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Module 7 Feelings and impressionsUnit 1 That smells delicious!诸城一中 汤梅课型:听说课【学习目标】知识目标:1、听和理解含有感官动词的句子。2、理解对话。3、学会用感官动词。能力目标1、能够正确使用sound,smell,look,taste,feel等系动词。2、能够对食物的味道、人的印象等进行评论情感目标 通过阅读他人的自我描述,更好地理解别人,从而更懂得关心别人。【教学重、难点:】1、掌握下列单词:feeling,smell,feel,quiet,salty,sour,tight,shoe,soup,dear,matter,cheese,fresh,try,lovely,sweater,both,smart,pretty,must,introduce,later,soft。2、掌握表感觉和知觉的句子的系表结构:系动词+形容词。3、学习并会运用下列句型: 1)Whats the matter? 2) That smells delicious! 3) Whats she like? 4) You must introduce me to her.【学习过程】课前朗读: 根据音标读出单词feeling,smell,feel,quiet,salty,sour,tight,shoe,soup,dear,matter,cheese,fresh,try,lovely,sweater,both,smart,pretty,must,introduce,later,soft并了解汉语意思,养成学生自主学习词汇的习惯,促使学生迅速进入学习状态。检查词汇预习:a. 取学生结对、小组互查等形式来检查学生对词汇的预习情况。b.朗读单词,注意发音。一、小听力( Activities 1 and 2)目的:训练听力,导入话题,为学习对话做词汇上的准备。1.listen and number the pictures.目的:训练学生的听力理解能力听句子,捕捉主要信息及所需信息Read these words together: feel, look, quiet, salty, smell, sound, sour, Strong, taste, tight(处理生词)Ask the students to look at the pictures and decide what they think is happening. They can check their ideas with a partner.(小组核对)Call back the answers from the whole class.(全班核对)2.Match the sentences with the pictures. 目的:加深对听力内容的理解,为学习对话做准备。Read the words with the whole class.Ask the Ss for the meaning of the words.Ask the Ss to match the sentences and pictures individually, and then check with a partner.疯狂朗读活动2中的句子。二、大听力 多层听。目的:训练学生听懂主旨大意的能力,培养学生领会主旨大意的听力技巧,呈现新的语言内容。1.The first listening: How many people are talking?A. 3 B. 4 What they have made?A.A pizza B.A picture.Where is Sally from?A. England B. America 2.The second listening: (Match the questions with the answers) (1 ) What smells delicious? Linglings sweater (2) What doesnt smell fresh? The Pizza(3) What tastes sweet? The cheese (4) What feels soft and comfortable? The chocolate 四、理解意思小组间合作解决activity 3中不懂的地方,教师适时点拨。五、突破重点与难点(一)对重点内容和疑难问题进行合作探究学习。1.Whats the matter,Daming?意思是 。用于向对方询问情况,通常是一些不太好的情况后跟宾语时加介词with,结构是Whats the matter with sb./sth?表示“某人或某物怎么了”?其同义句是Whats wrong?或Whats the trouble?Eg:Whats the matter with Lucy?(露西怎么啦?) Whats the matter with your pen?(你的钢笔怎么了?)自主造句:(1)_ (2)_2.That smells delicious.它闻起来好香!smell意思是 ,在此用作系动词,后接形容词作表语。结构:主语系动词(link v.)形容词(adj.)类似的词还有: (看上去)、 (闻起来)、 (听起来)、 (摸起来),这些都是感官动词。 “看闻摸听尝”身体总动员感官 感官动词形容词Eye _smart, fresh, angry, worriedNose _delicious, freshHand _comfortable, soft, tightEar _noisy, quietMouth _delicious, fresh, salty, sour, strong, sweet. e g. The cake smells sweet.自主造句:(1)_ (2)_含有表感觉和知觉的动词的句子,在变为否定句或疑问句时须借助于_.e.g. _ he look happy ?(变为疑问句) It _ smell fresh.(变为否定句)3. You must introduce me to her.你们务必向她介绍我。must 情态动词,后跟_.