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PEP小学英语语法表PEP语法汇总 一 名词复数的规则变化构 成 法例 词A.在一般情况下,词尾加-sbook-booksbed-bedsB.以s, x, ch, sh结尾的词,词尾加-esbus-busesbox-boxesdish-disheswatch-watchesC.以f或fe结尾的词,先将f或fe改成v,再加-esknife-kniveswife-wivesD.以o结尾的单词,有生命的物质加-es, 无生命的物质加-stomato-tomatoesphoto-photosE.以辅音字母加y结尾,先y将改i,再加上-esfamily-familiescity-citiesPEP语法汇总 二 现在进行时构成 ing形式 构 成 法例 词A.一般加-ingwork-workingstudy-studyingB.以e结尾的词去e后加-inglive-livingwrite-writingC. 动词为单音节:以单一元音字母+单一辅音字母结尾,辅音字母双写,再加ing;动词为双音节或者多音节:最后一个音节为重读音节,以单一元音字母+单一辅音字母结尾 辅音字母双写,再加 ingstop-stoppingrun - running swim - swimmingbegin - beginningPEP语法汇总 三 一般现在时 单三形式 构 成 法例 词A.一般动词在词尾加-shelp-helpsmake - makesB.以s, x , ch,sh,结尾的动词在词尾加-esfix - fixesteach - -teacheswash - -washesC.以o结尾的动词在词尾加-esgo-goesdo-doesD.以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,先y变为i,再加-esfly - fliesstudy - studiescarry - carriesE.不规则变化have-hasPEP语法汇总 四 一般过去时 -ed形式 构 成 法例 词A.一般动词在词尾加-edcook-cookedplay - playedB.以e结尾的动词在词尾加-dlive - livedC. 以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,先y变为i,再加-edfly - fliedstudy - studiedD. 末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节词,双写该辅音字母加-edstop - stoppedplan - plannedE.不规则变化swim swamhave - hadF. be 动词变化am wasis wasare - werePEP语法汇总 五 形容词比较级 er形式 构 成 法例 词A.一般直接加-er long - longerB.如果以-e结尾,直接加-rnice - nicerC. 闭音节词如末尾只有一个辅音字母须双写这个字母,再加-er big - biggerD. 以辅音字母加-y结尾的词,变y为i,再加-er.heavy - heavier小学阶段没有强调比较级的不规则变化小学英语时态总结 一、一现在进行时:be doing 动词+ing的特殊变化见附1I am eating. He is eating.二、一般将来时: be going to doI am going to eat. He is going to eat.三、一般现在时: 主+动 s 动词+s 的特殊变化见附2I eat. He eats.四、一般过去时: 主+动ed 动词+ed的特殊变化见附3 I ate. He ate. 附1:动词+ing的特殊变化 1 去e +ing: taking making coming having writing dancing 2 双写最后一个字母+ing: running swimming附2:动词+s 的特殊变化 动词+es: goes does watches teaches passes附3:动词+ed的特殊变化 dodid is/amwas arewere havehad gowent readread eatate buybought taketook singsang dancedanced seesaw getgot leaveleft swimswam studystudied flyflew saysaid comecame runran telltold drinkdrank findfound附4:形容词比较级的特殊变化: bigbigger thinthinner heavyheavier funnyfunnier附5:代词的变化主格 I you he she it we you they宾格 me you him her it us you them物主代词的 my your his her its our your theirPEP小学英语音标/i:/ /:/ /a:/ /:/ /u:/ /i/ /e/ / / /p/ /b/ /t/ /d/ /k/ /g/ /f/ /v/ / / /s/ /z/ / / /h/ /r/ /t/ /d/ /ts/ /dz/ /tr/ /dr/ /j/ /w/ /m/ /n/ / /l/ /au/ / / /u/ /ei/ /ai/ /i/ /u/ /i/ / /u/元音:a e i o uAa cake, face, date, snake, grape, make, game, plate, later, name, lake, etc cat, map, hat, sad, happy, black,etcEe evening, we, he, be, she, these,etc bed, help, elbow,desk, ten, leg, eleven, dress, egg, hen, yes, very,etcIi ice, time, bike, ride, white, Friday, library, rice, like, nice, kite, size,etc pink, six, in, pig, fifty, river, windy, sick, sister, sit, milk, fish, slipper, in, thin, big, swim。 it,etcOo home, nose, rose, go, those, hole, close, hotel, old, hello, rope, cold,etc nod, not, closet, ox, fox, lock, lot, shop, rock, office, orange, on,etcUu sun, sunny, fun, jump, lunch, supper, under, truck, duck, donut, US, Sunday, hundred,etc computer, Tuesday, excuse, unit, January, avenue, music, use,etc元音字母组合ea tea, speak, dream,east, easy, teacher, leaf, leave, read, jeans。