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1 Assessment task 1 Outcome covered All outcomes 1 5 Section 1 a The PESTEL analysis heading are a framework in which environmental influence are categorized into six main types political economic socio cultural technological environmental and legal 1 P political forces as the political arena has a huge influence upon the regulation of business and the spending of consumers and other businesses The political is including government stability taxation policy social welfare policies and the trade regulations In our case of J D Wetherspoon plc the Monopolies and Mergers Commission take a ruling about broken the tied house system this ruling limited the brewer selling the beer and brewing the beer at same time And the government pays attention for the disadvantage 2 E economic forces as the state of a trading economy in the short term and long term influence the wealth of a population The economic is including interest rates inflation and disposable income and product seasonality and so on About the J D Wetherspoon plc in the start of twenty first century J D Wetherspoon was facing much more competition The retail licensing marking had adapted to the changes in the tied house system and other retail pub chains like Regent Inns and Punch Taverns had been developing their businesses And the supermarket began selling drinks also have influence on the company 3 S socio cultural forces Such as religion and demographics impact upon product design and spending by consumers It includes lifestyle trends education level population demographics and social responsbility In the case people more and more carefully to take attention on their health so they began to reduce the wine drinking Then J D Wetherspon plc develops a kind of low ethanol wine 4 T technological forces such as information technology influences production methods and transportation influences market penetration and product costs It will include speed of introduction of new technologies innovations developments and consumer buying options and so on In the case with the technological develop the beer can be bottled and selling in the market Because of this people aren t need to drink beer only in the pubs This can decrease the sell share of the J D Wetherspoon 5 L legal forces such as product safety influences design and trading practices influence how businesses conduct themselves in the market It may include like 2 employment law healthy and safety company law and consumer protection and so on In the case the government issued policies to limit the wine drinking and the Monopolies and Mergers Commission take a ruling about broken the tied house system this ruling limited the brewer selling the beer and brewing the beer at same time All of this legal force could have influence on J D Wetherspoon b The analysis of the organization s internal and external strategic environment is referred to as a SWOT analysis SWOT is an acronym for strengths weakness opportunities and threats The SWOT analysis is a very popular tool with managers because it is quick and easy to learn SWOT analysis for J D Wetherspon Internal Strength 1 Staff 2 Good service and environment Weaknesses 1 Food 2 Service for children External Opportunities 1 Different pub brand 2 Developing budget hotel Threats 1 Other pubs compete 2 Government policy S in the case J D Wetherspoon claimed that people are its best asset 20 of senior managers began as bar staff or cleaners The company provide lifelong training and adopt he staff suggestion and communicate with them J D Wetherspoon provide quiet environment and the service are always satisfied the consumer demand all of these can protect the company develop well W the food in pubs of J D Wetherspoon it supports complimentary crisps with baguettes this kind is bad for customers health and it didn t distinguish the hot degree this might cause customer s discontented for the J D Wetherspoon It also doesn t have children s meals This will let the customers of adult unconvenient and it may because the children are hurt All of these can loss the customers O J D Wetherspoon is managing he pub style as quiet But now it acquired the Lloyds pub chain J D Wetherspoon develop it as another style This kind of pub s music dazed outlets with a much stronger entertainment element and show TV programs this can attract much more customers The company also begun developing budget hotel this can develop another market and increase the profit of J D Wetherspoon T J D Wetherspoon faced many computers like Regent Inns Punch Taverns and the supermarket They will strive the share of market and the customer The government policy also influences it Like the limit of brewing and drink beer in the century of the city this also can decrease the share of J D Wetherspoon c Through a SWOT analysis an organization can assess its current position and make 3 comparisons with competitors in order to plan activities and resources appropriately It is the first stage of planning and helps managers to focus on key issues It is important remember when carrying out a SWOT analysis that it is not absolute Simple rules for successful SWOT analysis like next Be realistic about the strengths and weaknesses of the organization Analysis should distinguish between where your organization is today and where be in the future Be specific Avoid grey areas Always analysis in relation to the competition Keep your SWOT short and simple Avoid complexity and over analysis SWOT analysis is a kind of subjective and short term in its nature so it can t use to analysis long term situation For example when you analysis the opportunities you can think about where are the good opportunities available to our organization Section 2 a 1 Organizational culture is difficult to define precisely A simple description is that it is a system of shared meaning between members of an organization or the way we do things here It acts as the social glue which holds the organization together Research shows that the culture of an organization can significantly affect the way in which the company operates particularly in terms of its effectiveness