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全国各地名校中考英语模拟试汇编书面表达【常州市2013-2014学年初中毕业、升学模拟】你班共有50名学生,对常州2015年到2105年的未来生活进行了讨论,结果如下。请根据图表信息,写一篇90词左右的短文。要求: 1、内容齐全 2、对每条内容进行适当评论。【答案】Our Future Life in ChangzhouWhat will the life in Changzhou be like in the future? Most of my classmates think that the underground will be put in service in 2015. People wont need buses because they can go around the city easily and quickly by underground. As a result, there will be less noise pollution. More than half of the students believe that people will have robots at home in 2045. Robots will do everything for people, so they can spare more time to develop their interest. Less than half of the students support the opinion that people will eat a kind of special food in form of pills in 2075. It will be unnecessary for people to spend much time on meals. About 30 students insist that people will never get ill in 2105 because scientists and doctors will find a new way to keep people healthy forever. Isnt it amazing to have such a kind of future life?【南京市高淳区2014年中考一模】中国汉字听写大会的热播引起了人们对汉字书写的关注。假如你校将举办一次演讲比赛,请你以“传递书写文明,领略汉字之美”为主题写一篇演讲稿。内容必须包括:1、分析汉字书写存在的问题和原因:书写能力下降;键盘的使用; 2、表达汉字书写的重要性:提高书写意识;感受汉字之美;传承中华文化; 3、提出提高汉字书写能力的方法:端正书写态度;开展书写竞赛。参考词汇:中国汉字 Chinese characters 传递pass on 书写竞赛:writing competition注意: 1词数80左右,开头和结尾已为你写好(不计入总词数); 2语言通顺,意思连续,条理清楚,书写规范,可适当发挥; 3词数80左右,开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。Boys and girls, have you ever experienced this moment? You pick up a pen and start to write something down, but you cant remember what the characters (汉字) look like. By studying Chinese characters, a window to Chinese culture and history is open to you.【答案】Possible versionBoys and girls, have you ever experience this moment? You pick up a pen and start to write something down, but you cant remember what the characters look like. It seems that Chinese characters are in danger. Most people now write Chinese on keyboards. They now communicate with each other by e-mail or on QQ instead of writing letters. As a result they forget what a Chinese character looks like. Chinese people must understand the importance of Chinese characters, and its our duty to pass on Chinese culture. Whats more, we can feel the beauty of them. When we do homework, we must try to write carefully. More writing competitions can be held to help us write correctly. By studying Chinese characters, a window to Chinese culture and history is open to you.【江苏省泰州市第二附属中学2014届九年级中考模拟(一模)】假定你报名参加了校学生会组织的“和谐校园你我他”为主题的英语演讲比赛活动。请按下列要点写一篇演讲稿。(参词汇respect尊敬,voluntary志愿的,haze雾霾)1 学生应遵守校规,尊敬师长,团结友爱;2 学生应积极参加校园内外各种志愿者活动;3 最近,泰州出现雾霾天气,给人们的日常生活带很大伤害,学生应该注意保护环境;比如(请例举两例)4 学生应安排好自己的时间,学会搞好学习和爱好之间的平衡5 学生应学会感恩,包括注意1演讲稿应包括上面要点,可适当发挥;注意 2要求词数100左右; As we all know a beautiful peaceful and harmonious school is very important for all of us to grow up healthily 【答案】As we all know a beautiful peaceful and harmonious school is very important for all of us to grow up healthilyIn my opinion as middle school students We should first follow the school rules respect our teachers and get along well with classmates Secondly we should often take part in all kinds of voluntary activities so that we can enjoy the sweet feeling of helping others Recently theres haze weather in Taizhou it does a lot of harm to peoples daily life We students should pay attention to protecting the environment For example we can plant more trees and ask our parents to walk more and drive less if possibleAlso we should organize our time well and achieve the balance between studies and hobbies Finally we should learn to be grateful to others including our parents teachers friends and even strangers and devote ourselves to our society in the future 【江苏省无锡市2014年初三英语模拟试卷】请以“格林一家”为题,写一篇80词左右的短文。