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2014年荆门中考完成句子专项练习答题说明: 根据汉语提示,用句末括号内所给的英语单词完成句子。答案不能超过5词。评分说明:1)语言结构错误(时态、语态、非谓语动词、从句等)扣1分;2)词汇(短语)使用错误扣1分;3)单复数、单词个别字母拼写错误扣0.5分, 每题最多扣1分;4)未使用所给提示词扣2分。题型示例:(2013年荆门中考题)1. 我不会去参加这个聚会,除非受到邀请。 I wont go to the party . (invite)2. 请告诉我事故是什么时候发生的好吗?Could you tell me ? (happen) 3. 为什么不让孩子去他们想去的地方呢? the children go where they want? (why)4. 我不知道明天他会不会准时参加会议。 hell come to the meeting on time tomorrow. (wonder)5. 他和我都不喜欢唱歌跳舞。 he I interested in singing and dancing. (be)unless I am invited when the accident happened Why not let I wonder if Neither; nor; am强化练习:6在我外出期间,你介意为我照看一下宠物狗吗?Would you my pet dog for me while I am away?( mind)7.作为一名学生,你必须按时上交作业。As a student, your homework must on time.(hand)8.伊索寓言向我们讲述许多有教育意见的故事。Aesops Fables tells us a lot of .(educate)9.许多鸟常年舒服地生活在自然保护区里。Many birds live comfortably in the nature reserve .(whole)10. 江南Style这首歌不仅在韩国而且在世界其它地方也流行。The song Gangnam Style is popular in Korea in other parts of the world.(only)mind looking after/ taking care of/ caring for . be handed in .educational storiesthe whole year .not only; but(also)11我们应该学会怎样与人相处融洽。 We should learn how to others.(get)12对我们而言保持健康很重要。Its very important for us .(keep)13高中和初中的教学方式是不同的。 The ways of teaching in senior school are those in junior school.(difference)14直到回家,他才意识到他把钥匙忘在办公室了。He realize he had left his keys in his office he got home.(until ) 15我们被分成了四组做实验。We four groups to do the experiment.(divide)get on/along well with to keep healthy/fit different from didnt .until were divided into16. 岭南天地跟佛山祖庙靠得很近,你不会找不到的!Lingnan Tiandi is quite _Foshan Zumiao, and you wont miss it!(close)17、跟他们的父母相比,现今的孩子少了许多户外经历。_their parents, todays children have far less outdoor experience.(compare)18、努力是取得进步的黄金准则。Hard work is the golden rule of _(make)19、电影钢铁侠3如此激动人心,以致好评如潮。The film Iron Man 3 is _that it has won lots of good reviews.(excite)20、我正在浏览托尼的微博,那时他刚好打电话给我。(look)I _Tonys Microblog when suddenly he telephoned me.close to Compared with. making progress so excitingwas looking through 21.我们正盼着过周末呢。We the weekend(look)22.她让我一连说了45分钟。He for forty-five minutes (keep)23.你要是见到他,就把这个便条给他。If you see him, (give)24.小孩最终被找到了,安然无恙。Finally,the child safe and well(find)25.对她来说,像以前那样经常与她父母亲见面就难了。Its difficult for her to see her parents (before)Are looking forward to kept me talking give him the note /give the note to hin was found as often as before26.父母经常说我们太年轻,不能自己做决定。 Our parents often say that we are _ _ _ decide for ourselves. (young)27. 随着时间的流逝,他忘记了那些不愉快的事情。 As time _ _, he forgot those unpleasant things.(pass)28. 你曾考虑过出国深造吗? Have you ever _ _ _ _ abroad for further study?(consider)29. 如果你想得到更多的信息,你可以打电话或发邮件给我们。 If you want more information, you can _ ring _ e-mail us.(either)30. 他开会迟到了,因为他的车在半路坏了。 He was late for the meeting because his car _ _ halfway.(break)31. 他多次尝试过戒烟,但都失败了。He tried _ _ smoking several times, but failed.(give)32. 我突然想起我把钥匙忘在办公室里了。 I suddenly _ _ my keys in the office.(remember)33. 这道题太难了,我们都做不出来。 It was so difficult a problem that none of us (work). 34. 是时候采取措施治理污染了。 Its time to take measures to _ _ pollution.(fight)35. 抱歉,我错拿了你的包。Sorry, I your bag . (mistake).too young to , passed , by , considered going. ,either,or. , broke down, giving, up .remembered ,leaving. worked it out, fight against took, by mistake.36即使你和朋友在一起,在公共场合最好也要控制你的音量。(keep) Even if you are with your friends, it is better _your voice in public places.37. 如果你熬夜看你喜欢的电视节目,你会感觉困的。If you your favourite TV programs, you will feel sleepy.(stay)38. 中国最大的城市上海是最有活力的地方之一。Shanghai, the biggest city in China, is one of _.(live)39. 那些拯救受困人员的志愿者应该被视为英雄. The volunteers who saved people in trouble should heroes.(regard).40. 他在二十多岁时出国了。 He went abroad _ _ (twenty). To keep down , stay up for ,the liveliest cities, be regarded as ,in his twenties.41. 现在很少有学生能自学法语。 Now few students can _(teach).42. 你认为他会把钱花光吗?Do you think that he will_ all the money?(use)43 .钟晶医生做着如此重要的工作,村民们很感激她。Doctor Zhong Jing is doing the villagers are grateful to her.(such)44. 电视机已经开了几个小时了。请把它关掉,好吗?The TV set for several hours. Would you please turn it off?(on)45. 他的新作在上周的书展上并未得到任何关注。 his new book at the book show last week.(attention)46. 当那位歌手被问及婚姻问题时,她拒绝回应。When the singer was asked about her marriage, she it.(reply).47. 这项调查是要了解青少年目前承受着多少压力。The survey is made how much pressure teenagers are suffering at present.(find)48. 我们确信中国梦一定会在不远的将来实现。We are sure the Chinese dream in the near future.(come)49. 不论发生任何事,我都不会改变心意。_ , I wont change my mind. (what)50. 亲爱的伙伴们,让我们坚持追求梦想,总有一天我们会成功的。My dear friends, lets our dreams, and we can make it some day.