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21 世纪大学英语读写教程第一册课后答案 Unit 1 Text A Exercise V 1 solutions 2 ignore 3 persuade 4 assign 5 deadline 6 approach 7 stuck 8 essentials 9 managed 10 necessarily 11 retained 12 due draft VI 1 put in 2 make the most of 3 put down 4 lead to 5 get her hands on 6 put away our picnic things 7 to stick to 8 time after time 9 has cut down on smoking 10 counts for much more VIII 1 thus cutting down on our costs 2 while having his breakfast 3 so that he can memorize a couple of new words everyday while cooking his meals 4 thus greatly increasing his reading speed 5 while studying Chinese modern history at Beijing University 6 thus being able to do very well in their work 7 while doing his homework 8 so that you can become one too IX 1 used to go 2 got used to getting 3 used to study has got used to working 4 used to say 5 used to write got used to communicating XI 1 went unnoticed 2 go unpunished 3 go uncorrected 4 goes unnoticed unmentioned 5 go unreported XIII Translation 1 Tom a very curious boy is interested not only in whats but also in whys and hows 2 According to Professor Smith happiness is the ability to make the most of what you have 3 You d better keep the book where your 15 year old son can t get his hands on it 4 The story was so funny that Bill kept laughing all the time while reading it 5 High achieving students do not necessarily put in more time at their studies than their lower scoring classmates 6 How did you manage to persuade these students to take the speed reading course 7 Working hard is important but knowing how to make the most of one s abilities counts for much more 8 She asked her students to think for themselves rather than telling them what to think Text B Exercise I 1 opposite 2 preference 3 located 4 feasible 5 perspective 6 have shifted 7 concern 8 attractive 9 survive 10 transfer 11 prospect 12 particularly 13 treasure 14 Despite II 1 on the other hand 2 keep up 3 As for 4 for good 5 turned out 6 come of age 7 what if 8 welled up Unit 2 Text A Exercise III 1 response 2 bounced 3 Conversation 4 previous 5 encouragement 6 parallel IV 1 entirely 2 objection 3 challenged 4 original 5 responsible 6 relative 7 halfway 8 startled 9 simply 10 back and forth 11 joined in 12 just as 13 knocked down 14 came to a halt 15 Even if 16 fell apart V 1 unconsciously 2 response 3 previous 4 suitable 5 even though 6 disagree 7 topic 8 calling on 9 switched 10 and so on 11 in line 12 take turns VI 1 Excellence 2 independence 3 intelligence 4 significance 5 patience 6 silence 7 violence 8 differences 9 distance 10 confidence VII 1 disappeared 2 disorder 3 dishonest 4 disobey 5 disagree 6 disadvantages 7 discomfort 8 dislike 9 disbelief 10 dissatisfied VIII A 1 Whoever is most qualified 2 Whoever has money 3 Whoever holds it 4 whoever is not with him 5 whoever would take the job 6 Whoever fears to face his own past B 1 Whatever they have 2 whatever decisions he makes 3 Whenever the weather is bad 4 wherever he goes 5 Whichever direction you turn to 6 however hard she tried IX 1 No wonder it s freezing cold today 2 No wonder there is no picture on the screen 3 No wonder many career women are not married 4 No wonder they asked so many questions 5 No wonder it has become a best seller of this spring 6 No wonder US students are anxious about math Text B Exercise I 1 academic 2 intelligence 3 reflects 4 Social 5 predicted 6 context 7 advantage 8 attitude 9 traits 10 communication 11 distinguish 12 represented 13 influences 14 mature II 1 getting across 2 come out 3 Because of 4 in short 5 as a result 6 as well 7 in some cases 8 sent out

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