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2013年中考英语 知识综合考点精讲精练(十一)(无答案) 人教新目标版本讲语法精讲精练宾语从句A)宾语从句属于主从复合句,在句中充当句子的宾语,常用语及物动词、动词和少数形容词(sure/afraid等)后。B)引导词 1)如果是陈述句作宾语从句,用that引导,可以省略, I hope (that) youll have a good trip. Im sure(that) shell pass the exam. Im afraid that I cant come. 2) 如果是一般疑问句作宾语从句,要用if或whether引导,(考点:注意将疑问顺序改为陈述句形式) Will it rain next day? He asked me. He asked me _ it would rain the next day. Mr Green doesnt know _ his daughter will return tomorrow. 注意介词后只能用whether, We are worried about _ the student will joins the swimming club.注意:if或whether引导的宾语从句。表示“是否”,二者通常可以互换但whether和if都可以与or not连用。但if与or not之间常需要用词语隔开,而whether与or not可连用Can you tell me whether or not the train has left?(=Can you tell me whether the train has left or not?) 下列情况,只用whether作引导词:a)引导主语从句、同位语从句、表语从句、让步状语从句。例如:Whether he comes or not doesnt concern me.他来不来与我无关。I am in doubt whether I ought to give this plan my approval.我决定不了是否该同意这项计划。What I want to know is whether you can help me.我想知道的是你是否能帮助我。Whether we go or stay, the result is the same.不管我们是走还是留,其结果是一样的。b)与不定式连用:例如:I dont know whether to accept or refuse.我不知道是该接受还是该拒绝。c)在介词后作介宾。例如:I am not interested in whether you like the plan or not.我不在乎你是否喜欢那项计划 3)如果是特殊疑问句作宾语从句,必须用who,whom,whose,what,which,when,where,why,how等引导。 (考点:注意将疑问顺序改为陈述句形式)Could you tell me_? A. when the train would arrive B. When the train will arrive C. when will the train arrive D. when would the train arriveIm thinking about _ she said just now. A. how B.what C. when D. where但注意特殊情况:当疑问代词what,who在特殊疑问句中做主语时,该特殊疑问句本身就是陈述句语序,所以当该句用来做宾语时,语序不需要调整。He asked the girl what was wrong with her他问这个女孩怎么回事了。He asked the girl what was the matter他问这个女孩怎么了。We want to know what has happened to him我们想知道他发生了什么事。I wonder whats happening?同类句式还有:I want to know who broke the window? 谁打破的窗户?I want to know who is in the classroom? 谁在教室里?I want to know what made him so angry什么使得他如此生气。C)宾语从句的时态:考点时态的运用 1)若主句谓语是一般现在时,从句根据需要该用什么时态就用什么时态: He says (that) some boys _(play)games on the grass 10 minutes ago. Im sure that he _(pass) the math exam. 2) 若主句是过去时态,从句用与过去相关的时态。 He wanted to know if I would go there by bus. My teacher asked us who could answer the question. 3) 不管主句是什么时态,只要从句所说的是客观事实、真理、自然规律、格言等,从句时态应用一般现在时。Our geography teacher told us (that) the earth _(go)around the sun.The physics teacher said that light travels much faster than sound. D)宾语从句的特殊情况 1) 是否转移(think / believe / suppose / expect) 在这样的句型中 I/We think(believe/guess/) +宾语从句, 如果从句要否定,应该将其否定转移到主句上。 I think he can sing this English song.(否定) I _think he _ sing this English song. 2) 反意疑问 一般情况下,根据主句主语和谓语进行反意疑问 Bill wanted to know who did this, _ _ ? 对于否定要转移的从句,即I/We think(believe/guess/) +宾语从句,反义疑问句要根据从句反意疑问:I dont think English is easy, _ _ ? We think the boys could write something in English, _ _ ?另外,当think ,suppose,believe,imaging,guess这类表示“认为”、“猜想”的动词作主句谓语时,常会出现一种以疑问词起头的双重疑问句(插入语do you think)。What do you think he is? 你认为他是做什么的?How much time do you suppose I must spend on it? 你认为我得花多少时间来做这件事?中考在线 语法专练:A.句型1.“Dont sleep in class,” the teacher told us. The teacher told us _ _ sleep in class.2. He asked , “Will you go there by bus?” He asked _ I _ go there by bus.3. “I dont know her.” Im afraid. Im afraid _ I dont know her.4. Mr Yang asked , “Who can answer the question?” Mr Yang asked _ _ answer the question.5.Could you tell me the way to the zoo?= Could you tell me _ _ get to the zoo? Could you tell me _I _ get to the zoo? Could you tell me _ the zoo _?6. Could you please not talk now?= Would you mind _ _ now?7. Will you go there by bike? He wanted to know.(合并为一句) He wanted to know_ I _ go there by bike .8. She asked me , “Will you go to the cinema tomorrow?” She asked me _I _ go to the cinema _ next day.9. She didnt know what she should do. = She didnt know what _ _.10.I believe her Chinese has improved quickly.