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1、An Old Man一位老人One day an old man is taking a train to (乘坐火车去)his hometown(家乡). One of(其中之一) his shoes falls onto the ground(掉落在地上), but the train starts. He can not pick it up(捡起). Then he takes off(脱下) the other(另外一个) and throws(扔) it near the fallen shoe.A boy beside(旁边) him asks him, Why do you do that?He says, If a man picks them up, he may as well get a pair of(一双,一对) shoes. 译文:一天,一个老人坐火车去他的家乡,他的一只鞋掉到了外面。但火车还是开着,老人捡不起它,然后他捡起另一只鞋,把它扔到刚才扔的那只鞋的附近,一个男孩问:“你为什么那么做?”“如果其他人捡到那双鞋,他就可以得到一双鞋。”需要掌握的词组:take a train to (乘坐火车去)后面加+地名,ride bicycle骑自行车;fall onto the ground(掉落在地上);pick up(捡起,捡的东西放在中间,例如:pick glasses up 捡瓶子);one of(其中之一), the other(另外一个);takes off(脱下),put on(穿上),a pair of(一双,一对);once upon a time(从前);long long ago(很久以前);one day(有一天,某一天)。village村庄,town城镇,city城市,country国家,capital首都,hometown家乡cow奶牛,row划船,throw扔because因为,so所以,if如果。 1. An old woman is taking a train to her hometown. A. True. B. False. 2. One of the mans shoes falls onto the ground. A. True. B. False. 3. The old man picks his shoes up. A. True. B. False. 4. The old man takes off the other and throws it near the fallen shoe. A. True. B. False.2、Why Do I Help You?我为什么帮助你?It is very early in the morning(大清早,一大早). Mr. White is cutting the grass in the yard. Suddenly(突然), his neighbor (邻居)Mr. Black runs out(跑出来) and helps him.Mr.White is very happy and he asks, Do you often help people cut grass?No!So why do you get up and help me?Mr. Black says: I help you cut the grass so that I can go back(返回)to sleep. 译文:在一个比较早的早晨。Mr. White在他的院子里除草。他的邻居Mr. Black突然跑了出来要帮Mr.White。Mr.White很高兴,说:“你为什么经常帮我割草?”“不是”:“那你为什么经常起床帮我?”:Mr. Black说“我帮你割完草,如此我就可以返回去再睡觉了。”需要掌握的词组:Suddenly(突然),neighbor (邻居),runs out(跑出来),go back(返回),again(再一次);park公园、停车场,garden花园,yard院子;ask问、提问,answer回答;often经常,get up起床,go to bad上床睡觉;morring早上,noon中午,afternoon下午,evening晚上,night夜晚;last(上一个,过去式的标志词)last year(去年);next(下一个,将来时的标志词)next year(明年);today今天,tomorrow明天,yesterday昨天,the day after tomorrow后天,the day before yesterday前天; 1. When does the story happen(发生)? It happens in the _ morning. A. early(很早)B. late(迟到、晚,上一个)C. middle(中间)middle school中学D. last(最后) 2. What is Mr. White doing? Mr. White is _ in the yard. A. wateringB. drinkingC. doing exercise(做练习)D. cutting the grass 3. How does Mr. White feel when his neighbor helps him? Mr. White is very _. A. angry(生气)B. happy(高兴)C. upset(烦躁)D. excited(兴奋) 4. What does Mr. Black want to do? Mr. Black wants to _ again. A. sleepB. eatC. drinkD. read books3、Lynns WeekendsLynns的周末Today is Sunday. Lynn is very happy.She neednt clean the classroom, do morning exercises(早自习、晨练) or have classes.She has to do many exercises at school every day(每一天). She has no time(没有时间)to play. And only at weekends can she play happily. But she has to do her homework at home. She has to clean her bedroom(打扫她的卧室), wash her clothes(洗衣服) and water the flowers(浇花) at home, she doesnt like doing these things. And you? 译文:今天是星期天。李宁很高兴,今天她不用打扫教室了,上早自习,和上课了。她每天都上早自习,没有时间玩。但只有在周末她能玩的开心。但她不得不在家里写作业,打扫她的卧室,洗衣服和浇花。她不喜欢干这些事,你呢?需要掌握的词组: Monday星期一,Tuesday星期二,Wednesday星期三,Thursday星期四,Friday星期五,Saturday星期六,Sunday星期日. frist第一,second第二,third第三, second秒,minute分钟,hour小时,day天,month月, season季节,year年.homework家庭作业,housework家务. 1. Today is Saturday. A. True. B. False. 2. Lynn needs to clean the classroom. A. True. B. False. 3. Lynn has no time to play at school. A. True. B. False. 4. Lynn neednt do her homework at home. A. True. B.False4、A Beautiful Sunny Day一个好日子It is a beautiful sunny day. There isnt a cloud in the sky.George wants to have lunch(吃午饭)at once(立刻). But we decide to have a swim(游泳)first. After swimming, we have a picnic(野餐) lunch under the trees(在树下). Then(然后) we lie in the sun for a while.In the afternoon it begins to get cloudy. At four oclock, we have to(不得不) go back(返回) because it starts to rain. 