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学 位 论 文英文论文题目: The Application of Body Language to English Teaching in Primary School. 中文论文题目: 肢体语言在小学英语教学中的运用。 姓 名: 尹倩 学 号: 20130616422 学习中心: 辽宁葫芦岛奥鹏 专 业: 英语(师范方向) 指导教师: 杨宏 二一五 年 一 月毕业论文承诺书提示:根据北京语言大学网络教育学院论文写作的规定,如发现论文有抄袭、网上下载、请人代写等情况,毕业论文一律不及格。同时取消学士学位申请资格。毕业论文不及格者,可申请重写一次,并按重修缴纳费用。本人承诺:本人已经了解北京语言大学的毕业论文写作的有关规定;本人的论文是在指导教师指导下独立完成的研究成果。整篇论文除了文中已注明出处或引用的内容外,绝没有侵犯他人知识产权。对本论文所涉及的研究工作做出贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式注明。签 名:_尹倩_ _ 日 期:_2015/2/5_北京语言大学本科生毕业论文评阅书论文题目学生姓名学 号所在院系专 业国 籍(留学生)指导教师指导教师意见评语: 成绩:指导教师签字: 日期: 年 月 日评阅人意见评语:成绩:评阅人签字: 日期: 年 月 日 教务处制北京语言大学 本科生毕业论文指导记录表论文题目学生姓名国籍(留学生)所在院系专 业入学时间指导教师姓名指导教师职称/学历指导时间指导地点 第一次指导:指导方式:(请选择) 面谈 电话 电子邮件指导教师签字: 日期: 年 月 日第二次指导:指导方式:(请选择) 面谈 电话 电子邮件指导教师签字: 日期: 年 月 日第三次指导:指导方式:(请选择) 面谈 电话 电子邮件指导教师签字: 日期: 年 月 日第四次指导:指导方式:(请选择) 面谈 电话 电子邮件指导教师签字: 日期: 年 月 日第五次指导:指导方式:(请选择) 面谈 电话 电子邮件指导教师签字: 日期: 年 月 日 教务处制北京语言大学本科生毕业论文答辩记录表论文题目学生姓名学 号所在院系专 业国籍(留学生)答辩时间答辩地点指导教师答辩记录答辩小组成员成员姓名职称/学历专业研究领域所在单位签 名答辩小组评议意见/成绩:组长签字: 院(系)学位委员会审核意见: 签字: 日期: 年 月 日 教务处ContentsAbstract1. Introduction .2. The definition of Body language.2.1 Body language plays an important role in peoples daily life.2.2 Body language is a product of both genetic and environment influences.2.3 Body language is a broad term.2.4 Function of body language.3. The types of body language.3.1 Gestures.3.2 Postures.3.3 Facial Expressions.3.4 Eye Contact.4. The significance of Body language.4.1The limitation of students vocabulary and Expression Ability.4.2The less interest of students in English class.4.3The depressing atmosphere in English class.5.The study of students body language.5.1The students Gestures5.2 The students Sights.5.3 The students sitting posture.6.Methodology6.1Research questions6.2Subject6.3 Instruments6.4 Data collection7.Body language is applied to Primary School English Teaching.7.1The use of body language in listening.7.2The use of body language in Speaking.7.3The use of body language in Reading.7.4The use of body language in Writing.7.5The application of facial expression.7.6The application of Eyesight.7.7The application of Gestures.7.8 Tips for using body language in English teaching.ConclusionBibliographyAbstractThe essay studies the importance, necessity and purpose of body language in Primary School English Teaching, and tries to further explore the manifestation of Body language in classroom teaching with specific and vivid examples. It interprets Body language from practical point of view and tries to probe into Body language from other perspectives. 摘要这篇文章研究肢体语言在小学英语教学中的重要性和必要性,尝试进一步的探索生动形象的肢体语言在课堂教学中的表现。从实践角度解释肢体语言,试图探索肢体语言更广阔的前景。Keywords: Body language, English Teaching, Primary School. 关键词:肢体语言,英语教学,小学。The Application of Body language to English Teaching in Primary School.1. IntroductionNowadays, the world is becoming smaller and smaller, which has become a global village. Thus people have more change to contact with people who are from different culture as to the quick development of not only science, technology but also economy cross-cultural communication, involving communication among people who are from different counties, among many others, have been enjoying in a great popularity.Body language is an important media through which people communicate with each other. It refers to the patterns of facial expressions and gestures that people use to express their feelings and meanings in communication. The specialist on body language research, Fen Lafel Andels, once said,“Once it was lost, a baby couldnt have grown into a normal person”. Its also true to the juveniles.Traditional education pays too much attention to instilling the knowledge into the students. Such cramming method of teaching brings up the students who have good words but how ability. Todays English education requires students to communicate in English. Teachers are also requires to teach English nearly without Chinese explanation all the class time. However, because of the limitation of students vocabulary, teachers should take some other effective ways to support English teaching.Body languages can help to explain what the teachers mean. Teachers also can deepen students understanding and memories with the aid of body language. We can not make light of the body language, especially, when the communication between teachers and students becomes more and more important with the development of English education. The use of body language can support teaching and help teachers get better teaching effects. One of the most important ways for students learning English is the classroom teaching. As far as the English teaching in Primary School is concerned, teachers have to attract and improve the students interest so that they may learn better. There are many ways to arouse the students interest and help them to learn better and more efficiency, Body language used in English teaching is one of them. In school education, Body language plays an important role in cultivating the students characters. Teachers are usually respected, and factually, what or how the teachers say and do will be possibly imitated by the students.In a world, teachers graceful Body language helps to improve the students artistic-appreciation and moral character. If the students develop a wonderful Body language, which will possibly leads them to form an optimistic and active feelings. They will surely become easygoing. In short, body language is helpful for English teaching. In this article the theoretical study and application of Body language will be discussed.2. The definition of Body language.What is body language? It should be the Nonverbal social intercourse and the Nonverbal behavior. In human social intercourse process, especially in the oral communication, people make some body movement while talking, such as body posture, countenance, gesture and so on. They are also delivering the information by making a set of system, which is equal to the language signal and using the nonverbal method to communicate with others. Body language is expressing how one feels by the way one sits, stands, moves, etc rather than by words body language is a medium