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2015中考英语常考句型1.There be句型There be +n(复、单)+某处/某时 表示某处有某物,注:适用邻近原则There is a desk and two chairs in my room . There are sixty minutes in an hour .对There be 句型的主谓提问用what ,动词用is (因为主语为特殊疑问词)There are two pears in the bag . Whats in the bag ?对There be 句型中的数量提问:How many +n. (复) +are there +地点 ?表猜测的There be结构为:There must be a dog behind the door .表示“某处有某人在做什么”的句型:There be +sb +doing +地点There are a lot of people waiting for the bus there . 那里有许多人在等车表示(没)有(足够)时间去做某事的句型:There be no/enough time to do sth .There is no/enough time to have breakfast . (没)有足够的时间吃早饭。2.“该到某人做某事的时间了”句型:Its time(for sb) to do sth 或 Its time (for sb) + n / doing .Its time (for me ) to have class . 或 Its time (for me) for class/for leaving class .3.表示“建议”的句型Lets do sth . What about doing sth . ? Why not do sth . ?Shall we do ? Will you please do sth ? Would you like (sb) to do ?4.表示“委婉请求”的句型May / Could / Can I do ? 我能为你做什么吗?May I borrow your bike ?我可以借你的自行车用吗?What can I do for you ? = Can I help you ?我能为你做什么吗?5.be going to 句型主语+be going to +动词原形,表示计划、打算做某事Im going to help the farmers pick apples next Sunday . 下周日我将帮农民摘苹果。6.“对时间提问”的句型Whats the time (by your watch)? / What time is it ? Its half past ten ?What day (of the week) is it today ? Its Monday . 今天星期几?星期一What date is it today? = What day of the month is it today ? 今天几号?7.“对尺寸提问”的句型What size + 一般疑问句?(就衣服、鞋尺寸大小提问)What size does she want ? 她要多大号的?8.“对颜色提问”的句型What colour is / are + n ?What colour is Toms shirt? Its black and white . 汤姆的衬衫什么颜色?黑白相间的9.“几加几得几”的句型Whats .and / plus .? Its .(无论多少项相加,be动词者用 is)10.“、是谁的”的句型Whose + n + is / are + this /those ? = whose is / are + this / those + n ?11.“多、”的句型How far is it from ?离、多远 How big is it ?它多大?How long、多久(指时间长度) How soon 、多久以后(用于将来时)How many + 复数名词、有多少、 How much +不可数名词、多少、12.“对价格提问”的句型How much + is / are + n ? = Whats the price of + n ?13.“人口数量”的提问句型Whats the population of +地点名词?=How many people are there+地点状语?14.“目前已、”的句型So far have done .We have learned three English songs so far . 到目前为止,我们已经学了三首歌。15.“自从、已多久”的句型Its +时间段+ since+过去时间点/过去时态的从句Its three months since he left his hometown . 自从他离开家乡已三个月了。= He left his hometown three months ago .= Three months has been passed since he left his hometown .16.表示距离(某处)具体有多远be+数字+单位away(from+地点)The moon is 380,000 kilometres away from the earth . 月球离地球有38万公里。17.计量的表达法:主语+ be +数词+metres / kilometres + long/wide/high/tall/deep等形容词。The river is about 100 metres deep . 这条河大约有100米深18.表示“是、的原因” This / That is why .That is why he was late for school .那就是他上学迟到的原因。19. on one hand , .on the other hand 表示“一方面、另一方面”TV is important for us today . On one hand , we can know what is happening on the other side of the world . On the other hand we can spend our spare time on it .如今电视对我们来说非常重要。一方面,我们可以知道世界其它地方正发生的事件。另一方面,我们可以度过我们的休闲时光。20.“as.as”的句型as +形/副原级+as. 和、一样、Kate is as tell as I (am) / me . 凯特没有我高。21.“less.than .”与“not .as(so).as”“、不如、”的句型This book is not as interesting as that one . = This book is less interesting than that one .