要点如下:格林先生是一个经理,在离家不远的公司上班;格林夫人是家庭主妇。她不但操持家务井井有条,还致力于慈善事业;格林小姐刚从国外回来,是个医生,以擅长用颜色治疗病人著称;儿子汤姆是个18岁的大学生, 有空时喜欢做户外运动;他们认为现在的生活(适当扩充1-2句)The Greens_【答案】 The GreensMr. Green is a manager. He works in a company not far from his home. Mr. Green, a housewife, not only does her housework very well but also devotes herself to charity. Miss Green has just come back from abroad. Shes a doctor and is famous for treating patients by using colors. Tom Green is an 18-year-old college student. He likes doing outdoor activities in his free time. Now they think they are living a happy life. They are very satisfied.【江苏省无锡市崇安区2014届九年级下学期期中统考(一模)】无锡地铁一号线将于2014年6月投入使用,这是无锡人民生活的一件大事,对此许多人发表了自己的看法。作为一名校英语报记者,请据此在答题卷指定的位置上写一篇80词左右的英文报道。内容提示如下乘坐地铁更快捷方便,安性能更,地铁票价不是很贵;如果人们不开自备车而改乘地铁,可以缓解交通拥堵,减少大气和噪音污染,有利于环境保护;地铁能为人们出行提供多一种选择;你的看法。要求1 报道必须包括所给内容要点,要求语句通顺,意思连贯; 2 第4要点用23句展开合理想象,作适当发挥; 3 报道开头已在答题卷上给出,不计入总词数。Wuxi Underground Line 1 will be in use in June 2014 Many people think _ _【答案】Wuxi underground line 1 will be in use in June 2014 Some people think its faster and easier to take the underground and it is much safer One underground ticket is not very expensive If people go out by underground instead of driving their own cars the road will be less crowded And there will be less air and noise pollution too So it is good for protecting the environment Luckily people will have one more choice to go to other places I think underground is great I will choose to go by underground 【江苏省兴化市2014届九年级中考网上阅卷适应性训练(即一模)】一个民族有自己的“民族梦”,一个国家有自己的“国家梦”,同样,每个人也应有属于自己的“美丽梦想”。最近,你班就“我们的理想职业”展开了一次调查。 下表是你们小组的调查情况。请根据表格内容写一篇英语短文,向英语校刊投稿。组员理想职业原因现在表现Mary教师喜欢和孩子们一起工作,有耐心现在刻苦努力对各门功课有兴趣和老师相处好并能和老师交朋友Kate芭蕾舞演员(ballet dancer)身材苗条擅长跳舞在空余时间将绝大部分精力投入到芭蕾舞训练去Mike作家愿意与别人分享精彩故事每天坚持读书和写作你?注意1 100词左右(短文的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数); 2不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息,否则不予评分; 3在必要处作适当发挥。Our ideal work Recently we did a survey in our class in order to learn about students ideal jobs Heres a report about my group members ideas【江苏省扬州市江都区2014届九年级下学期第一次模拟】随着经济的发展,手机在我们日常生活的使用日益广泛。而在学校学生是否应该拥有手机,有些学生和老师拥有不同的观点。你们学校的English Newsletter正在就此举行征文活动,请根据下列表格提示的内容,用英语写一篇征文。观点理由一些学生赞成拥有方便与家长联系;一些老师反对拥有有学生用手机玩游戏;有学生用手机试作弊;你的观 点1 2 要 求1)表达清楚,语法正确,上下文连贯; 2)必须包括表格所有的相关信息,并适当发挥; 3)词数100词左右(征文的开头已给出,不计入总词数); 4)不得使用真实姓名、校名和地名等。With the development of economy mobile phones are more and more widely used in our daily life However some students and teachers have different ideas about if the students should own their mobile phones at school 【答案】With the development of economy mobile phones are more and more widely used in our daily life However some students and teachers have different ideas about if the students should own their mobile phones at schoolSome students think that they may have their own mobile phones If so they can contact their parents when necessary On the other hand they can read news with it Besides that they can easily search for information they needHowever some teachers are against it They think that students not only play games but also send answers to each other in exams with mobile phones Whats worse students spend too much time on them at night so that they are sleepy in class in the day timeIn my opinion students neednt own mobile phones We must focus on our study Even if we need call somebody we can ask our teachers for help【江苏南京溧水区2014中考英语第一次调研】2013年3月底在上海和安徽最先发现H7N9流感。