注意:在回答must引起的问句时,如果是否定的答复,可用dont have to或neednt(不必) ,但不能用mustnt(一定不,必须不,不允许,不得) 。如:Must I clean the dining room at once? 我必须马上打扫餐厅吗?Yes, you must. 是的,你必须马上打扫。No, you dont have to (=neednt) . 不必啦。You mustnt smoke in the office. 你不得在办公室抽烟。 自主造句:(1)_ (2)_must与have to的比较must与have to都可以表示“必须”,其区别如下:must 强调_认为“必须”做某事,而have to 强调_要求“不得不”做某事。如:You have to wear uniform on duty, dont you?你在值班时必须穿制服,是吗?4. Whats she like?的汉语意思是:_. What does she look like?的汉语意思:_.5.小组自我补充(1)自主完成后,小组合作,交流学习成果,共同释疑。(2)让学生疯狂朗读以上重点知识。六、归纳短语have a try, have a look , much better, a lovely sweater, have a party come back, have something to eat, be back Lets have a look. Im afraid I dont like cheese.Sure we will.我们一定会的. introduce sb to sb把某人介绍给某人So much food! Whats she like?七、诵读积累(一)跟录音机朗读对话,模仿语音语调。(二)读熟对话(三)读烂短语(四)读烂下列重点句子.That smells delicious!.It tastes too strong.It doesnt smell fresh. No , thanks.They taste really sweet.It feels very soft and comfortable.You both look very smart .But she sounds really nice .And she looks very pretty in her photo.9. You must introduce me to her.(五)默写,组长交叉监督,各组统计好分数,评出优胜小组。八、说的训练1.Work in pairs.结对练习,让学生说出自己的感觉。六、习题巩固:1用恰当的系动词填空1)This coat _comfortable .I like it very much2)The song _very beautiful.3)The girls_ pretty. 2找出错误,在括号内修改。)He looks happily.( )2) It sound sweet. ( )句型转换.They taste very delicious.(改为否定句) They _ _very delicious. 2.The shoes feel tight.(对划线部分提问) _ _the shoes feel ?九、Homework1. 继续疯狂朗读对话,争取背熟。2.做自主创新1、2、3题Module 7 Feelings and impressionsUnit 2 I feel nervous when I speak Chinese诸城一中 汤梅课型:读写课【学习目标】:知识目标:掌握下列重点单词及短语的意思和用法:afraid, angry, excited, nervous, proud, sad, shy, sorry, stupid, sure, quite, a bit, especially, as well.能力目标:能够运用表示感觉和知觉的系动词表达自己的感受,能运用所学的知识描述一个人的外貌和性格。情感目标:通过阅读他人的自我描述,更好的理解别人,从而更懂得关心别人。【教学重难点】:重点句型:1. I cant wait to meet you.2. I am quite tall, with short fair hair and I wear glasses.3. Well, at first I often feel a bit sad when I leave my mum and dad for a few days. 4. I am very excited about coming to China.难点: 感觉和知觉系动词的构成及自我描述的表达方式。【教学过程】课前准备小组派代表将课前归纳的短语写在黑板上。(一)复习检测。Read and check the new words and their Chinese meanings扫除生词障碍,为阅读做准备。(二)情景导入。Free talk. 用所学知识描述自己的性格爱好,为学习课文做准备。Work in pairs. Look at the two photos in the text. Talk about how they look. 激活思维,导入话题,理解标题。(三)自主合作,学习课文。1. Fast reading.采用跳跃式的默读方法,搜寻相关信息,对课文内容形成大体了解。回答下列问题:What does Sally look like?What does Sally like doing?2. Intensive reading. 深入理解课文,据课文内容回答问题。How does Sally feel when shegets bad marks at school?leaves her mum and dad?is with strangers?speaks Chinese?does something wrong?flies?3.自主学习,合作探究。4. 小组间合作解决文章中不懂的地方,教师适时点拨。(四)突破难点。(学生找出)对重难点问题进行合作探究。a. hear from 的用法b. It takes 时间 to do 与 I spend 时间 in doing sth.区别。c. It was great to do. 与 To do was great 的用法。