(否定) I _believe her Chinese _ improved quickly.11. Why hasnt the train arrived yet? Could you tell me ? (合并为一句) Could you tell me_the train _ arrived yet?12. I want to know if you help me. = I _ _you help me.13. Hell go to the USA by plane alone.= Hell go to the USA by plane_ _ .14. The food is neither delicious nor cheap.(变为肯定句) The food is _ delicious_ cheap.15. The meeting will begin in an hour.(划线提问) _ _ will the meeting begin? 16. How does he get on with his new classmates? Could you tell me? (改为含有宾语从句的复合句) Could you tell me how _ _ on with his new classmates? 17.What is he doing there? Mother didnt know. (改为含有宾语从句的复合句) Mother didnt know what _ _doing there. 18. He Smiths said they would visit Beijing next year,_ _? (完成反意疑问句)19. I think. He isnt a bad boy. (合并为一句)I_ think that he_ a bad boy.B.选择:【2012重庆市】36. Could you tell me ?By searching the Internet.A. how you got the information B. why you got the informationC. how did you get the information D. why did you get the information【2012黔西南】23.Do you know _ Zunyi or not tomorrow?A. whether are they leaving for B. whether they are leaving forC. if they are leaving for D. if are they leaving for【2012福建福州】45. Show me the map, please. I wonder _. Look, its here, in the east of China, near Taiwan Province.A. where is Diaoyu Island B. where Diaoyu Island is C. what is Diaoyu Island like【2012湖北孝感】39. His parents found to tell him everything that had happened.A. it necessary B. that necessary C. it is necessary B. necessary【2012湖北宜昌】40. Could you please tell me more about “shoe yogurt”? Certainly. You can look it up in this webpage. A. when could I learn B. Where I can learn C. when I can learn C. where could I learn【2012江苏淮安】15. Over these years I have had a new understanding of people traditionally call a perfect person.A. howB. whatC. whoD. whom2012江苏连云港】15.Do you know ? At the end of July.A. how soon is your sister running back homeB. how often Nancy from her pen friendC. when the London Olympic Games will be heldD. when will the new computer game come out【2012江苏宿迁】19. Can you tell me in the future? A. how life will be like B. how will life be like C. what life will be like D. what will life be like【2012江苏镇江】15. I wonder _.A. if Dr Ma still works on the ORBIS planeB. how much does the tallest man in the world weighC. when Audrey Hepburn had entered the film industryD. that Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon【2012四川自贡】29. -Can you tell me ? - By doing more exercises and speaking. A. how I can improve my English B. how do I deal with my English C. whats wrong with my English福州市-Could you tell me whom the radio _by? 一Sorry,I have no ideaA invents B invented C is invented Dwas invented本讲知识点精讲精练1. take the elevator to the + 序数词+ floor 乘电梯到某层 on the 序数词+floor 在第几层楼on his序数词+birthday2. hang out(around) with sb和某人一起闲逛3. turn right/left ; on the right/left4. such as 例如 for example(1) for example用来举例说明某一论点或情况,一般只举同类人或物中的一个为例,作插入语,可位于句首、句中或句末。例如: Ball games, for example, have spread around the world. 例如,球类运动已经在世界各地传播开了。 (2) such as用来列举事物时,一般列举同类人或事物中的几个例子。插在被列举的事物与前面的名词之间,as后面不可有逗号。例如: Some of the rubbish, such as food, paper and iron, rots away over a long period of time. for example就把他当成是插入语,句子结构不回受到这个插入语的影响,而such as可你把他理解成一个介词的作用,介词后面接名词,动名词。for example 只可以举一个例子,且不可与etc连用,而such as常用来列举同类人或同类事物的几个为例,但不是全部,其后不加逗号.举个例子1.Tom ,for example ,is my good friend.2.I have some good friends,such as Tom ,Kate,wangbin. ( )There are different kinds of pollution around us, _ air pollution,light pollution and so on. A. such as B. as C. like D. for example5.trouble v. 使麻烦、麻烦、打扰 Im sorry to _ you. n. 烦恼、麻烦、打扰 have (some) trouble with sth 在某方面有麻烦、有困难 = have (some) _ with sth = have (some) _ with sth 注意:have (some) trouble(difficultities/problems) (in) _(do) sth 做某事有困难 (be)in trouble 陷于困境中 go into trouble陷于困境中 Whats the trouble(matter/problem) with sb/sth?某人某事有什么麻烦(困难)? = Whats wrong(up) with sb/sth ?6. depend on 依赖、依靠 depend on sth / doing / 从句 根据、依靠、依赖、决定于 Living things _the sunlight.