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.品句填词A)根据句意及汉语提示,写出所缺单词。1To write a good essay,you must first _(组织,整理)your ideas well.答案:organize2If you dont speak English well,youll be at a big _(不利条件)when you try to get a job.答案:disadvantage3He is so _(顽固的)that nobody can change his mind.答案:stubborn4We are looking for someone who is _ (可靠的) and hardworking.答案:reliable5We tried to_(说服)him to give up smoking,but he just wouldnt listen.答案:persuadeB)在句中空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式(不多于3个单词)。6_(determine) never to come back before he could make a big fortune,Mike left home without saying a word.答案:Determined7The man insisted _ finding a taxi for me even though I told him I lived nearby.答案:on8This machine is very easy_(operate)Anybody can learn to use it in a few minutes.答案:to operate9If we work with a strong will,we can get over any difficulty,_ great it is.答案:however10So clever a boy was he _ he was able to work out all the difficult problems.答案:that.选词填空用方框中短语的适当形式完成下列句子。change ones mind;ever since;put up;be fond of;as usual;dream about;at midnight;care about;give in;make up ones mind1The artist_drawing when he was only a child of four.答案:was fond of2Have you_where to go for your holidays?答案:made up your mind3She went to America in 1976 and has lived there_答案:ever since4The greatest scientists like Einstein dont_money at all.答案:care about5Before it got dark,the campers_their tents in a valley.答案:put up6Although she had problems,she carried on working_答案:as usual7He is very busy at work,and goes back home_every day.答案:at midnight8When the enemy saw that they were surrounded,they_答案:gave in9She is very firm about it;I cant persuade her into_答案:changing her mind10Many people_ living on an island in the South Seas.答案:dream about.完成句子运用所学词汇或句型完成下列句子。1After graduation,they _(下定决心) to go and settle in the countryside.答案:made up their minds2I _(不在意价格),so long as the car is in good condition.答案:dont care about the price3Many tents _ (搭建)to provide temporary housing for the people in the disasterhit area.答案:have been put up4John _ (喜欢弹钢琴)while his sister enjoys playing football.答案:is fond of playing the piano5_(像往常一样),David was late for school again,but to his surprise,the teacher didnt punish him this time.答案:As usual.词语串练根据汉语提示完成下列短文。Susan had been_1_travelling to Lijiang and she _2_Mary to go with her.Although Mary was _3_,she _4_to persuade her to travel together._5_,Mary _6_and agreed to _7_with her.They enjoyed the wonderful view there,which made Mary so excited that she _8_during the night.Susan一直梦想着到丽江旅游。她很愿意Mary和她一起去。尽管Mary很固执,Susan还是决定去说服她,最终Mary做出让步,并同意和她一起去旅游。她们尽情地欣赏那儿的美景。Mary很激动,以至于不能入睡。答案:1.dreaming about/of2.preferred3.stubborn4.determined5.Finally6.gave in7.travel8.stayed awake.课文语法填空阅读下面课文缩写材料,在空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式(不多于3个单词)。Wang Kun and his sister,Wang Wei,have dreamed of _1_(take) a great bike trip along the Mekong River.Last year,Wang Wei visited her cousins,Dao Wei and Yu Hang,_2_ studied in college in Yunnan.Wang Wei soon got them _3_(interest) in cycling,too.Wang Wei insisted on _4_(find)the source of the river.And her brother told her that the journey would begin _5_ an altitude of more than 5,000 metres and the air would be hard _6_(breath)But she didnt seem worried.Instead,she was _7_(excite)Before the trip,Wang Kun got a large atlas _8_ good maps.From the atlas,they could see that the river begins in a glacier on a _9_(Tibet)Mountain.They were both surprised to learn that half of the river is in China.At last,the river delta enters _10_ South China Sea.答案:1.taking2.who3.interested 4.finding5at6.to breathe 7.excited 8.with9.Tibetan10.the 写作素材1邻居老王说服我们和他一起去旅游。2他很靠得住,关注准备工作的每个细节。3他选择了路线,找了交通工具并且制定了日程表。提示:黑体部分用本单元词汇表达。连句成篇(将以上句子连成一篇50词左右的英语短文。)_One possible version:Our neighbor Mr.Wang persuaded us to join in his journey.He was quite reliable and cared about details of the preparation work.He chose the route,found the transport and made the schedule.


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