d. with 的用法。 (五)探究学习1.I cant wait to meet you.cant wait 等不及表示迫不及待的心情。后面接动词时用不定式,即 cant wait to do sth ; 接名词或代词时要用介词 for , 即 cant wait for sth. eg: I cant wait to meet her again.自主造句:_.自主造句:_.2.I have got your photo you look so pretty, so Im sure well find each other.you look so pretty 是插入语,句子的主干为 I have got your photo, so Im sure well find each other.自主造句:_.自主造句:_.3.You asked me how I feel about coming to China.how I feel about coming to China 是宾语从句,用陈述句语序。how feel about 意为“对感觉怎么样、看法如何”。eg:How do you feel about living with a Chinese family?自主造句:_自主造句:_4.Im always sorry when I do something wrong, so please help me do the right things when Im with you in China. something wrong “错事”,形容词修饰不定代词时,应放在不定代词后面。eg: I have something important to tell you.help sb. do sth. 帮助某人做某事, help sb. with sth.eg: I helped her carry the heavy box. She can help me with my homework.自主造句:_自主造句:_5.excited 和exciting excited 意为“激动的,兴奋的”,在句中作表语或定语,其主语或所修饰的名词只能是人;exciting 意为“令人兴奋的,令人激动的”,作表语或定语,其主语或所修饰的名词只能是事物。eg: He is very excited at the news. There is some exciting news in todays newspaper. 自主造句:_自主造句:_。类似的单词还有_;_, _;_等。6.also, too与as well的用法:too“也”,是最普通的用语,常与also通用,一般用于肯定句,但too常用于句末可用逗号和前面的句子隔开,也可不用;而also常位于系动词、情态动词和助动词之后,或者实意动词之前。如:Hes also reading.=Hes reading, too. She also went there last week.= She went there last week, too. as well:用于肯定句,表示前者怎样后者也怎样。 其位置一般放在句尾,三者可以作同义句转换。自主造句:_自主造句:_(六)小组自我补充1.自主完成后,小组合作,交流学习成果,共同释疑。2.让学生疯狂朗读以上重点知识。(七)补充短语(八)诵读积累。1. 跟录音机朗读文章,模仿语音语调。2. 读熟文章3. 读熟短语4. 读烂下列重点句子1. You sound just like me.2. Im very excited about coming to China.3. Im quite tall with short fair hair.4. Im very proud of him.5. Im always sorry when I do something wrong.6. It was great to hear from you.7. I feel nervous when I speak Chinese.8. I cant wait to meet you.9. I also like dance music。默写,组长交叉监督,各组统计好分数,评出优胜小组。(九) 复述文章(十) 习题巩固。.单项选择( )1. The little boy doesnt like the soup because it tastes _.A sweet B worse C bad D well( )2. What _ news it was! - Yes, all of the children were _A. excited,exciting B. exciting,exciting C exciting ,excited D excited,excited ( )3. The teachers words made us _ very happy. A feel B felling C to feel D felt;( )4. Toms father told him not to be afraid of _ in public.A to speak B speaking C speak D speaks( )5. He bought _ books with _ money.A a few; a little B a bit; a little C a few; a bit D a little; a few.同义句转化1. Thank you for your help.Thank you for _ _ 2. It takes me twenty minutes to get there.I _ twenty minutes _ there.3. Talk to others with food in mouth is rude._ _ _ _ _ others with food in mouth. 4. Jim got a letter from his uncle yesterday.Jim _ _ his uncle yesterday.(十一)Homework


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