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六年级英语讲义第五讲一、学习单词及短语单词:bring, outside, problem, invite, picnic拓展:invitation短语:bring some food, have a party, have a picnic, help sb. do sth, no problem, play the guitar.单词精解:1. bring 用法动词 v. 带来,促使 Spring rains bring summer flowers. 春雨带来了夏日百花。注意,bring和take的用法:bring和take 是有共同的点,比如:I will bring my daughter to the park.I will take my daughter to the park.这两句意思差不多,都是有“带”的作用,但是bring和take 也是有区别的。bring可以是向一个人(或地方)带来什么东西,例如:Can you bring me that glass? take 一般是把某个东西拿走,例如:Can you take this chair outside?总的来说bring和take这两个动词(当“拿”的作用时)指的方向不一样,take一般是把某个东西从说话的人离开,bring是把某个东西往说话的人“走过来”【趁热打铁】:用bring和take填空(1)Please _ the umbrella with you. Its raining outside.(2)I am hungry, please _ some food for me. (3)Please _ this letter to the post office.2. help sb do sth.= help sb with sth. 帮助某人做某事。我帮妈妈做家务:I help my mum do housework.= I help my mother with housework.他帮助他的爷爷浇花。_. 他们帮我们学英语。 II.知识大冲关拓展学习一般将来时:will+动词原形与be going to+动词原形(一)一般将来时的概述1. 表示未来的动作或存在状态,常与表示将来的时间状语连用,如:tomorrow, this evening,next Sunday, soon, in a month, in the future等。We will leave for London next Monday. 我们将在下周一去伦敦。He will come to see you the day after tomorrow. 后天他要来看你。You will be 20 next year. 明年你就二十了。2. 表示将来反复发生的动作或习惯性动作We shall come and work in this factory every year. 我们将每年来这工厂参加劳动。You will have five English classes per week. 你每周将要上五节英语课。(二)一般将来时的用法1. shall用于第一人称,常被will 所代替。由“助动词will/shall+动词原形”构成。will用于第二、三人称,shall第一人称。在口语中,will在名词或代词后常缩写为ll,如I will=Ill. will not简缩为wont。但在美国英语中,各种人称皆可用will。He will help his sister with her lessons. 他将帮助他妹妹做功课。We wont be free this afternoon. 今天下午我们没空。Will you be at home at seven this evening? 今晚七点回家好吗? There will be a sports meeting in our school next month.下个月我们学校将有一场运动会。2. be going to +动词原形,表示将来。 (1)主语的意图,即将做某事。例如:What are you going to do tomorrow? 明天打算作什么呢? (2)计划,安排要发生的事。例如:There is going to be a football match next week.下星期将有一场足球比赛。 趁热打铁1. People in the north often go skating in winter. (next winter) 2. There are two cinemas in that town. (next year) 3. He comes back late.(in two days) 4. I call you. I _ you as soon as I get home.III.学习步步高学习表示邀请别人的句型,并能有礼貌地接受或拒绝邀请1. Shall we ?2. Do you want to ?3. Would you like to ?Yes, Id love / like to. (But Im busy now. )Yes, Id be glad to. (But Im doing )4. Why dont you?= Why not.?5. What about/How about +动词的ing?6. Lets .如:邀请人家看电影,你可以这样说: Shall we go to see a film? Do you want to see a film? Would you like to see a film with me?Why dont you see a film? What about seeing a film with me? Lets see a film.提示:以上的句型都表示邀请别人做某事的。前面5个句型,都是用问号的,表示询问意见。最后一个Lets 表示建议,用句号。另外,除了第五点,what about 后面跟动词ing形式以外,其余的后面都是跟动词原形的。表示接受邀请的答语有:Ok. All right. Great. Sure. Thats a good idea等。表示拒绝的可以是:Sorry, I +拒绝原因Its boring. Maybe later. 任务:请你邀请你身边的同学和你一起去购物(go shopping)!你可以有怎样的表达方式呢?IV.考考你自己(一)选出每组单词中与其它不同类的词,把其编号写在括号内。( ) 1. A. squareB. diamondC. shapeD. circle( ) 2. A. sadB. excitedC. boringD. laugh( ) 3. A. VCDB. DVDC. CDD. CCTV( ) 4. A. insteadB. finishC. inviteD. water( ) 5. A. rainyB. slowlyC. sunnyD. windy(二)动词的适当形式填空。1. We plan (buy) him a pen for his birthday next week.2. I (call) you when I get there.3. She (not go) swimming this weekend.4. you (begin) to play computer games?5. If it is sunny tomorrow, we (have) a picnic outside.6. I (tell) him the news when I see him at the office.7. There (not be) a football match next month.8. he (give) a talk on “Works of art” next Friday?No, he _. He (visit) the Palace Museum.9. Where Tom (go) the day after tomorrow?10. -How long _ you (study) in our country?-I _ (plan) to be here for about one more year.-I _ (hope) to visit the other parts of your country.-What _ you (do) after you _ (leave) here?-I (return) home and _ (get) a job.(三)根据首字母提示,理解句子意思补全单词。1. The film Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows is b_. I dont like it.2. He was too p_ to buy a new coat.3. Please b_ me your notebook when you come to my house.4. Its raining o_, t_ the umbrella with you.5. Do you want to i your English teacher to your birthday party?V.Show Show你实力(一)选择填空,把正确的字母编号填在括号内。