Shared values become embodied in the organization s ideology or philosophy and act as a quite to behavior and ways of dealing with anxiety In J D Wetherspoon pubs it says that people are its best asset The company is satisfied the staff so this is its organizational culture It has a flexible training policy which enables people from all kinds of different backgrounds to join the company It is committed to lifelong training and it provides staff with opportunities to gain relevant qualifications such as those offered by the British Institute of Innkeeping 20 of senior managers began as bar staff or cleaners 2 Basic assumptions at a very fundamental almost subconscious level tell employees how to perceive think and feel about things These are the elements of culture are unseen and not openly identified in the day to day interactions of the members of the organization Culture elements at this level exist as unspoken rules and are rarely discussed within the organization They direct the way events and actions are perceived and interpreted by the organization In the case J D Wetherspoon create a quarter of the space in each establishment is non smoking b A kind of recognized model of organizational culture is Terrence Deal and Allan Kennedy It is based on how quickly organizations receive or strategies and the level of risk that they take Deal and Kennedy stated that these two factors gave rise to four generic types of cultures which they called tough guy macho culture work hard play hard culture bet the company culture and process culture Through the case we can 4 know Tim Martin is a big man in his company he manages the company with his mind and idea it company is include by the food industry all the staff work hard every day and then they will have a holiday for several days So J D Wetherspoon is suit the tough work hard pay hard culture The work hard pay hard culture s core value is keeping good customer service In the case the company has a lifestyle guarantee which aims to give managers time for a life outside work Another key aspect of the company s operation is involvement and communication Staffs are kept in touch with weekly newsletters a monthly company video and by publicizing the minutes of Board meetings The company always pays highly attention to the staff and the customers and the information s high speed recreation and the company also does these suggestions quickly c Culture is something every organization has but it is not a concrete entity The culture of an organization impacts upon how that organization reacts to change and it also explains what an organizations stands for Organizational culture is difficult to define precisely A simple description is that it is a system of shared meaning between members of an organization or the way we do things here The founders of the organization have traditionally had a major impact on the organization s early culture Through the culture and the behaviors in the company the company built the pubs environment very quiet and let its staff work hard in several days and have a holiday in several days So a kind of culture will have a kind of behavior d The other type of Terrence Deal and Allan Kennedy of recognized model of organizational culture is process culture it is focus on details and process excellence However the stress may come from internal politics and stupidity of the system This kind of culture has slow feedback reward and low risk As a food industry it pays attention on the result about the customers satisfied So it isn t paying much attention on the details and process If the company becomes the process culture it will bog down with how things are done and not with what is to be achieved Section 3 a In the Generic Strategies Michael Porter 1990 there are three strategies cost leadership differentiation and segmentation niche or focus strategy 1 Cost leadership is a low cost leader gain competitive advantage from being able to produce at the lowest cost cost advantage is the focuses the low cost doesn t mean low price gain the benefits It in a broad market scope environment where it has a kind of substitute products and power competition 2 Differentiation is differentiated goods and services satisfy the needs of customers and the companies can de sensitize prices and focuses on value higher price and a better margin So it needs to incur additional costs in creating its competitive advantage It in a broad market scope environment is in that the customers 5 loyalty can help the company limited and reduce new entrants and competitors 3 The segmentation niche or focus strategy is included cost focus and focus differentiation The cost focus is a form aims at being the lows cost producer in that niche or segment it in a narrow market scope environment like low cost than the differentiation in a niche The focus differentiation is a firm creates competitive advantage through differentiation within the niche or segment Its potential problems are small specialist niches could disappear in the long term Its associated environment is in the narrow market scope you can use a special product from the major developed market competitors who have different purposes b In the case during the1980s and 1990S the company relied on organic growth by acquiring suitable sites and converting them into J D Wetherspoon pubs And it is developing a style that is quiet healthy and satisfied environment In the case we can see that it build non smoking and provide health food to the customers To its staff the company thinks that people are its best asset This style is more different with others In our case all of these we have said during the 1980s and 1990s J D Wetherspoon is a pub chain it has many pubs the company s aim is to manage the pub to satisfied with the customer and it is always make its strategy in the pub chain its all of actions like provide cheap beer and non smoking area and so on which are all of set the main point to its pub manage style So I advise that the company s situation is suit Generic Strategies Michael Porter 1990 differentiation From the strategy J D Wetherspoon gets more benefits here I only identify four