2014年的春天已经来临,温度慢慢回升,我们还是要注意预防H7N9流感的。作为中学生,为了使自己远离疾病,我们在日常生活中应该怎样保持健康呢?请以”Protect Ourselves from the Flu”为题,根据提供的信息和要求写一篇短文。内容要点如下:Protect Ourselves from the Flu饮食:多喝水,多吃水果和蔬菜,不吃垃圾食品(junk food)卫生:勤洗手,注意室内通风,不随意乱扔垃圾。如果发烧(fever)、咳嗽,尽快就医(asas possible)睡眠充足,多锻炼。不害怕疾病(disease)要求:1. 词数80左右。短文的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总数; 2. 短文须包括以上要点,但不要逐字翻译,可适当发挥使短文连贯、通顺。 3. 短文不得出现真实的人名或校名等相关信息。Protect Ourselves from the FluThe flu influences our daily life and health. Whats more, it can make people lost their lives. What can we do to protect ourselves from the flu? If we do like that, well have a happy and healthy life.【答案】One possible vision:The flu influences our daily life and health. Whats more, it can make people lost their lives. What can we do to protect ourselves from the flu? First, dont be afraid of the terrible disease. We should have enough sleep and try to do more exercise. Second, we should clean our room every day and open the window often. We must wash hands often. In public, we shouldnt spit or throw litter. Next, we need to drink more water, never or seldom eat junk food but eat more vegetables and fruit. Finally, if we have a fever or a cough, we must go to the doctor as soon as possible.If we do like that, well have a happy and healthy life.【南京市建邺区2014中考英语一模】据报道,我国青少年的体质健康状况令人担忧。不久前,建邺区教育局邀请南京师范大学对全区近2万名学生进行体质测评,结果发现许多问题:一分钟跳绳坚持不到50秒,跑步到终点直接累倒在地,看不清视力表,作为一名中学生,你将如何提高自身的身体素质?请根据图片的提示,谈谈自己的打算,必须包括文中图片所给信息,并适当发挥。?enough sleephealthy dietmore exerciseAnything else?注意:1、文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称;2、书写规范,语言通顺,意思连贯,条理清楚,;3、词数80左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。My plan to be healthierIt is reported that most young people in China are becoming unfit. Without regular exercise, students are becoming weaker. In order to be healthier, I will 【答案】It is reported that most young people are becoming unfit. Without regular exercise, students are becoming weak. In order to be healthier, I will take the following actions.First or all, I think it is necessary to have enough sleep. It is suggested that we should sleep for at least 8 hours every day. At the same time, I want to have a healthy diet. I plan to have more fruits and vegetables, and eat less meat. Whats more, I decide to spend more time exercising instead of doing homework all the time. In addition, I believe it is meaningful to do eye exercises. In this way, I can protect my eyes well.In a word, I will follow my plan to become healthier 【江苏南京市江宁区2014中考英语一模】今年央视春晚,一曲时间都去哪儿了让许多观众深受感动。假设你是九年级一班的李明,你将代表班级参加学校举行的“感恩父母”英语演讲比赛。演讲内容包括:1.讲述一件你和父母之间难忘的事情; 2.你对“感恩父母”的认识;3.具体的感恩行动(至少两点);4.表达祝福与愿望。注意:1语言通顺,意思连贯,条理清楚,书写规范; 2文中不得出现真实的姓名和学校名称; 3词数80左右。文章开头已给出,不计入总词数。Hello, everyone! Im Li Ming from Class 1, Grade 9. Today the topic of my speech is love for my parents. 