through which people express their feelings by facial expression, eyes contact, gesture, posture, body action, decent look, body distance, silent action, drawing, objects showing and so on. It can widen the range of communication, show or conceal feelings and enrich languages to make them more vivid and active. At the same time, it can provide more information and deepen the content.2.1 Body language plays an important role in peoples daily life.As soon as we are in contact with other we are communicating. For we can make use of spoken language. In these ways, we make the content of a message clear to each other. However, we can also communicate without words. This kind of communication tells us something about the relationship between people. It is more important than getting the content of message across.2.2 Body language is influenced by genetic and environment. Blind children will smile even though they have never seen a smile. The ethnologist Irenaus Eibl-Eibesfelclt claimed that a number of basic element of body language were universal across cultures and must therefore be fixed action patterns under instinctive control. Some forms of human body language show continuities with communication gestures of other apes, though often with changes in meaning. More refined gesture which vary between culture, must be learned or modified though leaning, usually by unconscious observation of the environment. 2.3 Body language is a broad term. It includes our posture, actions, facial expression, and gestures. Because Body language is a kind of nonverbal communication. It forms part of category of paralanguage, which describes all forms of human communication that are not verbal language. The relation of body language to animal communication has often been discussed. Human paralanguage may represent a continuation of forms of communication that our non-linguistic ancestors already used, or it has been changed by co-existing with language both voluntary and involuntary:this is the basis of Hans effect (a source of artifact in comparative psychology). Hans is a clever horse. He can get information from his trainers body language. It was also the reason for trying to teach chimpanzee. Washoe American Sign Language (a complete complex language that employs signs made with the hands and other movement, including facial expression and postures of the body) rather than speech. 2.4 Function of body language.Although it is obviously that body language is a beneficial tool, which helps teachers in primary school English teaching, the most important thing is how to function body language well while combining verbal language in class. As long as teachers apply it efficiently, they can probably achieve the teaching aim as expected. It is widely held that body language serves six primary universal functions: repeating contradicting, substituting, complementing, regulating and accenting. Teachers often use body language to repeat a point they are trying to make. If you want to stress two points about what you are talking, for instance, vocabularies or grammar, you will use two fingers at the same time. In the classroom, teachers can use body language opposite from the literal meaning conveyed by verbal messages. When you explain a word like snake to your student, keeping your eyes widening, slack-jawed and surprised-looking, however, you may say “I cannot frightened”. Then, the students will finally get a deep impression for the word. Teachers can use body language to supplant verbal massages. In English class, the teacher often meets students who do not want to speak. For example, when the teacher wants to teach grammar about present perfect tense, which is understand. There will be some students who are not confident and dare not to speak out the answer you asked. At this time, the teacher come to the students and use warm-hearted expression to take the place of the some words with courage. There will be a better effectiveness in the class.Teachers can use body language to add more information to verbal massages. As an English teacher firstly, you may feel nervous. Your students may have a same feeling and never forget this point. There is no doubt that they need to introduce themselves in English, the teacher should use vivid expressions and gestures as many as possible when greeting students, the teacher should smile while saying“Nice to meet you” and shake their hands, in this way, which totally express your friendliness to their students. Bit by bit, the students lost the sense of fear at the beginning. The body language can combine the hearts of students and teachers, so students feel the teacher is gentle and easy-going. Teacher often regulate and manage communication or action by using some form of body language. Face some students having a quite wrong answer, you can nod your hand with a appropriate expression in agreement to indicate to the participants that you agree and they should continue talking. In class teaching, teachers should regulate successively the size and the speeds of the voices. Pay attention to the use of eyes and gestures when using body language. Body language is he best choice if the voice loses its appeal to the students. If students are paid tribute erected thumb, gently pat the shoulders of the students maybe ten times worth than saying “you are so great.”Teachers can use body language to accent part of the spoken message. In order to teach English better, teachers need to accent something more important what they said. You can accent the important massage through the changing sound, some performance and so on. The student will have more deeper impression to this information. Nevertheless, these functions of body language are not isolated from one another, and many of the teaching action can serve two or more functions- sometimes simultaneously.3.The types of body language. There are mainly four categories of body language in English teaching. Gesture, Posture, Facial Expression, Eye contact. Body language with particularly help the teachers in Primary School and hold the students interest successfully. Teachers proper and graceful body language helps the students understand easily in English class so teachers should pay more attention to the body language and make use of it in foreign language teaching.3.1 GesturesGestures are connected with moving of hands or arms to strengthen verbal information. Leger Rosnahan expresses that gesture is actually the central part of Body language.