about it the company builds its own style and brand it has its own customer group the expansion about share and scope is growing quickly and the benefits are more than before c During the 21st century J D Weterspoon was facing much mire competition and through the government s policy limited its develop was decrease and slowly then it begain to change its style and acquired others it serve breakfast and open earlier in the morning support the family dining area show televised football and so on The company also began to manage other area like the hotel So it suit Generic Strategies Michael Porter 1990 segmentation niche or focus strategy During the1980s and 1990s the company relied on organic growth by acquiring suitable sites and converting them into J D Wetherspoon pubs In the case we can see that it build non smoking and provide health food to the customers To its staff the company thinks that people are its best asset It is Generic Strategies Michael Porter 1990 differentiation During the 21st century it also pays attention to the staff but it try to change its style manage motel and the food what has provided 6 d when a company was changing business strategy it must be considering the factors so as J D Wetherspoon Exterior environment by the start of the twenty first century because of the retail licensing market had adapt to the changes in the tied house system and other competitor had been adapted it and developing their business So J D Wetherspoon was facing much more competition Many other competitors run the pub and receive the pay rent this situation lead to saturation of the pub market So J D Wetherspoon needs to change its business strategy Policy during 2002 2004 government allows the supermarket began selling drinks particularly premium larger at loss leader prices This means that the pub can not compare with supermarket in price On the other hand government concern about binge drinking and the consequent ant special behaviors particularly in city centers This lead the decrease of new pub number and shares of J D Wetherspoon They must to change to save their company e f Key issues in the management of a business strategy like next Market industry knowledge Sufficiency of resources and capabilities Offering consumers a unique value perceived or real Establishing a key differentiator Consistent communication consistently Management must keep change feasible Structure Recognize the principal causes of strategic change About the J D Wetherspoon I will talk about two points Consistent communication consistently In the J D Wetherspoon movement and communication staffs are keeping in touch with weekly newsletters a monthly company video and by publicizing the minutes of broad meeting And J D Wetherspoon attend to listen to the staff voice like their suggestions wetherspoon s listening policy is based on a system successfully pioneered by the hi foreteller richer sounds Establishing a key differentiator During the development and growth of the company the company provide real ale beers at relatively low prices and care about child and disable it build non smoking area to keep health for the customers 7 Section 4 a Because of the two powers about restraining forces and driving forces take effect The strategy of J D Wetherspoon changed over time Through two forces of restraining is the force working against desired changes And the other force of diving is the force of working for desired changes If the diving force is stronger than restraining force then the firm will be changing The leader could compare the two forces and consider the company need to change or not Next we will talk about J D Wetherspoon s driving force and restraining forces 1 Driving forces The increase competition many competitors run pubs to rent the money Government takes many police like concern about binge drinking and thought it is anti social behaviors The changing market the market appears to be over supplied 2 Restraining forces Inertia habit of the J D Wetherspoon like their staff they have habit to their ruler and management They want the steady environment of work Strength of culture in the J D Wetherspoon is very strong the culture has a strong effect on J D Wetherspoon and its staff and its structure b The big changes from business ethics is a mainly factor in the J D Wetherspoon In the case the government concern about binge drinking and think it is an anti social behaviors and it is particularly in the city canters The situation of pub wasn t been saw to be encouraging brings them bad policing The event causes a bad effect on J D Wetherspoon The bad influence on J D Wetherspoon about profit and shares and sales Tim Martin now as an executive he had give up his power through daily time So the business ethics is very important factors for J D Wetherspoon c The role of management of J D Wetherspoon dealing with the changes is like next Establishing directions developing a vision of the future often in the distant future and strategies for producing the changes needed to achieve that vision During the J D Wetherspoon s development and grows the firm sale bear in cheap price take non smoking area provide television program and so on All of these means J D Wetherspoon adopt the above behavior to reply change Aligning people communicating direction in words and deeds to all whose cooperation may be need so as to influence the creation of teams and coalitions that understand the vision and strategies and accept their validity About the J D Wetherspoon it communicates and knows about customers needs then changes its business like breakfast serving in the morning before normal time at 11 00 a m 8 Motivating and inspiring energizing people to overcome major political bureaucratic and resource barriers to change by satisfying basic but often unfulfilled human needs Monitoring organizing and results through find the careless to solve the problems The leader should fide out the difference between J D Wetherspoon and others It always needs to communication with people know their needs and solve them help them to adapt the changes in the company


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