译文:今天是个很好的晴天,天上没有云。George想马上吃早餐,但我们决定先游泳,游完泳后,我们在树下野餐(午餐)之后我们躺了一会儿。在下午,又有乌云了,在四点我们回去了,因为下雨了。需要掌握的词组: breakfast早饭,lunch午饭,supper晚饭dinner比较正式的用法,picnic野餐 want to(想要什么) ,decide to(决定什么),like to (喜欢什么) 1. It is a beautiful sunny day. A. True.B. False. 2. George wants to have lunch first. A. True.B. False. 3. After picnic we have a swim. A. True.B. False. 4. At four oclock, it starts to rain. A. True.B. False.5、A Clever Old Man一名聪明的老人John is an old man. He likes walking in the street after supper(晚饭后). And he goes home at seven oclock.But a car stops at his house tonight. A policeman helps him get out. Then he tells Johns wife, The old man got lost in the street. He asked me to take him home in the car.After the policeman leaves, his wife asks, John, you go to that street every night. How can you get lost?I am not lost. I just dont want to go home on foot. John answers.译文:John是一位老人,他喜欢晚饭后在街道上散步。他在晚上7点回家。但是今天晚上有一辆车停在他的家旁。有一个警察帮助john离开,并告诉他的妻子这个老人遛弯时迷路了。他让我开车带她回家。警察走后。他的妻子对他说,john,你每天晚上都走那条路,怎么会迷路那,我没有迷路,我只是不想走回家。john回答道 1. John goes home at six oclock. A. True.B. False. 2. John likes watching TV after supper. A. True.B. False. 3. John is lost in the street in fact. A. True.B. False. 4. John doesnt want to go home on foot. A. True.B. False.6、My Grandma Likes GardeningMy grandma is over(超过、在之上,结束:例如:game over游戏结束) sixty, but she still likes gardening very much. When she is busy with her work in the garden, there is always a smile on her face.She grows all sorts of plants in her garden. She works very hard and looks after them every day. So all the plants in her garden grow well. When you come to visit her garden, you can find beautiful flowers there.My grandma not only waters the flowers, grass and trees but also lets them listen to some music. She says music helps them grow well. Maybe(也许、大概) thats true. Shes really a clever lady. On weekends my parents and I visit her and help her take care of (照顾=look after)the garden. When we leave, she always gives us some flowers. I love my grandma and her pretty garden.译文:我的祖母超过60岁了,但她仍然喜欢花园。她每天都在花园里不停的工作。在这里每天都有她的笑脸。她在花园里种了许多不同的花。她工作很努力,并且每天都去看她的植物。所以那些植物在那个花园里长得很好。如果你去参观他的花园,你一定会在这里看见许多美丽的花。她不光指浇花、草、和树。她有时也会听听音乐,她说音乐可以帮助植物长得更好,也许那是对的。它是一个聪明的女士。在周末我和我的父母会给祖母帮忙。她经常给我们一些花。我爱我的祖母和她的花园。 1. My grandma is over _. A. fiftyB. sixtyC. seventyD. eighty 2. My grandma likes _. A. watching TVB. gardeningC. playing cardD. doing exercise 3. She works very hard and looks _ her plants. A. inB. onC. afterD. down 4. All the plants in her garden grow _. A. badB. poorC. wellD. not so good7、Give Me RoadTwo farmers try to pass each other(彼此相互), but their sledges become entangled. One cries, Give me road, I must go to town as quickly as I can. And the other says angrily, You are in my way. Give me road. I must get home as quickly as I can.They quarrel for a long time(很长的时间). A third farmer sees it and says, If you are both in such a hurry, you should give way a little to each other.译文:两个农民试着通过。但是他们的雪橇搅在一块了,一个说,我要马上去城镇。另一个生气地说,你占了我的路,快让开我要马上回家。他们一直吵了很长时间。如果你们都很忙,你们应该给对方让一点路。 1. The two farmers sledges become entangled. A. True.B. False. 2. They give way a little to each other. A. True.B. False. 3. They quarrel for a short time. A. True.B. False. 4. The two farmers are very angry with each other. A. True.B. False.8、Our TripLast spring, I had a spring trip with my friends.We got on the bus at 7:30. After half an hour, we got to the zoo. Then we visited the zoo. At half past ten, we began to make dumplings, and we had our lunch at 12:00. After we had a rest we rowed a boat at 13:30. Two hours later we took pictures, sang and danced together. We had a very good time! 