(less 和than 之间要用原形)22.“the+比较级、,the+比较级、”“越、,就越、”句型The more you eat , the fatter you are . 你吃得越多,就越胖。23.“比较级+ and +比较级”“越来越”的句型He becomes stronger and stronger .他越来越健壮。24.比较级+than all the other+(单)的句型,比较级+than+any other+(单)的句型Li Feng sings better than all the other boys in the class .= Li Feng sings better than any other boys in the class .= Li Feng sings best of all the boys in the class .25.too.to的句型too + adj + to do太.以致于不能.My sister is too young to go to school .我妹妹太小,不能上学.26. “so.that.”句型so+形/副词原形+that从句太.以致于.My sister is so young that she cant go to school .(同上)27. “adj + enough + to do” 足够.去做.的句型My sister is not old enough to go to school .我妹妹不够上学的年龄.28.你最好做.句型had better + do sth你最好. had better not + do sth “你最好不.Its best (for sb) to do sth . 对.来说,做.是最好的Its best for you to learn swimming in summer .夏天学游泳对你来说是最好的.29. “no matter how + adj / adv+从句”无论怎样.No matter how cold it is outside , the old man keeps running every morning .无论外面有多冷,老人仍然每天早晨坚持跑步.30.have nothing to do with 与.无关This has nothing to do with you . 这跟你无关.31.该轮到某人做某事的句型Its ones turn to do sth .32.对职业提问的句型What does your mother do ? Whats your mothers job ?What is your mother ? What kind of work does your mother do ?33.问路的句型the way to the hospital ?Can you tell me how I can get to the hospital ?how to get to the hospital ?Which is the way to the hospital ? Which way is to the hospital ?Excuse me , where is the hospital ?(注): 其中的get可由空格的数量换成 arrive at/in或 reach34.花费的句型It takes sb some time to do sth .做某事花费了某人多长时间(主语为形式主语it)sb + spend +时间/钱 +(in) doing sth .某人花费多少时间/金钱做.(主语为人)sb + spend + 金钱+ on+ sth 某人花.钱于某物上(主语为人)sth + cost sb + 金钱某物花费某人多少钱(主语为物)sb + pay +钱 +for + sth 某人为某人/物付了.款(主语为人)35.出毛病了,怎么了的句型Whats wrong with your watch ?Whats the matter with your watch ?Whats the trouble with your watch ?2014中考英语常考句型36.感叹句的构成句型What + adj + n + (主语+谓语) !What修饰感叹主语前的名词What a tall tree ( it is ) !多么高的一棵树啊!How + adj/adv + (主语+谓语) !How 修饰感叹主语前的形容词或副词How tall the tree is ! 这棵树多么高啊!How hard they are working !他们学得多么刻苦啊!37.告诉别人路程的句型Go (walk) along / down / up the road , take the second turning on the left , youll find it . 沿着这条路走,在第二个路口处向左拐,你就会找到了.38.对事物看法如何的句型What do you think of the teacher ? Great . 这个老师怎样?太棒了.How do you like the book ? Very much . 这本书如何?很不错.(like为动词)Which + n + do you like better , A or B ?A和B你更喜欢哪一个?Which + n + do you like best , A , B or C ? A,B和C你最喜欢哪一个?39.天气如何的句型Whats the weather like ? = What do you think of the weather ?How is the weather ? = How do you like the weather ?40.是什么意思的句型What do you mean by “tiger” ? tiger是什么意思?What does “tiger” mean ?Whats the meaning of “tiger” ?What do you mean by “tiger” ?41.两者都.句型 bothandBoth mother and father are teachers . = Both of them are teachers . 爸,妈都是老师.42.两者都不.的句型neither.nor.(具有就近原则).既不,.也不Neither I nor my father likes football .= Neither my father nor I like football .= Neither of us like football .(全否)我和爸爸都不喜欢足球.43.或者.句型either.or. .或者,.或者(两者之一)(具有就近原则)Either she or Lily is a doctor .或者她,或者丽丽是医生.= Either of them is a doctor .