【答案】Hello, everyone! Im Li Ming from Class 1, Grade 9. Today the topic of my speech is love for my parents. My parents do many things for me. When I was 10 years old, I caught a cold and had a high fever at midnight. I felt so terrible. My mother took me to hospital immediately. She took good care of me without a rest during the whole night. My parents give me almost everything. However, they dont want to get any reward from me. From now on, I will help my parents do more housework. My mothers birthday is coming, I will make a birthday card for her. I must thank her by studying hard. I hope my parents are in good health forever.【2014郑州一模】随着我们长大,和家人围坐在一起吃饭的时间越来越少。然而有研究表明,跟家人一起吃饭有助于身体健康。对此你有何看法?你又是如何做的?请以Eating with parents makes you healthier为题写一篇80词左右的短文,陈述你的理由。Eating with parents makes you healthier 【答案】Eating with parents makes you healthierI believe eating with parents will make teenagers healthier.First, as we know, a happy mood keeps people healthy. Talking more with parents is a better way of helping solve problems in our daily life. The dinner time is just a chance for communication.Also, home-made meals are healthier for us to eat, for the food problem seems more and more serious now.As for me, I have dinner with my parents every day. My family all think the time for dinner is the most important moment for each of us. 【2014郑州二模】人的一生应以自信、自强、自立为重,请以“Believe yourself, and you will win!”为题,写一篇自己在学习或生活中遇到困难并战胜困难的文章。要求:1.切合题意,内容完整; 2.表达清楚,书写规范; 3.词数不少于80个。(提示:1.你遇到了什么困难?2.你是如何克服困难的?3.你从中体会到什么?) 【答案 】略【南阳市宛城区2014届九年级3月七校联考】Pets Recently more and more people like to keep pets_【答案】Pets Recently more and more people like to keep pets Some of them even regard their pets as one of their family members They say that pets can help them do some useful things and bring them joy and happiness I also like pets Pets are our good friends But I dont think its good for people to keep so many animals as pets Why? Because too many pets may cause a lot of problems For example if there are more pets on the streets its easy for people to get some diseases from them Sometimes some pets are dangerous to people Whats more keeping pets may cost people lots of time and money【浙江省衢州2014中考英语4月模拟】动物是人类的朋友,你校拟组织以“I want to be a volunteer of protecting animals”为题的英语演讲比赛。假如你是李鸣,将要参加此次比赛,请你写一篇英语演讲稿推荐自己,内容如下:要求:1.词数100左右,演讲稿的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。2.所写演讲稿必须包括所有要点,自由发挥的内容必须围绕主题。3.文中不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息。I want to be a volunteer to protect animalsHello, everyone. I am Li Ming. I want to be a volunteer of protecting animals. I am glad to make a speech here._ _Thanks for listening!【答案】I Want to Be A Volunteer of Protecting AnimalsA very good morning / afternoon to you all ,everyone.My name is XXX,a student from XXX Middle School.As we know,animals are our good friends.Hower,as we can see,some animals,especially rare animals,are becoming fewer and fewer.In order to protect these animals,I want to be a volunteer。I am active and out-going.I like animals,such as cats,dogs,rabits as well as everything related to animals,like newspapers,magazines and videos.I often take part in the activities of protecing animals.For example, last month I presented a show called Stopping Hunting.Many people came and supported me.To be a good volunteer,I need to do more,I will read some books about animals.Meanwhile,I will join a club whose aim is to protect animals.I believe I can do the work well,I hope you can give me the chance.Thats all.Thank you.