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Unit 1 Tales of unexplainedPeriod 1 Welcome to the unitI. Translate the following phrases into English.1. 充满_2. 麦田怪圈_3. 撞上,偶遇_4. 知道,了解_5. 分辨_6. 加紧,促进_7. 由于,因为_8. 出现,露面_II. Read the following passage which is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage.A strange thing happens to nearly everybody at night. They turn off the lights, put up the covers and close their eyes. Six or seven hours later, they wake up again. Strange, isnt it? Sleep puzzles science. Scientists and doctors would rather talk about why one cant fall asleep. They are not so sure what causes sleep. The best conditions for sleep, they say, are good health and meal neither too big nor too small. No worries and a comfortable place to sleep in are important, too. They advise against two in one bed. Strange things happen during sleep. For example, you move often. You would feel tired if you didnt. You also dream. Part of your brain is still awake when you dream. Dreaming happens when the memory and imagination parts of your brain are still awake. Experiments have shown that bad dreams may be caused by a stomachache.Dont worry if you dream. Some great stories and poems were begun while the writers slept.( )1.Sleep puzzles scientists because they are not certain _.A. why one cant fall asleepB. why one wakes up six or seven sleeping hours laterC. both A and BD. what causes sleep( )2. You would feel tired during sleep if you _.A. move often B. sleep on your back C. didnt move D. went back too later3. Dreaming happens when _. A. you are in a deep sleep B. you are not comfortable C. part of our brain is still awake D. theres too much noise in the room4. The best title for this passage is _. A. Why You Dream B. The Strangeness of Sleep C. What Happens During Sleep D. The Cause of Sleep Period 2 Reading I. Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D choose the answer that best completes the sentence.1. He puzzled all day _ the problem, but didnt solve it.A. to B. in C. at D. over2. The customs officer _ my bags _ drug.A. looked ; for B. looked for ; forC. searched ; for D. searched for ; for3. You ve been in prison six times according _ our records.A. as B. on C. with D. to4. When she saw the _ tiger, her face turned pale _.A. frightening ; with fearB. frightened ; with fearC. frightening ; as fearD. frightened ; as fear5. He soon _ his way to the bookstore.A. did B. gave C. got D. made6. The play is going to _ again tomorrow evening.A. produce on B. be put onC. put on D. produce7. _ that at least a score of buildings will be built soon.A. It hopes B. It is hopedC. We are hoped D. It is wished8. They went out _ water.A. in search of B. in a search ofC. in search D. search for9. Enough sleep can make us _ energy and make it possible for us to perform well in the exam.A. filled of B. full with C. fill with D. full of 10.As we join the big crowd. I got _ from my friends.A. separated B. lost C. divided D. missed II. Read the following passage. Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage and the required words limit. Circles and Signs Joe Brown, a farmer in rural Canada, found a large crop circle in his field last week. He was surprised to discover that most of his corn was all flattened, and told our reporter, “ Its as if a giant visited my field in the night and stamped all over my corn!” The first crop circle was found in the USA in 1964 and since then they have been found in fields all over the world. Crop circles, which are usually found in corn and wheat fields, are easy to see the circles and patterns clearly from hills or by looking out from an aeroplane. Most crop circles these days appear in the UK. People have different ideas about how crop circles are made. Many scientists think that they are made by the wind since some of the patterns are very simple circles. However, there is not much evidence to prove this, especially when many larger and more complicated patterns have been discovered. The most interesting patterns have many different circles of different sizes all next to each other. Other people think that circles are made by UFOs from other planets. They say that when the UFO lands on Earth, it flattens the plants underneath it, leaving behind large circles all over the field . Of course, no one has ever seen this happen, and many people think UFOs do not exist. Another group of people believe that people make the crop circles themselves for a joke. In fact, some people have even admitted to making them. However, this does not explain all crop circles. Scientists could possibly have been made by people. People need to walk through the crops to make a crop circle, but some crop circles do not have tracks anywhere near them. Scientists and people interested in crop circles continue to do research on the subject, testing out their ideas about where these mysterious circles come from. Hopefully, one day we will be able to finally learn the truth. Until then, farmers all over the world will be watching their fields carefully , hoping that theirs will not be the next!1. In which country did the most crop circles are found?