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阅读理解: ( 1 )Dear Dad, Im writing this letter to you because its too difficult to talk about it. I cant stop thinking about my uncle and how he died. In fact, I seriously want to ask you to stop smoking . Ive looked up a lot of information about smoking and Ive found out some disturbing (令人不安的) things.(我给您写信是因为谈论这个问题很困难。我忍不住想起了叔叔和他的死因。我很认真请您戒烟。我查找了很多烟的信息,我感到很不安。)Your loving daughter,Kate( )1.Kate is writing to her father because _.A. he has stopped smoking B.she likes smokingC. she wants him to stop smoking D.she misses her uncle( )2.Kate has found out that smoking _.A. isnt so bad B. is worse than she had thought C. helps you think better D. outside does no harm( )3.Kates mother doesnt like _.A. smoking outside B. beautiful smellsC. the smell in the house D.the smell of smoke in the house ( )4.Kate is afraid that _.A.she and her mother will fall ill because of her fathers smoking B.her clothes will smell of smokeC.she will start to smoke D.she cant help her father ( 2 )Watch out! Bears about!On our first evening, the three of us were tired after walking for about eight hours. We soon fell asleep.在我们到达的第一个晚上,由于走了8个小时的路,我们都累了,很快就睡着了。 ( ) 1. When they went to sleep on the first night, they left the food _.A.in a tree B.on the ground C.in the tent D.by a stream( ) 2. They put the food in the tree to _. A.keep it away from the rubbish B.make it easier to open the bagC.stop the bears from smelling it D.stop the bears from seeing it ( ) 3. You should make lots of noise because bears _.A.can run faster than people B.may be afraid of people C.may not know where people are D.shouldnt come too close to humans( ) 4. The writer tried to go to sleep, but _A.was worried about the bears B.wasnt tiredC.wanted to see the bears D.there was too much noise( ) 5. The writers blood went cold because he _.A.thought the mother bear was coming back B.was afraid of noiseC.liked bears D.felt ill after running so fast( 3 )Jo is 15 and lives in Parkville.When Jos grandparents first came to Parkville 50 years ago,it was a quiet country village in the centre of the country.At that time they had a small house on the edge of town,with some fields and the hills in the distance. ( )1.The writer wants to_ . A. show the disadvantages of how cities have grown over the yearsB.show that life in the city can be enjoyable C.describe the dangers of city lifeD.explain what cities need to give the people who live there( )2.Parkville became a suburb of Arnwick because_A.no one wanted to live in a village B.people wanted better places to liveC.Arnwick grew larger D.people feel safer in large cities( )3.“But its not her fault” means Jo_。A.doesnt want to add to the traffic and pollutionB.is unhappy about adding to the problemsC.doesnt choose to go to a school so far away D.feels bad about the traffic and pollution( )4.The writer has written a story probably because_。A.hes not interested in facts B.its more interesting C.its too dangerous to talk about a real city D.its clearer than if he describes a real city ( 4 )1 Up to two thirds of children dont get as much sleep as they should do , and this can make them nervous and slower at school , researchers say . 多达2/3的孩子没有得到足够的睡眠,调查者说,这使孩子们在学校紧张,反映慢。 ( ) 1. Why is sleep good for your health ? A.Sleep is good for the brain as well as the body .B.Sleeping helps you relax . C.Sleeping makes you need less energy .D.You can solve more problems while you sleep .( ) 2. What happens to children at school if they dont get enough sleep ?A.They walk more slowly . B.They can relax .C.They watch more TV . D.They do less well at school ( ) 3. How does a bedtime story help children get a good night ?A.It helps children to relax . B.Children lose less sleep .C.Children have more energy . D.Children get to sleep earlier .( ) 4. Why is it better to sleep in a room without a TV or computer ?A.You can read stories before you go to sleep .B.You sleep better and get more sleep . C.You have less energy .D.Your brain works better .( ) 5. What did the German scientists experiment show ?A.Sleep helps children learn to read .B.Losing sleep means children dont learn well .C.Your brain works while you sleep . D.Parents should read bedtime stories .