生物对阳光有依赖性。 We cant _ his answer. 我们不能根据他的回答。 That depends on how you did it. 那决定于你怎样做这件事。7.save money 存钱 1)save v.储蓄,保留 save money; save food 存储食物 2)save v. 挽救 save sb =save ones life就某人的命 3)save v. 节约、节省 save money/time/water When the young man was walking along the road, he suddenly heard a girl in the water: “_” A. Save me! B. Save my life! C. Help! Help!. D. Help me!8. between prep. 在、两者之间 between them 在他们两者之间;between the two boys between.and .在、和、两者之间The drugstore is between the furniture store and the bookstore 药店在家具店和书店之间注意区别:among 在、之中(用于三者及以上) Shell come back _six and seven oclock. Kate sits _ you and me. Could you tell me the differences _ the four people? Yang fang is _among the five students. (tall) Her hometown lies _ the mountains.【2012 内蒙古包头】27. His grade in the exam put him the top students in his class.A. between B. over C. among D. above 【2012四川省乐山市】35. Its a top secret.Yes, I see. I will keep the secret you and me. A. with B. among C. between 2012广东】32. Why are you standing, Alice? I cant see the blackboard clearly. Two tall boys are sittingme.A. behindB. next toC. betweenD. in front of 【2012 呼和浩特】11. The accident happened _ 7 p. m. _ 9 p. m.A. from; to B. between; to C. from; and D. between; and 【2012江苏南京】10. My father has a habit of jogging the Jinchuan River for an hour in the morning . A. between B. along C. over D. through9. 1)exchange v. 兑换,交换,交流 exchange sth for sth 用某物交换某物 He _his old TV set _ a new one.他用他的旧电视去交换了一台新电视机。 2)exchange sth with sb和某人交换某物 My classmates wants to _ places _me.我的同学想和我交换位置。 3)exchange gift 交换礼物;exchange information/experience交换信息/经验10. 1) Its +adj. +to do sth做某事、 _ not easy _ keep a balanced diet.保持饮食平衡很不容易。 2) Its +adj. +for sb +to do sth对某人来说做某事、 Its important _ us to learn English well. 区别:Its +adj. + of sb +to do sth做某事、某人做某事、(具有某方的品质) Its very kind _ you to help me. Its impolite _him to do like that. 11. Could you tell me how to get to the post office ?你能告诉我怎样到达邮局? 此句是问路的表达,还有: 1)Excuse me. Could /Can you tell me the way to .? 2) Excuse me. Could /Can you tell me how to get to .? 3) Excuse me. Is there .near here/around/here/nearby? 4) Excuse me.Wheres the nearest.? 5) Excuse me.How can I can get to.? 6) Which is the way to.?指路的表达 1)Its +介词短语(in front of,on the right/left) 2)go /walk/ along(down). 3) turn left/right at the +序数词+turning 在第几个路口向左/右转12. dress up as 打扮成.He often _a little girl in the play.他经常在戏中扮演成小姑娘。 The girl _ a witch on Halleen this year.这个女孩在今年的万圣节时装扮成女巫。 He wanted to dress up _ Father Christmas. 他想要打扮成圣诞老人。 此外,dress sb Look! The young mother is _her baby.dress oneself The five-year-old boy can _himself.be dressed in +衣服/颜色 Shes always _ _ blue.区别:wear have on (wear 和 have on 通常指穿着衣服的状态 have on 无进行时和被动)put on (take off) ; put it/them on 13. 1) order sb to do sth 命令某人做某事 order n. 命令、顺序 in the right order按正确的顺序 in order (not) to do sth =so as to do sth 为了(不)做某事 The old woman sells vegetables _make a living.Maria studies harder _ not to fail in the test.为了考试及格,玛丽学习更加努力。He got up early _catch the first bus.为了赶上第一班车,他起床很早。 in order that+从句 为了,以便于=so that2012.安徽省】47. - Whats your plan for the summer holidays?-Ill go to Beijing_ the school term ends.A. in order thatB. so that C. as soon asD. even though 2)order v. 点菜 order a plate of meat 中考知识复查 (南开2013.3)II. 单项选择。(每小题1分,共20分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。21. English is _ useful language . We should learn it well . A. aB. anC. theD. 