_2. How have some crop circles been definitely caused?( no more than 4 words )_3. Why are some scientists interested in crop circles?( no more than 6 words)_4. Why are farmers watching their fields carefully?( no more than 16 words)_ Period 3 Word powerI. Fill in each blank with one word. The first letter of the word has been given. 1. Ben was very e_ about the World Cup in South Africa at that time.2. At 12 oclock, the class will be d_.3. I would appreciate it if you can help me o_ the meeting.4. He received an a_ for his excellent performance on the stage. 5. There is no p_ that a similar tsunami will happen in the same place again. II. Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence.1. We must divide our money_ us, six comrades.A. between B. among C. in D. into2. He told me it was the reason_ he explained just now_ made him come late yesterday.A. which; which B. which; that C. why; that D. why; which3. _ is reported, over one hundred people were killed or injured in that accident. A. It B. What C. Which D. As 4. His boss is going to be on vacation next week and the company will be left_ him.5. When the teacher asked him for the reason_ may explain his coming late for school, he made no answer.A. why B. that C. to that D. whatIII. For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context. The Bermuda Triangle is one of the greatest mysteries of the sea. In this triangular area between Florida, Puerto Rico and Bermuda in Atlantic, ships and airplanes_1_ to disappear more often that in _2_ parts of the ocean. And they do so _3_ leaving any sign of the all accidents or any dead bodies. It is_4_ that Christopher Columbus was the first person to record strange working, a flame came down form the sky, and a wave 100 to 200 feet high carried his ship about a mile away.The most famous disappearance in the Bermuda Triangle was the US Naval Air Flight 19. On December 5, 1945, five bomber planes carrying 14 men, _5_ on a training mission from the Florida coast. Later that day, all communications with Flight 19 were lost. They just disappeared without a trace. The next morning, 242 planes and 19 ships took part in the largest air sea search in history. But they found nothing.Some people blame the disappearances_6_ supernatural forces. It is suggested the_7_ ship and planes were either transported to other time and places. kidnapped (绑架) by aliens or attacked by sea creatures.There are _8_ natural explanations, though. The US Navy says that the Bermuda triangle is one of two places on earth_9_ a magnetic (有磁性的) compass(指南针)points towards true towards north _10_ magnetic north. _11_ planes and ship can lose their way if they dont make adjustments.The area also has changing weather and is known_12_ its high waves. Storms can turn up suddenly and destroy a plane or ship. Fast currents could then sweep away any trace of an accident.( )1. A. often B. look C. sometimes D. seem( )2. A. rest B. another C. other D. others( )3. A. without B. by C. from D. upon( )4. A. saying B. being said C. said D. says( )5. A. took up B. took as C. took after D. took off( )6. A. for B. about C. on D. from( )7. A. missing B. missed C. miss D. having missed( )8. A. also B. no C. more D. beside( )9. A. which B. there C. where D. that( )10. A. instead of B. except C. that D. nor( )11. A. Similarly B. Furthermore C. However D. Therefore( )12. A. as B. for C. by D. fromPeriod Grammar and usageI. Fill in the blanks with the correct tenses of the verbs given in brackets.1. We _( study) English for about five years.2. They _(live) in the south since their daughter was born.3. I also know some Yetis. I _( take) photos of them since 1977.4. It _( rain) like this for three weeks!5._ you _(see) my pen?Yes , I _(see) it on your desk just now.II. Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D choose the answer that best completes the sentence.1. I _ a bad cold for a week and still cant get rid off it. A. caught B. have caught C. have had D. had had2. We _ for 3 years with no result till now. A. have been researching B. researched C. research D. had researched3. Meeting my uncle after four years was an unforgettable moment,_ I will always treasure. A. that B. one C. it D. what4. The Parkers bought a new house but _ will need a lot of work before they can move in. A. they B. one C. it D. which5. Mr. Wang , who _ in this city ever since thirty years ago,_ a report for the last two years.A. has lived; had preparedB. has been living ; has been preparingC. lived; has been preparingD. has been living ; has preparedIII. Translate the following sentences into English.1.丹尼从七点钟起就一直在他的房间里写论文。_2.大卫来我们学校已经两个多月了。_3.我堂兄自英国回来后,就离开了这家工厂。_4.10年来她一直在教书,她是一位经验丰富的教室。_5. 她嫁给杰瑞已经15个多月了。_Period 5 Task& ProjectI. Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D choose the answer that best completes the sentence.1. We were not sure which way to go. In the end we turned right.You _ the wrong way. You _ left .A. had gone; must have returnedB. went; must turnC. have gone ; would have turnedD. went ; should have turned2._ our arriving at the airport , we were given a warm welcome by the local people.A. With B. For C. Upon D. Until3. The happy children were making _ the coast, where they would see the sea for the first time in their lives.A. their way in B. their ways toC. their ways in D. their way to4. Mr .Bush, headmaster of the school, _accepts suggestions made by his students, does he?A. rarely B. often C. usually D. always5. He has _ great interest in history, especially in _ history of Tang Dynasty.A. a; 不填 B. a; theC. 不填 ;the D. 不填; aII. Read the following passage which is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage.Beldon and Canfield are two seashore towns, not far apartBoth towns have many hotels, and in summer the hotels are full of holiday-makers and other touristsLast August there was a fire at the Seabreeze Hotel in BeldonThe next day, this news appeared on page two of the towns newspaperThe Beldon Post:FIRE AT SEABREEZELate last night firemen hurried to the Seabreeze Hotel and quickly put out a small fire in a bedroomThe hotel manager said that a cigarette started the fireWe say again to all our visitors: “Please dont smoke cigarettes in bed” This was Beldons first hotel fire for five yearsThe Canfield Times gave the news in these words on page one: ANOTHER BELDON HOTEL CATCHES FIRELast night Beldon firemen arrived just too late to save clothing, bedclothes and some furniture at the Seabreeze HotelAn angry holiday-maker said, “An electric lamp probably started the fireThe bedroom lamps are very old at some of these hotelsWhen I put my bedside light on, I heard a funny noise from the lamp” We are glad to tell our readers that this sort of adventure does not happen in CanfieldWhat are the facts, then? It is never easy to find out the exact truth about an accidentThere was a fire at the Seabreeze Hotel last August: that is one factDo we know anything else? Yes, we know that firemen went to the hotel Now what do you think of the rest of the “news” ?( )1.Which of the following best gives the main idea of this text?ABeldon and Canfield are both good places for tourists in summerBA fire broke out at night in Seabreeze Hotel last summerCIt was not easy to find out exact truth from newspapersDTwo newspapers gave reports on the same matter( )2.Which of the following are probably facts? aThe fire broke out in a bedroom at the hotel bA cigarette started the fire cAn old lamp started the fire dThe fire broke out at night eThere has never been a fire in CanfieldAb and c Ba and d Cc and e Da and c( )3.The Canfield Times used the headline like this in order to make its readers think _ Ahotels in Beldon often catch fireBhotels in Beldon dont often catch fire Cthis was the second fire at the Seabreeze Hotel DBeldon was a good place except that hotels there are not quite safe( )4.The Canfield newspaper gave a report just the opposite to the Beldon Post by saying that _ Athe bedroom lamps were very old at the Seabreeze HotelBthe bedroom lights made funny noise when the fire took placeCthe firemen failed to save clothing, bedclothes and other thingsDsuch accidents never happened in Canfield for the past 5 years III. Read the following passage . Complete the diagram by using the in formation for the passage.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS FOR EACH ANSWER.Though the popularity of printed books has gone down, you can never underestimate (低估)convenience and pleasure of reading a book in printed form.Audio books are easy to listen to , but you are always dependent on the audio file player. Your PC or laptop is dependent on the power source, which cannot be guaranteed (保证) everywhere. Audio books are available only for new books but not all kinds of favorite books are available in audio from. Conventional books give you a lot of freedom to use them when you need them. Books can be used anywhere, no need to sit in a particular situation all the time. No dependence on battery life or power source. They are very convenient. Easy to carry, therefore no special instructions to handles are required. As the time have changed, you cannot afford to spend a lot of time visiting bookstores. The Internet gives you the choice of done within 24 hours. A lot of used books in good condition are available online. Some of the online bookstores also ship free of cost. Easy to listen to Dependent on the audio player Dependent on 2._ 3._ only for new books1._Being used anywhereNever depending on the power sourceRequiring no 4._ to carry themBeijing ordered and shipped easily from 5._Beijing available for used booksBeijing free of shipping costsPrinted books_IV. Write an English composition according to the instructions given below in Chinese. 最近,你作为研究性学习课题组的成员就高中英语新教材的看法在同学中间开展了一次调查,调查的结果如下图。请根据以下调查结果,写一篇120词左右的调查报告。报告的开头已给出,不计入总词数。I.表示5% 未发表意见II.表示 15% 不喜欢:生词多,句子复杂,影响理解III.表示 80% 非常喜欢:图片漂亮,激发兴趣,话题新颖;文化知识丰富,帮助了解世界结论:新教材帮助大部分学生提高了英语水平IIIIIII recently surveyed my classmates about their views on the new English textbook._

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