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Unit8 Were twins! 教学目标:1.能听懂,会说,会读单词:a girl a boy a man a woman uncle aunt .2.通过学习Story time,能正确理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试朗读对话、表演对话。3.能在真实的情景中运用Whos she / he ? Whos that girl / boy/man / woman ? Hes / Shes 进行交流。教具准备:PPT some pictures教学时间:3课时课前准备:1.复习家人单词。2.通过自主阅读,勾画出生词,查字典理解含义。3.听磁带,试着跟读课文。Unit8 Were twins! 第一课时教学过程:Step1 Greeting1. T: Good morning, boys and girls!Ss: Good morning, Miss Hua .T: Sit down, please!Ss: Thank you.2. T: Ok, take out your family photos, can you introduce your families? S: Yes. This is my T: Thank you.Step 2 learning1. T: I say, you guess!fathers father S: Grandpa.mothers mother S: Grandma.T: Youre right, go on!Whos fathers /mothers brother?S: Uncle.T: Yeah! Youre clever!Teach: uncle 领读 板书Whos fathers / mothers sister?S: ( aunt ) Teach : aunt 领读 板书2. T: My family like watching TV , This is (家有儿女).Have you watched it? 你们看过吗?(出示家有儿女剧照)Show the picture of Xiao Xue. T: Help me introduce, please! (请看过的学生来介绍)S1: Shes Xiao Xue . Shes a girl. Teach: a girl. 板书girlShow a picture of Xiao Yu.S2: Hes Xiao Yu . Hes a boy. Teach: a boy 板书boyShow a picture of Liu Xing.S3: Hes Liu Xing . Hes a boy, too . 3. Girls stand up and say: Im a girl, one by one. Then together: Were girls. Boys stand up and say: Im a boy, one by one. Then together: Were boys.4. Show a picture of Xia Donghai.T: Who is he?S: Hes Xia Donghai. / Hes Xiao Xues father.T: Hes a man. Teach: a man 板书manShow a picture of Liu Mei .T: Who help me ask?S1:Who is she?S2: Shes Liu Mei. / Shes Liu Xings mother.T: Shes a woman. Teach: a woman 板书man woman 读音不同,注意区别。5. Lets play a gameWho can put the pictures under the words?(家有儿女角色照片,把图片贴到相对应板书单词的下面。) T: Well done! Look at the blackboard, you can ask and answer in pairs. For explem:T:who is this girl?S: Shes Xiao Xue.T: Other pictures, Do it please!Ss practice in pairs.Step3 Story time1. (图片) T: Who is this man?SsT: I think , you dont know, watch my cartoon, hes in my cartoon.( 看动画,回答问题。)Ss:Hes Mikes uncle. 2. T: Great! Thats a open day, read the story time and tell me , any others come to school? (还有谁来学校?)Learning tips:【默读】请划出重要信息,生词和生句。Ss: Mike, Su Yang, Su Hai, Su Yang(图片)T: Who is that woman?S: Shes Yang Lings aunt. 3. Show the pictures of Su Hai and Su Yang. T: Who are they? Ss: Su Hai and Su Yang.T: Who isSu Hai? Who is Su Yang? SsRead by yourselves,分出谁是Su Hai 谁是Su Yang。Learning tips:【小声读】猜一猜生词,生句的意思。Su Hai and Su Yang look the same, why?Su Hai and Su Yang: Were twins!T: Twins ?Follow me, look at two pictures. (出示两张双胞胎图片,让学生根据图片来理解单词。) Teach: twins 双胞胎 领读4. Read after the cartoon.Learning tips:【大声读】注意模仿语音和语调.5. Read the story time in roles, four in a group.Learning tips:【分角色读】读出语音语调,表演生动。Step4 1. Think and choose.( 三小题)2. Play a game.S1站上讲台,戴上眼罩,S2 跟S1 打招呼,(可变声,让S1 猜起来有点难度,更有趣。) Ss: Who is he/she?S1: Hes/Shes.Ss: Yes , youre right. /No, youre out !3. 设置情景刘星和同学达达在楼下公园看书,小雨从窗户探出头来喊刘星,达达问刘星, 他是谁?多大了?请四人一组帮我把乱掉的对话排序。实物投影学生排好顺序的对话:Xiao Yu: Hey! Liu Xing!Liu Xing: Shh! Dont shout!Da Da: Who is the boy?Liu Xing: Hes my brother.Da Da: How old is he?Liu Xing: Hes eight.Xiao Yu: Where is my puppy?Liu Xing: Its behind the door.Xiao Yu: Thank you .Read the dialogue.Step5 Ticking timeUnit8 Were twins! 第二课时教学过程:Step1: Warm up1. Greeting 让学生带一些自己小时候的照片,老师上课用投影呈现T: Whos this girl?Ss: Shes T: Whos that boy?Ss: Hes (老师呈现一些明星) T: Whos this man?Ss: HesT: Whos that woman?Ss: Shes 2. Free talka. Act Story time (1)PPT出示图片及空气泡,让学生填写(注意语音语调)(2)Act in role.Step 2 PresentationFun time1、出示老师的全家幅T: Whos this baby?Ss: Its your(daughter).T: Yes, this baby is my daughter. Teach babyT: Who can ask me some questions?S1: Whos this woman?T: Can you guess?Ss: Shes yourT: Yes, shes my mother.以此方式教学巩固单词man, woman, girl, boy, baby, aunt, uncle2、教师用剪贴画在黑板上呈现一张家谱,从家谱书顶部画起,边画边让学生猜猜人物是谁T: Now I want to draw my family tree. Look, whos he ?Ss: Hes your father.T: Whos this woman?Ss: Shes my mother.T: Look, whats this? Its a tree. Its a family tree. Whos this?Ss: Hes / Shes 3、家谱设计大赛T: This is my family tree. Do you want to show me your family tree. Firstly, please talk about your family tree in groups. Every group chooses the best one.投影呈现小组优秀家谱树,小组内同学问,该同学回答S1: Who is he?S2: Hes my father.S3: Who is she?S4: Shes my aunt.Unit8 Were twins! 第三课时教学过程:一、Greetings 二、Say a rhyme:Whos that little boy? 三、Review 1.出示句子卡片,学生认读。 2. 快速出示四会单词卡片,学生抢读,再组织学生拼读。 四、Checkout time 1.多媒体出示本部分图片,指导学生认真观察图片中的物体。2.尝试讨论。五、Do exercise 指导学生完成本单元每课练、听读训练的练习。 六、Ticking time 结合练习情况,指导学生对本单元的学习进行自我评价。

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