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音标教学案 英语国际音标共48个音素,其中元音音素20个,辅音音素28个。 一元音(20个) 1. 单元音(12个) i: e : u: : : 2. 双元音(8个) - : e a -: e - : a i:: 一只bee, 躲进tree, 没人see 悬崖deep, 开着jeep, 莫要sleep :一只pig, 非常big, 把洞dig e 撒下net, 鱼没get, 衣服wet :我家dad, 脾气bad, 让我sad 有只cat, 非常fat, 专吃rat 区分下列读音: /i:p/ /p/ /si:t/ /st/; /bed/ /bd/ /pen/ /pn/ / sed/ /sd/ 一个driver, 掉进river, 生命over : 穿上shirt, 脱下skirt, 扔进dirt 手拿book, 一边look, 开始cook u: 一个fool, 掉进pool, 真是cool 试读下列句子: Dad, could you cook me some food? Im not good at cooking. You look cool in the boots. 清晨jog, 带上dog, 踩到frog : 周日morning, 拿着fork, 吃着pork 举着gun, 瞄准sun, 不停run : 开着car, 向着star, 路途far 试读下列句子: The park is too far away. Mum,give me a hug. e 放下plate,来到gate,已经late; 清晨wake, 来到lake,钓上snake a 一只kite, 颜色white, 被狗bite 有个boy, 玩着toy, 心中joy 试读下列句子:(1)-Wake up. You are going to be late for class. -Oh, dear. I have no time to wash my face. I hate to be late. (2)- The ice cream looks so nice. Can I take a bite? - Ok, but a small bite. (3)- Did you enjoy your breakfast? - Yes, soy milk and boiled eggs are my favourite. 一只deer, 举起beer, 大喊cheers e 一头bear, 裙子wear, 采摘pear 崭新chair,滚下stair,需要repair 因为poor, 不能tour 试读下列句子:(1)-Mum, Can I wear my hair long next year? 明年我能留长发吗? (2)-Dont stare at me. I hate that. 别对我瞪眼,我讨厌。 -You stared at me first. 你先对我瞪眼的。 (3) Are you sure? 你确信吗? 一只goat, 穿件coat, 上了boat a 一只mouse, 穿件blouse, 走进house 试读下列句子:(1)-Mum, we are out of liquid (lkwd) soap. 妈妈,洗手液用完了。 - You can use bar soap. 你可以用(块状)肥皂。 (2) -How shall we get there? 我们怎么去那里? - Lets take a bus. Its difficult to park downtown. 坐公交车吧,市中心不好停车哦。 二辅音(28个) 爆破音 清辅音 p t k 浊辅音 b d g 摩擦音 清辅音 f s h 浊辅音 v z 破擦音 清辅音 ts tr t 浊辅音 dz dr d 鼻音 (浊辅音)m n 舌侧音 (浊辅音) l r 半元音 (浊辅音) w j 爆破音,摩擦音,破擦音怎样区分? l 摩擦音 也叫擦音,由发音器官造成的缝隙是气流产生摩擦而发出的声音。 l 爆破音是指发音器官在口腔中形成阻碍,然后气流冲破阻碍而发出的音。这些音有6个,即/p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/和/g/。但在某些情况下,发爆破音时,气流不必冲破阻碍,而只是发音器官在口腔中形成阻碍,并稍做停顿,(也就是说,做好要发出这个爆破音的准备,但不要发出音来),这样的发音过程叫作不完全爆破。如:a good book。 破擦音由一个爆破音和一个摩擦音组成。发音时舌尖抵住上齿龈成发t、d的姿势,形成气流的完全阻碍。随后让气流冲破这种阻碍轻微爆破后立即发出第二个摩擦音,即先爆破后摩擦,两音密合,发成一个音。六个破擦音:/ts/-/dz/ /tr/-/dr/ / t/-/ d/ l 舌侧音:舌尖顶住上齿龈,让气流从舌头两边通过。 l 半元音:语音学上指擦音中气流较弱,摩擦较小,介于元音跟辅音之间的音。 1. c+a/e/i/o/u /k/ -cat , come, cup /s/ -juice, city 洗完face, 系好lace, 参加race 2. /f/ -f, gh, ph phone, photo , elephant, enough, laugh 3. 注意区别s ts 和z dz 认真朗读下列词组或句子: Thank you ! I think, three birds , open your mouth He says he often helps us with our English. z s s My father helps my mother with housework. s s 4. tr-tr drdr tree, try , train, dress, draw, driver 5. -sh 心中wish, 钓到fish , 做成dish 6. television telv()n , usuallyju:ul 7. t-ch , tch much , peach, chick, lunch, catch, watch, match 同学each , 手拿peach, 来到beach 观众watch, 激烈match, 球来catch 8. dj, ge, dge jump, jeep, orange, fridge,bridge 9. l (1) 清晰的音 like, live, black, leg, slow (2) 模糊的音 ill , hill, will 成音节 /l / apple, noodle 10. r run, ride, rabbit, red, carry , sorry 11. w well, what, which, when, where, why 注意和v的发音区别 very , very well, very much, every 12. j yes, yellow, year, young, 13. s+清辅音 (s 出现在某些清辅音前,清辅音要发与其相对应的浊辅音) sk sk- sg skirt , skate, school sp sp- sb speak, spring, sport st st- sd stop, stand, str str- sdr street, strong, strawberry


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