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反义疑问句(question tag)的结构:1. 肯定陈述句+否定附加疑问e.g. -He likes chocolates, doesnt he ?-Yes, he does./ No, he doesnt.-They will be away for a time, wont they?- Yes, they will./ No, they wont.2. 否定陈述句+ 肯定附加疑问e.g. -It wasnt cold yesterday, was it?昨天不冷是吗?-Yes, it was. 不, 很冷。/ No, it wasnt. 对, 不冷。-She cant play the guitar, can she? 她不会弹吉他, 是吗?- Yes, she can. 不, 她会。/No, she cant. 对, 她不会。(与汉语表达习惯不同)反义疑问句“特例”小结:反意疑问句的句型结构是:陈述句+附加问句。附加问句部分与陈述句部分在人称。时态和数等方面须一致,而且前否后肯,前肯后否。在做反意疑问句改写时应特别注意下列情况:1.陈述句部分的主语是one时,附加问句部分主语正式场合用one,非正式场合用he。例如:One should do ones best for the work, shouldnt one(he)?One must do ones duty, neednt one(he)?2.陈述句部分是Im.时,附加问句部分常用arent I?例如:Im twelve, arent I?Im a good driver, arent I?3.陈述句部分是there be时,附加问句部分也要用there。例如:There is some milk in the bottle, isnt there?There are many people in the park on Sunday, arent there?4.陈述句部分以lets开头时,附加问句部分要用shall we;若以let us开头时,附加问句部分要用will you?例如:Lets have a break, shall we?Let us stop here, will you?5.陈述句部分的主语是everybody, everyone, someone, anyone, no one, nobody, somebody等不定代词时,附加问句部分可用he,也可用they。例如:Everyone knows his own language, doesnt he?Everybody enjoyed the film, didnt he/they?6.陈述句部分有never, none, nothing, no等否定词或few, little, hardly等半否定词时,附加问句部分要用肯定形式。例如:You never read this novel, do you?Few people can live to 150, can they?7.当陈述句部分是一个含有从句的主从复合句时,附加问句部分的形式要看主句,其主语及动词都要与主句保持一致。例如:He says she is a good teacher, doesnt he?They said the teacher had left, didnt they?但当主句是I think, I believe等结构时,附加问句部分形式要看从句。例如:I think she is all right now, isnt she?I dont believe he is here, is he?8.陈述句部分是祈使句时,附加问句部分常用will you?例如:Dont make any noise, will you?Comehere,willyou?Turnoffthelight,willyou?反义疑问句补充练习:填空:1.Lindaatesome bread thismorning,_?2.Thereshardly_milkinthebottle,_there?3.Hehasneverriddenahorsebefore,_?4. Theyhavenotimetovisitthemuseum,_?5. Youdratherworkthanplay,_you?6. Thesetoolsareuselessnow,_?7. Letsgotherebybus,_?8. Letusgotoplayfootball,_?9. DontforgettogivePollysomefood,_ you?10. Passmethedictionary,_?http:/hiwab.com/jhlx/yf/fyyw1.htm (反义疑问句在线测试)1. The little boy dare not go to church, _?A. ?doesnt he B. :-)dare he C. ?does he D. ?darent he2. Susan would have worked abroad if shed had the chance, _? A. ?hadnt she B. ?has she C. ?would she D. :-)wouldnt she3. All these dictionaries are a great help to you, _? A. ?arent all these dictionaries B. ?are all these dictionaries C. ?are they D. :-)arent they4. Im sure dirty, _?A. ?isnt I B. ?am not I C. ?am I D. :-)arent I5. I wish to shake hands with you, _? A. ?will I B. ?do I C. ?shall I D. :-)may I6. When the car crashed, your brother escaped being hurt, _ ? A. ?didnt it B. ?did it C. ?did he D. :-)didnt he7. He has his hair cut every month, _? A. Xhasnt he B. ?has he C. ?does he D. :-)doesnt he8. The movie that we saw last week was quite interesting, _?A. :-)wasnt it B. ?didnt we C. ?werent we D. ?was it9. Three hours ought to be enough time, _?A. ?oughtnt three hours B. :-)shouldnt it C. ?shouldnt three hours D. ?didnt they10. There appeared to be no better way, _? A. ?were there B. ?was there C. ?did there D. :-)didnt there11. Youd rather watch TV this evening, _?A. ?wont you B. ?hadnt you C. :-)wouldnt you D. ?isnt it12. They have to study a lot, _? A. :-)dont they B. Xhavent they C. ?hadnt they D. ?did they13. Everyones having a good time, _? A. :-)arent they B. ?is he C. ?isnt everyone D. ?does he14. You had some trouble finding where I live, _?A. ?dont I B. ?hadnt you C. ?do I D. :-)didnt you15. David told me that you would take a trip to America, _? A. ?would you B. :-)wouldnt you C. ?didnt you D. ?did you16. You seem to be dissatisfied with your present post. I dont think you judged your ability objectively when you applied for it, _ you? A. ?didnt B. ?do C. :-)did D. ?dont17. Your friend needs to come earlier, _? A. ?neednt he B. ?need he C. :-)doesnt he D. ?does he18. Tom has been writing letters all afternoon, but he should have finished them by now, _?A. Xhasnt he B. Xhas he C. ?didnt you D. :-)shouldnt he19. Thats the sort of the book you want, _? A. :-)isnt it B. ?is it C. ?isnt that D. ?is that20. I suppose youre not going today, _?A. ?do you B. ?dont you C. ?arent you D. :-)are you


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