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Unit 2 of Module 2 Project - Making a travel leaflet班级姓名学号时间评价Learning aims:Read the text to improve the ability to find useful information quickly from a passage and have a better understanding of the article. Important and difficult points:1. Improve the reading comprehension.2.Master the usages of some key words and phrases such as reach to the sky, tower over the land, leave sb. at a loss, be home to, in harmony with and so on and enjoy a few complicated sentences.Learning procedures: 第一部分:自主学习I. Remember the following important phrases1. a classic novel 一本经典(古典)小说 2. reach to the sky 高耸入云3. stay young保持年轻4. a tourist spot 一个旅游景点5. a perfect match for的完美匹配6. tower over the land 拔地而起7. form a beautiful picture 构成一幅美丽的图画8. leave sb. at a loss 让某人不知所措9. against the rich countryside 在富丽乡村景色的映衬下10. wander on the grass 在草地上徜佯11. be home to是的家园(产地) 12. in harmony with与和谐相处13. far away from 远离14. providewith为提供15. natural treasures天然宝藏16. at its mildest处于最温和的时候II. Fast reading (Go through the text and answer the following questions).1. Who first talked about Shangri-la?_ 2. Where is Shangri-la according to the government of Yunnan Province?_3. What does the word Shangri-la mean in modern English?_III. Fill in each blank with a proper word and then enjoy the following sentences.1. Hilton described a beautiful kingdom _ three rivers _(交汇)together, steepmountains _(高耸)to the sky, and fields of long grass _(覆盖)the earth.2. In this perfect world lived people _ had discovered how to _ _ _(永葆青春).3. In September 1977, the government of Yunnan Province _(宣称)that Zhongdian was _ Shangri-la of Hiltons story.4. In this peaceful world, people live _ perfect _ _(与和谐)nature, _ _ _ (远离) the noise and worry of the outside world.5. Below the mountains, the sunshine _ _(照在)the many lakes, _(使得)them shine like diamonds _(在映衬下)the rich countryside.6. Sheep, cattle and horses _(倘佯)on the green grass, and the surrounding forests _ _ _(是的家园)to many birds and animals. 7. Nature has _ (提供) Shangri-la _endless _ _(天然宝藏), _(使得)the land a happy home _ the local people. IV. Task-based reading (Fill in the blanks according to the text)LocationIn the south-west of ChinaTransportDrive from Dali along the Yunnan-Tibet Highway to reach there.Take a (1) _ from Kunming to get there.(3)_The word Shangri-la first appeared in Hiltons novel, meaning (2) _ on earth.People (4) _ about which tourist spot would win the name of Shangri-la.The government announced that Zhongdian was the Shangri-la of Hiltons story.SceneryThere were three snowy mountains (5) _ over the land.We can see lakes in vast grasslands (6) _ like diamonds.Sheep, cattle and horses wander on the grass, and the surrounding forests are (7) _ to many birds and animals.People live in (8) _ with nature.(9)_Changeable.The best times to visit Shangri-la are spring and autumn when the temperature is at its (10) _.V. Reading comprehension (Multiple choice) 1. The word-famous Chinese Shangri-la is a beautiful place with all the following except _ .A. three mountains covered with snow B. lakes surrounded by vast grasslands C. thick forests D. developed industry2. According to the passage , we can see that James Hilton showed his love for in his novel.A. international trade B. perfect harmony with nature C. political issues D. perfect harmony with others 3. The passage can be most probably taken from .A. a travel guide bookB. a heath magazineC. a cinema bulletin boardD. a newspaperVI. Self-study of important and difficult language points.1.原句回放Hilton described a beautiful kingdom where three rivers joined together, steep mountains reached to the sky, and fields of long grass covered the earth. 这是一个主从复合句,where 引导 _ 从句。小试牛刀! 1) 这片绿色防护林一直延伸到那个小村庄。(reach vi.)This Green Great Wall . 2) 他伸手去够蛋糕。 3) 从你坐的地方能够得着灯的开关(switch)吗?