meat, cheap,etc breakfast, bread, sweater, head,etcee see, need, queen, sheep, teeth,green, sleep, nineteen,street, knee,etcoo toothbrush,zoo, cool, food, noodles,Kangaroo, school, afternoon, cookie,etcclassroom,book, foot, look, good, bedroom, cookies, wood,etcou blouse, house, mouth, mouse, south,cloudy, about,etcar department, calf, park, March,apartment,far, marker, hard, party,etcor morning, north, for, comer, short,shorts, story, horse, forty, homework,work, doctor, world, word,etcir shirt, bird, skirt, thirsty, thirty, third ,circle,first, girl,etcur Thursday,purple, hurt, nurse,hamburger,Saturday, etcer sweater, sister, teacher, letter, supper, computer, burger, under, comer, tiger,etcear ear, year, near, hear, dear,etcay X-ray, day, May, play, may,always, today, gray, okay, way,etcow know, below, slow, yellow, show, snow, bowlcow, now, brown, flower, down,etcoa boat, goat, road,etc辅音字母组合sh cashier, she, sheep, shoes, fish,etcch chicken, teacher, chalk, chair, chant, children, much, China,etctr waitress, tree, street, truck, traffic, strawberry,trick,etcdr drink, dress, drive, dream, draw,etcth theatre, thirsty, three, think, third ,Thursday, teeth,etcmother, father, this, that, they,brother, these, those, their,etcwh where , what, white, when, why,etc用对称法排序 20个辅音 3个鼻音 2个半元音 3个似拼音 20个元音 元音字母 读 音 例 词 a 在开音节中 ei name plane Jane baby cake 在闭音节中 bag dad hat map black back e 在开音节中 i: he these me Chinese 在闭音节中 e bed let pen desk yes egg i 在开音节中 ai bike fly drive time nice kite 在闭音节中 fish big drink sit milk swim o 在开音节中 ou those close go hoe home no 在闭音节中 C clock not box shop sock u 在开音节中 ju: student excuse duty Tuesday 在闭音节中 bus cup jump much lunch 在开音节中,元音字母u在辅音字母j l r s后面时读u:音,例如:June blue ruler super 二、元音字母在重读音节中的特殊读音 元音字母 读 音 例 词 a在w音后面 C want what watch wash quality a在f n sk ph sp ss st th前 : after plant graph ask grasp glass fast father i在-nd -ld和gh前 ai find child light high o在-st -ld前 ou most postcard old cold o在m n v th前 come monkey love mother 三、元音字母在非重读音节中的读音 元音字母 读 音 例 词 a EE China another woman breakfast orange comrade village cabbage e E hundred student open weekend chicken pocket begin children i E/ holiday beautiful family animal ai exercise satellite o E second tonight somebody welcome Eu also zero photo u E autumn difficult ju: popular congratulation January 动词中的a如果处在开音节位置,a读ei音,例如:operate u处在开音节位置,又在辅音字母j l r s后面时,读u:音,例如:July influence February issue 在非重读音节中,许多单词中的元音字母a e i 即可以读作E音,也可以读作音。 四、-r音节元音字组在重读音节中的读音 元音字组 读 音 例 词 arar在w音后面 : car farm dark sharpener C: warm quarter towards oror在w音后面 C: forty morning short E: word worker worse er ir ur E: certainly bird Thursday 辅音字母r双写时,前面的元音字母不能与r构成-r音节,而是按重读闭音节的拼读规则发音。例如: carry sorry hurry -r音节在非重读音节中通常读E音,例如:dollar teacher martyr forget Saturday 五、-re音节元音字组在重读音节中的读音 元音字组 读 音 例 词 are E care dare hare ere iE here mere ire aiE fire hire wire ore C: more score before ure juE pure cure are ere ire ore很少出现在非重读音节中,ure在非重读音节中读E音,例如:picture pleasure 重读元音字母加Rr,再加非重读元字组时,重读元音字母应按-re音节拼读规则拼读,字母Rr读r音。例如:parent zero story during inspiring 某些常用词及多音节词经常出现长音短化现象。例如:orange very American paragraph 六、元音字组在重读音节中的读音 元音字组 读 音 例 词 ai/ay ei afraid rain wait day play air E air hair chair pair repair alal在f m前 C small ball talk wall all C:l always also salt almost : half calm au/aw C: autumn daughter draw ea i: teach easy cheap please e heavy bread sweater weather ei break great ear iE hear dear near clear year E bear pear wear swear E: earth learn early ee i: jeep week green three eer iE pioneer deer beer ei/ey ei eight neighbour they i: either key eu/ew在j l r s后 ju: new few newspaper u: flew brew jewelry ie/eis音之后 i: piece field receive oa ou coat Joan boat goal oar/oor C: roar board door floor oi/oy Ci noise point boy toilet oo u: broom food tooth school book look cook foot good ou/ow au flower house count down ou know row throw though young country enough u: group you soup our C: course your four auE our hour ours E: journey ui在j l r s后 ju:i fluid suicide tuition u: juice fruit suit 七、非重读音节中元音字组和字群的读音 元音字组或字群 读 音 例 词 ai/ay ei/ey Sunday foreign monkey ow ou yellow sparrow tomorrow 元音字组在非重读音节中读E音或。