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初中常见相似词语辨析之九二五、due to,owing to 这一对词组都表示“因为”、“由于”之意,但用法和使用场合有所不同。在标准英语里,due to只能用以引导形容词短语,不可引导副词短语。例如:Our delay was due to heavy trafficMistakes due to carelessness may have serious consequences在第一例中,due to引导的短语在句中作表语,用在 verb“to be”之后;在第二例中,due to引导的短语作定语,修饰前面的主语mistakes。主张语言纯正者(purists)认为,due to不能引导副词短语,因此,下列句中的 due to应改为 owing to或 because of:Due to ill health,he could not attend the meeting由于健康不佳,他不能参加会议。事实上,在现代英语中,due to也经常用以引导副词短语,下面数句均摘自英美刊物:Due to the weather,the flight was cancelledHe failed due to carelessnessThe population of Pennsylvania increased from 50,000 in 1730 to more than 200,000 in 1763,due in large part to the thousands of ScotchIrishin America,where women began to predominate from pioneer times,due to their scarcity and greater demandsOwing to如同 because of或 on account of一样,是个介词,只能引导副词短语。例:Owing to the rain,they could not come由于下雨,他们不能来了。Owing to a traffic hold-up,I missed my flight由于交通堵塞,我赶不上航班。The project fell through because of poor planning工程告吹是因为缺乏周详策划。The university faced a cost overrun on account of miscalculation大学经费超支是因为预计错误。上面提过,在今日英语中,以上的 owing to/because of/on account of都可以用due to代替。二六、during,for 介词for引导时间状语时,很易和during混淆不清。它们的区别如下:(一)during用在已知的时期、节日或表示时间观念的名词之前,其后通常接the、this、that、these、those、my、your、his等词。例:during the last four days(the spring of 1995)during the winter(war,economic crisis of 1929)during that time(the course of the play)during my holidays(summer vacation)during her absence(interview)during our stay in Japan(their visit here)而for则用以表示“有限的”或“无限的”时间概念,通常其后接冠词、数词,复数名词或副词ever。例如:for the first time(a time,a while)for a couple of weeks(days)for two months(weeks)for many years(generations)for years(months)for ever(ages)(二)during的涵义是“当之际”,它既可指某个动作在某个时期里连续不断地进行,也可以指某个动作在这段时期里的某个时间发生。如:He was sick for a week and during that week he was placed in an infirmary他病了一个星期,在这个星期里,他住在护养院。It snowed all day but stopped snowing during that night下了一整天雪,到晚上才停了。而for的涵义是指某个动作在某个时期里处于连续不断的状态。如:They worked for the whole day他们干了一整天。在某些场合下,for含有“预先安排”或“为了某一目的”之涵义。表示此意味时,大都和come、go、stay、lend、rent、hire等词连用。例:I went to Europe for the holidays我到欧洲度假去了。They will stay with us for the New Year他们将和我们在一起,共度新年。Were off for our honeymoon我们要去度蜜月。May I borrow your camera for Christmas?我可否借你的照相机在圣诞节时使用?二七、each,every 这两个词都有“每个”的意思,词义相近,但内涵和使用场合有所不同。(一)each既可作形容词,又可作代词;every只能作形容词。例:Each participant may try twice(adj)每个参与者可尝试两次。Each of them has done his work(pron)他们各自干了自己的工作。Every member has a share in the profits made by the company(adj)每个会员可分享公司的盈利。(二)each表示“各自”的意味,指一个整体中的个别人或事物;every表示“每个”之意,含有“全体”、“全部”之意味,因此,我们可以说:Every boy was there and each did his part每个男孩都出席并各尽其力。从此例可见,every是从“整体”来看;而each是从“个别”来看。(三)each用于两个或两个以上的人或事物;every 用于三个或三个以上的人或事物。例:The pavement on each side is crowded with pedestrians每边的行人道上挤满路人。I enjoy every minute of the party联欢会的每一分钟我都玩得很痛快。(四)在each和every通用的场合里,every的语气比each重,例如在下句中,用every比较适合,因为它的语势较强:Every form of society,every way of thinking has its particular contradiction and particular quality每一种社会形态和每一种思想形式,都有它的特殊的矛盾和特殊的性质。(五)有时候,人们为了加重语气,故意把each和every用在一起。例如:The professor wants each and every student to be present before eight oclock值得注意的是,each不可以和否定式的动词连用,例如,我们不可以说:Each did not succeed而应说:Each failed表示 each的否定涵义用语是:neither,no one或 not every one。如:Neither(or Not every one)of them was in good health


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