( ) 1. What time _ your father _ here tomorrow? A. does; workB. is; going to workC. are; going to work( ) 2. _ we go swimming tomorrow afternoon? A. DoB. AreC. Shall( ) 3. We _ Hong Kong next week. A. visitB. going to visitC. are going to visit( ) 4. Look at the black clouds. It _. A. is rainingB. is going to rainC. rains( ) 5. Theyre going to _ a picnic in the park. A. doB. makeC. have( ) 6. My uncle _ to see me. Hell be here soon. A. is comingB. comesC. wont come( ) 7. There _ a heavy rain this evening. A. are going to beB. will haveC. will be( ) 8. There _ a sport meeting in our school next week. A. will haveB. is going to beC. is going to have( ) 9. _ you _ books from the library tomorrow? A. Will; borrowB. Is, going to borrowC. Will, be borrow( ) 10. He _ a kite this Saturday. A. is going not to makeB. will make notC. is not going to make(二)按要求变换句子,每空只准填一个单词,缩写算一个单词。1. He often goes to school on foot.(改为同一意思的句子)He often _ _ school.2. I like meat better than fish.(改为同一意思的句子)I _ meat _ fish.3. Our teacher is coming. Some flowers are in her hand.(改为同一意思的句子)Our teacher is coming _some flowers in her hand.4. My book isnt the same book as yours.(改为同一意思的句子)My book _ _ yours.5. Do you want to play computer games with me?(改为同一意思的句子)_ you _ _ play computer games with me?(三)用适当的单词填空,使对话完整。Jiamin:W you like to go to the Fenghuang Hill with me this Saturday morning?Janet:Yes, Id like to. But h_ are we going there?Jiamin:B_ bus.Janet:W_ shall we do there?Jiamin:We can climb the hill and take some photos.Janet:I the air fresher there than here?Jiamin:Yes, its much fresher than in the city.Janet:W_ shall we meet?Jiamin:At the bus station in Guangwei Road.Janet:S_ we take some photos there?Jiamin:Its a good i_.(四)阅读邀请卡和回复卡,回答问题Dear Diana,Im going go have a “swimming pool” party at home this Sunday evening. Would you like to come? You dont need to bring any food. But you must wear your swimming suit. Well see whose swimming suit is the most beautiful in the party. The party begins at 8:00Love JanetDear Janet,Thank you for inviting me to your “swimming pool” party. Id love to go. Could I bring my sister Daisy too? She is also 12 years old. She loves parties too. Love, Diana1. What is Janet going to do this Sunday evening? _.2. Is Diana going to the party? .3. Who wants to go to the party with Diana? _.4. What should the children wear in the party? .(五)阅读理解Were moved!Please come to the party in our New house.8:00p.m.,May 30thBetty and PeterAdd:44 North StreetTel:555 2981E-mail:bettyemail.netMust sell(卖)$275Best washing machineOnly 6 months oldOwner going abroad(出国)Call Mike GreenAdd:6 King StreetTel:555 3956E-mail:mikehotmail.comSmiths book clubNew and old booksOver 1,000 kindsGood coffee and teaOpen every day10:00-22:00Add:25 Big Apple SquareTel:555 2125E-mail:smithyahoo.com( ) 1. If you want to go to Betty and Peters party, you can call_.A. 555 2891B. 555 3956C. 555 2981D. 555 2125( ) 2. Mike Green has to sell his washing machine because _.A. He wants to move in a new houseB. He will go abroad.C. He wants to buy some booksD. It is only six months old( ) 3. Smiths book club is open _.A. 8 hoursB. 10 hoursC. 12 hoursD. 20 hours( ) 4. If you want to buy some books, you can go _.A. 25 Big Apple SquareB. 44 North Street C. 6 King StreetD. 25 Big Apple Street( ) 5. If you want to _, you can use the e-mailhotmail.com.A. visit a new houseB. read booksC. drink coffee and teaD. buy a washing machine(六)下面每个句子划线部分的中文意思是什么,请把答案编号写在括号内( ) 1. That man is not only a worker, but also a writer.A. 不但而且B. 只是而不是C. 既然就不应当是D. 应是而不应是( ) 2. That gardener is cleaning the flower-bed.A. 花园B. 花坛C. 绣花床D. 花床( ) 3. There are 365 days in a year. And 100 years is a century.A. 年B. 季节C. 月D. 世纪( ) 4. Iraq, Iran, and Kuwait are countries. They are in West Asia.A. 东欧B. 北非C. 西亚D. 南美( ) 5. The population of China is about 1,300,000,000 .A. 面积B. 高度C. 长度D. 人口

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