(hold).Teach themselves French, use up ,such an important job that ,has been on ,No attention was paid to ,refused to reply to ,to find out , will come true ,Whatever happens ,hold on to .51.他不厌其烦地解释先前发生的事情。 He to explain what had happened before.(go)52.我感谢我的母亲,不仅因为她给了我生命,而且教我怎样做一个诚实的人。 I thank my mother not only for me, but also for teaching me how to be an honest person.( give ) 53.这对新人如此高兴,以至于当他们结婚的时候,他们不停地微笑。 The new couple were so happy that they when they got married .(stop) 54.昨天早上我刚好赶得上上课. I only just to my class yesterday morning .(make)55.车子坏了,需要修一修。 The car is broken and it .(repair)56. 我要努力学习,不让父母失望。I will study hard and try not to _. (down)57.我们在闲暇时间随着音乐跳舞。 We like in my spare time .(dance)58.他们正忙着向墙上张贴告示. They are _ notices on the wall.(busy)59.你学习越努力,你犯错越少. The harder you study, _ youll make .(mistake).60.礼轻情义重. Its the _ (think). Went out of his way; giving birth to ;couldnt stop laughing ;made it; needs repairing; let my parents down ;dancing to music; busy putting up; the fewer mistakes; thought that counts 题型示例:(2013年荆州中考题)61. How long does it take you to cook these potatoes?It _(取决于) the size of them. (depend)62. Wher e were you at four oclock yesterday afternoon?We _(正在听) music at Lindas house. (listen)63. I wish to study chess and now Ive got it!Oh, its wonderful! Your dream _(实现了) . (come)64. Its important for us students to develop good habits.And we should also learn _(如何对付) the bad ones. (deal)65. Look! Ive chosen so many things here.Do you know all these should _(付款) in US dollars? (pay)61. depends on 62. were listening to 63. has come true 64. how to deal with 65. be paid for(2012年荆州荆门中考题)66. Even if you are busy, you should (尽力)to do everything well.(try)67. My parents always say that I (已经长大了). (grow)68. After that, her teacher (更多地关注) her. (pay)69. Too much noise made it difficult for me (入睡). (fall)70. When we are away, our baby (照顾) by my mother. (take)try your best ;. have(already) grown up ;. paid attention to ; to fall asleep ; is/ will be taken care of(2011年荆州荆门中考题荆门开始采用此题型)71. I want (参加) the singing competition. (take)72. Doctors are confident that the child (将会健康成长). (grow)73.This dress is so beautiful. Why dont you buy it? I (已用完) my money. (run)74. When shall we have the sports shows?Any day next week, (因为它取决于) the weather. (depend)75. What should we do about the trash?It (必须带走) when you leave. (take)to take part in;will grow up fine / well / healthily; have run out of; because / as / for / since it depends on; must be taken away;(2010年荆州中考题,荆门未采用此题型)76.The teacher says he _(擅长)listening and speaking.(be)77.Li Ming is a funny boy because he loves_(讲笑话).(tell)78.The sports shows_(将推迟)because of the rain.(put)79.Now you _(已长大),you should act like a man.(grow)80.I didnt know_(你是否取得进步)last year.(make)is good at ; to tell / telling / jokes ; will be put off ; have grown up ; if you (had) made progress81. 赠送和接受礼物都不容易。 gifts is easy. (receive)82.你能告诉我昨天她怎么了? Could you tell me yesterday?(wrong)83. Peter was so tired that he _(直到才醒来) half past eight yesterday.(wake)84. 在过去的几年里我的生活发生了很大的变化。 in my life in the last/past few years.(take)85. 谁能容忍这样糟糕的天气? Who can (such)?Neither giving nor receiving ;what was wrong with her; didnt wake up until ;Great changes have taken place; stand such bad weather?86.我们相互之间五年没见面了. we saw each other last time .( since) 87. 收到你的来信真是太好了。 Its nice to . ( hear)88. It seems youre asleeep. Shall I turn off the radio? No. I _还在听 it . (listen)89. Mom, it seems Ive caught a cold . Why _ 你脱下your coat just now? (take)90. Do they consider it a good idea? No , they _ 不同意我说的 I said . (agree)91. Youre an evening type, arent you? Yes , I like _ 熬夜很晚 (stay)92. Mr Black talked with Mary for twenty minutes And she _高兴起来by his words (cheer)Its five years since, Five years has passed; hear from you; am still listening to ;did you take off ; dont agree with what ;o stay up(very, too) late;was cheered up93. 人们应该学会怎样保护自己。 People should learn . (protect)94. When I (下车), he was waiting for me.(get)95People should the nature (与自然友好相处).(get)96You must (出示身份证) When you book an air ticket.(show)97We should (不能大声喧哗) or eat in the theatre while watching a movie.(talk)98If you tell him the truth, he (生气) you, but at least youll prove how honest you are.(be)99. He often (专心学习 )instead of paying so much attention to computer games.(concentrate)100. Do you know the girl _(有长头发的)?(who) how to protect themselves; got off the bus ;get on (along) well with ;show your ID card;talk aloud ;will be angry with; concentrates on his studies; who has long hair

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