译文:去年春天,我和我的朋友们去春游。我们7:30上车。半个小时后,我们到动物园了。然后我们去了动物园。在过去十年半,我们开始包饺子,和我们在12点吃午饭。在我们休息我们在13:30划着船。两小时后我们拍了照片,一起唱歌跳舞。我们玩得很痛快. 1. I had a trip with my friends _. A. last springB. last winterC. last autumnD. last summer 2. We got on the bus at _. A. 6:30B. 7:30C. 8:30D. 9:00 3. At 15:30 we didnt _. A. take pictureB. swimC. danceD. sing 4. We _ at 13:30. A. had a restB. rowed a boatC. took picturesD. cooked food9、Family Pictures全家照Come here and look at these pictures. This is a picture of a man Mr. Brown, and a boy, Richard Brown. Mr. Brown is the father of Richard Brown. And Richard Brown is the son of Mr. Brown.That is a picture of a woman, Mrs. Brown, and a girl, Mary Brown. Mrs. Brown is the wife of Mr. Brown and the mother of Mary Brown. Mary Brown is. They are a happy family. 过来并看这些照片,这个照片上有一个男人Mr. Brown和一个男孩Richard。Mr. Brown是Richard Brown.的爸爸。Richard Brown.是Mr. Brown的儿子。那幅图片上的女人Mrs. Brown和小女孩Mary Brown。 Mrs. Brown是 Mr. Brown妻子Richards sister 是Mary Brown的姐姐。他们是一个快乐的家庭 1. There are two pictures in the article(文章). A. True.B. False. 2. The first picture is about a mother and a son. A. True.B. False. 3. The woman is Mrs. Brown in the second picture. A. True.B. False. 4. Mrs. Brown is the wife of Mr. Brown. A. True.B. False.10、Family PicturesCome here and look at these pictures. This is a picture of a man, Mr. Brown, and a boy, Richard. Mr. Brown is the father of Richard Brown. And Richard Brown is the son of Mr. Brown.That is a picture of a woman, Mrs. Brown, and a girl, Mary Brown. Mrs. Brown is the wife of Mr. Brown and the mother of Mary Brown. Mary Brown is Richards sister. They are a happy family. 1. There are two pictures in the article(文章). A. True.B. False. 2. The first picture is about a mother and a son. A. True.B. False. 3. The woman is Mrs. Brown in the second picture. A. True.B. False. 4. Mrs. Brown is the wife of Mr. Brown. A. True.B. False.11、OwlsAn owl is a bird with very big eyes. These eyes make the owl look clever. The owl can not move its eyes freely as we can. It can only look straight ahead. If it wants to look at both sides, it must turn its neck.Owls see better at night than in the day. All night they look for food. They eat mice and insects.Owls make a strange noise. Because they sleep most of the day, they usually give out their cries at night. The cry sounds like Whoop! Whoop! This strange sound sometimes frightens people at night.Owls are our friends in fact. 1. An owl is a bird with very big eyes. A. True.B. False. 2. The owl can move its eyes freely as we can. A. True.B. False. 3. Owls see worse at night than in the day. A. True.B. False. 4. Owls make a strange noise at night. A. True.B. False.12、BambooBamboo grows in the south of China. There are many kinds of bamboos. Some of them are very big and tall, and some are short and small. Different bamboos have different colors. But most of them are green, even in winter.Bamboo is not only good-looking, but also very useful. In ancient time, Chinese people wrote on them. Some bowls and cups were made of bamboo. In the south of China, bamboo is used to build houses, and some of the houses are very strong and can stand for about 100 years. 1. Bamboo grows in the north of China. A. True.B. False. 2. There are many kinds of bamboos. A. True.B. False. 3. All the bamboos are very big and tall. A. True.B. False. 4. Bamboos are green even in winter. A. True.B. False.13、 A BridgeBridges are built for many reasons. Some bridges are built so that cars can cross over rivers. Others are made for trains to use. In the state of Washington, there is a very unusual bridge which was built for squirrels.The town of Longview has a very busy street. Many cars use it every day. Squirrels were killed as they tried to cross the street. Peter built a bridge for the squirrels that would pass above the traffic. For years now, the squirrels have been able to cross safely from one side of the street to the other. 