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作文中常见的高级表达的词汇及句式(一)supeiror to 优于,胜过的 long for 渴望 向往 abundant 丰富的,充裕的 boost ones confidence 增强某人的自信 odd 奇怪的coincide with 与相吻合 in association with 与相联系shortcoming 缺点 without doubt 毫无疑问stick to 坚持 from my perspective 我认为 genuinely 真诚地delighted 高兴的,欣喜的 diligent 勤奋的,勤勉的,用功的for instance, 例如 badly+adj 在很大程度上moreover 再者,此外take full advantage of 充分利用bring some change 带来一些改变 deliver a speech 发表演讲be of + 抽象名词: be of great significance = be significanthave a good command of 掌握,精通take sth for granted 认为是理所应当attach great importance / value / significance to sth 认为某事很重要/有价值form a habit of 养成的习惯without hesitation 毫不迟疑in the first instance 首先1. For the reasons given above, 鉴于上述原因2. last but not least 最后一点 同样重要3. One more thing I would like to mention is that我还想提一点4. Never give up and keep trying 不要放弃,继续努力5. Your early reply will be greatly appreciated!Your prompt reply will be highly appraciated!常用于询问信的结尾6. Apply to be a volunteer for申请成为的志愿者7. I would like to become a volunteer to do sth 表达想从事志愿者服务的惯用形式8. In the first place 首先 Furthermore 第二Third 第三,In conclusion 总之9. So Im writing to make some suggestions. 10. If you could take my suggestions into consideration / account,11. Eventually,it turned out that 最终,结果是12. There is no denying that sth plays an extremely important part in 不可否认的是对我们极其重要13. 强调句型:It is / was + 被强调部分 + that / who 14. It is essential that we should maintain the balance between and 15. I have faith in 我相信16. I am convinced that = I believe Eg: I am convinced that I couldnt have made such great progress without 17. It is sth that counts. 是起作用了 Eg: It is your attitude towards your study that counts.18. When it comes to sth / doing sth 当论及到19. I would appreciate it if 如果你我会很感激20. It is high time that we should do sth 这是我们应该做某事的时候了。21. I hold the firm belif that 我坚定的认为22. Youd better do , which will benefit you a great deal. 你应该做,这会使你受益良多。23. I felt that it would be beneficial if you can take my advice into consideration. 我觉得如果你能够考虑我的建议,那将还会对你有好处。24. It occurred / occurs to sb that 某人突然想起25. As is known to all, = , which / as is known to all. = It is known to all that = What is known to all is that 众所周知,


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