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青海省2012高考英语总复习训练测试题(8).单项填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)1It was only when I reread his poems recently _ I began to appreciate their beauty.Auntil Bthat Cthen Dso2Make yourself _ home and help yourself _ anything that youd like to eat.Ain;with Bat;to Cat;with Din;to3_ the youth _ the rising sun at 8 or 9 oclock am.,Mao Zedong expressed his great hope for the young men.AComparing;with BCompared;to CCompared;with DComparing;to4The majority of people _ like watching football games.Aseem Bseems Cseem to Dseems to5The number of people invited _ fifty,but a number of them _ absent for different reasons.Awere;was Bwas;was Cwas;were Dwere;were6When my hand touched the letter in my pocket,I realized that I had forgotten _ it.Ato post Bto have posted Cposting Dhaving posted7Dont keep your mouth _ if you want to improve your _ English.Ashutting;spoken Bshut;spoken Cshutting;speaking Dshut;speaking8_ the students in our class is 45 and _ them study hard.AThe number of;the number ofBA number of;the number ofCThe number of;a number ofDA number of;a number of9The room was almost empty _ a bench or two.Aexcept for Bexcept that Cbut Dexcept10Do you have any difficulty _ these flowers?Id like to help you if you have any.Ato plant Bfor planting Cwith planting Din planting11As the weather was very cold,he couldnt _ his car.Astart Bbegin Cfound Drun12Mr Zhang gave the textbooks to all the people _ those who had already taken them.Abesides Bexcept Cexcept for Dexcept that13How did it _ that the car fell off the bridge into the river?Acome out Bcome about Ccome across Dcome up14_ more and more forests destroyed,some animals are facing the danger of dying out.AWith BBy CAs DFor15If you try to understand _ that prevents so many Americans from being as happy as one might expect,it seems that there are two causes.Awhat it does Bwhy it is Cwhy it does Dwhat it is.完形填空(共20小题;每小题2.5分,满分50分)The wedding took place in a Birmingham hotel.The bride and her father 16 in a new black American sports car.Her father looked nervous and uncomfortable in front of the 17 .The bride wore a silk wedding dress.She smiled 18 at the waiting photographers and went to a room on the first floor where she met her future husband for the 19 first time.Carla Germaine and Greg Coredell were the 20 of a radio stations competition.The aim of the competition was to find two strangers prepared to 21 without having met each other.Miss Germaine,23,is a model.Mr.Cordell,27,is a TV salesman.They were among the two hundred people who entered for a 22 “experiment” organized by BMRB radio in Birmingham,England.Greg and Carle were 23 eight finalists who were interviewed live on 24 .They 25 a lie detector test and the station also spoke to their friends and family about their 26 .The competition judges 27 an astrologer(占星家)who declared that they were suited.The 28 celebrated their wedding with a wedding breakfast and a party for 100 guests in the evening,but not everyone 29 their joy.Miss Germaines mother looked 30 throughout the wedding and Mr.Cordells parents are reported to be less than delighted.Organizations,including the marriage guidance service Relate,have 31 the marriage.As one person put it,“We have enough problems getting young people to take marriage 32 without this.Marriage should always be about love.”The couple are now on a Caribbean 33 followed by journalists.Their other 34 include a years free use a wonderful apartment in the centre of Birmingham,and a car.But will it 35 ?16A.left Barrived Cwent Dgot17A.car Bbridegroom Ccameras Dchurch18A.happily Bguiltily Cinnocently Dnervously19A.so Bvery Cquite Drather20A.winners Brivals Closers Dbeginners21A.fight Bmarry Cdate Dkiss22A.ordinary Bnormal Csurprising Dpeculiar23A.beyond Bout of Camong Dabove 24A.air Bnewspaper Cmagazine DTV25A.held Bfailed Ctook Dprepared26A.competition Blies Cpersonalities Dhometowns27A.included Bconsisted Cgrouped Dformed28A.family Bradio Ccouple Dastrologer29A.expressed Bshared Cenjoyed Dunited30A.happy Bexhausted Canxious Dpleased31A.welcomed Bpraised Cmentioned Dcriticized32A.lightly Bcarefully Cseriously Dcarelessly33A.hiking Bvoyage Cjourney Dhoneymoon34A.gifts Bprizes Cwishes Dblessings35A.end Bbegin Clast Dfinish答案 1B这是一个强调句,被强调的是状语only when I reread his poems recently。2B在家里应该使用at home;“自行取用”可以使用help oneself to sth.。3D本体“年轻人”,喻体“八九点钟的太阳”,所以要用表示“把比作”用法词组;“比喻”的动作是由主句主语毛泽东发出来的,所以用v.ing形式作状语。4C本题考查majority作主语时的谓语动词的数。这里of后的名词people为可数名词,谓语动词要用复数。又因为seem后接动词不定式。5C第一空表“数量是多少”,作主语,谓语应用单数;“a number of复数名词(代词)”作主语,谓语动词用复数。 6A信没有寄出去,句意为“忘记了要做某事”。7Bkeep ones mouth shut意为“闭嘴”,shut是过去分词,表示已处的状态;shutting是现在分词,表示持续的动作;spoken English意为“英语口语”。8Cthe number of.“的数量”;a number of“许多”。9A表示同类事物中被排除的一项,一般用except,也可以用except for;不同事物之间的情况,一般应用except for,本句中的room和bench性质不同,故不选D。10D“在有困难”应用短语:have difficulty in。11A本题应表示“启动,发动”汽车。12B本题为词义辨析题。根据题义,句中有all the people,那么其后的部分应为除外的成份,先排除besides,而C项常用于除开部分与陈述部分不同类的,D项须接从句。13B本题考查动词短语辨析。句意:这辆车怎么会从桥上掉到河里了呢?句型How does it come about that.?怎么会发生这样的事呢?14A分析句子结构可知,空白处后有“宾语宾语补足语”形式(因为forests与destroyed之间存在动宾关系,所以destroyed不可能是谓语动词),所以只有with有此用法特征。15D从选项及句子结构看,understand后接的宾语从句中含有强调句型It is.that;且宾语从句中使用陈述句语序。16B从第一段末可知此空应选B,作“抵达”讲。17C从段末最后一句“the waiting photographers”可知,应选C。18D通读全文及句末“first time”可知,只有D项最符合文意。19Bthe very first time为英语搭配。20A结合句中所提及的竞赛和两人最终结婚的结果看,选A。21B从二人举办婚礼不难看出应选marry,B项。22D从这种结婚方式的不寻常性可以看出,应选D“peculiar特别的”。23C从下文8人参加最后测试可以看出“Greg and Carle”,应是最后侯选人之一,故选C。24A从上文中可知,此竞赛由广播电台组织,故选“on air”。25C此处应为参加测试,故选C。26C综合上下文应为与结婚活动所观注的词汇,故选C。27A从下文不难看出,此空做“包括”讲,故选A。28C从下文“their wedding”,可以看出应选C。29B从句中“but.”不难看出,应为“不是每个人都能分享这份快乐”,故选B。30C从下文中less than delighted不难看出,最佳选项应为C,忧虑。31D从段末“Marriage should always be about love”可以看出,对此婚姻是持否定态度的,故选D。32Ctake sth. seriously是短语,作“严肃对待”讲。33D从全文与婚姻相关讲,不难选D,honeymoon。34B由于上文中提到这是广播电台的竞赛结果,不难选B,奖品。35C综合全文,此句应为“不知此婚姻将延续多久?”故选C,last。

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