(Bi Jiwan, 1991:115). Gesture can impact numerous significant meaning. For one thing, different meanings can be interpreted by different gestures. People from different country have particular gestures and emotions.Gesture means we communicate and express our thoughts by the movement and manners of hands and fingers. The gesture also plays an essential role in English teaching. People who have been Li Yang Crazy English will find that he pays great attention to the use of gesture. When the primary school students begin to learn English, there must be some difficulties. But using accurate and appropriate gesture. English teachers can help students master English easily. 3.2 Postures Posture means the usual means people perform their body. Postures can be divided into three kinds: lying, standing, bent-knee positions. Each culture has its particular postures.Posture is a matter of how people sit, walk, stand and move. The educationists believe that posture is a moving action of a persons body and is also a kind of informative system of expressing body language. The England philosopher Bacon believes that beauty of looks is higher than the color and luster one, yet the graceful and elegant beauty of action is higher than the beauty of looks (Fraid Dubin and Elite Olshtain, 2002). In English class, the teachers should have the proper, elegant posture to attract the primary school students attention. 3.3 Facial ExpressionsThe face can provide a supplement for verbal communication as well as can serve as many kinds of function for human beings. This can make their behavior know to others and make their communication easily.“The face has been called an organ of emotion because we constantly read facial expressions to understand what others are feeling. Face provides vital clues to our own feelings and those of the people around us. Of all the nonverbal channels, the face is the most important broadcaster of emotions”(Liu Yongfa and Liu Xuanen,1997). Facial expression is very straightforward, because people can see whether ones happy or not directly through his face. All the pleasure, anger, anxiety, thought, sorrow and fear of a person can be reflected on the face. Our faces play a key role in expressing our thoughts, and especially our emotions and attitudes. During the class, the teachers countenance should be rich, mind , kind and natural. 3.4 Eye Contact Eye contact are full of expression in many different cultures. Eye contact can express a lot of meanings, which are connected with high position or low position; attention or lose of interesting; and active or positive expressions. Among many others gaze and glance can be used in the eye contact particularly.Eye contact is the most important one of all categories .As the saying goes;“The eyes are the windows of the seal”. That is to say we can read ones mind though his eyes. We can know what he doubts, how he loves or hates from the people eye. People believe that they can read the heart world by their eyes. Eyesight can express complicated feeling and attitude. Therefore, the teachers should make full use of eyesight of effectively. In the class the express of an eye contact could make students feel the teachers concern and encouragement and then makes students may devote themselves to the study more seriously. 4. The significance of Body language.4.1 The limitation of students vocabulary and Expression Ability.The English vocabulary is so abundant that students cannot remember all of them. And students just can only grasp the words which are used frequently. According to the students present level and practical situation, body language is required. Body languages is one of rich expressive languages in the teaching language, especially in English teaching, using the suitable body language not only can avoid using Chinese to explain English, but can promote the teachers and students to communicate, enhance the teaching efficiency. For example, when a teacher gives an instruction“You two, please come to the blackboard”. The students can easily understand it if the teacher looks at some two students. Then, the teacher points to the blackboard. The students will carry out the order without obstacle even if they dont hear the key words blackboard clearly. Furthermore, teachers usually have to explain some language points and at this time, they have to differentiate the classroom expressions and the examples. Take it for example, we ought to use the formhave done such as Have you finished that job? To make the students understand clearly, a teacher has lots of ways. To do it by speed, he uses a common speed when reading we ought to use the form have done, and reads slowly when giving examples; he can also get the effect by repeating the example Have you finished that job, a more frequent way is to use gestures to lay emphasis on the key points when he said have dong emphasizing it in voice at the same time, he reaches out his index finger, pauses in the air, and then gives out the example; This action will usually give the students a deep impression. From the above we can learn, the use of body language in English teaching is necessary.4.2The less interest of students in English class.For a non-native learner, English teaching is very boring, As the proverb goes:“Interest is the first teacher”. No matter in any fields, a person to be successful, first of all, he must spend a lot of time and energy. Second, he must have a choice of interest to do so. The strong study interest therefore before each class, teachers should make good preparation so that expect the student can have the strong interest through a series of body language. For example, to teacher “what are you doing?” teachers can design the following body language to the text con

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