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兒童圖畫書中的父親角色、親子互動與國小三級學童者反應之比較研究以凱迪克獎中譯本為The Study of Fathers Role, the Parent-Child Interaction inCaldecott winners and honor books and ComparingReader-Response of 3rd GradersChinese Translation Version as an ExamplebyChia-wen Huang國臺南大學教育學系課程與教學碩士班碩 士 文A Thesissubmitted in partial fulfillment of the requirementsfor the Master program of Curriculum and Instructionin Department of Education of National University of TainanNovember 2007Advisor: Professor Hai-Hon Chen中華民國九十十一月兒童圖畫書中的父親角色、親子互動與國小三級學童者反應之比較研究以凱迪克獎中譯本為研究生:黃佳雯 指導教授:陳海泓 博士國台南大學教育學系課程與教學碩士班摘 要本研究旨在探討凱迪克奬兒童圖畫書中譯本中的父親角色、親子互動關係及國小三級學童者反應之比較。本研究目的為:(一)瞭解現實中父親角色扮演之情形。(二)瞭解現今兒童在現實生活中與父親互動況之情形。(三)瞭解60代至90代,凱迪克獎兒童圖畫書中譯本中呈現父親角色的差。(四)瞭解60代至90代,凱迪克獎兒童圖畫書中譯本中呈現的父親與孩子互動關係之改變。(五)瞭解兒童對圖畫書中的父親角色與親子關係的反應及感受。本研究採用內容分析法,研究對象為在60代至90代間獲凱迪克奬(CaldecottMedal)的兒童圖畫書中譯本。另外,研究者從最接近現代的90代作品中,選出父親角色最豐富的一冊,採取樣以高雄縣曹公國民小學三級三個班級的學生共71人,待學童閱完畢後填寫學生閱反應與實際親子互動關係調查問卷問卷。研究結果如下述:(一)實際生活中的父親所扮演的角色有所差,且能兼顧到工具性、情感性與教育性,但三種角色相較之下,父親在情感性角色的扮演則偏弱。(二)受試兒童在生活中與父親的互動有77.5%為開明權威,只有少為專制權威、放任縱容和忽視漠。(三)隨著代的同,凱迪克獎兒童圖畫書中譯本中父親角色出現的次,與所扮演的角色內容有所差,亦有日漸增多的趨勢。(四)凱迪克獎兒童圖畫書中譯本中的親子互動關係並沒有隨著代的演進而有所改變。(五)約有50%以上的受試者閱反應皆表示喜愛及認同圖畫書中的父親角色,且故事中的情節與實際生活中情形多為相似,也希望實際的親子互動能像圖畫書中那樣美好。關鍵字:凱迪克獎兒童圖畫書、父親角色、親子互動、者反應The Study of Fathers Role, the Parent-Child Interaction inCaldecott winners and honor books and ComparingReader-Response of 3rd GradersChinese Translation Version as an ExampleAdvisor:Dr. Professor Hai-Hon ChenStudent:Chia-Wen HuangAbstractThe purpose of this study was to investigate the fathers role in childrens picture-books,the parent-child interaction and the comparison of the third graders reader-response. Theresearch aims: (1) To find out the fathers role in real life. (2) To understand father andchildrens interaction in real life nowadays. (3) To understand the the differences of thefathers role in Caldecott winners and honor books from the 60s to the 90s. (4) To realize thechanges of father and childrens interaction in Caldecott winners and honor books from the60s to the 90s. (5) To understand the childrens response to the fathers role and interactionin picture book.Content analysis and reader-response were used in this study. The texts of the study werethe Caldecott winners and honor books in Chinese translation version during the yearsbetween 60s and 90s. Moreover, the researcher selected one picture book with a brightfathers role, from the 90s work, and chose 71 students of 3rd graders from Tsao-kungelementary school to do reader response. After they finished reading, they filled out the“reader- response and the actual parent-child interaction questionnaire”.This study had the primary findings as follow: (1) Three kinds of the fathers role in reallife are “labor”, “affectionate” and “educational” roles but the percentage of “affectionate”role is lower than others. (2) Nowadays, the percentage of interaction between child andfather is 77.5% in the way of “enlightened authority”, then minority is “despotic authority,”“laissez faire tolerates” and “neglects indifferently”. (3) Along with the time differences, theappearance of the fathers role in Caldecott winners and honor books has gradually increased,and the fathers role has diversed tendency. (4) The parent-child interaction in Caldecottwinners and honor books is not changed much along with the age evolution. (5) Over 50%subjects like the fathers role in the picture books. Furthermore, the parent-child interaction inbooks is similar with that in real life, and they are willing to have that parent-child interactionin picture books.Key words: Caldecott Medal, fathers role, parent-child interaction, reader-response


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