【浙江省温岭第四中学2014中考英语一模】最近你利你的同学就“中学生目前存在的问题”展开了讨论。 现在请你以此为话题, 参照表内提供的信息,写一篇短文。 Problems Causes Advice 1argue with parents- have a talk with parents,understand each other 2cant sleep well before exams anxious about grades- 3feel lonely- Recently Ive had a discussion with my classmates about our problems注意:l、开头部分已写好,你只需接着写。 2、所写内容必须包括表格中Jack的想法和你的至少三个想法。 3、词数要求80120。【答案】One possible version: Recently lve had a discussion with my classmates about our problemsSome of my classmates say they often argue with their parentsThat is because their parents always ask them to study and they feel they have no free time to do what they likeIf they have a talk with their parents,they can understand each other Some say they cant sleep well before exams because they are anxious about the grades They should take a long walk tO relax before going tO bed Some also say they feel lonely because they dont know how to make friendsAs the only kid in the family,students should take part in some afterschool activities and learn to communicate with others. 【广东省深圳市2014届九年级3月份质量检测】据世界卫生组织(WHO)统计,每年有200万人死于吸烟,60万人死于二手烟。为此,我市规定,从今年3月1 日起,严禁在公共场所吸烟。请你结合图片和下面所给要点,以“Saying No to Smoking”为题,谈谈吸烟的危害。1 吸烟有害;2 吸烟导致咳嗽、肺癌等疾病;3 吸烟影响青少年成长;4 二手烟同样有害;5 你的态度面对别人吸烟、给烟怎么办?注意1 词数80词左右;标题和开头已给出,不计入总词数;2 应覆盖所有要点;可适当增加细节,使行文连贯;3 参词汇lung cancer肺癌; secondhand smoke二手烟。Saying No to SmokingAccording to the WHO,2 million people died from smoking and 600 thousand from secondhand smoke every year So smoking is banned in our city in public places both inside and out from March 1 on 【答案】书面表达One Possible Version: Saying No to SmokingAccording to the WHO,2 million people died from smoking and 600 thousand from secondhand smoke every year So smoking is banned in our city in public places both inside and out from March 1 on As is shown in the picture smoking is bad for peoples health It may cause many diseases such as cough lung cancer and so on Smoking is especially harmful to us teenagers because our bodies are still growing Secondhand smoke does harm to us as well So we must do something to keep away from smoking If someone offers a cigarette we should refuse it And if anyone smokes nearby we should try to stop it From now on every of us should follow the law and say no to smoking【福建省泉州市安溪县2014届初三毕业班】学会善待他人,用理性、善意、爱心和责任去面对生活的现实;善待他人,才能融入人群,获得友谊、信任、谅解和支持, 拥有充满快乐的感觉,踏入充满机遇的境界,走向充满希望的未来。请以“Be kind to others”为题,写一篇90个词左右的英语短文。温馨提示: 1.短文中请勿使用真实姓名、地点或所在学校名称。2.这些单词也许对你有帮助:learn , respect尊重 others, Communicate with each other; feel happy, understand, share.Be kind to others 【答案】Be kind to othersAs we know, students should learn how to be kind to othersBut in what ways? First of all, we should respect othersEverybody has their own way to do things, so we should understand each otherBesides, it is important for us to communicate with each other and share our happiness and sadnessWhats more, we should offer necessary help to those who are in troubleThen we will feel very happy.In my opinion, we should treat others in an honest wayOnly in these ways can we win others respect and friendship. My dear friends, try to be a kind person, the world will be nicer and nicer.【安徽省淮北市2014届九年级下学期五校联考】假如你班要就“如何为中考做准备”开一个主题班会,请你根据以下内容写一篇发言稿,谈谈你认为在中考准备过程中要注意的事项以及理由: 1.保持良好情绪。不要焦虑和紧张,

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