不填22. Peter , is this your pen ? - Yes , its _ . Many thanks . I looked for it everywhere . A. myB. meC. ID. mine23. There isnt any _ in the bowl . A. noodlesB. dumplingsC. riceD. eggs24. It is very important _ people to have food and water every day . A. forB. ofC. withD. about25. How often do you see your grandparents ? - _ . A. Five daysB. Once a monthC. In a weekD. Last night26. People _ always be careful with fire , or it can be dangerous . A. canB. needntC. mustD. shouldnt27. Do you mind my turning on the TV ? - _ . Im doing my homework . A. No , of course notB. Yes , please C. Not at allD. Youd better not28. It was _ lovely weather _ we decided to spend the day on the beach . A. such a ; thatB. such ; thatC. such ; asD. so ; that29. How much did it cost ? - I just _ five dollars for it . A. spentB. boughtC. paidD. cost30. I hear _ your grandpa _ your grandma like watching Sichuan Opera . - Right , just as many old people do in our city . A. both ; andB. either ; orC. neither ; norD. not only ; but also31. Edward with his family _ living in China . A. enjoyB. enjoysC. wantD. wants32. My bag is too heavy . It _ books . A. is fullB. full ofC. is fill withD. is full of33. If there are _ people driving , there will be less air pollution . - Yes , the air will be fresher and cleaner . A. fewB. fewerC. littleD. less34. - _ ? - Yes , please . I want a sweater . A. How muchB. Can I help you C. Excuse meD. What will you take35. Parents often ask their kids _ their Internet friends because the kids may be in danger . A. to meetB. meetingC. not to meetD. dont meet36. May I speak to Mary ? - Sorry , she isnt in . She _ to Canada and will come back in two weeks . A. has beenB. has goneC. is goingD. had gone37. The family had to stay at the hotel , _ it was raining hard . A. becauseB. althoughC. untilD. unless38. Jenny is on holiday now . I wonder _ . A. when she will come backB. when would she come back C. when will she come backD. when did she come back39. Do you know the old woman _ is looking for her dog ? A. whichB. whoC. whoseD. whom40. If there _ no buying and selling of animals , there _ no killing in nature . A. is ; will beB. will be ; will beC. is ; isD. will be ; is(名校中考)III. 完形填空。(每小题2分,共20分)根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。Once upon a time , there was an island where all the feelings lived : Happiness , Sadness , Knowledge , and all of the others , including Love . One day it was announced to the feelings that the island would sink , so all built boats and left , 41 Love .Love was the only one who stayed . Love wanted to hold out to the last possible moment . When the island had almost sunk , Love 42 to ask for help .Richness was passing by Love in a grand boat . Love said , “ Richness , can you take me 43 you ? ” Richness answered , “ No , I cant . There is a lot of gold in my boat . There is no 44 here for you . ”Love decided to ask Vanity(虚荣)who was also 45 by in a beautiful boat . “ Vanity , please help me ! ”“ I cant help you , Love . You are all wet and might make my boat dirty , ” Vanity answered .Sadness was close by so Love asked , “ Sadness , let me go with you . ” “ Oh , Love , I am 46 sorry that I need to be by myself ! ”Happiness passed by Love , too , but she was so happy that she did not even 47 when Love called her .Suddenly , there was a 48 , “ Come , Love , I will take you . ” It was an elder . So blessed and overjoyed , Love even forgot to ask the elder 49 they were going . When they arrived at dry land , the elder went his own way . Thanks to the elder , Lover was able to get away from the sinking island . But Love didnt know who it was , so she asked Knowledge , another elder , “ Who helped me ? ”“ It was Time , ” Knowledge answered . “ Time ? ” asked Love . “ But why did Time help me ? ” Knowledge smiled and said , “ Because only Time understands how 50 Love is . ”41. A. besideB. expectC. besidesD. except42. A. usedB. decidedC. refusedD. learned43. A. ofB. inC. withD. for44. A. roomB. hopeC. foodD. water45. A. goingB. swimmingC. passingD. past46. A. veryB. soC. tooD. much47. A. seeB. mindC. hearD. understand48. A. surpriseB. voiceC. wonderD. success49. A. whenB. whereC. whyD. how50. A. sadB. richC. wonderfulD. careful


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