例如:neighbour serious famous biscuit coffee -sion -tion Fn impression nation -sion在元音字母后 Vn vision decision occasion -tion在s后 tFEn question suggestion -sten sn listen -stle sl whistle -sure VE pleasure measure -ture tFE picture culture 八、元字组在复合词非重读音节中的读音 复合词中的第二部分不标注重音符号,但其中的元音字母或元音字组仍按重读音节拼读规则拼读。例如: everydayei handbag blackboardC: 有些词随着语言的发展,前后两部分已失去其单独存在的意义,融合成为一个词。其中的非重读部分要按非重读音节的读音规则发音。例如: sun太阳 + dayei日子 Sunday 星期天 holy神圣 + dayei日子 holiday 假日 break中断 + fast:斋戒 breakfastE 早餐 cup茶杯 + board木板C: cupboardE 碗柜 九、辅字组的读音 辅字组 读 音 例 词 b bike bus bag / bomb tomb cc在e前或在i/y前 k cake picture coat music s face decide cinema ch tF much chick rich teacher k school headache chemistry F machine -ck k cock pocket black knock d d doctor bread hand day -dge dV bridge fridge dr- dr children driver drink f f five four breakfast gg在e i/y前 bag garden go dV orange large German gh f cough enough / light daughter high gu- -guegu在非重读音节中 guess league dialogue w language anguish h h hot head house hand / hour honest j dV jeep jar joke join July k k kind bike skate make week kn- n knife know knock l l life milk school tall m m monkey come autumn -mn m autumn column solemn nn在k g音前 n not shine ten note N uncle thank hungry -ng N morning young wrong p p paper plane pig ship pen ph f elephant photo telephone q k Iraq qu- kw quality quite r r red rubber ruler s在词首或清辅音前元音字母间或浊辅音前 s sit sleep desk z music husband sc- sk scarlet s muscle science sh F she fish shirt wash t在通常情况下在弱读字母ia ie io前 t ten letter meet F patient nation tch tF watch th在通常情况下在冠词 代词 介词 连词中在词尾-the -ther中 thin thirty method T the these with than T clothe fathe r weather tr- tr tree train country truck v v very voice love leave w w week win wake sweet wait / Answer two wh-wh-在字母o前 w what when white why h who whose whole x在重读元音前 ks box text exercise gz example exist exact wr- r write y- j yes yard yellow young PEP文化知识总汇PEP教材文化知识总汇 共十类 知识分类书册单元页数文化主题关键词饮食文化三上第五单元lets eatP57西餐礼仪The knife is on the right. The fork is on the left. The spoon is beside the knife. The plate is in the middle.四上:第五单元what would you likeP67饭后甜点dessert 的介绍。Its something sweet, like pudding, fruit or ice-cream五上第三单元whats your favorite foodP36中国食品的英语表达汤圆 饺子 粽子 月饼节日文化三下第一单元 welcome back to school 第五单元 where is my ruler?P11P57womens daychildrens day四上recycle2 Merry Christmas:P80圣诞来了father Christmas、Christmas tree、turkey、gifts.五上第二单元my days of the weekP24西方节日mothers day, fathers day, thanksgiving day生活常识日常标志的认识三下第六单元 at the zooP67出口和入口卫生间标志entrance exit womens mens五下第四单元what are you doing?P54不同国家的紧急求救号码911等六上第六单元the story of the rainP78水零度结冰膨胀六下第一单元 How tall are you?P9鲸鱼的介绍Sperm whale, killer whale六下第三单元last weekend.P36常见标志no fishing no swimming 等称呼介绍四上第六单元 meet my family!:79对爸爸和妈妈的多种称呼叫法mom, mommy, mama, dad, daddy, papa.六上第五单元what does she doP66同一个工作性别不同的称呼actor actress, sales woman, salesperson, mailman, mailperson.时间四下第二单元what time is it?P24各地时差介绍London, Sydney, New York, Beijing.服装四下第三单元 is this your skirt?P36cowboys wear jeans. The shirt looks like a “T”. Jiake comes from jacket. Chinese people are proud of Tang Dynasty.四下第五单元how much is it?P66衣服和鞋子的尺寸大小表示季节和天气四下第四单元 whats weather like?P54摄氏和华氏五下第二单元 my favorite seasonP24北京和悉尼的相反四季动物五上第六单元in a nature parkP78熊猫的生活介绍五下第三单元my birthdayP36十二生肖Chinese zodiac五下第五单元 look at the monkeys.P66澳大利亚树袋熊的介绍koala bears交通六上第一单元how do you go thereP9traffic rules in different countries.China、USA 、England、 Australia其他六上第三单元 what are you going to do?P36人类书写发展史on bones、on bamboo slips 、on paperon computers六下第二单元 whats the matter,Mike?P24颜色和情绪的关系

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