_知识网络within ones reach 在某人够得着/力所能及的范围内;out of/beyond ones reach在某人够不着/力所不及的范围内;within reach of够得着/力所能及 ;2.原句回放In this perfect world lived people who had discovered how to stay young forever.这是一个倒装句,主语是 ,谓语是 _ ,in this perfect world 是_(成分),who引导 _ 从句修饰people; how to stay young 作 _(成分)。知识点拨在英语中,为了强调或因主语较长,经常将作地点状语(或表语)的介词短语或方位副词放在句首,不及物动词(或be动词)放在其主语之前,这时句子属于部分倒装;疑问词加不定式结构,其功能相当于疑问词引导的名词性从句,作主语、宾语、表语等。小试牛刀!1) 在树下坐着一个人,我从没见过像他这么大块头的人。_ , one of the biggest men I had ever seen.请用疑问词加不等式结构完成下列句子:2) Can you tell me_?你能告诉我怎样做一只纸船吗?3) _ is a problem. 晚上在哪儿过夜还是个问题。3.原句回放Sheep, cattle and horses wander on the green grass , and the surrounding forests are home to many birds and animals. 句中wander的词性是 _ ,含义是 _ 。be home to 的含义是 _ 。小试牛刀! 1) 请翻译下列短语:四周的风景 ;令人愉快的环境 be surrounded with/by _ _ ;2)请用surround 的正确形式填空:The new building _ by tall trees is in harmony with the buildings, making good for people to live in.4.原句回放Nature has provided Shangri-la with endless natural treasures, making the land a happy home for the local people. provide sb. with sth. 意思是 _ 相当于_ ;making引导的分词短语在句中作 _(成分)。小试牛刀! 1)他死于1980年,给妻子留下四个孩子。(分词短语作结果状语) 2)European football is played in 80 countries, _ it the most popular sport in the world. A. making B. makes C. made D. to make (C级)3)Hearing the news, he hurried home, _ the book _ on the table.(C级)A. leaving; lying open B. leaving; lie openedC. left; lay opened D. left; lain open 第二部分:达标检测I. Translate the following into English1. 在我的书房里有一个高达天花板(ceiling)的书架。(reach)_2. 美丽的画面使我们一时说不出话来。(leaveat a loss for words)_3. 在宝应,许多高楼拔地而起。(tower)_4. 参观北京最好的时间是在春季,因为这时候最温和。(at its mildest)_II. Multiple choice1. Wouldnt it be _ wonderful world for all countries in _world to live in _ harmony with one another?A. the; the; / B. the; the; the C. a; the; / D. the; the; a2. The chickens will provide us eggs and feathers _ we can make use for cleaning the table and benches.A. with, which B. of, which C. with, of which D. of, from which3.This physics problem is too difficult. Can you show me _ , Wang Lin? Sure. A. what to work it out B. what to work out it C. how to work it out D. how to work out it4. Cattle, _ grass -eating animals, _ on the grassland.A. belonging to; wonderB. are belonged to; wanderC. belonging to; are wandering D. are belonged to; are wondering5. Mrs. White found her husband _ by letters and papers and _ very worried.A. surrounding; looking B. surrounded; lookedC. surrounded; looking D. surrounded; looked6. At the foot of the mountain _ .A. a village lie B. lies a villageC. does a village lie D. lying a villageM2U2Project参考答案自主学习II. 1. James Hilton, a British writer 2. Its in Yunnan Province, which is now called Zhongdian, the capital of Diqing. 3. It means heaven on earth.III. 1. where joined reached covered 2. who stay young forever 3. announced the 4. in harmony with far away from 5. reflects on making against 6. wander are home to 7. provided with natural treasures making forIV. (1) flight (2) heaven (3) History (4) argued (5) towering (6) shining (7) home (8) harmony (9) Weather (10) mildestV. D B AVI.1. 定语 1) reaches (up) to the small village 2) He reached (out his hand) for the cake. 3) Can you reach the light switch from where youre sitting?2. people lived 地点状语 定语 宾语 1)Under the tree sat a man 2) how to make a paper boat 3) Where to stay at night(spend the night)3. vi. 徜徉 是的家园 1)surrounding scenery pleasant surroundings 被环绕 2) surrounded surrounding surroundings4. 提供某人某物 provide sth. for sb. 结果状语 1)He died in 1980, leaving his wife four children. 2) A 3) A达标检测I.1. In my study, theres a bookshelf that reaches up to (reaching up to) the ceiling.2. The beautiful picture left us at a loss for words.3. In Baoying, many buildings tower over the land.4. The best time to visit Beijing is spring when the temperature is at its mildest.II.C C C C C B

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