= Both of them are not doctors . 他们两个不都是医生.(部分否定)44. “none of .与all of.”句型All of the students/ All the students are League members .所有的学生都是团员.All of the students / All the students are not League members .不是所有的学生都是团员.(部分否定)None of the students is a League member . 没有一个学生是团员.(全否)(注:但既指人又指物;而只指人)45.as + adj/adv + as possible 尽可能.地.Please come to school as early as possible . 请尽可能早地到校.46. “Its + adj for sb to do sth 与Its + adj of sb to do sth.”的句型Its + adj for sb to do sth做某事对某人来说的难易程度Its difficult for him to learn it . 对他来说要学会它很难.Its + adj of sb to do sth . 做某事说明某人的品质,性情如何Its very nice / kind of you to help me . 帮助我,你太好了.47. “find / think + it + adj for sb to do sth.”句型I find it difficult for me to learn English well .我发现要学好英语对我来说太难了.(it为形式宾语,真正的宾语是不定式to learn English well , difficult是形容词作宾补)= I find it is difficult for me to learn English well .(宾语从句形式)48.主语+be+表示情绪的形容词+to do句型I am glad to see you .我很高兴见到你.49. “sorry抱歉”句型Im sorry for that .我为那件事感到抱歉.(for + 代词)Im sorry to hear that .听到那件事很难过.(加不定式)Im sorry that Im late again . 很抱歉我又迟到了.(加从句)50.“afraid害怕”句型 Im afraid to do sth 害怕做、(加不定式)Im afraid of doing sth . 担心、的后果(加动名词)Im afraid that +从句 Im afraid of +动名词51.“get ready 与 be ready” 句型be (get) ready for + 名词“为某事做准备”be (get) ready to + 动词原形 “准备做某事”52. “by oneself” 句型leave sb by oneself . = leave sb alone . 把某人单独留下learn sth all by oneself . = teach oneself . 自学I learned English all by myself . = I taught myself English .oneself 与by oneselfoneself表示“我自已,我本身,我亲自” by oneself 独自地53.“Help yourself to .”Help yourself/ yourselves to +食物 随便吃些、54. “So it is 与So it is” 句型So + 主语+助动词/系动词/情态动词 表示对前面提到的事物的认可-Liu Ying is a good girl . -So she is . 刘英是个好女孩。确实如此。-Weiwei often helps others . -So she does . 微微常帮助别人。的确如此。So +助动词/系动词/情态动词 表示前面提到过的情况也适用于别的人He is tall , so is his brother . 他个子高,他弟弟个也高。Mother can swim , so can I . 妈妈会游泳,我也会。They will go for a picnic , so will you . 他们要去野餐,你也去。55.“Do+动词原形”表示强调I do think so . 我的确是这样想的。 He did come . 他的确来过了。56. “not .until”直到、才、I didnt go to bed until mother came back home .57. “have been to 与have gone to”句型have been to、曾经去过、 (去了又回来了)have gone to 、去、(在途中还没回来)- Where has he gone ? -He has gone to the library .58. “be strict with , be strict in .” 句型be strict with +sb 对某人要求严格。Miss Tang is strict with her students . 唐老师对她的学生要求严格。be strict in +sth . 对事情、工作要求严格Everyone must be strict in his work . 每个人都必须对工作严格要求。59. “get on / along .with”How are you getting on/along with your new classmates ?60.It is said + 从句“据说、”It is said that the book was published . 据说那本书出版了。61.used to do sth . 过去总做某事(现在不做了)He used to get up early . 过去他总早起be / get / became used to doing sth . 习惯于做某事He has been used to getting up early . 他已习惯于早起。be used to do sth = be used for doing sth “被用来做、”Wood is used to make paper . 木材被用来造纸= Wood is used for making paper.use (sth) to do sth . 用、做、be used as .“被当作、用” The box can be used as a table .be used by “被(某人)使用”The recorder is used in class by teachers . 录音机被老师上课使用


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