1. How many reasons do people build bridges? Bridges are built for _ in Washington. A. many reasonsB. only one reasonC. nothingD. I dont know 2. There is an unusual bridge built for _ in Washington. A. miceB. swimmersC. airplanesD. squirrels 3. Squirrels were killed as they _. A. tried to cross the streetB. swam in the riverC. climbed the treeD. rest 4. Who built a bridge for squirrels? _. A. TomB. PeterC. JimD. John14、Buying PresentsTom is going to visit his grandparents in New York next week. He wants to give some presents to them.Yesterday he went shopping with his parents. In the shop, he bought a blue sweater and black trousers for his grandfather and some good books for his grandmother. Both his parents thought they were very good presents. Tom was very pleased. 1. Toms grandparents are in China. A. True.B. False. 2. Tom is going to buy some presents for his grandparents. A. True.B. False. 3. Tom only bought a blue sweater for his grandfather. A. True.B. False. 4. Tom bought some books for his grandmother. A. True.B. False.15、Buying PresentsTom is going to visit his grandparents in New York next week. He wants to give some presents to them.Yesterday he went shopping with his parents. In the shop, he bought a blue sweater and black trousers for his grandfather and some good books for his grandmother. Both his parents thought they were very good presents. Tom was very pleased. 1. Toms grandparents are in China. A. True.B. False. 2. Tom is going to buy some presents for his grandparents. A. True.B. False. 3. Tom only bought a blue sweater for his grandfather. A. True.B. False. 4. Tom bought some books for his grandmother. A. True.B. False.16、A Naughty BoyJohn is a very naughty boy. He likes to make jokes. His classmates like him because he often makes them laugh happily for a long time.One day, a new student came to his class. The student said that his younger brother Tom never laughed. No one and nothing could make him laugh. John did not believe. So he asked the student to bring Tom to his home on Sunday. John told Tom many funny stories. Everyone laughed, but Tom did not.At last, John gave up.On Monday, the student told John that Tom was deaf.1. John is a naughty boy and he likes to make jokes. A. True.B. False. 2. Johns classmates dont like him. A. True.B. False. 3. The new student is deaf. A. True.B. False. 4. No one and nothing can make Tom laugh. A. True.B. False.17、Happy New YearWe call the Chinese New Year the Spring Festival. There is a name for each year. We may call it the year of the rat, the year of the dog, and the year of the monkey. And this year is the year of the tiger.Before the New Years Day, people are busy shopping and cleaning their houses. On New Years Eve, there is a big family dinner. After dinner, the whole family stay up late to welcome the New Year. On the first day of the New Year, people put on their new clothes and go to visit their relatives and friends. They say Happy New Year and some other greetings to each other. People usually have a very good time during the festival. 1. We call the Chinese New Year the Christmas Day. A. True.B. False. 2. This year is the year of ox. A. True.B. False. 3. People are busy shopping and cleaning their houses before the New Years Day. A. True.B. False. 4. The whole family will stay up late to welcome the New Year. A. True.B. False.


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