not know many foreign languages. Music is so important to me that I cant imagine what the world would be like if there was no music. For me, music is like the water _12_ fish, the sunshine to plants, and the air to animals. IV.Read the following and fill in the blanks using the different forms of the given verbs.Drunk Driving (酒后架车)Every year about 44000 people _1_ (die) on the highways in car accidents in the United States. Half of these deaths _2_ (cause) by drunk drivers. Because of this, stricter laws _3_ (pass) recently. California has one of the strictest laws. If you kill someone while you _4_ (drive) after drinking, you _5_ (consider) a murderer in the eyes of the law. This is a story about what happened to a thirty-year-old man in California.One afternoon this man _6_ (drink) four bottles of beer at a bar. After finishing his drinks, he _7_ (get) into another car and _8_ (drive) off. He _9_ (speed). He _10_ (run) through a stop sign and _11_ (knock) into another car, which _12_ (drive) by a mother. Inside the car were her four children. All of the passengers _13_ (kill). However, the drunk driver _14_ (not/ injure) at all. When the police _15_ (arrive), the man _16_ (arrest) and _17_ (bring) to court (法庭). Two months later, he _18_ (find) guilty (有罪的) of murder. He _19_ (sentence) to seventy-seven years in prison. His drivers license (执照) _20_ (take) away for life. Part 4 of Unit 11 I.单项填空。1.There used to _ an open field here.A. have B. having C. be D. being2.A world of problems will appear during the project. Which of the following can take the place of the expression in bold? A. A large amount of B. A great deal of C. A few D. Plenty of3.He was taken into hospital last week. In fact he _ ill for three months.A. has been B. has got C. has fallen D. had been4.It is said that the castle on top of the mountain has _ long history.A. a B. the C. / D. much5.If you listen more carefully, you will find the two bands _ much in _.A. has, the same B. have, common C. has, common D. have, the same6.The news of finding gold _ like wildfire.A. ran B. spreaded C. spread D. run7.We have a _ of needs in different periods of our life.A. variety B. various C. vary D. different8.Peter _ to find a new house for some time.A. was tried B. has been trying C. goes to try D. is trying9.I love a lot of fruits _ apples and lemons.A. for example B. i.e. C. for instance D. like10.This music comes from some _ countries.A. English speaking B. English spoken C. speaking English D. spoken English11. Many English teachers suggest me _about some easy and familiar topics in the beginning to improve my spoken English. A. practising to speak B. to practise speaking C. practising speaking D. to practise to speak12.The professor gave his students some _ on how to make up their _ about their choices of theircourses.A. advice; minds B. advices; mindsC. suggestion; minds D. suggestions; mind13.Youve come at last. I _ for you for nearly an hour. A. in; on B. in; with C. on; about D. of; for14._ the heavy rain, the students watched VCD in the classroom _ having sports outdoors. A. Because; instead B. For; instead C. As; instead of D. Because of; instead of15. The West Germany and East Germany have already reunited, but _ theyre still different in many ways. Which of the following choices cant be used in the sentence above ? A. at the same time B. on the other hand C. while D. meanwhileII. ReadingJazz began in the 20th century as a music of black Americans, which was given at parties or social gatherings.Jazz has continued to develop and has produced some of the United States leading singers, performers. Today, it is considered by many to be Americas art music. It has influenced (影响) almost every other kind of music in America, Europe and even the eastern countries.It is not known how the word “jazz” began to use, but the term came into common use after the first records of jazz were made in 1917. Jazz means a mixture of musical elements from Africa and Europe. Jazz uses some European ideas of sweet music, but the rhythms are more African. It is usually said to be “syncopated”, that is, it is irregular in rhythm. And jazz is polyrhythmic, which means it uses many rhythms around one basic rhythm.Another important feature (特点) of jazz is improvisation (即席创作). This is the way jazz is usually played. Jazz musicians have learned to improvise so well that they can make up excellent melodies (曲调) as they play. A good jazz soloist (独唱) seldom plays an


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