(5 )Do as the Romans doTheres a saying ,“When in Rome , do as the Romans do .” And when you eat Western food , do as the Westerners do . Here are some things you may wish to know about eating together in the West .俗话说,“入乡随俗”,当你吃西餐时,按照西方人的方式做。 ( ) 1.Who is the passage written for? A.A Westerner eating a Chinese meal.B.A Chinese person eating a Western meal. C.A Chinese person eating a Chinese meal.D.A Westerner eating a Chinese home. ( ) 2.What is the tone of the passage? A.Serious B.Conversational C.Formal D.Strict( ) 3.Where might you see a passage like this?A.In a travel magazine. B.In a dictionary.C.In an instruction manual. D.In a news magazine. ( 6 )Excuse me.Youre sitting in my seatThe train to Beijing!Lin often dreamed about the train,and about going to the capital.Now it was in front of him, to set off soon. 开往北京的火车。林梦想做火车到北京旅游,现在火车就要出发了。 ( )1.How old was Lin? A.He was 16 years old. B.He was 26 years old.C.He was 10 years old. D.He was older than his brother.( )2.What was it like on the train? A.It was almost empty. B.It was full of people and bags.C.There were few people. D.There were a number of empty seats.( )3.The man sitting in Lins seat _.A.was bigger and stronger than Lin B.was very braveC.needed the seat more than LinD.was more interesting than the other passengers( )4.What did the man with glasses do?A.He looked out of the window. B.He shouted at Lin.C.He told the young man to move. D.He disappeared down the train.( )5.The young man in Lins seat would get off the train at_.A.Beijing B.the next stop C.Lins village D.Hangzhou ( )6.How long would Lin stay on the train? A.10 minutes. B.One day. C.12 hours. D.More than seven hours. ( )7.What did the young man sitting in Lins set do in the end?A.He gave up the seat. B.He found another seat for Lin.C.He shouted at the man with glasses. D.He looked at Lins ticket. (7 )The development of English as a world language is one of the most interesting events of the late 20th and early 21st centuries.It is the language used by speakers of many different languages to communicate with each other.作为世界语言,英语的发展是20世纪末、21实际初最有趣的事件之一。很多讲不同语言的人彼此间都用英语交流。( )1.English is a world language because _.A.there are 5.8 billion people who dont speak itB.180 million people in China are learning it C.nobody speaks Latin any moreD.speakers of all languages,form all over the world,use it ( )2.In the future,people wont need to learn English,because _.A.most people will have learnt it B.educated people will prefer LatinC.more and more Chinese people are learning itD.it will no longer be as widely spoken as it is today ( )3.If most children learn English at school _.A.the number of English beginners in the world will increaseB.the level of English will be higher around the world C.they will want to learn other languages as wellD.languages like Arabic and Chinese will be less popular( )4.English may not always be the world language,because _.A.many people speak other languagesB.Latin is going to be the common language againC.People want to learn other languages D.It is too difficult to learn(8)Who owns English?English is spoken by about 400 million people in Australia, Britain, Canada,Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa and the USA. In Ghana, India, Nigeria and Singapore, English is used for government, education and trade, although there are many other languages for everyday use. In China and most other countries, its the most important foreign language that children will learn at school, because its essential.for. tourism, international. business, entertainment ,radio, television, newspapers , and the Internet. 在澳大利亚、英国、加拿大、爱尔兰新西兰、南非和美国,大约有(4亿)人说英语1 In a country like India, English is _Anot taught in school Bspoken by everyoneC.the most important foreign languageDnot the language everyone speaks at home2 English became more common because _Aof the growth of the UK Bits an easy language to learnCit is used in television,films and the Internet.Dit was sold like an industrial product3 English has many words which _Aare difficult to remember Bfirst came from other languages Clook as if they come from another languageDare important to remember 4 In the middle of the twenty-first century, Chinese _.Amay replace English as an international languageBwill be taught in all schools as a foreign languageCwill be used as widely as English Dwont be used as widely as English

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