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课程信息年级九年级学科英语课型复习主题8A Unit5主备黄杰审核骆和明教学内容词汇、词组和语法知识教学目标掌握本单元重要的词汇和短语掌握重要的语法知识:if引导的宾语从句和because/because of的区别教学重点掌握本单元重要的词汇和短语教学难点if引导的宾语从句和because/because of的区别教学过程教学步骤一、过关四会单词和以下词形变化复数:kangaroo _ mouse _wolf _leaf _fox _名词: lose _act _ _副词:sad _wild_形容词:danger_ peace_ follow_反义词:outside_ thick_ male_sad (比较级、最高级) _ _ sell (过去式、过去分词) _ _lose (过去式、过去分词) _ _(现在分词)_ grow(过去式、过去分词)_ _二、 读背下列词组或句子,自默过关,备查。1.call sb sth /call her Xi Wang 称呼某人为/叫她“希望”2.weigh 100 grams/kilograms 重100克/千克3.at four months old 在四个月大时4.go outside her home for the first time 第一次迈出家门5.not a small baby any more 不再是个小小的幼崽6.grow into a healthy giant panda 长成一只健康的大熊猫7.at the very beginning 一开始时8.for up to 14 hours a day 每天长达14小时9.survive in the wild 在野生状态下生存10.hunt/kill it for its fur 为获取它的毛皮而猎取/杀它11.have nowhere to live 没有地方住12.leave sb on ones own/ by oneself/ alone 让某人独处/把某人单独留下13.be in danger/out of danger 处于危险中/脱险14.take the following actions to protect giant pandas 采取以下行动来保护大熊猫15.make the reserves bigger 扩大保护区16.encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人做某事17.keep sb/sth safe from danger 使某人/物远离危险18.large areas of land with trees 长有树木的大片土地19.continue to do sth 继续做某事20.all kinds of foxes and wolves 各种狐狸和狼21.most of the giraffes and kangaroos 大多数长颈鹿和袋鼠22.walk through a rainforest 穿过热带雨林23. live as a family(live in family groups) 以家庭的方式群居24. make medicine from tigers bones 从老虎的骨头里提炼药25. take/have some medicine 吃药26. run the other way. 转身跑27at noon =at twelve at a time 在正午 一次,一下子28have a report/talk ; give a report/talk 听报告;作报告29report sth. to sb. 向某人汇报某事30in the future 在将来31. two whole days 两整天32. take sth away/take sth there 带走某物/把某物带去那儿33. hunt for sth/look for sth/search for sth 寻找某物34. because of the heavy rain/because it rained hard. 因为下大雨35. clothes made of animal fur 动物皮毛制的衣服36. keep taking the land 持续占用土地37. move around in the daytime 白天到处转悠自主复习过关检测十二(中考复习8A Unit 4)一、单词默写(16分)1.无处,没有地方_2.信息 _3.报告;报道 _4.口渴的 _5.考试、测试 _6.直到为止 _7.嗅觉 _8.主席 _9.组;群 _10.农田;耕地 _11.出售 _12.训练 _13.猎人 _14.蛇 _15.作者 _16. 美味的 _二、词组翻译(60分)1.称呼某人为/叫她希望_ 2.重100克/千克_3.第一次迈出家门_4.长成 _5.一开始时 _6.鼓励农民离开保护区 _ 7.使某人/物远离危险_8.继续做某事 _9.以家庭的方式群居_10.转身跑_11.从老虎的骨头里提炼药 _12.为获取它的毛皮而猎取/杀它 _13.砍伐树木和森林_14.让某人独处_15.处于危险中/脱险 _16.采取以下行动来保护大熊猫 _17. 带走某物/把某物带去那儿 _18. 寻找某物(3)_19. 因为下大雨(2) _20. 动物皮毛制的衣服 _三、词形变化(24分)1.kangaroo(复数) _ 2.mouse (复数) _3.wolf(复数) _4.leaf (复数)_5.fox (复数) _6.lose (名词) _7.act (名词) _ _ 8.danger (形容词)_9.peace (形容词) _10.follow(形容词)_11.sad (副词) _12.wild (副词) _13.outside(反义词)_14.thick(反义词) _15. male(反义词) _16.sad (比较级、最高级) _ _17. sell (过去式、过去分词) _ _18. grow (过去式、过去分词) _ _19.lose (过去式、过去分词)_ _ (现在分词)_中考复习活动单十二(8A Unit 4)Objectives: To review the words, phrases and grammar of the unit.Task 1. Check the words and phrases.Task 2. GrammarActivity 1. Finish the blanks by yourself.Activity 2. Discuss, practice and check.1. if 引导的条件状语从句If it _(not rain)tomorrow, we will go fishing.You _(fail) in the exam unless you _(be) careful enough.同义句:_【归纳】:_ 2 . because 和 because of 老虎因为生活区域的丧失而面临危险。(三种说法)Tigers are in danger because they are losing their living areas.Tigers are in danger _ _the _ _ their living areas.Tigers are in danger because of _their living areas.He was late because _(下大雨)He was late _.【归纳】because 后接_; because of 后接_和_Task 3. Languages pointsActivity 1. Finish the blanks by yourself.Activity 2. Discuss and check.1. If I die, no one will look after you. 1)look的用法 系动词:看起来,后接_或_. You dont _ _ today.(气色不好) You look good _ white. = White _. He doesnt look _ his father. 不及物动词:看 表示: “看.” 用_ eg: _ the blackboard. If you dont know how to read the words, youd better _them_ (查询)in a dictionary. 2) die的词形及用法原形 三单 现在分词 过去式过去分词die dies died tie(捆、系)lie (位于) In old China, many people _ of hunger and _(死于饥寒交迫) (die of死于) His grandfather_ _ _for more than 20 years. He looked at his _ dog sadly, because no one could save it. His sudden _ made all of us feel sad. 【归纳】die(v.) (adj.)_ _ (n.) _2. take action / do something to do sth 采取措施去做某事 take no action/ do nothing to do sth不采取措施去eg: Its time for us _ _ _(采取措施)to protect the giant pandas. If we _ _ (不采取措施), there will be no giant pandas in the world soon.3. hunt hunted hunting- hunter如果猎人猎到了熊,他会杀死它取它的皮毛和熊掌。 If a hunter _ a bear, he will _ _ _its fur and paws.我们去森林里打猎如何?What about _ _in a forest? 他正在寻找他迷路的羊羔。He is_ _ his missing little sheep.【归纳】_ 追某人,猎某物;_=_=_ 寻找某人或某物 _去打猎;_为而猎取; _ 为而杀死;4. continue to do sth = continue doing sth.继续做某事(可表示中断之后再继续); to be continued 待续keep doing sth 一直/持续不断做某事 If farmers _ _ _ _(持续占有土地) , wild animals will have nowhere to live. They _ _(继续谈话) after the meal._.5. the number of 的数量 The number of wild animals is getting _ and_ because of the loss of their living areas. The population of Shanghai is _ than _ of Nantong. At present, the price of flats is getting _and _. _ your phone number? _ the number of the students in your school? _ your height/weight? _ the length of the river? _ the price of the car?【归纳】数字比_ 用_ _ _ ; 价格比_用_ _ 对有关数字和价格提问都用_.6. 本单元make 的相关短语 make medicine from their bones _ make a lot of money_ clothes made of animal fur_教学反思:


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